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R.Naveen Kumar V.Satya Prasad S.Bhargav Sriram


Project Plan Document

Project title:

Implementation of File System in flash memory.

Project description:

The goal of this project is to implement a simple file system on a flash device. In stage one, we build a disk emulation library that will emulate a disk on top of a single file. Its interface includes functions to read, write, and flush disk blocks. In stage two, we will build a simple file system on top of the disk interface we built in stage one. This file system will provide a efficient storage. In particular, access to file blocks should be efficient and the amount of metadata needed to implement the file system should be small. In stage three, we make our file system robust in the face of failure (i.e., it should not corrupt data if it crashes). To test robustness, we will crash your file system at arbitrary points in its code: your file system should be able to recover to an internally consistent state irrespective of where these crashes occur. Team members activities:

Enhance portability and configurability

Redundant disk storage for system-critical information. A system-wide checkpoint-restart feature.

Language & Technology: C

Linux operating system Linux kernel Limitations:

Can't implement complicated applications

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