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Digestive System: Mouth (teeth and saliva) Pharynx Esophagus Cardiac Sphincter Stomach Pyloric Sphincter Small intestine

testine Large intestine Rectum Anus

Pathways of the Body Path of the Blood: Left Atrium Bicupid (mitral) valve Left ventricle Aortic semi lunar valve Aorta Arteries Capillaries Veins Vena cava Right atrium Tricuspid valve Right ventricle Pulmonary semi lunar valve Pulmonary artery Lung Pulmonary vein

Kingdoms: 1. Archebacteria o Ancient bacteria found in harsh environments ex. Volcano vents o Thought to be among 1st life froms o Prokaryotes i.e. no nuclei or organelles 2. Eubacteria o true bacteria o Prokaryotes o Found everywhere 3. Protista o Mostly single celled Eukaryotes o Have nuclei and organelles 4. Fungi o Eukaryotes with cell walls, but not of cellulose like plants o Do NOT carry out photosynthesis 5. Plantae o Multicellullar with cell walls containing cellulose o Chloroplasts that carry out photosynthesis 6. Animalia o Multicellular heterotrophs o Cell membranes not walls o Cells tissues organs systems organisms o Vertebrates vs. Invertebrates

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