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Sergie O.

Dazo Psychology

I am Sam
The movie was about the Father who is mentally disabled and suffering from autism. He did his best to get his child custody, because the cooperatives were worried for the childs future because of Seans disability. He has the mentality of a seven year old but his compassion to raise her daughter was superb. He has a job and proved to anyone that he is capable to raise her daughter without taking her away from his custody. People like Sam needs help and need to be assisted by Professionals, because this may result to a miserable life because they need someone who will guide them. But, in the movie despite of this disability, he overcame all the odds. From a single parent, raising her daughter with a disability and fighting for his Fathers right. I think that sums it all that he is capable to be a Parent and to have her daughtercustody. The movie was dragging, because obviously it is difficult to raise a child who is mentally ahead over his Dad. This shows that we should not judge people, know them well and respect them.

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