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ECG Rhythm Strip Analysis:

1. What was the heart rate ____________

2. Can you identify a P wave, QRS complex, and T wave for each beat ____________
3. Calculate the P-R Interval (sec) for 3 consecutive beats from the beginning
1. 3 * .04 = .12; 2. 3 * .04 = .12; 3. 3 * .04 = .12
4. Did any section have abnormalities? ________
the person has normal sinus rhythm.
5. Analyze your findings _________________________________________________

1. What was the heart rate ____________
2. Can you identify a P wave, QRS complex, and T wave for each beat ____________
3. Calculate the P-R Interval (sec) for 3 consecutive beats from the beginning
1. .04s * 7 = .28s; 2. .28s; 3. .28s
4. Calculate the R to R interval (sec) for 3 consecutive beats from the beginning
1. .04s * 18 = .72s; 2. .04s * 17 = .68s; 3. .04s * 18 = .72s
prolonged P-R segment; shortened R-R interval
5. Did any section have abnormalities? ________
6. Analyze your findings _________________________________________________
1st degree AV block

1. What was the heart rate ____________
2. Can you identify a P wave, QRS complex, and T wave for each beat ____________
3. Calculate the P-R Interval (sec) for 3 consecutive beats from the beginning
1. .28s; 2. .36s; .48s
4. Did any section have abnormalities? ________
P-R interval is increasingly outside the normal range.
the P-R interval - 2nd degree AV block; bradycardia
5. Analyze your findings _________________________________________________

1. What was the heart rate ____________
2. Can you identify a P wave, QRS complex, and T wave for each beat ____________
3. Calculate the P-R Interval (sec) for 3 consecutive beats from the beginning
1. .16s; 2. .16s; 3. .16s -- PR segment seems fine
RR intervals
4. Did any section have abnormalities? ________
regularly irregular
5. Analyze your findings _________________________________________________

1. What was the heart rate ____________
2. Can you identify a P wave, QRS complex, and T wave for each beat ____________
3. Calculate the P-R Interval (sec) for 3 consecutive beats from the beginning
1. p wave is absent; 2. .04*4 = .16s; 3. .04*11 = .44s; 4. .04* 20 = .8s
4. Did any section have abnormalities? ________
pr prolongation
3 degree AV block; bradycardia
5. Analyze your findings _________________________________________________

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