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Kathleen Khuu EDS 369A Intro & Chapter 1 27 January 2014 3 Big Ideas 1.

) Teacher language refers to the professional use of words, phrases, tone, and pace to enable students to engage in active learning and develop positive behavior. It is important to learn to use teacher language that supports students to develop self control, building their sense of community, and gain academic skills and knowledge., Language shapes thoughts, feelings, and experiences, molds our sense of who we are, helps us understand how we think, work, and play, influences the nature of our relationships 2.) We should be direct and authentic in what we mean and say. For example, instead of asking, Can everyone go back to your seats now? it is more direct to say, Everyone go back to your seats now. If we ask them if they can, we are giving them a choice to go back tot heir seats or not, and that both choices are acceptable when it is not. 3.) It is important to know when to be silent. Silence allows students time to think, rehearse what to say, and gather the courage to speak at all. Researchers state that with three to five seconds of wait time, more students respond, and their ideas are more thoughtful and complete. It may feel long at first, but with practice the silence will begin to feel more natural and become automatic. 2 questions 1.) My CT encourages me to use indirect language such as, I like the way ____ is paying attention when I see students around that student are off task. It seems to work and makes students stay on task most of the time. However, the reading suggests using direct language. Is there a balance between using the indirect language such as I like how ____ came to the meeting rug and sat down right away and being direct such as, Come to the meeting rug and take a seat now? 2.) Sometimes, I feel as if direct behavior and commands such as Take a seat now is too demanding and sounds somewhat negative. Will students think that saying these commands are impolite? 1 implication 1.) I realized that I ask students to do a desired behavior rather than telling them to do it. For example, I catch myself asking, Can you sit down? instead of please sit down. I will practice using more direct language and when I do catch myself asking questions, I will repeat it with a direct statement.

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