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ESAL EXCLAIMED, ‘NO WONDER HIS NAME 1S JACOB, FOR NOW HE HAS CHEATED ME TWICE. FIRST HE TOOK MY RIGHTS AS THE FIRSTBORN, AND NOW HE HAS STOLEN MY BLESSING." —Genesis 27:36 nur Ah, brothers and sisters. Sometimes you love ‘em. Sometimes you can't stand ‘em. They can be your best friends one minute and your worst enemies the next. They're always crossing onto your side in the backseat of the car or play- ing with the toy you want. When you say “did not,” they say “did too.” When you say “uh-huh,” they say “nuh-uh.” It can seem like their main purpose in life is to drive you totally bonkers. That's probably what Esau and Jacob thought about each other. Their rivalry got so bad that Jacob cheated Esau out of his inheritance and Esau plotted to kill Jacob. Not exactly brotherly love. But would you believe your sisses and bros are a special gift to you? It might take a few years to realize it, but they can be some of your best friends forever. They share your life like no one else can. They'll always be there because ‘they're your family. For now they can always give you somebody to play or hang, with. For later they can have your back like nobody else can. Why not start making the most of a good relationship now? If you don’t have any brothers or sisters, do these activities for a friend. 1, How do you bug your bro or sis the most? Don't do that all week 2. Give your sibling a surprise gift. 3. Forgive a sib. Write down what you hate most about a brother or sister. Then rip it up and throw it away. '* What are the most fun times you've had with your brothers and sisters? ‘+ What one thing can you do to help a sibling relationshio? + Do you need to talk to a parent about problems with a brother or sister? What did you learn? What do you want to remember? Make a photo book with pictures of you and your bros and sisses. Get your parents to help you print one professionally online. BIG PICTURE PAGE BE A PRO PHOTOGRAPHER THIS WEEK. STICK A FEW OF YOUR FAVORITE SHOTS HERE, BONUS IE YOU GWE COPIES TO YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS.

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