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Air Pollution Danielle Crasiuc Kirby 5hr

Claim :Air pollution gives a higher risk of heart attack and stroke by at
least 5% and 34%.

Evidence: Polluted air is similar to second hand smoke it is

unwanted but exposure can lead to a damaged heart system, the air pollutants are hard to avoid because the air is so dense with it we do not notice the deadly effects. Also, the polluted air can destabilize plaques in the heart arteries and trigger heart attacks. Toxic compounds in the air can increase heart rate and make the heart less responsive when it needs to pump more or less blood, also can slowdown the circulatory system as a whole by making the blood thicker and more viscous.

Reasoning: From the evidence shown you can see that the
pollutants in the air affect our heart dangerously and can increase chances of a stroke or heart attack because the information shows how it increases our risk. First, the polluted air is hard to avoid. Second, the toxic compounds destabilize the plaques and trigger heart attacks. Lastly it distorts the circulatory system. Therefore the air pollutants links to higher risk of heart attack and stroke.

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