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Natalie Robinson Cole: 1901-1984

I found an approach that brought satisfaction to the children and to me so [I] wasnt too concerned with other educational approaches (Smith, 1984, p. 37)

Used art to free the child, believed it was a medium for selfexpression. The teacher should remember that the growing process is more important than the end product- the child more important than the picture
(Smith, 1984, p. 37)

Wrote two books: The Arts in the Classroom and Childrens Arts from Deep down Inside. Her books can be characterized by words such as: colorful, vivid and springs to life. Her methods were believed to not be applicable to all age ranges in schools; she vehemently disagrees. My approach covers all age ranges and is always concerned with personal development (Smith, 1984, p. 37)

Freeing Sentences

Her interest in psychological counseling and later her own analysis made her aware of the role lack of faith and confidence had played in life and this began her therapy approach which attempted to remove fear and inhibition, stressingthe honesty and integrity of the individual
(Smith, 1984, p. 36).

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