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Nowadays, there are many debates in our society but, one of the most controversial and recient is abortion.

This practice is approved in some countries like Spain. However, there are a lot of people who think it is an assassination. On the one hand, there some situations in which some people pass it. In these cases, the girl is pregnant accidentally because of a fail of a method of contraception, or she is pregnant because she was raped. Moreover, the situation is more complicated if the pregnant is a student due to it entails a big responsability. On the contrary, some people say that this practice is a way to kill the baby even though the situation. But, the time passaged to be considered a human is another polemic question. These people say that a human is created since the sexual act, but during some days, it is only a cell. To sum up, abortion is a practice which is being discussing. There are some tradicionalist people who are against it but, also, there are some extreme situations in which it should be approved.

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