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Main Project Plan Document

Project title:

CAN (controller area network) protocol implementation using ARM7TDMI LPC2148.

Project description:
The main aim of this project is to control the basic parameters of the automobile industry. Different sensors are used in this project to measure various parameters. Temperature sensor will be used to get the temperature. This project will be implemented using advanced CAN protocol and ARM7 based LPC2148 32-bit micro controller. Using CAN protocol we can send data from one node to other node. Here we have two nodes, each node contains ARM7 based LPC2148 micro controller, MCP2515 (CAN CONTROLLER), MCP2551 (CAN TRANSRECEVER). In first node we are interfacing temperature sensor, in second node contains LCD. Node 1 will measure the temperature and send these values to node 2 through CAN bus. This node 2 will display the received values. The Can protocol is implemented using SPI lines of ARM7.

Team members activities:

Features: CAN protocol has many features

Low cost. Easy to implement. Peer to Peer network with powerful error checking and higher transmission rates 1Mbits.
Robustness, capability to solve bus access

Language & Technology: NAME Embedded C SOMNATH ROY KEIL IDE Flash magic HARI BABU Limitations:

ACTVITY Board design and coding for converting analog input to digital Testing and coding for displaying the input data in LCD Server coding

TSSK KIREET Client coding Inconsistency of messages, and Unpredictability of transmission time of messages. Message priority problem.


The Control Area Network (CAN) is a serial, asynchronous, Multi-master communication protocol for connecting electronic modules in Automotive and industrial applications. Different parameters can be monitored by these Nodes and can be updated to the Central Control Unit. Mostly used in Industry and Auto Mobiles in a Hazardous Environment and is reliable.

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