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Year Ministry Plan

This year I would be focusing on the youth we already have and helping them become a strong and healthy youth group and family. 2nd year would be reaching the community and the high schools in the area, to start growing. But 1st year I believe the whole focus needs to be on becoming a youth group that knows who and what we stand for before we bring anyone else in. So we can be confident that our youth would be the influence, to become contagious not vice versa. This is the whole reason for the name That they would release a culture instead of just exposing it, because we were called to change the Atmosphere. My prayer is that we would become contagious instead of the infection. The Goal for the youth this year would be to teach them service. I would teach them who they serve (Jesus Christ) and why, also how to serve others. We would be serving the church first and the next year would be serving the church and the community. ______________________________________________________________________________ To participate in any youth event (including youth camp) you must serve 100 hours per year. 50 hours must be completed before leaving for camp. The youth that have reached 100 or 100+ hours will have a special event that only they can attend at the end of the year Ways to serve 1) Food Bank To help Cheryl bag and give out groceries on certain approved days.

2) Set up and Take Down Setting up and cleaning for events held at the church such as: showers, parties, luncheons, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Christmas the youth would be over Santa Land, the decorating, clean up, gift wrapping and handing out gifts Christmas day. 3) Kids Caf Cooking, serving the food and cleaning up. (Must take a food handlers class) 4) Back to School Backpacks Putting the backpacks together and handing them out. 5) VBS (With Pastor Sandras Approval) Helping out with whatever is needed for that week. 6) XLR8 (With Pastor Sandras Approval) Helping out with whatever is needed 7) Fundraising Events Car washes, spaghetti dinners, etc. 8) Senior Service Helping the seniors in the church on weekends with yard work, washing their car, etc.

Event Plan

January- None February- Teaching on purity and having a purity banquet at the end of the month (next year) March- Spring Break Disciple Now April- Easter Scavenger Hunt in the park (family event) May- None June- End of Summer Pool Party and Rock the Flags July- Camp extreme camps August- Back to School Family Cook Out September- None October- Fear Factor and Harvest Fest November- Holiday in the Park December- Christmas Party and New Years Eve Lock In

Communication Plan
1) Build a ministry Website 2) Ministry Facebook and Twitter 3) Regular calls, texts and emails to the youth and their parents 4) Flyers for upcoming events and a monthly bulletin 5) Power point slides for the youth and main service 6) Biannual pot lucks for youth and family

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