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sudo chmod 777 [file/path acess permisson] sudo /etc/init.

d/apache2 [option] sudo apt-get install [file] chmod a+x [file for permission of execution] uname -p [knows the architeture of PC] hostname [display the the name of host where the user] ln -s [/initial path] [/final path] cd [directory want's get in] touch [create files] mkdir [create paths] mv [old name] [new name] apt-cache [option find file on the web] clear[clean the display] pwd[show the path target] ls[show the files in the path] && [combine multiples comands in the same time] example: "cd /home/doug/Downloads && clear && pwd && ls" sudo tar -[option from file type compress] [file compressed target] -C[if you want to create a new path with the descompact file] rm [target file/path to remove] chown -R [user] [path target] - change the owner of dirctory to the user

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