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Describe your prior work experience, especially as relates to this position. What things did you like best about your previous job? What things did you like least? What accomplishments did you achieve, and how did you achieve them? What have you learned from your jobs? Which ways are you most and least effective with people? Why did you choose the career or education path that you did? When you have experienced frustrations with your job, what did you do about it? What unique qualities or major strengths do you possess that we should consider? Do you have any special training we should know about? What is the highest grade of school that you have completed? Do you speak, read, or write another language? fluency? o what degree of

Why will our school be better for having hired you? Describe a situation in which you exercised a leadership role. What do you expect of your supervisor? !our coworkers? Describe a project that demonstrates your organi"ational ability. What basic problem solving approaches or principles do you use? Do you have any plans for continuing your education?

We have reviewed the basic functions of the position. #re there any physical, mental, or medical impairments that would interfere with your ability to perform this job, with or without a reasonable accommodation? $f you were hired, when could you start? #ny questions for us? %ext steps& ' ' ' ' ' ' ' yping test with Wicklund (ontinuing to interview )ay conduct second interviews *eferences but will call you first Work a day or a few days (riminal background check, etc. +robationary period

+ersonal appearance Demeanor #ttitude

What have you done on ,xcel? What is most complicated thing you have done on ,xcel? What kinds of word documents have you done?

ell me about the last job you did that involved record-keeping or bookkeeping? ell me about the most difficult person you have ever dealt with over the phone and what did you do. ell me about the most difficult person you have dealt with face to face and what did you do. ell me about the last time you had information that you could not tell anyone else about. ell me about the last time you divulged confidential information. ell me about the last time that you had to prioriti"e jobs because you had so many things going at once. ell me about what kinds of cash handling experience that you have.

What is the most enjoyable part of your current job? What is the biggest challenge you have faced on the job and how did you handle it? What made you apply for this job and why do you want it? What qualities can you bring to this position? What would your colleagues say about you? What type of people do you find it difficult to work with? .ow would you handle rude or disrespectful behavior from staff? /rom parents? .ow comfortable are you with technology? What computer programs are you familiar with? 0udget-.ow comfortable are you? $f you have questions about this job, who will you ask?

.ow would you handle this scenario? !ou have a crying child, a parent, a teacher and the bus radio all needing your attention at the same time. Who do you handle first and why? %ot necessarily something to share, but there is an exercise we have candidates participate in. We provide the candidates a photocopy of a letter in our own handwriting or notes regarding what we want in a letter. We then set the candidate in front of the computer and have them produce and improve the document and turn it in to the secretary when they are finished 1we would still be interviewing2. We then have the secretary note the time the candidate was finished. $f your district offers a competitive salary and benefits for this position, it should attract enough interest that you will get candidates that can accomplish this task. $t can be a real time saver to have someone with this skill. 1$ learned this from my current supe and high school principal by the way.2 We did our secy interviews last spring to replace a long-time employee. $ created this question list as well as essay to use. We have all applicants come in and answer an essay question to see 32 can they write and 42 do they understand technology 1we use a laptop and flash drive - you5d be surprised at the number of young people who had no idea how to use a flash drive2. )aybe ours can help you. 6ood luck7 Secretarial Interview Writing Sample We are looking for someone who is student-service oriented8 someone who can handle a lot of pressure and a lot of work without losing their cool. We need someone with mature judgment. We are looking for someone who will be loyal to us and who will keep our confidences. We need someone who shows initiative 9 someone who is a team player, someone who is flexible. We feel that finding a flexible person who is a team player and willing to learn is just as important as finding someone who has the more standard secretarial skills. #re you the person we are looking for? ,xplain why in a short essay. :eep your time requirements in mind.

Interview Questi ns Secretar!

)any of us improve our personal interaction with others as we mature. ;ooking back over the past two years, in what way have you improved? $f your boss brought rush jobs to you regularly with little notice, how would you feel about it? Why did you apply for this position? What<s your philosophy about dealing with confidential information? .ow would you describe your organi"ational skills? What attributes do you believe an effective secretary=bookkeeper should possess? #re you able to multitask? #re you capable of handling multiple inquiries& staff, front door, students, phone? What office equipment are you able to use? What software are you comfortable using? .ow do you handle stressful situations? Do you consider yourself a brisk worker or one who is slower paced yet persistent and consistent? he most important part of this job is, of course, kids. Describe your experience working with children. What is your greatest professional attribute? What motivates you to do a good job? Why should $ hire you over others who apply?

>ecretary $nterview ?uestions (andidate& Describe your prior work experience, especially as relates to this position. What things did you like best about your previous job and what things did you like least?

What qualities do you think are most important for a secretary in an elementary building? he most important part of this job, of course, is kids first, then parents, then faculty. Describe your experience working with each. When you have experienced frustration with your job, what did you do about it? What unique qualities or major strengths do you possess that we should consider? What experience do you have with technology? Describe how you would handle a deadline project that was given to you at the last minute. Describe a situation in which you exercised a leadership role. What do you expect of your supervisor? !our co-workers? What basic problem solving approaches or principles do you use? (hildren are sent to the office for disciplinary concerns. What role would you expect to play in this process? 43@ of ;incoln<s population consists of children with special needs. We all function as a team here. >ome of our children wear diapers, they are fed from a tube, receive breathing treatments or need special considerations behaviorally. .ow would you fit in with the team concept if a teacher needed assistance from the office with one of these areas? .ow would you handle an emergency situation if $ was out of the building and there was a medical emergency? We have reviewed the basic functions of the position. #re there any physical, mental, or medical impairments that would interfere with your ability to perform this job, with or without a reasonable accommodation? .ave you been trained in (+*, general first aide, or (+$. $f not would you be willing to get this training on your own time? $f you were hired, when could you start? What talents would you bring to ;incoln >chool? #t the end of the year, our staff puts on a alent >how for the students.

+ersonal appearance 6rammar #ttitude >ense of humor >ensitive but tough $nterview ?uestions 3. What aspects of your job do you consider most crucial? 4. What did you like=dislike about your last job? A. What have you learned from jobs you have held? B. .ow do you feel about your progress to date? C. .ave you done the best work you are capable of doing? D. .ow long would you stay with the company? E. What would you like to be doing five years from now? F. What are your qualifications? G. What are your biggest accomplishments? 3H. .ow do you organi"e and plan for major projects? 33. .ow many hours a week do you find it necessary to work to get your job done? 34. (an you work under pressure? 3A. What is your greatest strength? 3B. What are your outstanding qualities? 3C. What interests you most about this job? 3D. What are you looking for in your next job?

3E. Why should $ hire you? 3F. What can you do for us that someone else cannot do? 3G. What was the last book you read 1or movie you saw2? .ow did it affect you? 4H. $n you<re last job, what were some of the things you spent most of your time on, and why? 43. $n what ways has your job prepared you to take on greater responsibility? 44. What makes this job different from your current one? 4A. Do you have any questions? 4B. Would you like to have your boss< job? 4C. What do you think of your current boss? 4D. Describe a situation where your work or an idea was critici"ed. 4E. ell me about yourself. 4F. *ate yourself on a scale of one to ten. 4G. What kinds of things do you worry about? AH. What is the most difficult situation you have faced? A3. What are some of the things that bother you? What are your pet hates? ell me about the last time you felt anger on the job. A4. What have you done that shows initiative? AA. What are some of the things about which you and your supervisor disagreed? AB. $n what areas do you feel your supervisor could have done a better job? AC. What are some of the things your supervisor did that you disliked? AD. .ow well do you feel your boss rated your job performance? AE. .ow did your boss get the best out of your?

AF. .ow interested are you in sports? AG. What personal characteristics are necessary for success in your field? BH. Do you make your opinions known when you disagree with the views of your supervisor? B3. Do you consider yourself a natural leader or a born follower? B4. Why do you feel you are a better administrator than some of your coworkers? BA. !ou have a doctor<s appointment arranged for noon. !ou<ve waited two weeks to get in. #n urgent meeting is scheduled at the last moment, though. What do you do? BB. When do you expect a promotion? BC. Define cooperation. BD. What difficulties do you have tolerating people with different backgrounds and interests from yours? BE. $n hindsight, what have you done that was a little harebrained? BF. When you joined your current staff and met the group for the first time, how did you feel? .ow did you get on with them? BG. What would you do when you have a decision to make and no procedure exists? CH. !ou<re giving a dinner party. Which ten famous people would you invite and why? C3. ake the next 3H to 3C minutes to discuss your qualifications for this position. C4. Describe in detail your background and experiences in supervision and evaluation of staff. >ite an example where your involvement made a difference in instruction. CA. Why do you want this position, after all, you all ready have an administrative position? CB. What are your future goals?

CC. .ow do you feel and what are your beliefs about special education? !ou may site examples or discuss staffing concerns, mainstreaming, etc. CD. .ow would you find people to fill co-curricular positions? CE. What background do you have in working with a dean? .ow would you handle an appeal of a dean<s decision? CF. .ow do you feel about working 4 to A nights per week? CG. What experience do you have speaking to large groups, such as students, faculty, and parents? DH. .ow does the environment of the school effect the educational process? D3. What is the most important issue facing educators today and in the future? D4. What is the central role of the principal? DA. What are your greatest assets? DB. Describe two issues that you have recently read about in a professional journal or publication. DC. What do you find least interesting about this job? DD. What aspects of your job do you consider most crucial? DE. What are the latest trends in supervision and evaluation? DF. .ow will you communicate with parents and staff? DG. .ow will you become involved with community, students, staff, the school? EH. >tate three adjectives that best describe yourself. E3. .ow do we know you can manage people? E4. $f we offered you the job, would you take it today? EA. What would you like to know about the current staff? EB. Who are you, really? EC. What type of boss are you?

3. >o that $ can get to know you and your background better, tell me a little about yourself both personally and professionally. 4. ell me about your education and your work=training 1if not answered in question I32.

A. What computer skills do you possess? What programs are you proficient in using? WJ*D? ,K(,;? #((,>>? WJ*:>? J)%$ /J*)=/$;;,*? B. (an you take dictation in shorthand? $f not, how do you take notes that a supervisor wants converted to letter, form, etc.? C. What skills do you think are necessary for this job? Which of those are you currently qualified to use? D. Why do you want to work for the >ullivan >chool District? Why do you want to leave your current job? E. #re you planning to give notice to your current employer that you are leaving for another job? What will your supervisor say when you give your notice? F. .ow many days of absence have you had this past year? +ast five years? G. Did you enjoy school? Why or why not? 3H. What were your grades in )ath? ,nglish? >pelling? 33. .ow are your proof reading skills? Describe how you proof read. 34. What do you like to do for recreation=leisure? Does you family enjoy the same activities? 3A. 6ive an example of a major problem you faced at work and how you solved it. 3B. Would you rather be in charge of a project or work as part of a team? 3C. What expectations do you have of your supervisor and others with whom you work closely?

3D. Describe your filing system. 1Do they mention both cabinet filing and computer filing?2 .ow would you LfileM computer files? 3E. Describe how you would answer the phone if you were the high school secretary. .ow would you serve people at the counter? #dults and students differently? 3F. (onfidentiality is important with juvenile records and school records. What experience do you have with confidentiality in the workplace? What confidentiality does the school present for a secretary? 3G. What salary are you paid on your current job 1or last job if applicable2? 4H. What are your salary expectations for this job?

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