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Guiding Values 1.

We are men and women of honor and integrity; we shall not tolerate those who lie cheat or steal. 2. We are dedicated to learning, emphasizing teamwork, leadership, and creativity. 3. We respect the right to diverse points of view as the cornerstone of our democracy. 4. We encourage service to nation and others before self. 5. We stress being physically fit and drug free. 6. To live the Norwich motto I will try! meaning perseverance in the face of adversity. 7. We stress self-discipline, personal responsibility, and respect for law.

Recognition Privileges Can visit the civilian dorms Can go to chow on their own Walking leave Music, video, movies, games on PEDs Doors closed as desired Sleep as desired Centennial stairs Front doors No Rook covers Black Nametages

Frostbite 1. Look for grey/white spots on skin, frequently preceded by redness, tingling, pain, frequently numb or itchy, blisters, areas of skin that are unnaturally firm, or tender and swollen. 2. Shelter victim, keep warm with clothing or body heat; insulate from ground. Remove clothing from affected part; wrap loosely in dry sterile dressing. Do not massage area or break blisters or further injury may result. 3. Seek medical aid; treat as litter casualty.

Hypothermia/Cold Weather Injury 1. Look for lower body temp, violent uncontrolled shivering, lack of coordination, memory loss, irrationality, lethargy, slurred speech.

2. Move victim to sheltered area, cover and warm. Force conscious patient to drink quarts of heavily sugared liquids, hot if possible; use sleeping bag to insulate from ground; replace clothing with dry if possible; replace clothing with dry if possible. Keep patient awake and drinking fluids. Do not rub or give alcohol. Start treatment before evacuation; evacuate when stable.

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