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Study these groups of words to learn how they change to plural. Each group of words has similar changes. US -> I *** -> A SINGULAR alumnus cactus focus fungus nucleus radius stimulus IS -> ES SINGULAR axis analysis basis crisis diagnosis ellipsis hypothesis oasis paralysis parenthesis synthesis synopsis thesis IX -> ICES foot SINGULAR appendix index matrix EAU -> EAUX SINGULAR beau bureau tableau *** -> EN SINGULAR child man ox woman children men oxen women PLURAL louse mouse beaux bureaus/bureaux tableaux/tableaus PLURAL PLURAL appendices indeces/indexes matrices/matrixes goose tooth A -> AE SINGULAR antenna formula nebula vertebra vita OUSE -> ICE SINGULAR lice mice PLURAL PLURAL antennae/antennas formulae/formulas nebulae vertebrae vitae axes analyses bases crises diagnoses ellipses hypotheses oases paralyses parentheses syntheses synopses theses deer fish means offspring series sheep species OO -> EE SINGULAR feet geese teeth PLURAL SINGULAR deer fish means offspring series sheep species PLURAL NO CHANGE PLURAL alumni cacti foci/focuses fungi/funguses nuclei radii stimuli PLURAL SINGULAR bacterium corpus criterion curriculum datum genus medium memorandum phenomenon stratum corpora criteria curricula data genera media memoranda phenomena strata PLURAL bacteria

Teacher: Leonardo Flrez

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