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TEXT GAME TALK Download my free ebook, Decibels Text Game Primer at Why text? To get er out.

Du . How do you get her out? ! en a girl agree" to meet up, " e#" complied wit a big oop. $f you a"k er to comply wit "uc a re%ue"t wit out fir"t getting er on board, " e won#t. How do you get a girl on board? Gi&e er po"iti&e emotion". '"e t e"e "pike" in emotion" to gain compliance. How do I do that? Mo"tly by "piking er buying temperature or emotional "tate. How do I spike her BT? Make er laug Tea"e er (lay game" wit +ontrol t e frame ,tay po"iti&e (u" *pull E)aggeration -lirt, u"e word" like .baby/ and ."e)y/, make innuendo" What else helps? 0uild rapport. Do t i" by mirroring er punctuation, emoticon", "lang, umor, etc. ,ee below. Attraction and comfort al"o can work, but $ u"ually " y away from t at "tuff til later in t e relation" ip. $n"tead of trying to gain A and + t roug te)t, D1 $T 12 DA3 4. ,1. 5ere#" w at you do. 1pen er by "piking er 0T. Keep er 0T up. ! en you "en"e " e#" on board, go for t e meet up. $f " e decline", c ange t e "ub6ect for a bit, t en end on a po"iti&e note. $f " e agree" to t e meet up, work out t e logi"tic". er Demon"trate t e trait" of an alp a, "e)*wort y, fun guy

How do I open? KEE( $T 7ELE8A2T to your interaction, er life 9"ee er -0 profile: or your life. $ u"ually will "end a te)t t e day;nig t of our meeting. ,omet ing brief and flirty. $f you can u"e call*back umor, do it. $f you can go direct, do t at. Any random "tuff will ook. 5ere#" a few e)ample"< Kinda bored. ! at#" t e ap" =nite> $#m turning into a te)t 6unky? 1MG $ t ink $ need elp <9@ 1MG t o"e "e)y elbow"?? ' o t i" i" bad Are u cau"ing trouble>> 5ey poncey@ Basics of Text Game * Get an i( one or any de&ice w ic can "tore an indefinite number of te)t". * Te)t a" many girl" a" you can, e&en one" you don#t want to "ee againA it#" all practice. * -ield te"t " it 6u"t like you would in t e real world. Don#t be afraid to lo"e "et". * Take your time to re"pond, don#t worry about lengt between your re"pon"e". Time in t e realm of te)t game i" u"ually irrele&ant. * ! at time " ould you te)t> 7eally doe"n#t matter, t oug te)ting before 44 AM 9noon on ,unday: to me " ow" you waited up all nig t t inking about er and couldn#t wait to "end t e te)t. * +alibrate to your target#" age, education, "tyle, language, et nicity, etc@and mirror er te)t "tyle to "ome degree. * Muc of t i" "eem" "uper nit*picky, but it#" not. ALL t e punctuation, p ra"ing, u"e of word" i" +7$T$+AL. (ay 8E73 +L1,E attention to not 6u"t what but how a girl "ay" "omet ing in er te)t 9t at i", t e ,'0te)t:, and u"e t at to guide your re"pon"e". You know where you want to lead her she will help tell you how to get there! Y"# $#%T B& '(&%&)T T" *"((&*T+Y '&(*&I,& -). I)T&('(&T H&( %#BT&/T! * Learn from girl". ,tart u"ing t e p ra"e" or punctuation" in your te)t" t at girl" u"e wit you, like cute comeback" you can u"e on ot er c ick". * Keep up wit pop culture. 0e cooool at all time". * $" " e putting t oug t into er re"pon"e"> $" " e a te)ter>> $f " e#" gi&ing you brief an"wer" wit out any t oug t, t en don#t put too muc effort into your re"pon"e". $t#ll end up lowering your &alue. * Mo&e t e interaction forward. ! ere are you going wit t e t read> ! at#" your goal wit t at e)c ange> Know t e an"wer to t at before you "end a te)t. Te)t game can addre"" rapport, attraction, intent, logi"tic", etc. $#m ne&er 6u"t te)ting for t e "ake of it. T at#" called fluff and it#ll put you in t e friend Bone. * *hill the fuck out0 Many time" girl" a&e " it going on, and if you#re t e guy w o keep" te)ting to dead air it re&eal" your in"ecurity and need for attention. 3ou do need to often gi&e girl" time to re"pond. * '"e call*back umor. ,ift t roug your day 4 interaction or te)ting" and t ink about "omet ing "ly you can employ. * A"k er out in a non*needy way, wit t e a""umption t at " e i" already on board. $ call

t e"e implicit in&itation"@ d0< $ ad a ard day too. Let" grab a beer. !e de"er&e it d0< 0een running around all day. -eel like a&ing a mo&ie nite =nite d0< Gonna be wit t e bro" til C. $ can pick u up afterward" ,o you#re communicating t at you a&e " it going on, and w ile you plan on doing "omet ing it would be great for er to 6oin. 2ot putting er on t e "pot or making er feel e""ential to your appine"". 3ou#re al"o not o&ertly "aying .tag along wit me/ w ic undermine" your intent. 2o, you want alone time wit er becau"e you like er and want to get to know erA but if " e#" bu"y, it#" no biggy. * , ow intent early and often. +all er "e)y, adorable, cute. Don#t fawn o&er er, but get it out on t e table %uickly. * '"e "e)ualiBing wi"ely. 3ou can a""e"" er "e)ual comfort le&el, but if you "en"e " e#" not comfortable t en back off. 3ou don#t want to trigger A,D, and you don#t want er t inking you#re a orndog. Girl" will go dead air on you if A,D goe" up. ,ometime" all it take" i" a winky emoticon or ellip"e 9@: to make your intent known. * '"e emoticon" wi"ely. Don#t o&eru"e "milie" and wink", but if you u"e t em "trategically, you can really add anot er layer of meaning and elp calibrate t e &erbiage 9e"p ar" or "arca"tic word":. * Likewi"e, u"e punctuation wi"ely. d0< 5ey girl?? Are u up>?>?> !e#re going iking?? ! ere u at>>> !ake up???? Too muc of t at " it i" like T3($2G E8E73T5$2G $2 ALL +A(,. E&entually t e reader get" irritated or numb and t e punctuation lo"e" it" impact. T e ellip"e 9@: can be u"ed to tie toget er two "entence", t ereby creating and t en re"ol&ing ten"ion. 3ou can put it at t e end of a "entence to create ten"ion t at " e will need to re"ol&e. 3ou can "often "omet ing you may t ink i" too ar" a" well. E)ample< d0< Let" ang out d0< Let" ang out@ d0< Let" ang out@free tonig t> * 1ften time", le"" i" more. ,ometime" a "imple .3up/ or .7iiiiig t/ or .1oookay@/ can do oodle" to maintain control of t e frame and "till be umorou". * , e#" a girl. 7emain illogical and fun, 6u"t like w en you talk to a young girl in per"on. Anytime you are tempted to run a logical t read, take a "tep back and a"k your"elf if t ere i" a way to get to a better place by not going down t e logical route. T ere u"ually i". * Don#t be too intellectual or brainy. Don#t put t at muc .t oug t/ into your re"pon"e" 9well do, but don#t let er feel like you did:. Keep em lig t and loo"e. * Get a "en"e of eac girlD" ba"eline. 3ou a&e to know w at er norm i" regarding re"pon"e time, accuracy of punctuation, lengt of re"pon"e", emotional content, emoticon u"e and &alue in&e"ted, "o t at w en " e de&iate" from t e norm you can detect a " ift in er "tate. * 0E (7E,E2T !$T5 5E7 EM1T$12AL ,TATE. +alibrating to er emotional need" i" ab"olutely critical.

What does it mean to be present? 0e in touc wit er emotional "tate. 7e"pond to t at in a way t at guide" t e interaction toward" your goal. $t#" like te)ting w ile you dri&e. What cues can I use to be present? 5ow long " e take" to re"pond to you 5ow brief or long er re"pon"e" are (unctuation '"e of 9or lack of: umor, "arca"m Game playing Emoticon" E)aggeration +apitaliBation Grammar and mi""pelling" Abbre&iation" 2ick name" $" " e pre"ent wit 31'> $" " e gi&ing you &alue> .angling Threads! A t read i" a line of con&er"ation. 3ou can a"k a %ue"tion or make a comment t at pro&oke" a re"pon"e. (ule one1 "nly dangle one thread at a time! d0< ! atD" up> !orking ard> LetD" c ill =nite 3ou 6u"t dangled two t read" and " e could grab onto t e wrong one. A" a ca&eat $ do "ometime" run = t read", but "end out = "eparate te)t" at once. (ule two1 %ome threads don2t look like threads! d0< 5ey knuckle ead pick u up at C> 50< !tf>>> Knuckle ead>? 0y calling er a knuckle ead, $D&e 6u"t dangled a tea"e t read. $n"tead of an"wering my in&ite, " e goe" off onto t e "econd t read and take" offen"e 9e&en if 6okingly: to my tea"e. T i" mean" at "ome point $ need to re*"tate t e in&ite, w ic $ ne&er like doing. (ule three1 -lways dangle a thread! d0< $ ad "teak la"t nig t ! o t e fuck care"> (ule four1 .angle threads that ha3e the purpose of meeting your goal! , e may not take t e bait, but en&i"ion a te)t e)c ange before you "end "omet ing.

Goals ! en you run a te)t e)c ange, you can meet a few different goal"< 4. EEEE GET T5E MEET*'( EEEE =. ,educe F. ,pike 0T 9buying temperature: G. Attraction H. +omfort;rapport 'laying Games $n te)ting, you can create game" for er. $f " e c oo"e" to play along, " e get" rewarded wit a big 0T "pike. $ illu"trate game*playing in "e&eral of t e ca"e "tudie" in my book. E)ample"< role playing, call*back umor. d0< (roly b more like IGH 50< 3 d0< J 50< ! 50< @ ate&er d0< ! d0< @i"ea"" D< 1MG t o"e "e)y elbow"?? ' o t i" i" bad 5< 5a a $ know t ey are ard to re"i"t D< Arg $ knooooow A: ey $#m anging out wit t e boyB tmrw til Ci" . Let#" go bar opping after? 5< 3ea we will "ee w at#" up. $ will oil up my bow" for you D< (erfect $ like my bow" "lippery A: D< ! ew w at a nig t? 8ega" will ne&er be t e "ame 5< w at t e - did u do to &ega"> D< 'uuuuuuggg 5< T at tell" me not ing. D< $#m "ure you#ll ear it from 8ega". 5< 2ope. Me n &ega" ad a bad break up. !e don#t talk. )ame4*alling Te)ting i" a great way to " ow attitude. 3ou can con&ey a lot by calling er name". '"ing word" like .brat/, .weirdo/, .mi""y/ and .lameo/ get t em riled up wit out being offen"i&e 9mo"t of t e time:. $f t ey#re being cool, t en reward wit lo&ing term" like .cutie/, ." orty/ or "ome call*back name from day 4. A common term of endearment i" .baby/ and .babe./ T e"e can come acro"" a" "leaBy or conde"cending "o u"e appropriately. -bbre3iations T ere are a few abbre&iation" you need to know about. ,ome are li"ted in t e ebook.

.ead -ir Dead air i" t e te)t e%ui&alent of t e back*turn a girl gi&e" you in a nig tclub, ba"ically telling you to go away. Dead air "uck". T ere are "ome t ing" you can do about it, w ic $ call .unclogger te)t"./ $f a few day" pa"" wit out a re"pon"e, try out one of t e"e &erbatim. d0< 1MG wtf lolB did u get kidnapped into w ite "la&ery or "umpt in>> 5olla back gurl? d0< !a""up not feeling cute today> d0< 'r not your u"ual te)ty little "elf today d0< ! at did you do wit t e old +lari""e> , e wa" waaay more fun ,ometime" you will need to employ dead air to puni" a girl for mi"be a&ior. $f a girl in"ult" you or $1D" in "ome way, cut off communication for a w ile. $t#ll it er w en " e i"n#t getting t e emotional reward" you were 6u"t pro&iding. Do 21T dead air a girl w o i" re"pon"i&e. 3ou will 6u"t train er not to in&e"t in t e te)t e)c ange. $f a girl i" re"ponding like you want, keep going until you meet your goal. $irroring 1ne of t e be"t way" to create rapport i" t e old 2L( met od of mirroring. $n"tead of reflecting a girlD" body language or word", you can u"e er "tyle of punctuation, abbre&iation", grammar and "milie". 3ou ne&er want to mimicking e)actly w at " eD" doing, but u"e t i" tec ni%ue periodically, and alway" look for way" in w ic " e may be trying to mirror you. 5acebooking -acebook i" e""ential. 5a&e a good "ite. -ull of great pic" of c ick", friend", t ing" you do. (ut t oug t into your bio. ,ong", mo&ie", book" you like " owing t at you#re eclectic. ,tate you#re "ingle. Why 5acebook? , e can do a background c eck on you. Make "ure you#re cool, a&e friend", girl", etc. 3ou can do a background c eck on er. Make "ure " e#" "ingle, c eck er "tatu" update". Girl" will po"t anyt ing and e&eryt ing, gi&ing you a back door "nap" ot into t eir li&e". ',E T5$, T1 31'7 AD8A2TAGE. '"ually low*in&e"tment on er part 9girl" like orbiter":. 3ou can work er to gi&e you er K, t en mo&e to te)t game. 3ou can po"t cle&er t ing" on er wall, re"pond to er "tatu" update" 9e&en if 6u"t wit a .Like/ re"pon"e:. ,ome girl" are unre"pon"i&e to te)ting t oug it "eemed 12, and you "ee on er page " e#" dating "omeone or e&en married. 1r " e c ange" from dating to "ingle. 1r " e complain" about t e men " e#" dating. ,ome girl" write married a" a 6oke 9t ey marry anot er girl:A if t ere i"n#t t e "ame dude in a bunc of pic", " e#" probably 6u"t kidding.

How to get the 5acebook exchange? ! en it#" going well, $2 T5E 8E2'E, a&e er add you. .,o, are you a -acebooker> 1kay, w ere#" your p one> Add me./ , e "earc e" for your name, add" you, t en you ok er re%ue"t. 3ou can do it t e ot er way w ere you add er, but it#" not a" good "ince t i" lea&e" you at er mercy of appro&ing you. Alternately, you take er name and add er later. (roblem i" t ere may be 4LLL girl" wit er name, and again " e may not appro&e you. 1r you can gi&e er your name;email to add later, but t i" almo"t ne&er work". ,o@ D1 $T $2 T5E 8E2'E. Later, after c atting a bit more, "ay . ey, te)t me@but make it funny. 2o lame te)t"./ , e#ll take your number and "end you a te)t, t en you can re"pond wit "omet ing funny or "imply .Got it? A:/ ,o w at you#&e done ere i" created a compliance ladder, going from t e ea"ier -0 add to t e number e)c ange w ic in&ol&e" a little more compliance. Alway" drop t e"e in mid* interaction, and keep on gaming afterward". How to use 5acebook? $n addition to t e abo&e, t ere are two way"< 4. !ait for er name to pop up on t e c at column in t e lower rig t corner. ! en " e doe", it er up. T i" will u"ually be a %uicky. Get in, a"k for er number or a date, t en logoff. Don#t "pend all day $Ming er or opening er e&ery time " e " ow" up, "ince " e#ll t ink you#re "talking er. Girl" will lea&e -0 on and walk away from t eir computer, "o a" wit te)ting, +5$LLLLLL. =. ,end er a me""age. Make it " ort and "weet. 3ou can add your number if you didn#t do t e e)c ange in per"on. , ould be p ra"ed like . ey, ere#" my number< )))). , oot me a te)t?/ 5a&ing er "end you a te)t &ia t i" route i"n#t a" reliable a" catc ing er w en " e#" in t e c at column in real time.

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