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The use of requirements engineering for modeling mobile application interfaces which meet the acessibility precept

Lucas A. Marciano1, Lyrene Fernandes1


Departamento de Informtica e Computao Aplicada Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) CEP Natal RN Brasil,

Abstract. This work aims to analyze the use of requirements engineering to facilitate the development of affordable mobile app interfaces. A literature study on methods for developing accessible mobile interfaces will be done, taking into account the different types of users who need accessible interfaces (elderly, disabled, low education). Many scholarly works in this area were analyzed in order to identify the main issues in modeling an accessible interface and what are the main requirements which must be met when implementing an accessible interface. At the end of this work requirements which seek to build an accessible interface for mobile app are proposed. Keywords: App mobile, Requirements Engineering, Accessibility, Graphical Interface.

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