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What if I were a university student??

A university is an institution of higher education and research which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects and provides bothundergraduate education and postgraduate education. The word "university" is derived from the Latin universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means "community of teachers and scholars. After finished studying in secondary school, every student would dream to continue their studies in university especially overseas university so am I? There are many types of universities such as polytechnic and college. Hoping for furthering studies at overseas university will come true. May Allah respond to my request.

I am wondering what if I was a university student. How can I stand and face the living as a university student? For me, it is too early for myself to study in a university as Im still not matured enough. In spite of that, I think it is a wonderful time to be in a university because many people had told me that we will be as free as a bird. If I was a university student, I am dreaming of to be in an overseas university such as University of Oxford, University of Harvard and University of Cairo. It is because I want to globetrot around the world during semester break holiday. I would like to travel to Europe, Istanbul, Egypt and many more. All those could be visited by using bullet train, a high speed train which can accelerate as fast as lightning up to 450 km per hour. Can u imagine how fast it is?? So I w wont let this chance to travel to those countries because I can relax my mind from the depression of studying medic in my university. When I arrive those countries, I will buy some souvenirs for myself and also my beloved family. Besides, I will snap a lot of photographs so that it will be an unforgettable memory in my life. After that, I will share them with my friends by uploading them into my Facebook and also Twitter. Let they see what I am doing right now in overseas.

As the conclusion, do not let the golden opportunity to further our studies abroad. Eventhough it is a quite hard in order to get the offer to study abroad, we should endeavour as hard as we can in order to get a good study so am I as efforts ladder of success. The longer the journey we got through, the more experience will we obtain. A new experience is important and it would make us be a matured person. As the saying goes, experience is the father of wisdom.

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