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Vitthal and Kamla are trying to motivate the people. A man falls on the floor.

Her wife tells kamla that he has diabetes. He hasnt eaten anything. Kamla says you must have told us. My everything is for you all. Manda says till when you will be helping people? Your daughter will fill in the food in your house but what will happen to us. Kamla says this is the fight of all of us and i wont let dispute destroy this. ntiol we dont win this fight ! will go on hunger strike. "aki says you #ant do this. Kamla says dont stop me and go home if your dont want your kamla maa to be weak. "aki syas ! wont let you. "aki leaves. Manda says look if she loved kamla she would have stayed here. Vitthal says to manda manners and love is not everyones #up of tea.

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