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The verb 'ought to' is equal to 'should' and expresses an weak obligation.

I ought to - debera / tendra que

Helen ought to be more careful. I ought to stay in bed. We ought to go together. They ought to be here already. You ought to eat more vegetables. Tom ought to take her home. It ought to work properly.

You ought not to drink so much. They ought not to go camping without a torch. George ought not to wear someone else's glasses.

Ought Rachel to be here so early?

Ought they to live there?

Usamos 'should' para expresar grado de posibilidad o probabilidad, as como tambin para obligacin dbil. Significa: debera, tendra que. ASI MISMO El verbo modal 'should' se utiliza para expresar consejos o para decir lo que es correcto o incorrecto hacer. Se suele traducir como 'debera'. I should study. I should - debera / tendra que T deberas llamar a tu hermana. You should call your sister. No deberas fumar aqu You shouldnt smoke in here

You should tell Miss Baker the truth. We should go to sleep. I should call my mother. They should leave as soon as possible. She should be doing her homework. Ben should exercise more.

It should be here.

You should not say that. Nick shouldn't be working. It shouldn't take long.

Should I write Maggie a letter? Should we worry?

"Had better" is most commonly used to make recommendations. It can also be used to express desperate hope as well as warn people.

They had better be here before we start dinner.

They had better not be late. They had better not forget Tom's birthday gift.

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