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ICT Integration Statement

Using technology in the classroom is becoming ever more important. ICT is a major part of our daily lives, and competence with ICT is vital for todays students to succeed in life after school. In todays society some form of technology is used in every day life: computer, smart phone, play stations, ipads, ipods and laptops are just a e ample of technology found in most !ustralian house holds. Therefore, it is essential to implement effective use of technology in schools. !nd teach students the s"ills in technology that are necessary in todays fast passed technological world. !lthough chances are students will already "now how to use it better then the teacher does. Utilising technology as teaching a teaching and learning tool shows students how to use technology for education purposes, and demonstrates how technology is not just a toy to be played with, it can also provide motivating and authentic learning e periences. #urthermore, when using technology properly and to its full potential it can enhance the teaching and learning. !s $ishra and %oehler state &technologies have the potential to fundamentally change the way we thin" about teaching and learning.' ()**+, p.,-.. The main ICT tool we have chosen to use throughout all four lessons is boo" creator. /oo" creator is an application for the ipad where students can create their own boo". This can be read li"e a boo" and sent to friends. 0ictures and photos can be upload or the students can draw pictures. Te t bo es and sound bo es can also be inserted. In our lessons the students will be using images from the Internet and photos of themselves and school habitats, as well as sound and te t bo es. /oo" creator is a great way for the students to record and display what they have learnt. They are also learning through the use of ICT and the boo" creator app is fun and engaging. 1esson threes focus is 2what sound do animals ma"e3. The introduction game for the lesson is an engaging ICT tool. The teacher has recorded animal sounds and noises on the tal"ing butterflies. The students have to listen to the recording and decide what animal it relates to, and then record their findings in the application 2show me. The tal"ing butterflies are a great use of technology, and fun for the students to use. This lesson also involves the use of the application 2show me, and the students must also upload or record sounds onto their boo" on the application boo" creator. Ipads are a great tool in enhancing education. Ipads have creative tools, interactive soft wear and there is a universe of applications available. There are many applications that are already specific to education and others apply to education even though it was not there original purpose. Throughout our four lessons, the ipad is an essential device and it is used in every lesson for different reasons. It is used for applications4 such as show me, to access to Internet, and to ta"e photos. It is also used to create the main form of wor" and assessment, the boo" on boo" creator.

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