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sa rizal gawa kang autobiographical sketch about sayo, max of 2 pages font size is 12 or 13 short bond deadline nov

26 :)) sa PHIGOV , what are the point of vie ws of the following about social contract theory: 1) ronsseau 2) thomas hobbts 3 ) john locke max of 5 sentences each 1/2 crosswise sususlat

Thomas Hobbs According to Hobbs' social contract theory, the ruler is the absolute authority. The social contract is not between the citizens and the ruling power.It is a con tract citizens make with each other to accept the rule of central authority. A society so united forms a single body, commonwealth. Man s life in the State of NA TURE was one of fear and selfishness. Man lived in chaotic condition of constan t fear. Life in the State of Nature was solitary , poor , nasty , brutish , and short . John Locke According to john locke's social contract theory, The state of nature is a state of perfect freedom and equality. People living together according to reason, wit hout a common superior on earth with authority to judge between them, is properl y the state of nature. It was a state of peace, goodwill, mutual assistance, and p reservation . In that state of nature, men had all the rights which nature cou ld give them. Locke justifies this by saying that in the State of Natur e, the natural condition of mankind was a state of perfect and complete l iberty to conduct one s life as one best sees fit. It was free from the interference of others. Jean Jacques Rousseau according to rousseau, the contract liberates people from the rude state of natu re.The contract does not change people or their rights, but rather it offers gua rantees. It guarantees individualism by prohibiting excessive individualism or sel f-interest. Man is born free, and he is everywhere in chains. The citizens give th e state (and society) complete control over themselves and their (individual) po ssessions.

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