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Audience Research: Questionnaire Analysis

This is a document that displays the partial results of my media questionnaire. The graphs show the results and give me key insight to who I will be targeting and gives my ideas to alter the plot of my lm to reach and appeal to a wider audience. This is the evaluation of the questionnaire results. Question 1:

I asked an even split of males and females to complete the survey as this would ensure a fair representation of both sexes and would broaden my possible results. Question 2:

As we have aimed our lm at a target audience of 15-40, we wanted as many results from that age bracket. Therefore we have better, more useful and relative information and feedback.

Question Three:

This is the feedback on peoples two favourite genres. It is clear that the overall favourite is comedy whereas horror ranked much lower. This tells us that the horror lm audience isnt huge but is still notable. Question Four:

This is interesting as wee can see that horror is not very popular and it is perhaps a bit of a niche audience. It also emphasizes how if we are to blend our lm with another genre, it shouldnt be SciFi/Fantasy or Thriller.

Question Five:

The results from question ve proved that no-one had a noticeably strong link in their lm preference. However, the type of lms that were given were normally action and comedy with a sprinkling of animation and horror. Question Six:

For us as a group who are producing a horror opening, this was the most important question as it involved people to chose specically from the genre. It is interesting how the two most popular lms are the lms that are not pure horror but are hybrids of two or more The Shining is blend between Horror and Comedy. The Purge is a blend between Horror and Action.

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