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My Magazine Title Ideas:

Abstract Magazine- This is my favourite and I think I will choose this for my magazine title, as the title is so diverse and gives the readers a range of assumptions as to what the genre of the magazine will be. The element of confusion is what will draw readers in and they will be more tempted to buy it as they want to find out what is inside. As the title is diverse it can also attract such a range of readers, meaning there is an increased potential audience. Mystery- This idea is much more specific. Mystery is defined as something which you are not fully aware of/ not fully aware of the answers to something, and is often associated with the horror genre. It means that the magazine title does not only categorise the magazine to attract film magazine readers, but those whose favourite genre is horror too! Encompass-This is something that I can imagine as a film magazine title. Its endearing in the sense that it is only one word, and is so unspecific that it has to be specific to film. The title suggests a journey/ taking part in an adventure, almost a travel. This is what I would want the readers to feel if I chose this magazine name, as if they were going on a journey when reading my magazine, as it means the writing has height and depth in verisimilitude.

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