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Date: Data-Based Reflection and Goals Directions: Complete the questions and make your own goals using

your knowledge of yourself and your scores. Fill out your test data below: Year Reading Level Writing Level 7th


Reading Growth: Writing Growth: !th Grade "nglish #lass Grades by $uarter Year 2"12#1 $%th& 'cuity ( $)ct.& Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter Quarter !

'cuity C $Dec.&



, points

'ttendance: Quarter 1 Quarter 2 1. -th to %th *rade: .hat are your accomplishments and struggles from - th to %th grade/ What is going well for you and what are you ha0ing trou1le with/ Why% 2ocus on academics3 1ut you can address social issues that might 1e affecting academics. 2. *rowth 4. According to the TCAP rules, a score of 50 or higher in growth percentage shows a whole year of improvement. So if your score is much higher than 50, you improved by more than a year of growth. And if lower, you improved by less than a year of growth. 56plain why you think you got the growth 4 you got. &o if it's high( what did you do last year that )ade you i)*rove so )uch% +,- is good. &o if you got around +,( what did you do last year that hel*ed% /f lower( what )ight have been the *roble)% 7eading/ .riting/ . 8ook at your acuity data. 9his is a predictor for 9C'+ scores. What are you *redicted to get% What growth do you show so far% "0*lain what you thin1 caused your score to go u*( down or stay this sa)e fro) 2ct. to Dec. What did you do differently% What did you understand or what did you struggle with%

Goals: You ha0e to make two goals for this year:s 9C'+.

;;;Note: You ha0e to make a goal 1ased on a 9C'+ score. 'chie0ing the same score $a + again& is not a 1ad thing. <t usually shows one year of growth. (ut < want you to choose at least one =3 >3 or 8 higher than last year:s score. 2or e6ample3 go from a 8ow +roficient to a >iddle +roficient. )r go from a = + to an 8 '. 3. Writing Goal: .hat is a reasona1le 1ut challenging score you think you can get on this year:s writing 9C'+ score/ ??????? What do you thin1 you are already doing that will su**ort you% What do you thin1 you need to change% What are 4 ste*s you will ta1e in order to reach this goal%

+. Reading Goal: .hat is a reasona1le 1ut challenging score you think you can get on this year:s reading 9C'+ score/ ??????? What do you thin1 you are already doing that will su**ort you% What do you thin1 you need to change% What are 4 ste*s you will ta1e in order to reach this goal% @. )ther: .hile 5nglish is 9=5 most important su1Aect e0er3 think a1out another area where you might set a goal for yourself for this year. .hat is it and how might you go a1out accomplishing this goal/

B. Name things you think 75'88Y support you in this class. .hat are three things we do that you think is really helping you to impro0e in reading and writing/ -. Name things you 75'88Y wish we would do in this class to help you achie0e your goals. .hat are we not doing that you think would help/

!. "0tra #redit: What is your long ter) goal% Who are you ho*ing to be in life% 5,. "0tra e0tra credit: When is 6rs. 7enderson's birthday%

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