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The TONE of a work is the authors attitude toward his subject or audience. It is made up by the authors careful choice and placement of words. The tone is meant to make the reader feel a certain way. Examples include playful, serious, formal etc.

An aphorism is a general truth or observation about life. Often witty and wise Example: A mans fortunes are the fruit of his character To be great is to be misunderstood


Allusion- a reference in writing to a well known person, place, work of art/literature, or event in history.
Example: Ishmael Beah discussing Shakespeares work in A Long Way Gone

The film Shrek


Cultural/Historical Relevance: In literature, the time, place, or culture the work is set will influence its meaning. The reader should study it before analyzing. Examples: Ishmael Beahs cultural relevance was his experience in Africa as a childsolider. The Odyssey was influenced by Ancient Greece.


Irony: When the opposite of what is expected occurs. Can be verbal (with words), or situational (with events), or dramatic (when the audience knows what the character does not)

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