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Adka says to Jalal that everyone is present in the special court. Should we start the session ?

Jalal says today in special court the decision will be taken on the permission on Adham Khan. Adham Khan wants to do Nikkah(marry) an immature girl names asnim and my decision is.. !veryone looks startled. hat this Nikkah can"t be done. Ahdam says then # will say that i am not served with $ustice. Jalal shouts %uiet. !veryone stands up. Jalal says cutting me o&& over and over again won"t be tolerated. # was talking. # am in the cicle o& law too and my decision is that # will divorce 'ukaiya begum 'uks and everyone seems to be da(ed. Jalal says so the message will be made in the entire kingdom that no one will ever marry an immature woman. #t will be illegal &or everyone. )ollow my order. 'ukaiya is in tears. !veryone seems to be bewildered at the $udgment. 'uks leaves the court. *amida begum says to Jalal that its a crime to talk against the verdict o& the king but being a mother # wanna say this. his is not &air. he law which is made today shouldn"t e&&ect the relationships that were made years ago. Adka says she is saying right king this is not &air. Shahenshah is above all the above all the laws you shouldn"t be pressuri(ed &or anything. Jalal says # would like to know the opinion o& bari ami on this matter. +aham says # agree with Adka on this matter. ,eing angry on Adham Khan you shouldn"t spoil your li&e. -our verdict is all respected but we can"t change yesterday &or it. .hy do you wanna end your own Nikkah. Jalal says # am not thinking about mysel& bar ami. Jalal asks Adka till where are the roots o& +ughal emperor spread ? Adka says &rom Agra to A$mer/ 0ehli/ 1ahore and so many places. Jalal says then send the message there that since the wedding o& me and 'ukaiya all the immature weddings that have been done should get ready &or divorce. A&ter the divorce o& me and 'uakiya begum they will all divorce their wives/ this is my order. Jalal gives a &ierce look to Adham and leaves. +aham and Adham look contended.

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