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Beautiful Lonely awful interesting enormous first so VOCABULARY because next Adventure exciting accident afraid magic fierce

Shelter baggage Companion vehicle Gigantic weird freezing quietly Silently bravely happiness joy sadness fear transport

Thunderous fearful marvelous attractive generously nervously worriedly patiently feelings courage experience echo peak patience wasteland container furnishing robe

Sensitively timid(ly) aggressively imaginatively unfortunate murderous echoing doubtful emotion anxiety longing progress communication system ingredient vibration prefer nourish demonstrate enjoy leap outstanding formidable yearning forebode adore speculate terrain atmosphere

CONNECTIVES and But so then because when

If after as well as although also while however besides even though never the less

In addition to Contrary to Despite So as to



CL ?

. CL ? , !

. CL ? , ! ...

The I My

Another Time Because First Then Next So Last The last time Soon After If

After a while Although Afterwards Before Eventually Sometimes Often

Never Even though Besides Always Mean while An important thing We always I felt as

. CL ? , ! ... ; : () Although I had Before very long However In addition Despite Ifthen I discovered Having decided I actually Due to As time went

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