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17:21:43<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *Is currently chilling with a cup of hot sugar-free tea because JUSTUS IS TOO BULLSHIT TO

LLO! HOT "HO"OL T#$$ !H T %I&' O( 'I"T TO) 'O#S THIS* nyway+ he,s chilling on the couch with his war- .rin/+ watching the news0 #1en though it is in Japanese* 17:21:49** huinahas left 2ti-e. out3 17:22:03** huinahas 4oine. 17:22:41** huinahas left 2connection close.3 17:23:27<Jamie-L>'alton: *loo/ing .own at his tea li/e ,this is 4ust bullshit,0 He wants a bit of -il/ an. so-e sugar0 Sitting besi.e Sibbi+ he watches the news as well*0000The .ra-a,s about to co-e on0 Turn the channel0 17:24:49<SunflowerSma h>HOLLIS: -' &5L#S T!I&%6 I& ()O&T O( ' LTO&77 17:2!:04<Jamie-L>' LTO&: I !ILL (U"% 6OU) SHIT U8+ TUBB6$7 17:2!:!7<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He 4ust wo/e up fro- a nap an. was sleepily through the rec roo- towar.s the couch0 Once he hit the bac/ of it+ he trie. to go through it an. that .i. wor/ so he 4ust cli-be. o1er the bac/ an. probably onto Sibbi- 9Hey0009 -He yawne.17:2":40<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *wal/ing out of his own roo-+ noticing the-+ he wal/s in their .irection to see what they were up to* 17:31:43<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *Blin/s a few ti-es in surprise when a wil. ginger appears an. cli-bs onto hi-+ raising his -ug away so that he .oesn,t spill his tea* 'alton+ loo/$ "illian ca-e out of hibernation0 * n. then+ he notices a Buc/$$ Is surprise.+ since he hasn,t seen that guy for a while+ so he wa1es at hi- with his free han.* Hello+ Buc/0 17:3!:19<Jamie-L>'alton: *sipping fro- his shitty ass cup of tea+ he snorte. at the appearance of the ginger an. reache. out to ruffle "illian,s hair0 His attention lifte. though+ an. he blin/e. -shoc/e.- by the appearance of the southerner* Hello there000want tea* 17:44:30<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>0 17:4":37** Jamie-Lhas left 2ti-e. out3 17:4":!0** Jamie-Lhas 4oine. 17:47:1!<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He groane. as 'alton touche. hi- an. try to cli-b across Sibbi to an e-pty spot on the couch away fro- the other- 9Shut up Sibbi0009 17:!1:09<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *he leane. an ar- against the bac/ of the couch* &aw0 That stuff tastes nasty0 17:!3:02<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: !ell+ it,s either this or plain water0 Since+ to the .irector+ e1erything else in the worl. is ba. for us0 *Huffs+ an. scoots a little closer to lean on "illian because "illians are war-* 17:!7:34<Jamie-L>'alton: *frowns at the ginger+ wants to be war- TOO 6OU J#)%+ but turns his attention up to the southerner* 000I,- sorry+ I can,t -a/e it the way you strange -ericans en4oy it0 17:!9:09** %ru%elalli'rai'orhas 4oine. 17:!9:3(<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He leere. at Sibbi -u-bling- 9!hat000are you .oing00009 1(:00:2!<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *raises his eyebrows* ,can,t, or ,won,t,* 1(:21:2(<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: 5etting war-$ 6ou shoul. ha1e co-e out+ sooner0 6ou,re a goo. heater0 *"o-fy co-fy0 Sips fro- his tea* 1(:2":0"<Jamie-L>'alton: Both* *he s-ir/e. an. loo/e. the other o1er* 6ou,re close to hair cutting ti-e+ you /now000 1(:2(:17<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -he glare. at Sibbi- 9Ugh09 -He pushe. Sibbi into 'alton- 9Too close09 1(:30:41<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *s-ir/s* 6ou gonna cut it for -e again* 1(:!0:43<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *5ets pushe.+ aosighaoh0 &early spills his tea again+ but -anages not to$ Instea. he sets the -ug .own on the table+ an. forcefully flops hi-self bac/ onto "illian* 6ou ought to cut "illian,s hair instea.+ 'alton$ !e coul. -a/e a sweater out of all this fu:: on hi-0 1(:!!:10<Jamie-L>'alton: *loo/s up at his own -ess of hair* If you,ll e;cuse how the barber loo/s who,s cut- *feels Sibbi push into hi- an. frowns* !atch out$ I coul. ha1e spille. the tea0 n. no+ it,s growing out nicely+ he 4ust nee.s a sha1e0000 1(:!(:20<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He rubbe. his face- 9I,ll sha1e when I want to$ Lea1e -e be0009 -He sho1e. Sibbi again but gently19:04:17<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *he began to say so-ething when there was a lou. crashing noise fro- the,s .oor0 He loo/e. o1er+ rather startle. when a green haire. pun/ was co-ing running at the- fro- across the large roo-* 19:10:00<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *Ignores "illi,s sho1e+ reaching up to feel the ginger,s face fu::-- when su..enly+ a green haire. pun/ runs into the roo-0 He blin/s+ 4ust /in.a staring at the guy li/e wtf* 19:13:19<Jamie-L>'alton: *he puts the cup .own on the table in front of the- at the -an,s spee.y approach an. subconciously shifts closer to Buc/* Hello000'o.ge0000 <artine: was he again*19:1(:3"<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>=b>?oice o1er Interco-:=@b> <r0 <artine:$ 000 It is too late0 "o-e bac/0 19:20:04<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>?oice o1er Interco-: <r0 <artine:$ 000 It is too late0 "o-e bac/0 )o$*e: *he fro:e+ loo/ing shoc/e. an. torn0 His shoul.ers slu-pe. an. he let out a long breath all while staring at the-+ before he wor.lessly turne. to go bac/* 19:20:21<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>test test 77 19:20:37<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>test test 77 19:22:2(<Gollyzilla>you ha1e faile. this test 7 19:23:02<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *!hoa interco-+ what0 He blin/s+ loo/ing highly confuse. as ' starts to go bac/* 000!hat was that about* 19:24:21<Jamie-L>'alton: *loo/s up too+ then o1er at 'o.ge0 He gets up+ worrie.* 000!ere we not suppose. to ha1e tea* *he crac/s+ s-iling faintly* 000'* 19:2!:1!<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He stare. the green hair -an -u-bling- 9!hat,s all the fuss*9

19:1":24<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He was leaning away fro- Sibbi when he loo/e. bac/ at the green haire. guy0 !ho

19:27:!4<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>' *he glance. bac/ loo/ing rather guilty* <,sorry00 wasn,t fuc/in, fast enough00 *he

sai. Auietly before barging bac/ out the .oor* 19:30:!7<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *Is still 4ust sitting there li/e wtf* !hat* *Sits up off of "illi slightly* !ell+ that was strange0 'o any of you /now what he was tal/ing about* 19:34:37<Jamie-L>'alton: *loo/s bac/ at Buc/ an. the others+ before he frowns+ his own worry grows0 He -o1es to sit .own- but stops an. stan.s again+ confuse. an. growing paranoi. about what to .o* 19:3!:29<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -he glance. between ' an. the other,s by the couch- 90000That was a bit o..00009 19:3":!9<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *he stare. after the snot haire. pun/+ his own worry welling up insi.e hi-0 He starte. to slowly an. wor.lessly follow after '* 19:37:!"<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *&otices 'alton an. Buc/s, an;iety+ so he flaps a han. towar.s the-* 'on,t worry+ it probably wasn,t anything i-portant$ I,- sure he woul. ha1e sai. so-ething if it was0 19:39:34<Jamie-L>'alton: *watches the southern go an. hurries after hi-+ catching the other,s han.* !hat are you .oing* *he loo/e. ahea. at the .oor+ then frowne.* 6ou .on,t thin/000 19:41:!2<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He hoppe. o1er the couch after the rest- 9"o-e on+ Sibbi0 There,s so-ething up0009 -he pulle. on the other19:44:3!<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *he loo/e. horrifie. at 'alton e1en -entioning the possibility0 n. he followe. faster0 !or.lessly+ gripping 'alton,s han. tightly* 19:4":11<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *Is still clueless+ but e1eryone else see-s 1ery rile. up about so-ething0 He gets up when "illi pulls on hi-+ starting to follow along after the ginger* !ait for us000$ 19:4(:3!<Jamie-L>'alton: *he /ept up with the southerner+ loo/ing bac/ at the other two briefly before he trie. his best to /eep up with Buc/* 19:!0:34<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He traile. after 'alton an. Buc/ with Sibbi loo/ing progressi1ely -ore worrie.0 !hat coul. be going on*- 96ou,re -o1ing too slow+ Sibbi09 19:!3:21<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *the left the 4ust in ti-e to see ' <artine: go into another an. he began to pic/ up his pace0 #1ery step closer -a/ing hi- fear the worst -ore an. -ore* 19:!3:4!<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: !hat$ I,- not slow$ *Huffs an. puffs+ hurrying faster after the pair ahea. of the-* 19:!(:12<Jamie-L>'alton: *he /ept hol. of Buc/,s han. an. began to 4og forwar.+ too curious an. too scare. to si-ply /eep wal/ing* !e can 4ust as/00Let,s 4ust catch up an. as/+ o/ay* 20:00:07<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He /ept up with Sibbi- 96ou are too slow09 20:02:10<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *.i.n,t ta/e any coercing to go to a 4og with 'alton* )-right0 Just as/0 5otta catch up* t that pace it .i.n,t ta/e the- long+ the right han. -an about to hea. .own so-e stairs before he stops to loo/ bac/ at the-* 20:10:07<Jamie-L>0 20:22:34<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *Tries to pro1e how not slow he is by running faster than "illian-- an. en.s up al-ost running into Buc/ an. 'alton when they reach 'o.ge0 He stops hi-self at the last secon. though+ an. 4ust blin/s at the three to see what they,re gonna as/* 20:2":34<Jamie-L>'alton: *he e;hale. before he trie. to spea/ to the green haire. assistant* 000!h000what,s happene.* 20:30:01<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He too stoppe. right before al-ost running into 'alton an. Buc/0 He clung to Sibbi 4ust to -a/e sure he .i.n,t20:33:11** %ru%elalli'rai'orhas left 2connection close.3 20:34:2!<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *he no..e. to confir- he ha. the sa-e Auestion an. loo/e. rea.y to 4u-p at the guy an. sha/e the answer out of hi-* )o$*e: *he loo/e. ob1iously ner1ous an. unsure he shoul. say anything+ loo/ing to the-+ an. then .irectly at Buc/* 000 It,s000 your partner000 20:34:3!<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>*.isappears for a bit* 77 20:3!:4!<Jamie-L>BB6OU (LOOC6 O<(577 20:43:2(<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *Uh oh+ that .oesn,t soun. goo. at all0 He loo/s at Buc/ uneasily+ sure that he isn,t going to react well to this* 21:03:29<Jamie-L>'alton: !hat about hi-$* *he snappe.+ su..enly furious* !hat .i. Justus .o$*$ 21:32:0!<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He bit his botto- lip an. loo/e. at Buc/22:30:!7<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *he too/ another step closer+ loo/ing rea.y to lunge* !here,s "letus* )o$*e: (rie.-ann .i.n,t .o anything$ So-eone00 I trie. to get to you in ti-e I really .i.000 *he loo/e. -ore an. -ore ner1ous0 #specially for a guy who,s usually oo:ing confi.ence* 22:3!:31<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *His eyes wi.en a little in surprise* So-eone what* 22:42:31<SunflowerSma h>077 22:!":1"<Jamie-L>'alton: 6ou were 4ust running to us$ !hat happene.$* *he tries to /eep Buc/ bac/* t least gi1e us so-e infor-ation$ 22:!(:37** Jamie-Lhas left 2ti-e. out3 23:00:44<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He furrowe. his eyebrows- 9!hat,s going on00009 23:0!:42<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>' *he too/ a step away fro- the-0 8articularly away fro- Buc/* !e thin/ so-eone poisone. the guy he was bon.e. to000 #u&+: *his eyes went wi.e before he su..enly lunge. at the other -an* !here,s "letus$* 23:13:22** ,eri$ian-ielhas left 2connection close.3 23:21:31<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *(eels his sto-ach sin/ upon hearing that+ instantly alar-e.* 8oisone.*$ By who$ re they both alright* 23:21:!3** Jamie-Lhas 4oine. 23:22:01<Jamie-L>!H T 'I' I <ISS O<57 23:23:09<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>DD:EE:FG 8< =SunflowerS-ash> "illian: -He furrowe. his eyebrows- 9!hat,s going on00009 DD:EH:FF 8< =Bloo.-an.-Spice> ' *he too/ a step away fro- the-0 8articularly away fro- Buc/* !e thin/

so-eone poisone. the guy he was bon.e. to000 Buc/: *his eyes went wi.e before he su..enly lunge. at the other -an* !here,s "letus$* DD:DI:JF 8< ** <eri.ian"iel has left 2connection close.3 DD:JD:II 8< =5olly:illa> Sibbi: *(eels his sto-ach sin/ upon hearing that+ instantly alar-e.* 8oisone.*$ By who$ re they both alright* 23:2!:23<Jamie-L>'alton: *his face pale. as he thought of what the other,s wor.s -eant* He gets to see hi-0 I .on,t care what Justus says0 Ta/e hi- to "letus0 *his 4aw set+ trying to /eep his anger surpresse.* 23:27:17<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He stare. at ' for a long while trying to co-prehen. what he really -eant before fe1erishly glancing aroun. that the others when he .i.23:2(:!0<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>' *he -anage. to re-ain cal- .espite the -an gripping angrily at his shirt* 6ou,re not gonna li/e it0 23:29:07** ,eri$ian-ielhas 4oine. 23:29:27<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *the southerner practically shoo/ hi-* I .on,t care$ Ta/e -e to ,e-$ 23:37:!7** Jamie-Lhas left 2connection close.3 23:3(:13** Jamie-Lhas 4oine. 23:39:0!** Jamie-Lhas 4oine. 23:39:3"<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *waits for ' to reply+ hoping that nobo.y will ha1e to use any force against the -an* 23:40:4!** Jamie-Lhas left 2ti-e. out3 23:41:33** Jamie-Lhas left 2ti-e. out3 23:43:14** Jamie-Lhas 4oine. 23:44:03<Gollyzilla>DD:JK:DF 8< =SunflowerS-ash> "illian: -He stare. at ' for a long while trying to co-prehen. what he really -eant before fe1erishly glancing aroun. that the others when he .i.DD:JL:FK 8< =Bloo.-an.-Spice> ' *he -anage. to re-ain cal- .espite the -an gripping angrily at his shirt* 6ou,re not gonna li/e it0 DD:JM:EF 8< ** <eri.ian"iel has 4oine. DD:JM:JF 8< =Bloo.-an.-Spice> Buc/: *the southerner practically shoo/ hi-* I .on,t care$ Ta/e -e to ,e-$ DD:IK:HF 8< ** Ja-ie-L has left 2connection close.3 DD:IL:DE 8< ** Ja-ie-L has 4oine. DD:IM:EJ 8< ** Ja-ie-L has 4oine. DD:IM:II 8< =5olly:illa> Sibbi: *waits for ' to reply+ hoping that nobo.y will ha1e to use any force against the -an* 23:4!:4(<Jamie-L>'alton: *flips his shit an. starts ranting in welsh at the green haire. -an- -ore or less telling ' to ,ta/e hi-,* 23:4(:0"<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He tense. up as 'alton began shouting- 9#nough0 Just ta/e hi-09 23:!0:!1<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>=b>' =@b> *he grabs Buc/,s wrists+ pulling the -an off with so-e .ifficulty before turning to /eep going .own the stairs* 23:!1:10<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>' *he grabs Buc/,s wrists+ pulling the -an off with so-e .ifficulty before turning to /eep going .own the stairs* #u&+: *follows right behin. hi-* 23:!!:39<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *(ollows$ Still trying to figure out who woul. ha1e poisone. "letus,s partner+ an. why* 23:!(:01<Jamie-L>'alton: *right after Buc/+ gi1ing the other enough space to -o1e+ but terrifie. at what they woul. see* 00:00:11<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -Trailing after the rest still trying to co-prehen. what is going on an. the i-plications00:07:29<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>' *he le. the- .own a corri.or an. towar.s a pair of large iron .oors0 'espite their apparent thic/ness though yelling in Japanese coul. be hear. on the other si.e fro- a fa-iliar 1oice0 Swiping his car. an. punching in so-e /eys into the pa. besi.e the .oor+ they coul. hear a clic/ as it unloc/e.0 !hen ' swung the .oor open+ scientist+ guar.s an. .irector,s ali/e all fro:e an. loo/e. in their .irection0 giant gator .e-on was lying -otionless behin. the-* #u&+: *his eyes grew wi.e an. he went breathless for an instant0 The ne;t he was running forwar. sho1ing anyone in his way to get to "letus* 00:09:!9<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *Stops at the sight of "letus+ fear sei:ing hi- up0 He .i.n,t see- to be -o1ing- was he alrea.y .ea.* He loo/s at the wor/ers in the roo-+ hoping for an e;planation fro- so-eone* 00:14:37<Jamie-L>'alton: *He free:es+ his anger for horror0 Then+ without e1en bothering to loo/ at the rest+ he goes after Buc/+ lea1ing the others behin. to get to the southerner* 00:17:13<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He fro:e right besi.e Sibbi0 His eyes went wi.e an. any breath in his bo.y ha. left0 ll he coul. .o is bring a han. up to his -outh an. stare an. tre-ble00:24:0"<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/: *he fell to his /nees when he reache. his frien.+ in panic an. horror0 He trie. pushing at the other,s huge hea. yelling* 5et up$ Bu..y you can,t .o this to -e 5#T U8$ *when it .i.n,t wor/ tears began spilling out* 8lease$ I,- sorry$ Ju 'u : *the .irector stare. silently at the -an brea/ing .own for a long -o-ent+ a clear frown plastere. on his face0 He turne. towar.s ' hi- a car.* Loc/ s:e .oc/ gates0 &o 1one lea1es0 )o$*e:6essir000 *ta/es the car. an. turns to run off bac/ the way he ca-e* 00:30:1!<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *His heart absolutely aches to see Buc/ brea/ .own that way+ an. it see-s to confir- his fearsN still stunne.+ all he can .o is loo/ o1er to Justus* !hat-- who .i. this* !hy000* *barely pays attention to the about loc/ing gates* 00:33:14<Jamie-L>'alton: *he wante. to screa- at the-+ to fin. out why the .e-on an. his partner -who ha. been tighter security than the-- ha. en.e. up li/e this0 He wante. to shoc/ e1ery occupant in the roo- that wore unifor- or lab coat0 'ropping behin. the southerner+ he .i. the only thing he /new he coul. then- wrapping his ar-s

aroun. the other an. bloc/ing anyone fro- seeing the tears on the brunette,s face* 00:3":!(<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He silently loo/e. at Justus for an answer when Sibbi ha. as/e. 1isibly sha/ing00:3(:3"** ,eri$ian-ielhas left 2connection close.3 00:43:!0<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Buc/:*he .e1ol1e. into a sobbing an. -ass of .epression+ unable to .o -uch -ore than barely coherent curses an. apologies0 The people aroun. hi- .i.n,t -atter at this point* Ju 'u : *he turne. to loo/ at the other two une;pecte. guests0 Silent for a -o-ent * 000 I .o not /now000 &ot yet0 *he spo/e softly+ an. Auietly* 00:47:42<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: !hat .o you -ean you .on,t /now*$ *"an,t help raising his 1oice+ feeling his an;iety rising* re you telling -e there,s so-eone loose on this islan. trying to /ill us*$ !hat if they go after so-eone else*$ "hec/ your .a-ne. ca-eras+ what are they goo. for if you cannot e1en catch the person who .i. this$ 00:!3:03<Jamie-L>'alton: *he trie. to co-fort the other+ his ar-s loc/e. aroun. the -an+ letting the southerner -ourn0 He .i.n,t try to -o1e the other away yet+ slowly roc/ing the brunette to let hi- /now he was there for hi-* 00:!7:!7<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -Still sha/ing he shoute. at Justus angrily- 9How .o you not /now*$ 6ou too/ hi- fro- his partner$ 6ou were suppose. to watch o1er hi-$ Sibbi,s right$ 6ou,1e got security out the arse of this place an. you still coul.n,t /eep the- safe*$ 5oes to show how goo. you are at your go..a-n 4ob$9 -He snappe. as his s/in began to heat up01:00:!3<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Justus: *he close. his eyes0 Ta/ing a -o-ent of silence before he began to turn an. wal/ out the .oor* (ollow -e0 If you,re going to be lou. I 1ill not e;plain here0 #u&+:*#1entually his -utterings stoppe. an. all he coul. .o was cry+ his weight leaning into the -an aroun. hi-* O 01:04:39<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *Balls his han.s into fists+ but000 .oesn,t want to /eep shouting+ when Buc/ is trying to -ourn0 "asting a worrie. loo/ o1er towar.s Buc/ an. 'alton+ he starte. to follow the .irector0 t least this will gi1e the- a bit -ore pri1acy* 01:09:42<Jamie-L>'alton: *tears fille. his eyes as he felt the other hi.e into his e-brace0 Loo/ing bac/ o1er his e1entually+ he loo/e. between his frien.s before -outhing for the- to go+ waiting until he coul. lift the brunette away fro- the scene* 01:12:!0<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He .i.n,t notice. 'alton0 His eyes were loc/e. onto Justus as he followe. after hifists an. 4aw clenche. seething with a .eep anger that ha. been represse. for Auite so-e ti-e01:19:4!<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Justus: *he wal/e. out of the roo- an. hea.e. .own the hall a ways to so-ewhere -ore .iscreet0 He turns an. loo/s at the-* ?hat has happene. here is 1ery recent0 S:e poison use. 1as li/ely .e-on bloo. 0 There 1as no cure0 The sub4ect 1as .oo-e.0 I sent <r0 <artine: to try to rebon. "letus to <r0 Bailey howe1er0000 Unfortunately s:e .eath 1as re-ar/ably fast000 #u&+: *clung to 'alton as his only support+ staring at his frien. as the noises he was -a/ing slowly .ie. .own* 01:2":34<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *Turns his attention bac/ onto Justus+ his own te-per being .a-pene. slightly by fear when he hears this* It ha. to be so-eone with access to the roo- where they were being hel.+ right* )oun. up anyone who was in here$ 01:31:!1<Jamie-L>'alton: *his fingers brushe. through the other,s hair until he finally foun. his 1oice again* Let,s fin. Justus0 0 0 *he whispere. into the other,s ear+ no longer paying attention to the rest of the roo-* 01:3":4!<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -His own anger .i. not .ie .own- 9'e-on bloo.*$ So that -eans it woul. ha1e to be ingeste. an. that -eans that so-eone ha. the -eans to get their han.s on .e-on bloo. as if it wasn,t a big .eal0 That is still an incre.ibly big hole in your security0 6ou lot -ight wor/ with .e-ons but you 1ery well /now it,s been use. as poison for years+ centuries$ Tch0 Secure facility -y arse09 01:43:13<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Justus: *his face re-aine. stoic0 * If only aAuiring bloo. 1as har. <r0 Bra.ley0 It,s unli/ely he too/ s:e bloo. fro- s:e facility itself0 n.+ I feel it,s safe to assu-e is 1as slippe. in his foo.0 It,s li/ely he 1ante. to try to /ill all of you+ only he -ay not ha1e planne. you to coo/ for yoursel1es0 The -an responsible 1ill be put to 4ustice0 n. I feel sure I /now who is responsible000 but000 #u&+: *he stays clinge. to 'alton+ not answering bac/* 01:49:42<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: !ho*$ *His anger co-es surging right bac/+ especially at the i.ea that they ha. LL -eant to be poisone.* 01:!1:21<Jamie-L>'alton: *lifting the other into his ar-s+ he carrie. the other away fro- the roo-+ -o1ing into the hallway where the rest were situate.0 He glare. at the other bespectale. -an+ -o1ing towar. hi-* 01:!4:17<SunflowerSma h>"illian: 9But what*$ !hat is it*9 -He snappe.0 t this point+ the stea- co-ing off of hibeca-e 1isible01:!9:04<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Justus: 000 *watching "illian cautiously* Ce -oti1e concerns -e000 *loo/s in the .irections of the approaching couple* 000 I ha1e faile. you0 Un. :is failure 1ill haunt -e fore1er <r0 Bra.ley0 *loo/s bac/ at "illian* But apologi:ing 1ill not -a/e anys:ing better0 ll I can .o is -a/e sure this .oes not go unpunishe.000 02:01:01<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: #;actly$ (in. whoe1er .i. this an. bring the- to 4ustice$ n. in the -eanti-e+ fin. a way to /eep the rest of us safe0 *Turns his hea.+ an. sees how angry "illi is* "illian000 *He reaches o1er to try cal-ing the ginger with a touch to the but all that .oes is gi1e hi- a case of H &' BU)&I&5* Ow$ *pulls that han. bac/* 02:0(:29<Jamie-L>'alton: *-u-bles to hi-self first+ then -o1es closer to the .irector+ turning so Buc/ wont get sAuashe. between the-* 6ou .eser1e the sa-e punish-ent for the lac/ of control0 5i1e out all the e;cuses you li/e+ but in the en.+ your hea. shoul. be on the sa-e chopping bloc/0 02:13:!3<SunflowerSma h>"illian: 9I .on,t want your apologies anyway09 -He sneere. at the -an0 He spare. Sibbi a glare when he touche. hi- before turning his ga:e bac/ on the .irector- 9 ll I want is your assurance that this will not happen again0 If it .oes+ there will be nothing to stop what will co-e after09 02:17:2!<#loo$-an$-S%i&e>Justus: 0000 6ou,re both 1ery right000 000 it 1ill not happen again000 &ow000 if you,ll please00 0I

1ill clean up the current -ess I,1e -a.e000 *he turns to lea1e* 02:24:24<Gollyzilla>Sibbi: *Is 1ery -uch unsettle. by all of this+ an. he continues to frown0 He loo/s towar.s the others+ his e;pression softening a little when he sees Buc/0 'espite not being close to the -an+ he hates to see this happening to hi-0 He can only i-agine how he,. feel if it ha. happene. to Bell* !e shoul. go+ we shoul. tell people about what happene.0 #1eryone nee.s to be -uch -ore careful about what they eat an. .rin/000 at least until this person is caught0 02:2(:!!<Jamie-L>'alton: *he stare. the other .own+ then without saying a wor. to the others+ wal/e. away+ carrying the -an in his ar-s to so-ewhere pri1ate* 02:30:32<SunflowerSma h>"illian: -He stare. at the .irector,s bac/ as he left -a/ing hi-self pull his ga:e away before he set hi- on fire- 9Let,s go09 -He turne. aroun. going bac/ towar.s their Auarters-

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