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Mount Baker Junior High School Mp 2008 — 2009 Student Agenda This agenda belongs to: Nae crvtown 2 cove PHONE: - —— ‘STUDENT NO. GPrororerenincvinwevscontarsinenensente —cmesnayanvee AIM STATEMENT ‘The goal of Mount Baker Junior High School is to provide a safe learning environment, to facilitate the individual growth of students, ‘and to meet high academic standards. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY You are expected 0 conduct yourself honorably with regard to academics. This is to include but is not limited to abstinence from all forms of cheating, including academic dishonesty and plagiarism. Violations may result in loss of credit, parent/guardian contact/conference, documentation in student’s file, discipline andor suspension. ACADEMICS STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS ‘ow to be “uly involved” in the sassroom, eavironment) ‘Afler Hours ~ After Hours is @ program that allows you a place to complete your assignments on Wednesdays. from 4:45. Staff members are present to assist students. Students: «are expected to bring enough work to keep them busy the entire two hours ‘© who attend Afier Hours may take the late bus home. © who are disruptive during After Hours ‘will not be allowed to retur Conferences - Parent-Teacher Conferences are offered in October and again in March, ‘You are invited to participate and share your earning and goals with your parents/guardians. Grades - Each teacher will communicate the ‘grading scale used for their classroom. Homework - You can expect to have homework, between 30 and 45 minutes a night. You will be issued a textbook at home for those classes where you will be assigned homework. In most cases, homework is part of your grade, Whether you are practicing spelling words or studying for a math test, it’s important to work on schoolwork in an area with limited distractions and interruptions. Homework has a big impact on grades. You eam points for homework, and it also helps you when you take tests. ‘The skills you practice when finishing homework are. the same skills that come up later on tests. Here are a few tips to help you lear more from homework and earn higher grades. 1, Write down every assignment in ‘your agenda. Include the due dates. 2. Use a divided notebook or 3-ring, binder to help keep notes and handouts from each class separate and secure Set aside time each day for schoolwork. 4, Find a quiet area to do homework. 5. Ask for help. Have an older family ‘member nearby to help answer homework questions. 6, Turn in your homework on time. Late work is often marked down. Notebook - You are required to carry and use a three-ring notebook forall classes. ‘© Keop the student handbook in the front ‘of your notebook. Keep the agenda ‘current. Fill it out each period. Use it plan long term assignments. ‘© Use dividers to separate each class. ‘© Keep all assignments in your notebook. Report Cards - Report cards are given out quarerly. Progress reports are also sent home four weeks into each quarter. ‘School Supplies - In addition to the three-ring notebook, other academic school needs include: ‘© notebook dividers + colored pencils ‘© pencils and pens ina © P. E, clothes and pencil pouch shoes '* notebook paper ‘© small calculator If you need help purchasing these supplies, please contact Mr. Bennett, our school counselor. ‘Study Strategies - Stay organized Use your time well~in class and at home. Read the questions first before you read assigned material. You will get a focus for reading. If there are no questions, take notes. Write down: who? what? where? when? how? why? When you are done reading and have answered the questions, ask yourself, what?” Compare new learning or information to comething you already know. Unless. you i to other leaming or yourself in some way, you will not remember. Make a” spiderfecall diagram/concept smap/unit organizer to help you study. ‘Strategies for Remembering - You remember things you have lots of practice at and/or that mean something to you. When you become fluent or comfortable with the information, the information will come back when you nod it (like on a test)! 1. Vocabulary flash cards - put definitions in your own words. Make them short so you can easily remember, Do one-minute timings to increase your fluency. 2. Recall Diagrams - create the "shell" of the information. In a three minute timing, fill in details from memory, connecting facts to each other. (Hint: Use the same shell you created in your note taking. Always try to remember in the same order visualizing your complete diagram. Ask: who, what, where, when, why and how?) 3. Mnemonics - memory devices like HOMES for the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) ACCIDENTS AND ILLNESSES If you become ill oF injured at school, you will be administered first aid when necessary by a member of the first aid response team. ‘Your parent/guardians will be contacted in those cases that are serious enough to warrant communication. IF your parent/guardian is tunable to be reached, the emergency numbers provided, will be called to find someone to pick you up. If necessary, 911 will be called, ACTIVITIES AND CLUBS Activity Buses - A late bus runs at 5:00 pm ‘most school days for you if you are involved in after school activities. Late buses have limited routes. Sometimes in the winter this means it will be dark, and students should arrange for a ride from the drop off point to home. Associated Student Body (ASB) - The ASB fencourages good citizenship in our school, promotes student government, and encourages good communication among students, faculty, administration and school board. Those interested are encouraged 10 tun for an office or a representative position. Greg Gosda is the advisor. All students are encouraged to pay the ASB fee. All students participating in any ASB sponsored activity (e.g athletics, music, play) are required to pay the fee in order to participate For the 2008-2009 school year, the ASB fee is $22. ASB fee can be paid in the main office. Paying the Junior High ASB fee does not allow students to get into Mount Baker High School home events at no charge. Awards - Each quarter stalf and the ASB officers honor individual students based on their performance, altitude and effort in the classroom, Dances - The ASB sponsors after school dances aver the course of the school year. They occur from 2:45-4:45 in the gym or ‘commons, so that students may ride the late bus home. Junior High Play - ‘The Junior High produces ‘play each year. This has traditionally taken place during the interim between sports seasons II] and IV. Melody Morris is the advisor. Math Olympiad - Both Tih and Sth grade students can be involved in these math competitions. Contact Kim Franklin if you are interested.

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