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90% of our trees have been cut down. Deforestation is a significant issue of our time and must taken seriuosly if we want to protect our forests. Defination of deforestation by the Random House Dictionary of the English Language is to divest or clear of forest or trees We must save our environment.

Causes of Deforestation
Because of the human activities that eager to make their respective life better. The unresponsible authority just simply cut the trees to make new housing areas. The dont even think about the effect of their activities to the environment. Example: resident of the housing areas worried that the illegal logging may affect their house structure.

Effect of Deforestation
Mammal extinction thousand of species die out of lifetaime and rate of habitat loss are increasing. Polar Sea Loss is melting at an unprecedented rate and its not showing any signs of slowing down. Carbon Dioxide increases due to the deforestation activities. Use of vehicles that release both methane and carbon monoxide have make the amount of harmful gases in this air increases.

The public has created organizations such as Green Peace to help increase awareness and reduce deforestation. F.A.O worked mainly within the forest community to find new and better ways to manage the forest. F.A.O, The World Bank, United Nations development programs, development agencies developed a new strategy more than 60 countries have decided to prepare national forestry action plans to manage their forests.

Save Our Forest

3 important princple: Reduce Reuse Recycle Example: - Getting off junk mail list, writing or photocopying on both sides of the paper, recycling waste papers and buying recycled paper products.

Regulated deforestation can supply us with lumber without completely destroying the forests. But deforestation which is geared economically can permanently destroy our ecosystem. Finally, we should visit our forests and learn to appreciate them as place of inspiration and recreation.

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