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Our final presentation is about video games, were going to talk about the history and evolution of video

game, weve also going to talk about the main companies and who were the video game creators. WHAT IS A VIDEO GAME? A video game is software created for entertainment in general and based on the interaction between one or more persons by means of a controller and an electronic device that runs the game. THE OBJETIVE OF THE VIDEO GAME IS: To involve and to take us different places real and unreal; where we are able to do things that we cant do in our reality. verything started in !"#$, when %olan busnhell and al corn were systems engineer who &uit their 'obs in silicon valley to fulfill their dream of creating videogames. They started a company called ATA() which was the name of busnhells favorite game of two dimensions that simulate a table tennis, this machine operated with coins, later they had a legal problem with ralph baer who was a television designer, because busnhell copied the idea to ralph in a fair and they modified it in his way. COMPANIES Atari )s a company that can develop public and distribute videogames to control panel and computers. )t was found on the *+A in !"#$ is consider the created of the video games industry. Sega ,ere born in !"-. with the companies: +ervice games and rosen enterprises that made coins machines. /ere some consoles created by +ega: +0 !..., +ega sc -..., +ega nomad, +ega game gear, +ega dream cast. This company was dedicated to programming videogames of sports, adventure, table games, strategy. Konami ,ere born in !"." when kagesama kosuki began with a company dedicated Nintendo The 1apanese company was founded in !22" by 3usa'iro 4amauchi.

)n !"## presented the domestic console THE COLO released the SNES. And !""5 NINTENDO !#"

TV GAME !" )n 2.s he

%intendo has sold millions of copies of their games, thank to interesting games such as S$PE MA IO who was born with the history game or DONKE% KONG"

ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE VIDEO GAME& +ome of the advantages of the video game are: 6ideo game stimulates the psychomotor skill 3orce people to reason and retain information.

The disadvantages of the video game are: ncourages isolation of the individuals. 7istract children or people from doing their homework activities or duties. 0enerates stress and eyestrain. ncourages violence and aggressive attitude, regarding content.

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