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Futsal club leader : MohammadFirman Wahyudi Club Profile: Futsal which grabs students interest is one of the most

exciting sports in the world. Futsal is a bit different from soccer in some parts which are shoes, ball, and field and some roles but basically it is similar with soccer. In Palembang futsal is a very famous game which does not only need physical strength to win but it needs also strategy, team work, and courage to beat foes. In SMAN Sumatera Selatan, Futsal is a game which gives students opportunities to evolve their skills deeper, but it does not mean that Futasl in this school will not receive students who just start playing futsal. We play together every Saturday afternoon. Before jumping to the advance level start form warming up, basic level such as dribbling, passing. Our activity is not only about practice every week but we had done a game with other Schools in order to strengthen the connection between schools in Palembang. Sometimes we are going to join a competition when it appears although we have not achieved a trophy yet, but we keep doing our best to reach the best as well.

Club achievement : The participant of open house SMAN SUMSEL (Sampoerna Academy). The participant of Rajawalis cup (Se-SumSel). Became the committee of Futsal League between Class. Became the committee in Open House of SMAN SumSel. The 16 biggest in Sweat Futsal competition 2013 The participant of Mdp cup. The participant of Lpi Competition.

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