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Book 1........................................4
Befriending the Learned.....................4 Self-cultivation.....................................9 On D eing...........................................13 On the nece!!it of !tandard!.............1" #he !even cau!e! of an$iet ...............%% Indulgence in &$ce!!..........................%' #hreefold (rgu)ent...........................3*

Book 9.....................................%3*

1onde)nation of Mu!ic II...............%3* 1onde)nation of Mu!ic III..............%3* (nti-3atali!) I..................................%3" (nti-3atali!) II................................%4* (nti-3atali!) III...............................%,1 (nti-1onfuciani!) I.........................%,9 (nti-1onfuciani!) II.......................%,9

Book %.......................................39

&$altation of the +irtuou! I...............39 &$altation of the +irtuou! II.............4, &$altation of the +irtuou! III............,9

Book 10...................................%"3

1anon I..............................................%"3 1anon II.............................................30'

Book 3.......................................*"
Identification -ith the Su.erior I......*" Identification -ith the Su.erior II....."3 Identification -ith the Su.erior III...'"

Book 11...................................309

Ma6or Illu!tration!.............................309 Minor Illu!tration!............................309 5eng Zhu...........................................310

Book 4......................................9'
/niver!al Love I..................................9' /niver!al Love II..............................10% /niver!al Love III.............................111

Book 1%...................................3%4

&!tee) for 7ighteou!ne!!.................3%4 5ong Meng........................................33*

Book ,.....................................1%*
1onde)nation of Offen!ive 2ar I...1%* 1onde)nation of Offen!ive 2ar II. 1%9 1onde)nation of Offen!ive 2ar III 13*

Book 13....................................3,3

Lu8! 9ue!tion.....................................3,3 5ong Shu...........................................3"%

Book 14...................................3"*

Book *.....................................14'
&cono) &cono) &cono) Si).licit Si).licit Si).licit

of &$.enditure! I..............14' of &$.enditure! II............1,% of &$.enditure! III...........1,* in 3uneral! I.....................1,* in 3uneral! II....................1,* in 3uneral! III..................1,"

3ortification of the 1it 5ate...........3"* Defen!e again!t (ttack fro) an &levation............................................3"* Defen!e again!t (ttack -ith Ladder! ............................................................3"* :re.aration again!t Inundation........3"" :re.aration again!t a Sall ................3"" :re.aration again!t #unnelling........3"" Defence again!t (nt-7u!h................3""

Book ".....................................1"4

2ill of 4eaven I................................1"4 2ill of 4eaven II..............................1'% 2ill of 4eaven III............................194

Book 1,....................................3"'
#he Sacrifice again!t the 1o)ing of the &ne) ..........................................3"' 3lag! and :ennant!............................3"' 1o))and! and Order!......................3"' Mi!cellaneou! Mea!ure! in Defence.3"'

Book '....................................%0"
On 5ho!t! I.......................................%0" On 5ho!t! II.....................................%0" On 5ho!t! III...................................%0' 1onde)nation of Mu!ic I.................%%"



Book 1

Befriending the Learned

f one doe! not .re!erve the learned in a !tate he -ill ;e in6uring the !tate< if one i! not =ealou! >to reco))end? the virtuou! u.on !eeing one@ he -ill ;e neglecting the ruler. &nthu!ia!) i! to ;e !ho-n onl to the virtuou!@ and .lan! for the countr are onl to ;e !hared -ith the

learned. 3e- are tho!e@ -ho@ neglecting the virtuou! and !lighting the learned@ could !till )aintain the e$i!tence of their countrie!.

3or)erl Lord 2en -a! once in e$ile and et later ;eca)e the leading feudal lord. Lord 4uan -a! once forced to leave hi! !tate and et later ;eca)e a At rantB a)ong the feudal lord!. Lord 5ou Cian of Due -a! once ;rought under hu)iliation ; the king of 2u@ and et he -a! later looked u.on -ith a-e ; the .rince! of 1hina. #he rea!on that the!e three )en ;eca)e fa)ou! and !ucce!!ful in the -orld lie! in that the -ere a;le to endure !ha)e and hu)iliation -ithin their !tate!. #he greate!t )en kno- of no defeat. #he ne$t greate!t turn failure into !ucce!!@ and thi!@ ; the e).lo )ent of the .eo.le.

I have heard it !aidE It i! not that there i! no .eaceful a;ode ;ut that I have no .eaceful heart >over other!8 ho)ele!!ne!!?< it i! not that ) -ealth i! not !ufficient ;ut that ) .a!!ion earn! for )ore >to i).rove other!8 condition!?. #herefore the !u.erior )an i!

!trict -ith one8! !elf ;ut lenient -ith other! >in )atter! of conduct? -hile the )ultitude are lenient -ith the)!elve! ;ut !trict -ith other!. #he !u.erior )an carrie! out hi! a);ition! !ucce!!full in action and !tudie! the !ituation -hen he i! at lei!ure. &ven -hen he i! taken a! a )ediocre individual he feel! no di!!ati!faction. #hi! i! ;ecau!e he ha! !elfconfidence. #herefore@ tho!e -ho atte).t -hat !ee)! difficult to the) -ill o;tain -hat the de!ire@ ;ut fe- -ho ai) at -hat the de!ire can avoid -hat the di!like. #herefore@ artful )ini!ter! are har)ful to the lord and flattering !u;ordinate! are in6uriou! to the ruler. #he lord !hould have unco).ro)i!ing )ini!ter!< the ruler !hould have !tern !u;ordinate!. Onl -hen coun!el i! given -ith far!ightedne!! and advice ad)ini!tered -ith !ternne!!@ can the life of the !tate ;e !ecure and .er)anent.

If >to the contrar ? the !u;ordinate! !hould value their .o!ition! and kee. !ilence@ the )ini!ter! near at hand -ould ;e !.eechle!! and tho!e far a-a could onl !igh@ and the .eo.le -ould ;eco)e ;itter. 2hen the ruler i! !urrounded -ith .rai!e! and flatterie! and in!ulated again!t good coun!el!@ then the countr i! in danger. 2a! it not ;ecau!e the

-ould not e).lo the !cholar!@ that Cie and Zhou lo!t their e).ire and their live!F #hu! it i! !aid E #o offer the greate!t trea!ure of the countr to the ruler i! not a! lauda;le a! to reco))end the virtuou! and introduce the learned.

()ong the five -ea.on! the !har.e!t -ill ;e ;roken fir!t. ()ong the five !-ord! the keene!t -ill ;e fir!t -orn out. #he !-eet -ell! ;eco)e !ooner dr and the elegant tree! are oftener felled. #he tortoi!e! that are )ore re!.on!ive are oftener ;urned and the !nake! that !ho- )ore )agic .o-er are )ore !acrificed. #hu!@ Bi 5an died of hi! u.rightne!!< Meng 3en .eri!hed ; hi! !trength< Gi Shi .aid -ith her life for her ;eaut < and 2u 9i -a! torn alive for hi! achieve)ent. #hi! !ho-! that there are ;ut fe- -ho e$cel other .eo.le and do not .eri!h on account of it. 4ence the !a ingE :o!ition of the ! i! hard to kee..

&ven the kind ruler -ill not !ho- favour! to )ini!ter! -ithout )erit. &ven the affectionate father -ill not love hi! u!ele!!

!on!. 4e -ho! a .o!ition ;ut i! not eHual to the ta!k i! not the .er!on for the .o!ition. 4e -ho dra-! e)olu)ent! ;ut doe! not de!erve the rank i! not the .ro.rietor of the e)olu)ent!. 5ood ;o-! )a ;e hard to dra-@ ;ut the can reach great height! and .ierce dee.l . 5ood hor!e! )a ;e hard to ride on@ ;ut the can carr heav ;urden! and )ake long 6ourne !. 7eal talent! )a ;e hard to co))and@ ;ut the can ;e tru!ted to ;e envo ! to the court of the e).eror and to )eet the no;ilit . #herefore the ;ig river! do not de!.i!e the little ;rooklet! for tri;utarie!. (nd great )en do not neglect an )enial ta!k or re6ect an trifle@ and !o the ;eco)e ve!!el! for the -orld. #he -ater in a river doe! not co)e fro) a !ingle !ource@ neither i! the fur coat that i! -orth a thou!and i co).o!ed of the -hite fur of a !ingle fo$. Io-@ to di!card tho!e -ho agree -ith the right ;ut e).lo tho!e -ho agree -ith one8! !elf i! not the -a to ;e a great ruler. >Cu!t a!? 4eaven and earth do not da==le@ great ;odie! of -ater do not ;oil and foa)@ and great conflagration! do not coru!cate@ >!o? the i).erial character doe! not lift it!elf u. ;e ond reach.

(! to the chieftain of onl a thou!and .eo.le@ he i! !traight like an arro- and !)ooth like a -het!tone@ una;le to tolerate the )anifold -a !. 3or narro- gorge! clog u. ra.idl @ !hallo- !trea)! are !oon e$hau!ted@ and the ;arren land doe! not ;ear fruit!. 2hen a ruler confine! hi! favour! -ithin hi! .alace@ then the cannot ;e !hared ; the -hole countr .


hough there !hould ;e tactic! in -ar@ courage i! funda)ental. #hough there !hould ;e cere)onie! for )ourning@ grief i! e!!ential. #hough a !cholar !hould ;e learned@ he )u!t fir!t of all e$hi;it good conduct. 2hen the !eed! are not -ell !o-n@ there i! no u!e in la;ouring for a good harve!t. 2hen the .eo.le near-; are

not ;efriended there i! no u!e of endeavouring to attract tho!e at a di!tance. 2hen one8! relative! are not !u;)i!!ive@ there i! no u!e in endeavouring to e!ta;li!h contact! -ith the out!ide -orld. 2hen one cannot acco).li!h a !ingle ta!k fro) ;eginning to end. there i! no u!e of atte).ting )an thing!. (nd -hen one i! ignorant of a co))on.lace that i! .ointed out@ there i! no u!e of .ur!uing -ide kno-ledge.

#herefore@ -hen the earl king! ad)ini!tered the e).ire@ the -ould inve!tigate -hat -a! -ithin reach and attract tho!e at a di!tance. Inve!tigation of a localit ; the !u.erior )en )ean! it! orderl govern)ent. 2hen the di!covered )i!conduct or de.ravit @ the corrected the)!elve!. #hu! all co).laint! di!a..eared and conduct ;eca)e regulated >; it!elf?. 2hen the !u.erior )en do not li!ten to treacherou! -ord! or utter an threatening !ound@ or entertain an idea of in6uring !o)e;od @ then even if there -ere underhanded .er!on! the -ould lo!e !u..ort. #herefore the !u.erior )en are dail )ore energetic in .erfor)ing their dut @ ;ut -eaker in their de!ire!@ and )ore

!tatel in their a..earance.

#he -a of the !u.erior )an )ake! the individual incorru.ti;le in .overt and righteou! -hen -ealth < it )ake! hi) love the living and )ourn the dead. #he!e four Hualitie! of conduct cannot ;e h .ocriticall e);odied in one8! .er!onalit . #here i! nothing in hi! )ind that goe! ;e ond love< there i! nothing in hi! ;ehaviour that goe! ;e ond re!.ectfulne!!@ and there i! nothing fro) hi! )outh that goe! ;e ond gentilit . 2hen one .ur!ue! !uch a -a until it .ervade! hi! four li);! and .er)eate! hi! fle!h and !kin@ and until he ;eco)e! -hitehaired and ;ald-headed -ithout cea!ing@ one i! trul a !age.

4i! -i!do) -ill not ;e far-reaching -ho!e .ur.o!e i! not fir). 4i! action -ill not ;e effective -ho!e .ro)i!e! are not ke.t. 4e -ho -ill not !hare hi! .o!!e!!ion! -ith other! i! not -orth to ;e a friend. (nd he -ho doe! not !tand fir) on .rinci.le! and ha! neither -ide kno-ledge nor .enetrating 6udg)ent@ i! not -orth to ;e a co).anion. Cu!t a! a -eak

trunk -ill have ;ut !)all ;ranche!@ !o@ )ere ;raver -ithout cultivation -ill re!ult in di!!i.ation. (nd 6u!t a! a dirt !ource -ill i!!ue in an i).ure !trea)@ !o unfaithful conduct -ill unfavoura;l affect one8! fa)e. 3or@ fa)e doe! not !.ring u. out of nothing@ nor doe! .rai!e gro- ; it!elf. 3a)e follo-! u.on !ucce!! and i! not o;taina;le ; h .ocri! . 4e -ill not ;e li!tened to -ho talk! )uch ;ut i! !lo- in action@ even though he i! di!cerning. 4e -ill not acco).li!h an thing@ -ho i! ca.a;le ;ut like! to ;oa!t of hi! feat!@ even though he drudge!. #he -i!e di!cern! all in hi! )ind ;ut !.eak! !i).l @ and he i! ca.a;le ;ut doe! not ;oa!t of hi! deed!. (nd@ !o. hi! na)e i! e$alted the -orld over. In !.eech@ not Huantit ;ut ingenuit @ not eloHuence ;ut in!ight@ !hould ;e cultivated. If one i! not -i!e and -ithout in!ight@ ;reeding onl di!!i.ation in one8! .er!onalit @ thi! i! 6u!t the contrar of -hat !hould ;e cultivated. (n virtue that doe! not !.ring fro) the heart -ill not re)ain and an >re!ult of? action that i! not ai)ed at ; one8! !elf -ill not !ta . #here i! no !hort cut to fa)e and there i! no trick to .rai!e. #he !u.erior )an regard! hi! ;od ;ut a! the vehicle for hi! character. Ione -ho .lace! )uch i).ortance on .er!onal gain! ;ut lightl !acrifice! hi! fa)e ha! ever ;eco)e a gentle)an in the -orld.

On Dyeing


atching a d er of !ilk at -ork@ Mo=i !ighed@ !a ingE 2hat i! d ed in ;lue ;eco)e! ;lue@ -hat i! d ed in ello;eco)e! ello-. 2hen the !ilk i! .ut in a different d e@ it! colour ;eco)e! al!o different. 4aving ;een di..ed in five ti)e!@ it ha! changed it! colour five ti)e!. #herefore d eing !hould ;e done -ith great care.

#hi! i! true not onl -ith !ilk d eing< even a countr change! it! colour in re!.on!e to it! influence!. #hu! Shun ca)e under the influence! of Gu Dou and Bo Dang< Du@ under that of 5ao #ao and Bo Di< #ang@ under that of Di Din and Zhong 4ui< and Jing 2u@ under that of the 5rand Duke and Duke Zhou. Io- the!e four king! had ;een under good influence!. #herefore the ca)e to

.o!!e!! the e).ire and -ere co))i!!ioned Son! of 4eaven >&).eror!?. #heir achieve)ent! and great fa)e e$tended fro) 4eaven to earth. (nd -hen the .ree)inentl )agnani)ou! and righteou! figure! of the -orld are )entioned@ the are invaria;l tho!e referred to.

Cie of Gia ca)e under the influence of 5an Gin and #ui Di< Zhou of Din@ under that of the Duke of Zhong and & Lai< Jing Li@ under that of 1hang 3u@ Duke Li@ and Di Zhong of the State of 7ong< and Jing Dou@ under that of Di@ Duke of 3u@ and 5u@ Duke of 1ai. Io- the!e four king! had ;een under ;ad influence!. #herefore the lo!t their e).ire and their live!@ and -ere .er!ecuted ever -here. (nd -hen the )o!t unrighteou! and !ha)eful .er!on! of the -orld are )entioned@ the are invaria;l tho!e referred to.

Lord 4uan of 9i ca)e under the influence of 5uan Zhong and Bao Shu< Lord 2en of Cin@ under that of /ncle 3an and 5ao Dan< Lord Zhuang of 1hu@ under that of Sun Shu

and the Mini!ter of Shen< 4e Lu of 2u@ under that of 2u Duan and 2en Di< and 5ou Cian of Due@ under that of 3an Li and Mini!ter Zhong. Io- the!e five lord! had ;een under good influence!. #herefore the ;eca)e # rant! a)ong the feudal lord! and their achieve)ent! and their fa)e -ere handed do-n to .o!terit .

3an Ci She ca)e under the influence of Zhang Liu Shuo and 2ang Sheng< Zhang Ging Din@ under that of Ci 9in and 5ao Ciang< 3u 1hai@ under that of 2ang Sun Luo and Mini!ter :i< Zhi Bo Dao@ under that of Zhi 5uo and Zhang 2u< Shang of Zhong!han@ under that of 2ei Di and Dan 1hang< and Lord Jang of Song@ under that of #ang Dang and #ian Bu Li. Io-@ the!e !i$ .rince! had ;een under ;ad influence!. #herefore their !tate! -ere ruined and the -ere e$ecuted@ their ance!tral te).le! -ere de!tro ed and de!cendant! annihilated. #he ruler! and the !u;6ect! -ere di!.er!ed and the .eo.le -ere left ho)ele!!. #he -hole -orld .oint! to the!e !i$ .rince! a! the )o!t greed and di!tur;ing .eo.le.

Io-@ ho- can the ruler! o;tain !ecurit F #he can o;tain it ; follo-ing the right -a . (nd one -ill naturall follo- the right -a -hen under good influence. #herefore ca.a;le ruler! are ver .ain!taking in the !election of )en -hile the )a not ;e !o careful in attending to the ad)ini!tration >the)!elve!?. But the inca.a;le -ear out their ;od and e$hau!t their energ @ ta$ their )ind and !tretch their thought@ and et their !tate! are onl .laced in greater danger and their .er!on! under )ore hu)iliation. Io-@ it i! not that the!e !i$ .rince! do not value their !tate! or hold their live! chea.@ it i! reall that the do not under!tand the relative i).ortance of thing!. (nd it i! due to ;ad influence! that their idea of i).ortance i! di!torted.

Iot onl !tate! ;ut al!o individual! are !u;6ect to influence!. If one ha! for friend! none ;ut tho!e -ho Iove )agnani)it and righteou!ne!! and -ho are careful and re!.ectful of cour!e one8! fa)il -ill ;eco)e )ore .ro!.erou!@ one8! .er!on )ore at .eace@

and one8! na)e )ore honora;le ever da < and@ a! an official@ one -ill ;e .ro.erl Hualified. &$a).le! of !uch are Duan 5an Mu@ 9in=i@ and 3u Due. >On the contrar ? if one ha! for friend! none ;ut tho!e -ho are .roud and Huarrel!o)e and -ho .retend to ;e inti)ate@ naturall one8! fa)il -ill ;e reduced to !trait!@ one8! .er!on -ill ;e )ore in danger@ and one8! na)e )ore di!honoura;le ever da and one -ill not ;e Hualified for office. (nd@ e$a).le! of !uch are Zi Gi@ Di Da@ and Shu Diao. (n Ode !a !E AOne )u!t choo!e -hat to ;e tinged -ith.B #o ;e careful a;out -hat one i! to ;e tinged -ith i! 6u!t the the)e of thi! >e!!a ?.

On the necessity of standards

o=i !aidE #o acco).li!h an thing -hat!oever one )u!t have !tandard!. Ione have et acco).li!hed an thing -ithout the). #he gentle)en fulfilling their dutie! a! general! and councillor! have their !tandard!. &ven the

arti!an! .erfor)ing their ta!k! al!o have their !tandard!. #he arti!an! )ake !Huare o;6ect! according to the !Huare@ circular o;6ect! according to the co).a!!e!< the dra!traight line! -ith the car.enter8! line and find the .er.endicular ; a .endulu). (ll arti!an!@ -hether !killed or un!killed@ e).lo the!e five !tandard!. Onl the !killed -orker! are accurate. #hough the un!killed la;ourer! have not attained accurac @ et the do ;etter ; follo-ing the!e !tandard! than other-i!e. #hu! all arti!an! follo- the !tandard! in their -ork.

Io-@ the govern)ent of the e).ire and that of the large !tate! do not o;!erve their !tandard!. #hi! !ho-! the governor! are even le!! intelligent than the arti!an!. 2hat@ then@ !hould ;e taken a! the !tandard in govern)entF 4o- -ill it do for ever ;od to i)itate hi! .arent!F #here are nu)erou! .arent! in the -orld ;ut fe- are )agnani)ou!. 3or ever ;od to i)itate hi! .arent! i! to i)itate the un)agnani)ou!. I)itating the un)agnani)ou! can not ;e !aid to ;e follo-ing the !tandard. 4o- -ill it do for ever ;od to follo- hi! teacherF #here are nu)erou! teacher! in the -orld ;ut fe- are )agnani)ou!. 3or

ever ;od to i)itate hi! teacher i! to i)itate the un)agnani)ou!. I)itating the un)agnani)ou! cannot ;e taken a! follo-ing the !tandard. 4o- -ill it do for ever ;od to i)itate hi! rulerF #here are )an ruler! in the -orld ;ut fe- are )agnani)ou!. 3or ever ;od to i)itate the ruler i! to i)itate the un)agnani)ou!. I)itating the un)agnani)ou! cannot ;e taken a! follo-ing the right !tandard. So then neither the .arent! nor the teacher nor the ruler !hould ;e acce.ted a! the !tandard in govern)ent.

2hat then !hould ;e taken a! the !tandard in govern)entF Iothing ;etter than follo-ing 4eaven. 4eaven i! all-inclu!ive and i).artial in it! activitie!@ a;undant and uncea!ing in it! ;le!!ing!@ and la!ting and untiring in it! guidance. (nd@ !o@ -hen the !age-king! had acce.ted 4eaven a! their !tandard@ the )ea!ured ever action and enter.ri!e ; 4eaven. 2hat 4eaven de!ired the -ould carr out@ -hat 4eaven a;o)inated the refrained fro). Io-@ -hat i! it that 4eaven de!ire!@ and -hat that it a;o)inate!F 1ertainl 4eaven de!ire! to have )en ;enefit and love one another and a;o)inate! to have the) hate and har) one another. 4o- do -e

kno- that 4eaven de!ire! to have )en love and ;enefit one another and a;o)inate! to have the) hate and har) one anotherF Becau!e it love! and ;enefit! )en univer!all . 4o- do -e kno- that it love! and ;enefit! )en univer!all F Becau!e it clai)! all and acce.t! offering! fro) all.

(ll !tate! in the -orld@ large or !)all@ are citie! of 4eaven@ and all .eo.le@ oung or old@ honoura;le or hu);le@ are it! !u;6ect!< for the all gra=e o$en and !hee.@ feed dog! and .ig!@ and .re.are clean -ine and cake! to !acrifice to 4eaven. Doe! thi! not )ean that 4eaven clai)! all and acce.t! offering! fro) allF Since 4eaven doe! clai) all and acce.t! offering! fro) all@ -hat then can )ake u! !a that it doe! not de!ire )en to love and ;enefit one anotherF 4ence tho!e -ho love and ;enefit other! 4eaven -ill ;le!!. #ho!e -ho hate and har) other! 4eaven -ill cur!e@ for it i! !aid that he -ho )urder! the innocent -ill ;e vi!ited ; )i!fortune. 4o- el!e can -e e$.lain the fact that )en@ )urdering each other@ -ill ;e cur!ed ; 4eavenF #hu! -e are certain that 4eaven de!ire! to have )en love and ;enefit one another and a;o)inate! to have the) hate and har) one another.

#he ancient !age-king!@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u loved the .eo.le of the -orld univer!all @ leading the) to reverence 4eaven and -or!hi. the !.irit!. Man -ere their ;enefit! to the .eo.le. (nd@ thereu.on 4eaven ;le!!ed the)@ e!ta;li!hing the) e).eror!< and all the feudal lord! of the e).ire !ho-ed the) re!.ect. >On the other hand? the -icked king!@ Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li@ hated all the .eo.le in the -orld@ !educing the .eo.le to cur!e 4eaven and ridicule the !.irit!. 5reat -ere their in6urie! to the .eo.le. #hereu.on 4eaven ;rought the) cala)it @ de.riving the) of their e).ire and their live!< and .o!terit conde)ned the) to thi! da . Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li@ then@ are tho!e that co))itted evil and -ere vi!ited ; cala)itie!. (nd Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u are tho!e that loved and ;enefited the .eo.le and o;tained ;le!!ing!. #hu! -e have tho!e -ho o;tained ;le!!ing! ;ecau!e the loved and ;enefited the .eo.le a! -ell a! tho!e -ho -ere vi!ited ; cala)itie! ;ecau!e the hated and har)ed the .eo.le.

The seven causes of anxiety

o=i !aidE #here are !even cau!e! of -orr to a !tate and the areE >1? 2hen the outer and the inner cit -all! are not defen!i;le< >%? 2hen an ene) !tate i! a..roaching and et one8! neigh;our! do not co)e to the re!cue< >3? 2hen the re!ource! of the .eo.le have all ;een !.ent on u!ele!! enter.ri!e! and gift! all !Huandered u.on inca.a;le )en@ -hen .eo.le8! re!ource! are e$hau!ted -ithout .roducing an .rofit and the trea!ur i! e).tied ; entertaining idle co).an < >4? 2hen the official! value onl their !alarie!@ and the !o.hi!t! onl friend!hi.@ and -hen the !u;ordinate! dare not re)on!trate again!t the la-! the ruler ha! )ade for .er!ecution< >,? 2hen the lord i! overconfident of hi! o-n -i!do) and hold! no con!ultation@ -hen he feel! he i! !ecure and )ake! no .re.aration! again!t attack< and

-hen he doe! not kno- that he )u!t ;e -atchful -hile neigh;our! are .lanning again!t hi)< >*? 2hen tho!e tru!ted are not lo al and the lo al are not tru!ted< and >"? 2hen the cro.! are not !ufficient for food and the )ini!ter! can not ;e charged -ith re!.on!i;ilitie!@ and -hen a-ard! fail to )ake .eo.le ha.. and .uni!h)ent to )ake the) afraid. 2ith the!e !even cau!e! .re!ent in the )aintenance of the !tate@ the !tate -ill .eri!h@ and@ in the defence of a cit @ the cit -ill ;e reduced to ruin ; the a..roaching ene) . 2herever the!e !even cau!e! are found@ the countr -ill face cala)it .

Io-@ the five grain! are the .eo.le8! )ain!ta and the !ource of the ruler8! revenue. 2hen the .eo.le lo!e their !u..ort the ruler cannot have an revenue either. (nd -ithout food the .eo.le -ill not o;!erve order. #herefore@ food !hould ;e !ecured@ land cultivated and e$.enditure! cut do-n. 2hen all the five grain! are gathered@ all the five ta!te! -ill ;e offered the ruler< -hen not all gathered@ the five ta!te! -ill not ;e all offered. 3ailure of one grain i! called dearth< failure of t-o grain! i! called !carcit < failure of three grain! i! called cala)it < failure of four grain! i! called -ant< and failure of all

five grain! i! called fa)ine. 2hen the countr i! in dearth@ all the !alarie! of the official! ;elo- the rank of the )ini!ter -ill ;e reduced ; one-fifth< in !carcit @ the -ill ;e reduced ; t-o-fifth!< in cala)it @ the -ill ;e reduced ; three-fifth!< in -ant@ the -ill ;e reduced ; four-fifth!< and -hen fa)ine i! in the countr there -ill ;e no !alarie! ;e ond their ration!. #herefore -hen fa)ine and dearth vi!it a countr @ the ruler -ill o)it three fro) the five ite)! of !acrifice@ the official! -ill !u!.end the court!@ and the !cholar! -ill not go to !chool and the lord -ill not .ut on hi! ro;e to give audience. &ven envo ! fro) other feudal lord! and )e!!enger! fro) neigh;ouring !tate! are entertained -ith cooked food onl @ and it i! not !u).tuou!. #he !ide-hor!e! of the carriage-tea) are done a-a -ith and the -alk! >in the .alace? are not -eeded. Ieither are the hor!e! fed -ith grain!@ nor are the concu;ine! and )aid! clothed -ith !ilk. (nd thi! i! the !ign of e$tre)e !carcit .

Io-@ if carr ing her child and dra-ing -ater fro) a -ell@ a -o)an dro..ed the child into the -ell@ !he -ould of cour!e endeavour to get it out. But fa)ine and dearth i! a )uch greater cala)it than the of a child.

Should there not ;e al!o endeavour >to .revent it?F :eo.le are gentle and kind -hen the ear i! good@ ;ut !elfi!h and viciou! -hen it i! ;ad. Det@ ho- can the ;e held re!.on!i;leF 2hen )an .roduce ;ut fecon!u)e then there can ;e no ;ad ear< on the contrar @ -hen fe- .roduce ;ut )an con!u)e then there can ;e no good ear. #hu! it i! !aidE !carcit of !u..l !hould !ti)ulate !tud of the !ea!on! and -ant of food de)and! econo) of e$.enditure!. #he ancient! .roduced -ealth according to !ea!on!. #he a!certained the !ource of -ealth ;efore the the .roduct!@ and therefore the had .lent . 1ould even the ancient !age-king! cau!e the five grain! invaria;l to ri.en and ;e harve!ted and the flood! and the drought! never to occurF Det@ none -ere fro=en or !tarved@ -h -a! itF It -a! ;ecau!e the )ade full u!e of the !ea!on! and -ere frugal in their o-n )aintenance. #he hi!tor of Gia !a ! that the Deluge la!ted !even ear! in the ti)e of Du and the hi!tor of Din tell! that a drought vi!ited #ang for five ear!. #he!e are the e$tre)e! of di!a!ter!. Det the .eo.le -ere not fro=en or !tarved. 2h -a! thi! !oF #he rea!on lie! in diligent .roduction and thrift con!u).tion.

#herefore@ fa)ine and dearth cannot ;e .re.ared again!t unle!! there are !tored grain! in the granarie!@ and 6u!tice cannot ;e )aintained again!t the un6u!t unle!! there are read -ea.on! in the ar)our . One cannot defend hi)!elf unle!! the inner and the outer cit -all! are in re.air@ and one cannot )eet e)ergencie! unle!! hi! idea! are -ell thought out. #hu! 9ing Ci -a! and he !hould not have !et out on the 6ourne . Cie )ade no .re.aration! again!t #ang and he -a! !ent to e$ile. (nd Zhou )ade no .re.aration! again!t 2u and he -a! e$ecuted. Io-@ Cie and Zhou -ere ;oth e).eror! in rank and .o!!e!!ed the -hole e).ire@ et the ;oth .eri!hed at the hand! of ruler! >of !tate!? of onl a hundred li !Huare. 2hat i! the rea!on for thi!F Becau!e the de.ended on their rank and -ealth and )ade no .re.aration!. #herefore@ .re.aration i! -hat a countr !hould e).ha!i=e. Su..l i! the trea!ure of a countr @ ar)a)ent it! cla-!@ and the cit -all! are the !tronghold of it! !elfdefence. (nd the!e three ite)! are the e!!ential! to the e$i!tence of a !tate.

>#he .re!ent ruler!? !Huander great a)ount! of -ealth to re-ard the unde!erving@ e).t the trea!ur to acHuire carriage! and hor!e!@ e$hau!t the la;ourer! to ;uild .alace! and furni!h a)u!e)ent!. /.on their death@ again@ thick coffin! and )an coat! and fur coat! are to ;e furni!hed. :orche! and .avilion! are ;uilt for the) -hile the are living. and to);! -hen the are dead. B thi! the .eo.le are e);ittered and the trea!ur i! left lean. 2hile the a)u!e)ent! are not et !ati!f ing to the !u.erior!@ the hard!hi. alread ;eco)e! un;eara;le for the !u;6ect!. Such a !tate -ill fall under an attack and !uch .eo.le -ill .eri!h ; fa)ine. (nd all thi! i! due to the a;!ence of .re.aration. Moreover@ food i! -hat the !age! trea!ured. #he hi!tor of Zhou !a !@ A2ithout three ear!8 food >in !tore? a !tate cannot ;e a !tate >a! it i! in danger of lo!ing it! !overeignt ?. ( fa)il ;eing -ithout food in !tore to ;e !ufficient for three ear! it! children cannot ;e it! children >-ho are in danger of ;eing a;andoned or !old to other!?.B Such@ then@ i! the .re.aration of a countr .

Indulgence in Excess

o=i !aidE Before the art of ;uilding hou!e! and .alace! -a! kno-n .ri)itive .eo.le lingered ; the )ound! and lived in cave!. It -a! da). and in6uriou! to health. #hereu.on the !ageking! ;uilt hou!e! and .alace!. #he guiding .rinci.le! for the!e ;uilding! -ere the!eE #he hou!e !hall ;e ;uilt high enough to avoid the da). and )oi!ture< the -all! thick enough to kee. out the -ind and cold< the roof !trong enough to !tand !no-@ fro!t@ rain@ and de-< and the -all! in the .alace high enough to o;!erve the .ro.riet of the !e$e!. #he!e are !ufficient@ and an e$.enditure of )one and energ that doe! not ;ring additional utilit !hall not ;e .er)itted. 2hen the cit -all! are re.aired -ith regular la;our@ the .eo.le )a feel tired ;ut there i! no e$hau!tion. 2hen ta$e! are collected according to cu!to)@ the .eo.le )a ;e de.rived of !o)e )one ;ut there i! no

;itterne!!. #he real -oe of the .eo.le doe! not lie here@ it lie! in heav ta$e!. #he !ageking! ;uilt hou!e! and .alace! in order to ;etter the living condition! and not for .lea!ure! of !ight. #he )ade clothe! and hat!@ ;elt! and !hoe! in order to .rotect the ;od and not for novelt . #he -ere thrift the)!elve! and taught the .eo.le to ;e the !a)e. (nd !o@ the .eo.le in the -hole -orld ;eca)e orderl and -ealth -a! !ufficient for u!e.

2hen the .re!ent! ruler! ;uild their re!idence!@ the are Huite different fro) thi!. #he -ould ta$ the .eo.le@ ro;;ing the) of their )ean! of livelihood@ in order to have their .alace! covered -ith .orche! and .avilion! in variou! de!ign! and adorned -ith .ainting! and !cul.ture. 2hen the ruler ;uild! hi! .alace! in thi! fa!hion@ hi! a!!i!tant! naturall i)itate hi). (nd@ !o@ there i! not !ufficient -ealth to .re.are again!t fa)ine and dearth or to relieve the or.han! and -ido-!. (nd the .eo.le ;eco)e )ore unrul a! the !tate ;eco)e! .oorer. If the ruler! !incerel de!ire to have the e).ire orderl and hate to !ee it in di!order@ the )u!t not indulge in ;uilding hou!e! and .alace!.

Before clothing -a! kno-n the .ri)itive .eo.le -ore coat! of fur! and ;elt! of !tra-. #he -ere neither light and -ar) in -inter nor light and cool in !u))er. #he !age-king thought thi! did not !ati!f the need! of )an. So@ he taught the -o)en to .roduce !ilk and fla$ and to -eave cloth and linen@ there-ith to )ake clothing for the .eo.le. #he guiding .rinci.le! for clothing -ere the!eE In -inter the under-ear !hall ;e )ade of !.un-!ilk !o a! to ;e light and -ar). In !u))er it !hall ;e )ade of coar!e fla$ !o a! to ;e light and cool. (nd thi! i! !ufficient. #herefore the !age! )ade their clothe! 6u!t to fit their !tature and !i=e@ and not for the .ur.o!e of .lea!ing the !en!e! or to da==le the co))on .eo.le. In that age@ dura;le cart! and gentle hor!e! -ere not valued@ neither -ere !cul.ture and adorn)ent! .ri=ed. 2hat i! the rea!on for thi!F #he rea!on lie! in the kind of leader!hi.. #he .eo.le had !ufficient )ean! of livelihood in their ho)e to )eet either drought or flood@ dearth or fa)ine. 2h F Becau!e the under!tood the need! of !elf!u..ort and .aid little attention to e$ternal a..earance. So@ the .eo.le -ere frugal and orderl and the ruler -a! thrift and ea!il !u..orted. #he !tore hou!e and trea!ur -ere

full@ .re.ared again!t )i!fortune!. (r)our and -ea.on! -ere not left in di!u!e and the !oldier! and the .eo.le -ere not tired@ read to .uni!h the un!u;)i!!ive. #hu! the ruler could ;eco)e a t rant over the e).ire.

#he .re!ent ruler! are Huite different fro) thi! -hen the )ake their clothe!. 4aving -hat i! -ar) and light in -inter and -hat i! light and cool in !u))er@ the -ould et heavil ta$ the .eo.le@ ro;;ing the) of their )ean! of livelihood@ in order to have ela;oratel e);roidered and gorgeou! gar)ent!. 4ook! are )ade of gold and orna)ent! on the girdle con!i!t of .earl! and 6ade!. 2o)en are e).lo ed to )ake the e);roider and )en to do the carving. (ll the!e are for the adorn)ent of the ;od . #he reall add little to it! -ar)th. 2ealth i! !Huandered and energ -a!ted all for naught. So@ then@ -hen clothing i! )ade not for the ;od ;ut for ;rilliant a..earance@ the .eo.le -ill ;e -icked and unrul and the ruler e$travagant and deaf to good coun!el. It -ill ;e i).o!!i;le to kee. the countr out of di!order. If the ruler! !incerel de!ire the e).ire to have order and hate to !ee it in di!order@ the )u!t not indulge in )aking clothing e$ce!!ivel .

Before the art of cooking -a! kno-n@ .ri)itive .eo.le ate onl vegeta;le! and lived in !e.aration. #hereu.on the !age taught the )en to attend to far)ing and to .lant tree! to !u..l the .eo.le -ith food. (nd the !ole .ur.o!e of !ecuring food i! to increa!e energ @ !ati!f hunger@ !trengthen the ;od and a..ea!e the !to)ach. 4e -a! frugal in !.ending -ealth and !i).le in ha;it! of living@ and !o the .eo.le ;eca)e rich and the countr orderl . 2ith the .re!ent ruler! all i! different. #he -ould heavil ta$ the .eo.le in order to en6o ela;oratel the different )eat! and fi!h and turtle cooked in variou! -av!. >#he lord of? a large !tate i! !erved -ith a hundred cour!e! and >that of? a !)all !tate@ -ith ten! of cour!e!@ -hich -ill cover a ta;le !.ace of ten !Huare feet. #he e e! cannot !ee all the di!he!@ the hand! cannot handle the) all@ and the )outh cannot ta!te the) all. In -inter the -ill free=e@ and in !u))er the !our. (! the ruler !erve! hi)!elf thu!@ naturall hi! a!!i!tant! i)itate hi). (nd !o the rich and high in rank are -a!teful and e$travagant@ -hile the !olitar and )i!era;le are hungr and cold. It i! i).o!!i;le to kee. !uch a !tate out of di!order. If the ruler! !incerel de!ire the e).ire to have order and

hate to !ee it in di!order@ the )u!t not indulge in e$ce!!ive eating and drinking.

Before the .ri)itive .eo.le kno- ho- to )ake ;oat! and cart! the could neither carr a heav load nor travel a great di!tance. #hereu.on the !age-king )ade ;oat! and cart! to facilitate the .eo.le. #he ;oat! and cart! -ere )ade dura;le and convenient !o that the -ould carr )uch and travel far. Such an undertaking take! little -ealth ;ut .roduce! )an ;enefit!. Iaturall the .eo.le found it agreea;le and convenient. #he .eo.le -ere not tired out and et the ruler8! need! -ere all !u..lied. So@ .eo.le -ere attracted to hi).

2hen the .re!ent ruler! )ake ;oat! and cart!@ it i! Huite different. 4aving )ade the) dura;le and convenient@ the -ould et heavil ta$ the .eo.le to decorate the). #he cart! are decorated -ith e);roider and ;oat! -ith carving. 2o)en have to !to. -eaving to do the eni;roider !o the .eo.le are left cold. 2hile )en have to a;andon agriculture to do the carving and !o the

.eo.le ;eco)e hungr . 2hen the ruler ;uild! !uch ;oat! and cart! for hi)!elf@ naturall hi! a!!i!tant! i)itate hi). #herefore the .eo.le ;eco)e victi)! of ;oth hunger and cold@ and the co))it -ickedne!!. Much -ickedne!! i! follo-ed ; heav .uni!h)ent@ and heav .uni!h)ent .lace! the countr in di!order. If the ruler! !incerel de!ire the e).ire to have order and hate to !ee it in di!order@ the )u!t not indulge the)!elve! in con!tructing ;oat! and cart! e$ce!!ivel .

&ver creature living ;et-een 4eaven and earth and -ithin the four !ea! .artake! of the nature of 4eaven and earth and the har)on of the Din and the Dang. &ven the greate!t !age! cannot alter thi!. 4o- do -e kno-F 2hen the taught a;out 4eaven and earth@ the d-elt on the and the lo-er !.here! and the four !ea!on!@ the .rinci.le! of Din and Dang and hu)an nature@ the .heno)ena of )en and -o)en@ ;ird! and ani)al!@ and that of the !e$e!. &ven the earl king! could not e!ca.e fro) the funda)ental! of nature. &ven the great !age! of ancient ti)e! )u!t kee. a hou!ehold. Onl @ a! their conduct -a! not unfavora;l affected@ there -a! no di!!ati!faction a)ong

the .eo.le@ and a! -o)en -ere not ke.t -ithin the .alace >to ;e !.in!ter!? there -ere fe- ;achelor! in the e).ire. (! -o)en -ere not ke.t -ithin the .alace and a! there -ere fe- ;achelor! a;road@ the .o.ulation in the e).ire -a! large. #he .re!ent ruler! of large !tate! retain a! )an -o)en a! a thou!and in their hou!ehold and tho!e of !)all !tate! a! )an a! a hundred. #herefore )en in the e).ire are )o!tl -ithout -ife and -o)en -ithout hu!;and. #he function! of )en and -o)en are .revented and the .o.ulation ;eco)e! !)all. If the ruler! !incerel de!ire the .o.ulation to ;e large and hate to !ee it !)all@ the )u!t not indulge in retaining too )an -o)en.

Io-@ in the!e five thing! the !age! are te).erate and econo)ical -hile the -icked )en are indulgent and e$ce!!ive. #e).erance and econo) ;ring .ro!.erit -hile indulgence and e$ce!! lead to de!truction. One )u!t not indulge in e$ce!! in the!e five thing!. 2hen hu!;and and -ife do not indulge in e$ce!!@ 4eaven and earth -ill ;e har)oniou!< -hen -ind and rain are not in e$ce!!@ the five grain! -ill ri.en< and -hen e$ce!!ive clothing i! not indulged in@ the ;od -ill ;e co)forta;le.

Threefold Argument

heng 3an a!ked Mo=iE ASir@ ou !a the !age-king! did not have )u!ic. But@ ancientl @ -hen the feudal lord! -ere tired of attending to govern)ent@ the found recreation in )u!ic of ;ell! and dru)!. 2hen the )ini!ter! and gentle)en -ere tired of attending to office the found recreation in )u!ic of Du and Se. (nd the far)er! .loughed the field! in !.ring@ -eeded the) in !u))er@ rea.ed the harve!t in autu)n@ and !tored the grain! in -inter. #hen the -ould en6o )u!ic of 6ar! and va!e!. Sir@ ou !a the !age-king! did not have )u!ic. #hi! -ould ;e co).aring the) to the hor!e .laced under oke and never relea!ed@ and the ;o- dra-n and never un!trung. I! thi! not i).o!!i;le for the ordinar hu)an ;eingFB

Mo=i re.liedE In ancient ti)e!@ Dao and Shun lived in hut! and et the )ade code! of .ro.riet and co).o!ed )u!ic. #ang !ent Cie to e$ile on the ocean and in!talled hi)!elf ruler of the e).ire. 4aving achieved !ucce!! and -ithout cau!e for an$iet @ he added to the )u!ic of the for)er king! that of hi! o-n co).o!ition@ called A#he SalvationB and al!o in!tituted the ACiu=hao.B Jing 2u conHuered the Din d na!t and e$ecuted Zhou and in!talled hi)!elf ruler of the e).ire. 4aving achieved !ucce!! and having no cau!e of an$iet @ he added to the )u!ic of the for)er king! that of hi! o-n co).o!ition@ called AGiang.B Jing 1heng of Zhou again added to the )u!ic of the for)er king! that of hi! o-n co).o!ition@ na)ed AZou u.B #he reign of Jing 1heng -a! not !o good a! that of Jing 2u@ that of Jing 2u -a! not !o good a! that of #ang the Succe!!ful@ and that of #ang the Succe!!ful -a! not !o good a! that of Dao and Shun. So@ then@ he -ho ha! the )ore ela;orate )u!ic ha! the le!! efficient govern)ent. Cudging fro) thi!@ )u!ic i! not an thing to govern the e).ire -ith.

1heng 3an o;6ectedE ASir@ ou have !aid the !age-king! did not have )u!ic. #hi! !ho-! the did. 4o- then can ou !a the !ageking! did not have )u!icFB Mo=i !aidE #he de!ire of the !age-king! -a! to cut do-n e$ce!!e!. &ating i! of cour!e .rofita;le@ ;ut it take! !o little intelligence to eat -hen one i! hungr that it )a ;e !aid to ;e nil. Io- the !age-king! had )u!ic@ ;ut it -a! !o little that it )a al!o ;e !aid to ;e nil.

Book 2 Exaltation of the Virtuous I

o=i !aidE Io-@ all the ruler! de!ire their .rovince! to ;e -ealth @ their .eo.le to ;e nu)erou!@ and their 6uri!diction to !ecure order. But -hat the o;tain i! not -ealth ;ut .overt @ not )ultitude ;ut !carcit @ not order ;ut chao! thi! i! to lo!e -hat the de!ire and o;tain -hat the avert. 2h i! thi!F

Mo=i !aidE #hi! i! ;ecau!e the ruler! have failed to e$alt the virtuou! and to e).lo the ca.a;le in their govern)ent. 2;en the virtuou! are nu)erou! in the !tate@ order -ill ;e !ta;le< -hen the virtuou! are !carce@ order -ill ;e un!ta;le. #herefore the ta!k of the lord! lie! no-here ;ut in )ulti.l ing the virtuou!.

But -hat i! the -a to )ulti.l the virtuou!F

Mo=i !aidE Su..o!ing it i! de!ired to )ulti.l good archer! and good driver! in the countr @ it -ill ;e onl natural to enrich the)@ honour the)@ re!.ect the)@ and co))end the)< then good archer! and good driver! can ;e e$.ected to a;ound in the countr . 4o)uch )ore !hould thi! ;e done in the ca!e of the virtuou! and the e$cellent -ho are fir) in )oralit @ ver!ed in rhetoric@ and e$.erienced in !tatecraft - !ince the!e are the trea!ure! of the nation and .ro.! of the !tateF #he !hould al!o ;e enriched@ honoured@

re!.ected@ and co))ended in order that the )a a;ound.

2hen the ancient !age-king! ad)ini!tered the govern)ent the declaredE A#he unrighteou! -ill not ;e enriched@ the unrighteou! -ill not ;e honoured@ the unrighteou! -ill not ;e favoured@ the unrighteou! -ill not ;e .laced near.B /.on hearing thi!@ the rich and honoured of the countr all ;egan to deli;erate@ !a ingE A2hat I have ;een de.ending on -a! -ealth and honour. Io- the Lord .ro)ote! the righteou! -ithout di!cri)ination again!t the .oor and hu);le. 4ence I )a not do unrighteou!ne!!.B /.on hearing thi!@ the favoured al!o ;egan to deli;erate@ !a ingE A2hat I have ;een de.ending on -a! favour. Io- the Lord .ro)ote! the righteou! -ithout di!cri)ination again!t tho!e thu! far neglected. 4ence I )a not do unrighteou!ne!!.B /.on hearing thi!@ tho!e .laced near ;egan to deli;erate@ !a ingE A2hat I have ;een de.ending on -a! inti)ac . Io- the Lord .ro)ote! the righteou! -ithout di!cri)ination again!t the di!tant. 4ence I )a not do unrighteou!ne!!.B /.on hearing thi!@ the di!tant al!o ;egan to deli;erate@ !a ing E AI

u!ed to think@ ;eing di!tant I had nothing to de.end on. Io- the Lord .ro)ote! the righteou! -ithout di!cri)ination again!t the di!tant. 4ence I )a not do unrighteou!ne!!.B +a!!al! of di!tant di!trict! a! -ell a! outh! in the .alace@ and )ultitude! -ithin the !tate ;oundarie! a! -ell a! the ru!tic! living on the four ;order!@ u.on hearing thi!@ all co).eted in doing righteou!ne!!. Io- -hat i! the rea!on for all thi!F It i! onl -ith )aterial good! that the !u.erior can e).lo hi! !u;ordinate!@ and it i! onl -ith !tatecraft that the !u;ordinate! can !erve their lord. #ake@ for e$a).le@ the rich )an -ho ;uilt hi! -all! high and left onl one gate. 2hen the ;urglar had entered@ the )an clo!ed the gate and !earched for hi)@ and the ;urglar had no )ore e$it. 2h F Becau!e the )an had the vantage-.oint.

#herefore in ad)ini!tering the govern)ent@ the ancient !age-king! ranked the )orall e$cellent high and e$alted the virtuou!. If ca.a;le@ even a far)er or an arti!an -ould ;e e).lo ed - co))i!!ioned -ith high rank@ re)unerated -ith li;eral e)olu)ent!@ tru!ted -ith i).ortant charge!@ and e).o-ered to i!!ue final order!. 3or@ if hi! rank -ere not high@ .eo.le -ould not re!.ect hi)< if hi!

e)olu)ent! -ere not li;eral@ .eo.le -ould not have confidence in hi)< if hi! order! -ere not final@ .eo.le -ould not !tand in a-e ;efore hi). #o .lace the!e three >honour!? u.on the virtuou! i! not !o )uch to re-ard virtue@ a! to ;ring a;out the !ucce!! of the enter.ri!e >of govern)ent?. #herefore rank! !hould ;e !tandardi=ed according to virtue@ ta!k! a!!igned according to office@ and re-ard! given according to la;our !.ent. 2hen e)olu)ent! are di!tri;uted in .ro.ortion to achieve)ent!@ official! cannot ;e in con!tant honour@ and .eo.le in eternal hu)ilit . If a .er!on i! ca.a;le .ro)ote hi)@ if inca.a;le@ lo-er hi! rank. 5ive .ro)inence to .u;lic a..roval and kee. ;ack .rivate grudge! >in the )atter of !electing )en?. 4ere@ then@ i! the .rinci.le. So@ in da ! of old@ Dao ;rought for-ard Shun fro) 3u=i and entru!ted hi) -ith the govern)ent@ and the -orld had .eace. Du ;rought for-ard Di fro) Din 3ang and entru!ted hi) -ith the govern)ent@ and the nine di!trict! ;eca)e organi=ed. #ang ;rought for-ard Di Din fro) the kitchen and entru!ted hi) -ith the govern)ent and hi! .lan! -ere !ucce!!ful. Jing 2en ;rought for-ard 4ung Dao and #ai #ian fro) their ra;;it net! and entru!ted the) -ith the govern)ent and the 2e!tern land !ho-ed re!.ect. #herefore@ during tho!e da ! the official! of high rank and li;eral e)olu)ent! all carefull and an$iou!l

e$ecuted their dutie!< and the far)er! and arti!an! all encouraged one another in e$alting virtue. #herefore@ the !cholar! are reall to ;e official! and governor!. (! long a! there -ere !cholar! >in govern)ent?@ the .lan! >of the ruler? -ere not defeated and he had no hard!hi.! to endure< hi! na)e -a! e!ta;li!hed and !ucce!! achieved< hi! e$cellence ;eca)e kno-n and et evil! -ere not !.read. #hi! i! all due to the e).lo )ent of the !cholar!.

#herefore Mo=i !aidE #he virtuou! -ho are .ro!.erou! )u!t ;e e$alted@ and the virtuou! -ho are not .ro!.erou! )u!t ;e e$alted too. If it i! de!ired to continue the -a ! of Dao and Shun@ to e$alt the virtuou! i! indi!.en!a;le. Io-@ e$altation of the virtuou! i! the root of govern)ent.

Exaltation of the Virtuous II

o=i !aidE Io-@ in caring for the .eo.le@ ruling the !tate@ and governing the countr @ the ruler! de!ire .er)anenc and !ta;ilit . But -h do the not learn that e$altation of the virtuou! i! the foundation of govern)entF 4o- do -e kno- e$altation of the virtuou! i! the foundation of govern)entF 2hen the honoura;le and -i!e run the govern)ent@ the ignorant and hu);le re)ain orderl < ;ut -hen the ignorant and hu);le run the govern)ent@ the honoura;le and -i!e ;eco)e re;elliou!. #herefore -e kno- e$altation of the virtuou! i! the foundation of govern)ent. #he ancient !age-king! greatl e).ha!i=ed the e$altation of the virtuou! and the e).lo )ent of the ca.a;le. 2ithout !.ecial con!ideration for relative!@ for the rich and honoured@ or for the good-looking@ the e$alted and .ro)oted the virtuou!@ enriched and honoured the)@ and )ade the)

governor! and leader!. #he viciou! the ke.t ;ack and ;ani!hed@ de.o!!e!!ed and degraded@ and )ade la;ourer! and !ervant!. #hereu.on .eo.le -ere all encouraged ; re-ard! and threatened ; .uni!h)ent! and !trove -ith each other after virtue. #hu! the virtuou! )ulti.lied and the viciou! di)ini!hed in nu);er. Such i! e$altation of the virtuou!. #hen the !age-king! -atched their -ord! and o;!erved their conduct@ found out their ca.a;ilitie! and carefull a!!igned the) their office!. Such i! e).lo )ent of the ca.a;le. (ccordingl tho!e -ho -ere ca.a;le to govern the countr -ere )ade to govern the countr @ tho!e -ho -ere ca.a;le to ad)ini!ter the court -ere )ade to ad)ini!ter the court@ and tho!e -ho -ere ca.a;le in )anaging the di!trict! -ere )ade to )anage the di!trict!. (ll tho!e -ho had charge of the countr @ the court@ and the di!trict! -ere then the virtuou! of the land.

2hen the virtuou! rule! the countr @ he !tart! the da earl and retire! late@ hearing la-!uit! and attending to the govern)ent. (! a re!ult@ the countr i! -ell governed and la-! are 6u!tl ad)ini!tered. 2hen the virtuou! ad)ini!ter! the court he retire! late and -ake! u. earl @ collecting ta$e! fro) .a!!e!@

)arket!@ and on .roduct! fro) )ountain!@ -ood!@ -ater!@ and land to fill the court. (! a re!ult@ the court i! filled and -ealth i! not -a!ted. 2hen the virtuou! )anage! the di!trict!@ he goe! out ;efore !unri!e and co)e! ;ack after !un!et@ .lo-ing and !o-ing@ .lanting and cultivating@ and gathering harve!t! of grain!. (! a re!ult@ grain! are in .lent and .eo.le are !ufficientl !u..lied -ith food. #herefore -hen the countr i! -ell governed the la-! are -ell ad)ini!tered@ and -hen the court i! filled the .eo.le are -ealth . 3or the higher !.here@ the ruler! had -here-ith to )ake -ine and cake! to do !acrifice and li;ation to 4eaven and the !.irit!. 3or the countrie! out!ide@ the had -here-ith to .rovide the fur! and )one to ;efriend neigh;ouring feudal lord!. 3or the .eo.le -ithin@ the had -here-ith to feed the hungr and give re!t to the tired. (;ove all the!e@ the had )ean! to cheri!h the virtuou!. #herefore fro) a;ove@ 4eaven and the !.irit! enrich the) fro) -ithout@ the feudal lord! !u;)it the)!elve! to the) fro) -ithin@ the .eo.le !ho- the) affection@ and the virtuou! ;eco)e lo al to the). 4ence the could have !ati!faction in .lanning and !ucce!! in e$ecution. In defence the are !trong and in attack victoriou!. Io- the -a that ena;led the !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ na)el Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@ 2en and 2u@ to rule the e).ire and head the

feudal lord! -a! no other than thi! >.rinci.le of e$altation of the virtuou!?.

4o-ever@ if there i! onl the .rinci.le -hile the techniHue of it! a..lication i! not kno-n@ then it -ould !ee) to ;e !till inco).lete. #herefore there !hould ;e laid do-n three rule!. 2hat are the three rule!F #he areE >1? -hen their rank >that of the virtuou!? i! not high@ .eo.le -ould not !ho- the) re!.ect< >%? -hen their e)olu)ent! are not li;eral@ .eo.le -ould not .lace confidence in the)< >3? -hen their order! are not final@ .eo.le -ould not !tand in a-e ;efore the). So the ancient !age-king! .laced the) high in rank@ gave the) li;eral e)olu)ent!@ tru!ted the) -ith i).ortant charge!@ and decreed their order! to ;e final. (nd all thi! -a! done not )erel to re-ard their !u;ordinate!< it -a! to fulfil their tru!t. #hu! run! an OdeE AI a) in!tructing ou to take -orrie! and care! of the -orld a! our o-n< I a) teaching the order of rank! for the virtuou! and talented. 2ho can handle heat -ithout rin!ing hi! hand! >in cold -ater?FB #hi! i! to !ho- ho- in the .a!t the ruler! could not do -ithout ;efriending !u;ordinate! and!. It -a! like the nece!!it of rin!ing in handling hot o;6ect! to relieve the hand!. #he ancient

!age-king! concentrated on acHuiring@ and e).lo ing the virtuou! - honouring the) -ith high rank!@ and a!!igning land to the)--un-earied to the end of their live!. #he virtuou! )en on the other hand onl ho.ed to find an enlightened ruler to !erve e$hau!ting all the .o-er! of the four li);! to attend to the king8! ;u!ine!! - untired to the end of their live!. 2hen there -ere an e$cellence! and virtue! the -ere attri;uted to the e).eror. #hu! e$cellence! and virtue! ;elonged to the e).eror -hile co).laint! and !lander! -ere directed again!t the !u;ordinate!. :eace and 6o a;ode -ith the king -hile -orrie! and !orro-! -ere lodged -ith the official!. #hi! -a! ho- the ancient !age-king! ad)ini!tered the govern)ent.

#he .re!ent ruler@ i)itating the ancient!@ al!o -ant to e).lo the virtuou! in govern)ent ; e$alting the). 7ank! given the) are ver high@ ;ut the e)olu)ent! do not follo- .ro.ortionall . Io-@ to ;e high in rank ;ut receive !)all e)olu)ent! -ill not in!.ire .eo.le8! confidence. #he virtuou! -ould !a to the)!elve!E A#hi! i! not real love for )e@ ;ut onl to )ake u!e of )e a! a )ean!.B Io-@ ho- can .eo.le ;e affectionate to their !u.erior!8 -hen the are onl >treated

a!? )ean!F #herefore an ancient king !aidE A4e -ho i! too a);itiou! in govern)ent -ill not !hare hi! ta!k! -ith other!. 4e -ho overtrea!ure! -ealth -ill not offer ;ig e)olu)ent! to other!.B 2hen ta!k! are not a!!igned and e)olu)ent! are not given@ it )a ;e a!ked -herefro) -ould the virtuou! co)e to the !ide of the ruler!F (nd -hen the virtuou! are not at the !ide of the ruler!@ the viciou! -ill ;e on their right and left. 2hen the viciou! are on the right and left@ then co))endation! -ill not fall on the virtuou! and .uni!h)ent! -ill not ;e u.on the -icked. If the ruler! follo- the!e in governing the !tate!@ in the !a)e -a re-ard! -ill not go to the virtuou! and .uni!h)ent not to the -icked. 2hen re-ard! reall do not go to the virtuou! and .uni!h)ent not to the -icked@ then the virtuou! -ill find no encourage)ent@ neither the -icked an o;!truction. (t ho)e the viciou! are not filial to their .arent!@ and@ having left their ho)e to-n@ the -ould not recogni=e their elder!. #he )ove a;out -ithout re!traint and di!regard the rule! of .ro.riet a;out !e$e!. 2hen tru!ted -ith the ad)ini!tration of the court@ the -ould !teal< -hen tru!ted to defend a cit @ the -ould rai!e an in!urrection. 2hen the lord )eet! -ith death@ the -ould not follo- hi) and co))it !uicide< -hen the lord ha! to flee the countr @ the -ould not acco).an hi) in

;ani!h)ent. In 6udging la-!uit! the are not 6u!t@ and in dividing .ro.ert the are .artial. In .lanning the are not hel.ful@ in e$ecution the are inefficient. Ieither in defence are the !trong@ nor in attack are the victoriou!. Io-@ the rea!on that the -icked king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ na)el @ Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li@ )i!ruled the countr and u.!et their !tate! -a! no other than thi! >e).lo )ent of the viciou!?. 2h i! thi! !oF Becau!e the under!tood .ett affair! ;ut -ere ignorant a;out thing! of i).ortance.

2hen the ruler! cannot get a coat )ade the -ill e).lo a;le tailor!. 2hen the cannot have an o$ or a !hee. killed the -ill e).lo a;le ;utcher!. In the!e t-o in!tance! the do kno- the !hould e$alt the virtuou! and e).lo the ca.a;le for ;u!ine!!. But -hen it co)e! to the di!order of the countr and danger of the !tate@ the do not kno- the !hould e$alt the virtuou! and e).lo the ca.a;le for govern)ent. 7ather@ the -ould e).lo their relative!@ the -ould e).lo the rich -ithout )erit@ and the good-looking. But a! to the e).lo )ent of the rich -ithout )erit and the good-looking -- -ill the!e nece!!aril .rove the)!elve! -i!e and

intelligentF #o let the!e rule the countr i! to let the un-i!e and unintelligent rule the countr . (nd di!order can then ;e .redicted. Moreover@ the ruler! e).lo their )ind! ; the attractivene!! of their a..earance@ and !ho- the) favour -ithout finding out their kno-ledge. (! a re!ult@ tho!e -ho are not ca.a;le to rule a hundred )en are a!!igned to .o!t! over a thou!and@ and tho!e -ho are not ca.a;le to rule a thou!and are a!!igned to .o!t! over ten thou!and. 2hat i! the rea!on for thi!F 2h @ !uch .o!ition! are high in rank and rich in e)olu)ent!. #herefore the !.eciall favoured are .icked for the). But to )ake tho!e inca.a;le of ruling a thou!and )en rule ten thou!and i! to increa!e their dut tenfold. #he ;u!ine!! of the govern)ent co)e! dail . It i! to ;e attended to ever da @ et the da cannot ;e lengthened ; tenfold. #o govern@ again@ reHuire! kno-ledge. 2hen kno-ledge i! not increa!ed ; ten ti)e!@ -hile a tenfold ta!k i! a!!igned@ it -ill evidentl re!ult in attending to one and neglecting nine. #hough the ta!k ;e attended to da and night@ !till it cannot ;e -ell e$ecuted. (nd the rea!on for thi! i! ;ecau!e the ruler! do not under!tand that the !hould e$alt the virtuou! and e).lo the ca.a;le in govern)ent. #hu! e$altation of the virtuou! and e).lo )ent of the ca.a;le -ith the con!eHuent !ucce!! in govern)ent i! .re!ented a;ove in the earlier .aragra.h!.

(nd the de.reciation of the virtuou! -ith the re!ulting confu!ion in govern)ent i! .re!ented here in the!e .aragra.h!.

If the ruler! no- -ant to govern their !tate! !o that the -ill ;e .er)anent and un!hakea;le@ -h do the not learn that e$altation of the virtuou! i! the foundation of govern)entF Be!ide!@ i! thi! .rinci.le )erel a conce.tion of Mo=iF It i! the -a of the !age-king! and the tenet of ACu Iian@B a ;ook of an ancient king. (nd@ thu! it i! recordedE A>4e? !ought out the -i!e )en to .rotect and aid ou.B (nd thu! !tate! the AOath of #angBE AI then !ought for the 5reat Sage@ -ith -ho) I )ight unite ) !trength and )ind to govern the e).ire.B (ll the!e !ho- ho- the !age-king! never failed to e$alt the virtuou! and e).lo the ca.a;le in govern)ent. #he !age-king! of old co).rehended onlv thi! -- to e$alt the virtuou! and e).lo the ca.a;le in govern)ent and no;od el!e< !o the -hole -orld -a! ;enefited. In ti)e! of old@ Shun cultivated land at Mt. Li )ade .otter ; the 7iver@ and -a! engaged in fi!hing in Lake Lei. Dao di!covered hi) at 3u=e. &$alting hi)@ Dao )ade hi) &).eror and handed to hi) the govern)ent of the e).ire and the

rule over the .eo.le. Di Zhi once !erved in the ;ridal .art of the daughter of the :rince of Gin@ and later voluntaril !erved #ang a! hi! cook. #ang di!covered hi). &$alting hi)@ #ang )ade hi) hi! :ri)e Mini!ter and handed to hi) the govern)ent of the e).ire and the rule over the .eo.le. 3u Due once -ore gar)ent! of coar!e cloth tied -ith ro.e!@ -orking a! an arti!an at 3u Dan. 2u Ding di!covered hi). &$alting hi)@ 2u Ding )ade hi) 4igh Duke and handed to hi) the govern)ent of the e).ire and the rule over the .eo.le. 2h i! it that the!e .eo.le !tarting in hu)ilit arrived at honour@ !tarting in .overt arrived at -ealthF It i! ;ecau!e the!e ruler! under!tood the i).ortance of e$alting the virtuou! and e).lo ing the ca.a;le in govern)ent. #herefore@ none of the .eo.le -ere hungr et -ithout food@ cold et -ithout clothing@ tired et -ithout re!t@ di!tur;ed et -ithout .eace.

(nd@ the ancient !age-king! in e$alting the virtuou! and e).lo ing the ca.a;le in govern)ent -ere follo-ing the -a ! of 4eaven. &ven 4eaven doe! not di!cri)inate a)ong the .oor and the rich@ the honoura;le and the hu);le@ the di!tant and the near@ and

the related and the unrelated >to tho!e in .o-er?. #he virtuou! -ere .ro)oted and e$alted< the viciou! -ere ke.t ;ack and ;ani!hed. Io-@ -ho -ere tho!e that@ .o!!e!!ing -ealth and .o!ition@ !till !trove after virtue! and -ere re-arded F #he -ere the !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ na)el @ Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@ 2en and 2u >1%?. 4o- -ere the re-ardedF 2hen the governed the e).ire@ the loved all the .eo.le univer!all and ;enefited the)@ and led the) in doing honour to 4eaven and !ervice to the !.irit!. (! the loved and ;enefited the .eo.le@ 4eaven and the !.irit! re-arded the)@ a..ointing the) to ;e Son! of 4eaven@ and .arent! of the .eo.le. (nd@ thereu.on .eo.le .rai!ed the)@ calling the) !age-king! even unto thi! da . #he!e then -ere tho!e that@ .o!!e!!ing -ealth and .o!ition@ !till !trove after virtue! and -ere re-arded. Io-@ -ho -ere tho!e that@ .o!!e!!ing -ealth and .o!ition@ et .racticed evil and -ere .uni!hedF #he -ere the -icked king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ na)el @ Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li. 4o- do -e kno- the -ere tho!e F 2hen the governed the e).ire the di!liked all the .eo.le inclu!ivel and!!ed the) and led the) to cur!e 4eaven and the !.irit!.!!ing and de!tro ing the .eo.le@ the -ere .uni!hed ; 4eaven and the !.irit!< their cor.!e! -ere )angled and lacerated@ their

children and grandchildren -ere !cattered and di!.er!ed@ their fa)il hearth! -ere e$tingui!hed and de!cendant! e$ter)inated. (nd@ thereu.on the .eo.le railed at the)@ calling the) -icked king! even unto thi! da . #he!e@ then@ are tho!e that@ .o!!e!!ing -ealth and .o!ition@ et .racti!ed evil and -ere .uni!hed. Io-@ -ho -ere tho!e that -ere related >to the ruler? ;ut not virtuou! and -ere vi!ited ; .uni!h)entF 1ount 5un -a! of direct ro al de!cent ;ut had degenerated in the ro al virtue!. So he -a! ;ani!hed to the -ilderne!! of Du Du -here >in the .ri!on? light could not reach hi)@ neither did the e).eror !ho- an favour. Such -a! he -ho -a! related ;ut not virtuou! and -a! vi!ited ; .uni!h)ent. Io-@ -ho -ere tho!e that -ere e).lo ed ; 4eaven ;ecau!e of their ca.a;ilit F Du@ Ci@ and 5ao #ao -ere the . 4o- do -e kno- thatF It i! found in the A :enal 1ode of Lu@B a ;ook of an earl king@ thu!E A#he &).eror >Dao? inHuired a)ong hi! !u;6ect!@ and co).laint! -ere )ade again!t the Miao! >;ar;arian!?.B (gain@ A(! the feudal lord! have ;een a..ointed -ithout in!ight@ even the -ido-! and the -ido-er! are not .rotected. Dignit i! revered onl -hen it i! acco).anied -ith )agnani)it < enlighten)ent i! re!.ected onl -hen it i! acco).anied -ith )agnani)it . #hereu.on three chief! -ere co))i!!ioned to care for and con!olate the

.eo.leE >1? Bo Di delivered the la-! and !tatute! and taught there-ith the .eo.le< >%? Du reduced the 3lood and recovered the land@ and gave na)e! to hill! and river!< >3? Ci de!cended >fro) hi! rank? and !o-ed !eed! to encourage good far)ing. #he ;enefit! of the achieve)ent! of the!e three chief! all fell u.on the .eo.le.B #hi! i! to !a that the three !age! -ere careful in !.eech@ vigilant in conduct@ .enetrating in thought@ !tud ing and .lanning for ever detail and ;enefit of the -orld---ith thi! to do !ervice to 4eaven on high@ 4eaven -ill ;le!! their virtue< to ;e!to- it to the .eo.le ;elo-@ the .eo.le -ill ;e vi!ited ; it! ;enefit! la!ting ;e ond their lifeti)e. #hu! !aid the ancient king!E AIo-@ thi! -a @ -hen follo-ed ;roadl to govern the -orld@ -ill not ;e found to ;e too !lender< -hen follo-ed narro-l @ -ill not ;e too un-ieldl < -hen follo-ed -ith di!cretion@ -ill ;enefit the .eo.le ;e ond their lifeti)e.B 7eferring to it@ the A&ulog of ZhouB !ing!E A#he virtue of the !age !hining u.on the -orld i! loft a! 4eaven@ -ide a! earth@ high a! the )ountain@ un;reaka;le and infalli;le< lu)inating a! the !un@ ;rilliant a! the )oon@ eternal -ith heaven and earth.B #hi! i! to de!cri;e hoenlightening and all-e);racing@ dee.-rooted and@ therefore@ .er)anent i! the virtue of the !age. #herefore the virtue of the !age i! reall inclu!ive of heaven and earth.

Io-@ the ruler! -ant to ;e lord over the e).ire and ;e head of the feudal lord!. But ho- can it ;e done -ithout virtue and righteou!ne!!F #heir -a )u!t ;e ; over.o-ering and overa-ing. But -hat )ake! the) ado.t thi!F It !i).l .ur!ue! the .eo.le to death. But life i! -hat the .eo.le eagerl de!ire@ and death -hat the greatl dread. 2hat i! de!ired i! not o;tained@ ;ut -hat i! dreaded ;efall! the) ever !o often. 3ro) antiHuit to the .re!ent@ none ha! et ;een a;le to ;e lord over the e).ire and head of the feudal lord! ; thi! -a . Io- the ruler! de!ire to ;e lord of the -orld and head of the feudal lord! and -ant to have their idea! .revail all over the -orld@ and their na)e! e!ta;li!hed in .o!terit . But -h do the not learn that e$altation of the virtuou! i! the foundation of govern)entF #hi! -a! the actual conduct of the !age!.

Exaltation of the Virtuous III

o=i !aidE (ll the ruler! in the -orld de!ire their !tate! to ;e -ealth @ their .eo.le to ;e )an @ and their govern)ent and 6uri!diction to ;e orderl . But the do not under!tand to govern their !tate! and .eo.le ; e$altation of the virtuou!. #he have )i!!ed@ indeed@ the foundation of govern)ent. But can -e not .oint thi! out to the) ; )ean! of .arallel!F Io-@ !u..o!ing@ in governing hi! !tate@ a feudal lord !hould .roclai)E A(ll tho!e -ho can !hoot >-ith an arro-? and drive >a chariot? -ell I !hall re-ard and honour< all tho!e -ho cannot I !hall .uni!h and di!grace.B If@ then@ -e !hould inHuire a)ong the .eo.le of the !tate a! to -ho -ould re6oice and -ho -ould ;e afraid@ I !u..o!e naturall tho!e -ho could !hoot and drive -ould re6oice and tho!e -ho could not -ould ;e afraid. I have follo-ed thi! >line of argu)ent? and led the) !u..o!edl to

.roclai)E A(ll the lo al and faithful I !hall re-ard and honour< all the di!lo al and unfaithful I !hall .uni!h and di!grace.B If no- -e !hould inHuire a)ong the .eo.le of the !tate a! to -ho -ould re6oice and -ho -ould ;e afraid@ I !u..o!e naturall the lo al and faithful -ould re6oice and the di!lo al and unfaithful -ould ;e afraid. #herefore the !tate and the .eo.le are to ;e governed ; e$alting the virtuou!@ !o that tho!e in the !tate that do good -ill ;e encouraged and tho!e that do evil -ill ;e o;!tructed. #o govern the e).ire !ee)! then to con!i!t of encouraging the good and o;!tructing the evil. But -h i! it that I have e!tee)ed the -a of Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2uF Becau!e the ad)ini!tered the govern)ent in !uch a -a that tho!e in the e).ire that did good -ould ;e encouraged and tho!e that did evil -ould ;e o;!tructed. So@ then@ the .rinci.le of e$altation of the virtuou! i! identical -ith the -a of Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u.

#he gentle)en of to-da all e$alt the virtuou! in their .rivate !.eech and conduct. But -hen it co)e! to the ad)ini!tration of the govern)ent for the .u;lic@ the fail to e$alt the virtuou! and e).lo the ca.a;le.

#hen I kno- the gentle)en under!tand onl trifle! and not thing! of !ignificance. 4o- do I kno- it i! !oF Su..o!e the ruler had a coor a !hee. -hich he could not have killed@ he -ould !urel look for a !kilful ;utcher. Or if he -anted a gar)ent -hich he could not have )ade@ he -ould !urel look for a !kilful tailor. 3or the!e@ the ruler -ould not e).lo hi! relative!@ the rich -ithout )erit@ and the good-looking@ ;ecau!e he kne- clearl the -ere inca.a;le. 4e -a! afraid the -ould !.oil the thing! to ;e attended to. So@ in the!e@ the ruler! do not fail to e$alt the virtuou! and e).lo the ca.a;le. (gain@ if the ruler had a !ick hor!e that he could not have cured@ he -ould !urel look for an e$.erienced veterinar doctor. Or if he had a tight ;o- -hich he could not dra-@ he -ould !urel look for a !kilful -ork)an. 3or the!e@ the ruler -ould not e).lo hi! relative!@ the rich -ithout )erit@ and the good-looking@ ;ecau!e he kne- clearl the -ere inca.a;le. 4e -a! afraid the -ould !.oil the thing! to ;e attended to. So@ in the!e )atter! the ruler! do not fall to e$alt the virtuou! and e).lo the ca.a;le. But -hen it co)e! to the affair! of the !tate all i! different. #he relation! of the ruler!@ the rich -ithout )erit@ and the good-looking are all .ro)oted. #hen doe! it not !ee) that the ruler! love their !tate! not even a! )uch a! the love a tight ;o-@ a !ick hor!e@ a gar)ent@ or a co- or a !hee.F

#herefore I kno- the gentle)en of the -orld under!tand onl trifle! and not thing! of !ignificance. #hi! i! like tr ing to )ake )e!!enger! of the du); and )u!ical director! of the deaf.

#o the contrar @ in governing the e).ire the !age-king! of old enriched and honoured tho!e -ho -ere not nece!!aril their relative!@ the rich -ithout )erit@ or the good-looking. (t one ti)e Shun cultivated land at Mt. Li@ )ade .otter ; the 7iver@ engaged in fi!hing in Lake Lei@ and -ent .eddling in 1hang ang. Dao di!covered hi) at 3u=e@ )ade hi) e).eror@ and handed hi) the govern)ent of the e).ire and the rule over the .eo.le. Di Din once took .art in the ;ridal .art of the daughter of the :rince of Gin@ and then -a! e).lo ed a! a cook. #ang di!covered hi) and e$alted hi) to ;e 4igh Duke@ handing hi) the govern)ent of the e).ire and the rule over the .eo.le. Once 3u Due lived in the Di!trict of Beihai and ;uilt the .ri!on -all!. 4i! clothing -a! of coar!e cloth and tied -ith ro.e!. 2u Ding di!covered hi) and e$alted hi) to ;e 4igh Duke@ handing hi) the govern)ent of the e).ire and the rule over the .eo.le. Io-@ -hen Dao e$alted Shun@ #ang e$alted Di Din@

and 2u Ding e$alted 3u Due -a! it ;ecau!e the -ere their relative!@ the rich -ithout )erit@ or the good-lookingF It -a! onl ;ecau!e that ; ado.ting their vie-!@ carr ing out their .lan!@ and follo-ing their -a !@ 4eaven on high -ould ;e ;le!!ed@ the !.irit! in the )iddle -ould ;e ;le!!ed@ and the .eo.le ;elo- -ould ;e ;le!!ed. #herefore the -ere .ro)oted and e$alted.

4aving under!tood the .rinci.le of e$alting the virtuou! in govern)ent@ the ancient !ageking! in!cri;ed it on ;a);oo! and !ilk and engraved it on the di!he! and va!e!@ to hand it do-n to their de!cendant!. #hu! -e find in the A:enal 1ode of LuB@ a ;ook of an ancient king@ the follo-ingE A#he king !aidE K4oL co)e@ e ruler! of !tate! and territorie!@ I -ill tell ou ho- to )ake .uni!h)ent! a ;le!!ing. Io- it i! our! to give re.o!e to the .eo.leE -hat !hould ou ;e )o!t concerned a;out the choo!ing ofF Should it not ;e )enF 2hat !hould ou deal -ith the )o!t reverentl F Should it not ;e .uni!h)ent!F 2hat !hould ou calculate the )o!tF Should it not ;e to -ho) the !hould reachF8B >#hi! i! to !a ? -ith in!ight in choo!ing )en and con!ideratene!! in )eting .uni!h)ent!@ ou can catch u. -ith the -a ! of Dao@ Shun@ Du@

#ang@ 2en@ and 2u. 4o-F B e$altation of the virtuou!. (gain in the ;ook AShu IianB@ another ;ook of an ancient king@ -e findE A4e looked for -i!e )en to .rotect and aid ou.B #hi! i! to !a @ -hen the ancient king! reigned over the e).ire the invaria;l !elected the virtuou! and )ade the) official! and aid!. #he gentle)en in the -orld like riche! and honour@ and di!like .overt and hu)ilit . Io- ho- can ou o;tain the for)er and avoid the latterF #here i! no ;etter -a than to .racti!e virtue. 2hat then i! the -a to .racti!e virtue F Let hi) -ho ha! !trength ;e alert to hel. other!@ let hi) -ho ha! -ealth endeavour to !hare it -ith other!@ let hi) -ho .o!!e!!e! the Dao >the -a of nature and life? teach other! .er!ua!ivel . 2ith thi!@ the hungr -ill ;e fed@ the cold -ill ;e clothed@ the di!tur;ed -ill have order. 2hen the hungr are fed@ the cold are clothed@ and the di!tur;ed have order - thi! i! .rocuring a;undant life.

But tho!e -ho) the ruler! no- are enriching and honouring are all their relative!@ the rich -ithout )erit@ and the good-looking. 2hat can there ;e that guarantee! the!e to ;e -i!eF 2hen the un-i!e are charged -ith the govern)ent of the countr @ di!order in the

countr can ;e .redicted. Io- the gentle)en of the -orld like riche! and honour@ and di!like .overt and hu)ilit . But ho- can ou o;tain the for)er and avoid the latterF #here !ee)! to ;e no other -a than to ;e the ruler!8 relative!@ the rich -ithout )erit@ and the good-looking. &videntl one cannot ;eco)e the!e ; learning. So@ -hen the art of 6udging i! not under!tood@ although !o)e virtuou! .eo.le )a even co).are -ith Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u@ there -ill ;e no co))endation. (nd@ although a relative of the ruler )a ;e la)e and du);@ deaf and ;lind@ and evil like Cie and Zhou@ there -ill ;e no conde)nation. #herefore re-ard doe! not fall on the virtuou! or .uni!h)ent on the evil. (! tho!e re-arded are -ithout )erit@ tho!e .uni!hed are naturall -ithout guilt. (nd !o@ .eo.le all ;eca)e di!integrated in heart and di!!i.ated in ;od @ and de!.airing in doing good. 2ith all their !trength unu!ed@ the -ould not hel. one another < -ith all unu!ed !u..lie! rotting and fer)enting@ the -ould not !hare -ith one another< hiding the e$cellent Dao the -ould not !ho- it to other!. (! a re!ult of thi!@ the hungr are not fed@ the cold are not clothed@ and the di!tur;ed are not given order.

In the da ! of old@ Dao had Shun@ Shun had Du@ Du had 5ao Dao@ #ang had Di Din@ Jing 2u had 4ong Dao@ #ai Dian@ Iangong Juo and San Di!heng -- therefore the -orld -a! har)oniou! and .eo.le -ere .ro!.erou!. (nd tho!e near felt contented and tho!e di!tant -ere attracted. 2herever the !un and the )oon !hone@ ;oat! and vehicle! could reach@ rain and de- vi!ited@ and life de.ended on grain!< fe- -ere not converted >to good? ; thi!. 4ence if the ruler! in the -orld node!ire to do )agnani)it and righteou!ne!! and ;e !u.erior )en@ and de!ire to !trike the -a of the !age-king! on the one hand and -ork for the ;enefit of the countr and the .eo.le on the other< then it i! indi!.en!a;le that the .rinci.le of &$altation of the +irtuou! ;e under!tood. Io-@ e$altation of the virtuou! i! indeed the ;le!!ing of 4eaven@ the !.irit!@ and the .eo.le@ a! -ell a! the foundation of govern)ent.

Book 3 Identification ith the Su!erior I

o=i !aidE In the ;eginning of hu)an life@ -hen there -a! et no la- and govern)ent@ the cu!to) -a! Aever ;od according to hi! o-n idea.B (ccordingl each )an had hi! o-n idea@ t-o )en had t-o different idea! and ten )en had ten different idea! -- the )ore .eo.le the )ore different notion!. (nd ever ;od a..roved of hi! o-n vie- and di!a..roved the vie-! of other!@ and !o aro!e )utual di!a..roval a)ong )en. (! a re!ult@ father

and !on and elder and ounger ;rother! ;eca)e ene)ie! and -ere e!tranged fro) each other@ !ince the -ere una;le to reach an agree)ent. &ver ;od -orked for the di!advantage of the other! -ith -ater@ fire@ and .oi!on.! energ -a! not !.ent for )utual aid< !! good! -ere allo-ed to rot -ithout !haring< e$cellent teaching! >Dao? -ere ke.t !ecret and not revealed. #he di!order in the >hu)an? -orld could ;e co).ared to that a)ong ;ird! and ;ea!t!.

Det all thi! di!order -a! due to the -ant of a ruler. #herefore >4eaven? cho!e the virtuou! in the -orld and cro-ned hi) e).eror. 3eeling the in!ufficienc of hi! ca.acit @ the e).eror cho!e the virtuou! in the -orld and in!talled the) a! the three )ini!ter!. Seeing the va!tne!! of the e).ire and the difficult of attending to )atter! of right and -rong and .rofit and har) a)ong .eo.le! of far countrie!@ the three )ini!ter! divided the e).ire into feudal !tate! and a!!igned the) to feudal lord!. 3eeling the in!ufficienc of their ca.acit @ the feudal lord!@ in turn@ cho!e the virtuou! of their !tate! and a..ointed the) a! their official!.

2hen the ruler! -ere all in!talled@ the e).eror i!!ued a )andate to all the .eo.le@ !a ingE A/.on hearing good or evil one !hall re.ort it to a !u.erior. 2hat the !u.erior think! to ;e right all !hall think to ;e right< -hat the !u.erior think! to ;e -rong all !hall think to ;e -rong. 2hen the !u.erior i! at fault there !hall ;e good coun!el@ -hen the !u;ordinate! !ho- virtue there !hall ;e .o.ular reco))endation. #o identif one8! !elf -ith the !u.erior and not to unite one8! !elf -ith the !u;ordinate! - thi! i! -hat de!erve! encourage)ent fro) a;ove and .rai!e fro) ;elo-.B On the other hand@ if u.on hearing good or evil one !hould not re.ort to a !u.erior< if -hat the !u.erior thought to ;e right one !hould not think to ;e right< if -hat the !u.erior thought to ;e -rong one !hould not think to ;e -rong< if -hen the !u.erior -a! at fault there !hould ;e no good coun!el if -hen the !u;ordinate! !ho-ed virtue there !hould ;e no .o.ular reco))endation< if there !hould ;e co))on cau!e -ith !u;ordinate! and no identification -ith the !u.erior - thi! i! -hat de!erve! .uni!h)ent fro) a;ove and conde)nation fro) ;elo-.B #he !u.erior )ade thi! the ;a!i! of re-ard and .uni!h)ent. 4e -a!

clear-!ighted confidence.





Io- the head of the village -a! the )o!t high-)inded and tender-hearted )an of the village. 4e notified the .eo.le of the village@ !a ingE A/.on hearing good or evil ou !hall re.ort it to the head of the di!trict. 2hat the head of the di!trict think! to ;e right@ all !hall think to ;e right. 2hat he think! to ;e -rong@ all !hall think to ;e -rong. :ut a-a fro) our !.eech that -hich i! not good and learn hi! good !.eech. 7e)ove fro) our conduct that -hich i! not good and learn hi! good conduct. 4o- then can there ;e di!order in the di!trictFB Io-@ ho- -a! order ;rought a;out in the di!trictF #here -a! order in the di!trict ;ecau!e the head could unif the !tandard! of the di!trict.

#he head of the di!trict -a! the )o!t high)inded and tender-hearted )an of the di!trict. 4e notified the .eo.le of the di!trict@ !a ing A/.on hearing good or evil ou !hall re.ort it to the lord. 2hat the lord think! to ;e right all !hall think to ;e right@

-hat he think! to ;e -rong all !hall think to ;e -rong. 7e)ove fro) our !.eech that -hich i! not good and learn hi! good !.eech. #ake a-a fro) our conduct that -hich i! not good and learn hi! good conduct. 4othen can there ;e di!order in the !tateFB Io-@ ho- -a! order ;rought a;out in the feudal !tateF #here -a! order in the !tate ;ecau!e the feudal lord could unif the !tandard! in the !tate.

#he lord of the !tate -a! the )o!t high)inded and tender-hearted )an of the !tate. 4e notified the .eo.le of the !tate@ !a ingE A/.on hearing good or evil ou !hall re.ort it to the e).eror. 2hat the e).eror think! to ;e right all !hall think to ;e right< -hat the e).eror think! to ;e -rong all !hall think to ;e -rong. #ake a-a fro) our !.eech that -hich i! not good and learn hi! good !.eech. 7e)ove fro) our conduct that -hich i! not good and learn hi! good conduct. 4o- then can there ;e di!order in the e).ireFB Io-@ ho- i! order ;rought a;out in the e).ireF #here -a! order in the e).ire ;ecau!e the e).eror could unif the !tandard! in the e).ire.

If@ ho-ever@ the .eo.le all identif the)!elve! -ith the Son of 4eaven ;ut not -ith 4eaven it!elf@ then the 6ungle i! !till unre)oved. Io-@ the freHuent vi!itation! of hurricane! and torrent! are 6u!t the .uni!h)ent! fro) 4eaven u.on the .eo.le for their not identif ing their !tandard! -ith the 2ill of 4eaven.

#herefore@ Mo=i !aidE #he !age-king! of old devi!ed the five .uni!h)ent! to rule the .eo.le in order to ;e a;le to la hand! on tho!e -ho did not identif the)!elve! -ith their !u.erior! - a device of the !a)e nature a! thread! are tied into !kein! and a net i! controlled ; a )ain ro.e.

Identification ith the Su!erior II

o=i !aidE (! -e look ;ack to the ti)e -hen there -a! et no ruler@ it !ee)! the cu!to) -a! Aever ;od in the -orld according to hi! o-n !tandard.B (ccordingl each )an had hi! o-n !tandard@ ten )en had ten different !tandard!@ a hundred )en had a hundred different !tandard! - the )ore .eo.le the )ore !tandard!. (nd ever ;od a..roved of hi! o-n vie- and di!a..roved tho!e of other!@ and !o aro!e )utual di!a..roval. &ven father and !on and ;rother! ;eca)e ene)ie!@ !ince the -ere una;le to reach an agree)ent.! energ -a! not e).lo ed for )utual hel.< e$cellent teaching! >Dao? -ere ke.t !ecret< !! good! -ere allo-ed to rot -ithout !haring. #he di!order in the >hu)an? -orld could ;e co).ared -ith that a)ong ;ird! and ;ea!t!. #he lack of regulation! governing the relation!hi.! ;et-een ruler and !u;6ect@ ;et-een !u.erior and

!u;ordinate@ and ;et-een elder and ounger< and the a;!ence of rule! governing the relation!hi.! ;et-een father and !on and ;et-een older and ounger ;rother!@ re!ulted in di!order in the -orld.

Jno-ing the cau!e of the confu!ion to ;e in the a;!ence of a ruler -ho could unif the !tandard! in the -orld@ >4eaven? cho!e the virtuou!@ !agaciou!@ and -i!e in the -orld and cro-ned hi) e).eror@ charging hi) -ith the dut of unif ing the -ill! in the e).ire. 4aving ;een cro-ned@ the e).eror@ reali=ing the i).o!!i;ilit of unif ing the -orld 6u!t ; hi! o-n !en!e! of hearing and !ight@ cho!e the under!tanding@ virtuou!@ !agaciou!@ and -i!e of the -orld and in!talled the) a! the three )ini!ter!@ !haring -ith the) the dut of unif ing the !tandard! in the e).ire. #he e).eror and the three )ini!ter! ;eing in office@ the felt the va!tne!! of the e).ire and the difficult of unif ing all the .eo.le! in )ountain! and -ood! and tho!e far di!tant. #herefore the ! !te)aticall divided u. the e).ire@ and a..ointed nu)erou! feudal lord!@ charging the!e -ith the dut of unif ing the !tandard! in each !tate. #he feudal lord! in turn felt the difficult of unif ing the !tandard! in their

!tate! 6u!t ; their o-n !en!e! of hearing and !ight. #herefore the cho!e the virtuou! of the !tate to ;e their )ini!ter! and !ecretarie! and all the -a do-n to the head! of di!trict! and village!@ !haring -ith the) the dut of unif ing the !tandard! in the !tate.

2hen the lord! of the countr and the head! of the .eo.le had ;een a..ointed@ the e).eror i!!ued )andate!@ in!tructing the .eo.leE ADi!covering good ou )u!t re.ort it to our !u.erior@ di!covering evil ou )u!t re.ort it to our !u.erior. 2hat the !u.erior think! to ;e right all !hall think to ;e right< -hat the !u.erior think! to ;e -rong all !hall think to ;e -rong. 2hen there i! virtue a)ong the .eo.le there !hall ;e .o.ular reco))endation< -hen the !u.erior i! at fault there !hall ;e good coun!el. Dou !hall identif our!elf -ith the !u.erior and not a!!ociate -ith our !u;ordinate!. So doing@ one de!erve! encourage)ent fro) hi! !u.erior! and .rai!e fro) the .eo.le. AOn the other hand@ if u.on di!covering good ou !hould not re.ort it and u.on di!covering evil ou !hould not re.ort it< if ou !hould not think to ;e right -hat the !u.erior think! to ;e right@ and -rong -hat the !u.erior think! to ;e -rong< if there !hould ;e no

reco))endation -hen there i! virtue a)ong the .eo.le and no good coun!el -hen the !u.erior i! at fault< and if ou !hould unite -ith the !u;ordinate! ;ut differ fro) the !u.erior - ou de!erve heav .uni!h)ent fro) our !u.erior! and conde)nation fro) the .eo.le.B #herefore the !age-king! of old -ere ver 6udiciou! and faithful in their .uni!h)ent! and re-ard!.

(nd !o all the .eo.le a!.ired to the re-ard! and co))endation fro) the !u.erior and dreaded hi! conde)nation and .uni!h)ent. #hereu.on@ in accord -ith the .olic of the e).eror@ the village head .roceeded to unif the .ur.o!e! in the village. 4aving acco).li!hed thi!@ he led the .eo.le of the village to identif the)!elve! -ith the head of the di!trict@ !a ingE A(ll ou .eo.le of the village are to identif our!elve! -ith the head of the di!trict@ and are not to unite -ith the !u;ordinate!. 2hat the head of the di!trict think! to ;e right all !hall think to ;e right< -hat he think! to ;e -rong all !hall think to ;e -rong. :ut a-a our evil !.eech and learn hi! good !.eech< .ut a-a our evil conduct and learn hi! good conduct. 3or the head of the di!trict i! naturall the >)o!t? virtuou! of the di!trict. If all the .eo.le in

the di!trict follo- the e$a).le of their head@ ho- then can the di!trict ;e di!orderl FB Io-@ ho- i! it that the head of the di!trict -a! !o !ucce!!fuI in governing the di!trictF It -a! 6u!t ;ecau!e he could unif the .ur.o!e! of the -hole di!trict that the di!trict -a! !o orderl .

4aving acco).li!hed thi! he in turn led the .eo.le of hi! di!trict to identif the)!elve! -ith the feudal lord@ !a ingE A(ll ou .eo.le of the di!trict !hall identif our!elve! -ith the lord of the !tate@ and !hall not unite -ith the !u;ordinate!. 2hat the lord think! to ;e right all !hall think to ;e right< -hat he think! to ;e -rong all !hall think to ;e -rong. :ut a-a our evil !.eech and learn hi! good !.eech< .ut a-a our evil conduct and learn hi! good conduct. 3or the lord of the !tate i! naturall the >)o!t? virtuou! of the !tate. If all the .eo.le in the !tate follothe e$a).le of their lord@ ho- then can the !tate ;e in di!orderFB Io-@ -h -a! the feudal lord !o !ucce!!ful in governing the !tateF It -a! 6u!t ;ecau!e he could unif the .ur.o!e! in the !tate that the !tate i! orderl .

4aving acco).li!hed thi! he in turn led the .eo.le of hi! !tate to identif the)!elve! -ith the e).eror@ !a ingE A(ll ou .eo.le of the !tate !hall identif our!elve! -ith the e).eror and !hall not unite -ith the !u;ordinate!. 2hat the e).eror think! to ;e right all !hall think to ;e right< -hat he think! to ;e -rong all !hall think to ;e -rong. :ut a-a our evil !.eech and learn hi! good !.eech< .ut a-a our evil conduct and learn hi! good conduct. 3or the e).eror i! naturall the >)o!t? high-)inded and tender-hearted )an of the e).ire. If all the .eo.le of the e).ire follo- hi! e$a).le@ hothen can the !tate ;e di!orderl FB Io-@ -h -a! the e).eror !o !ucce!!ful in governing the e).ireF It -a! 6u!t ;ecau!e he could unif the .ur.o!e! in the e).ire that the e).ire i! orderl .

But to carr the .roce!! of identification -ith the !u.erior u. to the Son of 4eaven and not further u. to 4eaven it!elf -- then the 6ungle fro) 4eaven i! et unre)oved. #hereu.on 4eaven -ould !end do-n cold and heat

-ithout )oderation@ and !no-@ fro!t@ rain@ and de- unti)el . (! a re!ult@ the five grain! could not ri.en and the !i$ ani)al! could not )ature< and there -ould ;e di!ea!e@ e.ide)ic!@ and .e!tilence. Io- the re.eated vi!itation! of hurricane! and torrent! are 6u!t .uni!h)ent! fro) 4eaven - .uni!h)ent! to the .eo.le ;elo- for not identif ing the)!elve! -ith it. #herefore the !age-king! of old a..reciated -hat 4eaven and the !.irit! de!ire and avoided -hat the a;o)inate@ in order to increa!e ;enefit! and to avoid cala)itie! in the -orld. 2ith .urification and ;ath! and clean -ine and cake! the led the .eo.le to )ake !acrifice and li;ation to 4eaven and the !.irit!. In !uch !ervice! to the !.irit! the dared not u!e -ine and cake! that -ere unclean@ !acrificial ani)al! that -ere not fat@ or 6ade and !ilk that did not !ati!f the !tandard reHuire)ent!. #he ti)e for the !.ring and autu)n !acrifice! the dared not )i!!. Cudging la-!uit!@ the dared not ;e un6u!t. Di!tri;uting .ro.ertie!@ the dared not ;e unfair. &ven -hen at lei!ure the dared not ;e di!re!.ectful. 2hen the !age-king! )ade !uch >good? ruler!@ 4eaven and the !.irit! co))ended their leader!hi. fro) a;ove@ and the .eo.le cheri!hed it fro) ;elo-. #o -ork under the heart a..roval of 4eaven and the !.irit! i! to o;tain their ;le!!ing!. #o -ork under the a..reciation of the .eo.le i! to

o;tain their confidence. (d)ini!tering the govern)ent like thi!@ con!eHuentl the -ould !ucceed in .lanning@ acco).li!h their end! in e$ecuting@ ;e !trong in defence and victoriou! in attack. (nd the rea!on for all thi! lie! in their e).lo ing the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior in govern)ent. (nd thi! i! ho- the !age-king! of old ad)ini!tered their govern)ent.

:eo.le )ight then a!kE (t the .re!ent ti)e ruler! are not a;!ent fro) the e).ire@ -h then i! there di!order in the e).ireF Mo=i !aidE #he .olitical leader! of the .re!ent da are Huite different fro) tho!e of old. #he ca!e i! .arallel to that of the 3ive :uni!h)ent! -ith the :rince of Miao. In ancient ti)e!@ the !age-king! )ade the code of the 3ive :uni!h)ent! and .ut the e).ire in order. But -hen the :rince of Miao e!ta;li!hed the 3ive :uni!h)ent! the un!ettled hi! e).ire. 1an it ;e that the :uni!h)ent! are at faultF 7eall the fault lie! in their a..lication. #he A:enal 1ode of LuB a)ong the ;ook! of the ancient king!@ !a !E A()ong the .eo.le of Miao .uni!h)ent! -ere a..lied -ithout e).lo ing in!truction and ad)onition. #he )ade a code of five torture! and called it la-.B #hi! i! to !a @

tho!e -ho kno- ho- to a..l .uni!h)ent! can govern the .eo.le -ith the). (nd tho!e -ho do not kno-@ )ake five torture! out of the). 1an it ;e that the .uni!h)ent! are at faultF Onl @ -hen their a..lication i! not to the .oint do the ;eco)e five torture!. (nd@ al!o@ AShu LingB@ a)ong the ;ook! of the ancient king!@ !a !E A#he !a)e )outh can .roduce friend!hi. or .roduce -ar.B #hi! i! to !a that he -ho can u!e the )outh -ell -ill .roduce friend!hi.@ and he -ho cannot -ill !tir u. the ene)ie! and the ;e!ieging ;ar;arian!. 1an it ;e that the )outh i! at faultF #he fault reall lie! in it! u!e -hich !tir! u. the ene)ie! and the ;e!ieging ;ar;arian!.

4ence the in!talling of the ruler in the ancient da ! -a! intended to govern the .eo.le. Cu!t a! there i! one thread to hold together the other! in a !kein and a )ain ro.e to a fi!hing net@ !o the ruler i! to hold together all the evil and -icked in the e).ire and ;ring their .ur.o!e! into har)on >-ith their !u.erior!?. #hu! AGiang IianB@ a)ong the ;ook! of the ancient king!@ !a !E AIothe e).ire i! e!ta;li!hed and the ca.ital i! locatedE >4eaven? in!talled the e).eror@ king!@ and lord! not in order to )ake the)

.roud@ and >4eaven? a..ointed the )ini!ter! and the official! not in order to )ake the) idle - it -a! to a..ortion dutie! a)ong the) and charge the) -ith the )aintenance of the 4eavenl 6u!tice.B #hi! i! to !a that -hen 5od and the !.irit! in the .a!t e!ta;li!hed the ca.ital and in!talled the ruler!@ it -a! not to )ake their rank! high@ and their e)olu)ent! !u;!tantial@ and to give the) -ealth and honour@ and let the) live in co)fort and free of care. It -a! reall to .rocure ;enefit! and eli)inate adver!itie! for the .eo.le@ and to enrich the .oor and increa!e the fe-@ and to ;ring !afet -here there i! danger and to re!tore order -here there i! confu!ion - it -a! for thi! that the .olitical leader! -ere a..ointed. (nd !o the ancient !age-king! ad)ini!tered their govern)ent accordingl .


#he lord! at the .re!ent@ ho-ever@ do 6u!t the rever!e. (d)ini!tration i! carried on to court flatter . 3ather! and ;rother! and other relative! and friend! are .laced at the right and left and a..ointed ruler! of the .eo.le. Jno-ing that the !u.erior a..ointed the ruler! not for the -elfare of the .eo.le@ the .eo.le all ke.t aloof and -ould not identif the)!elve! -ith the !u.erior. #herefore .ur.o!e! of the !u.erior and the !u;ordinate!

are not unified. #hi! ;eing !o@ re-ard! and co))endation! -ould not encourage the .eo.le to do good@ and .uni!h)ent! and fine! -ould not re!train the) fro) doing evil. 4o- do -e kno- thi! -ould ;e !oF


In governing the countr @ the ruler .roclai)! A2hoever de!erve! re-ard I -ill re-ard.B Su..o!e the .ur.o!e! of the !u.erior and the !u;ordinate! are different@-hoever i! re-arded ; the !u.erior -ould ;e conde)ned ; the .u;lic. (nd in co))unit life the conde)nation of the .u;lic i! ! #hough there i! re-ard fro) the !u.erior@ it -ill not ;e an encourage)ent. In governing the countr @ again@ the ruler .roclai)!E A2hoever de!erve! .uni!h)ent I -ill .uni!h.B Su..o!e the .ur.o!e! of the !u.erior and the !u;ordinate! are different@ -hoever i! .uni!hed ; the !u.erior -ould ;e a..lauded ; the .u;lic. (nd in co))unit life the a..roval of the .u;lic i! ! #hough there i! .uni!h)ent fro) the !u.erior@ it -ill not ;e an o;!truction. Io-@ in governing the countr and ruling the .eo.le@ if re-ard! cannot encourage the .eo.le to do good and .uni!h)ent! cannot re!train the) fro) doing evil@ i! thi! not 6u!t the !a)e a! in the ;eginning of hu)an life

-hen there -ere no ruler!F If it i! the !a)e -ith ruler! or -ithout the)@ it i! not the -a to govern the .eo.le and unif the )ultitude.


(! the ancient !age-king! could o;!erve the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior@ -hen the ;eca)e ruler! the .ur.o!e! of the !u.erior and the !u;ordinate! ;eca)e interchangea;le. If the !u.erior re!erved for hi)!elf !.ecial facilitie! the !u;ordinate! could !hare the). If the .eo.le had an unrighted -rong! or accu)ulated in6urie!@ the !u.erior -ould re)ove the). #herefore@ if there -a! a virtuou! )an thou!and! of li a-a @ though hi! clan!)en did not all kno- it >the fact? and .eo.le in the !a)e di!trict did not all kno- it@ the e).eror could re-ard hi). (nd if there -a! an evil )an thou!and! of li a-a @ though hi! clan!)en did not all kno- it >the fact? and .eo.le in the !a)e village did not all kno- it@ the e).eror could .uni!h hi). #hereu.on all the .eo.le in the -orld -ere a!toni!hed@ and carefull avoided doing evil@ !a ingE A#he e).eror i! like a !.irit in hi! hearing and !ight.B But the ancient king! !aidE AIt -a! no !.irit ;ut onl the a;ilit to )ake u!e of other!8 ear! and e e! to hel. one8! o-n hearing and !ight@ to )ake u!e of other!8 li.! to hel. one8! o-n

!.eech@ to )ake u!e of other!8 )ind! to hel. one8! o-n thought@ to )ake u!e of other!8 li);! to hel. one8! o-n action!.B 2hen there are )an to hel. one8! hearing and !ight then of cour!e one can hear and !ee far< -hen there are )an to hel. one8! !.eech then one8! good coun!el can co)fort )an < -hen there are )an to hel. one8! thought then one8! .lan! can ;e !ha.ed !.eedil < -hen there are )an to hel. one8! action! then one can acco).li!h one8! undertaking Huickl . So there -a! no other rea!on for the !ucce!! and great fa)e of the ancient !age! than that the could carr out the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior in their ad)ini!tration.


One of the A&ulogie! of ZhouB a)ong the -ork! of the ancient king! !a !E A#he ca)e to !ee hi! Ma6e!t . Dail the !ought the code of .ro.riet .B #hi! de!cri;e! ho- in ti)e! of old@ the feudal lord! ca)e to the e).eror8! court ;oth !.ring and autu)n to receive !trict in!truction! fro) the e).eror and ruled their !tate! accordingl -hen the returned< and there -a! none a)ong tho!e -ho ca)e under !uch an ad)ini!tration that dared not !u;)it co).letel . (nd@ at that ti)e@ none dared to confu!e the in!truction! fro) the e).eror. (nd thu! run! an OdeE

AM tea) i! of -hite hor!e! -ith ;lack )ane!. #he !i$ rein! look lu$uriant. #he trot and gallo.. #he con!ideration! >of the e).eror? are all-inclu!ive.B 3urtherE AM tea) i! of dark gre hor!e!. #he !i$ rein! look like !ilk. #he trot and gallo.. #he .lan! >of the e).eror? are all-inclu!ive.B #hi! i! to !a that u.on di!covering either good or evil the ancient feudal lord! al-a ! hurriedl drove to the e).eror and re.orted it to hi). #herefore re-ard! fell u.on the virtuou! and .uni!h)ent u.on the -icked. #he innocent -a! not .ro!ecuted and the guilt -a! not !et free. (nd all thi! i! the re!ult of .racti!ing the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior.


#herefore@ Mo=i !aidE Io-@ if the ruler! and the gentle)en of the -orld !incerel de!ire to enrich their countr and )ulti.l their .eo.le@ and to .ut the govern)ent and 6uri!diction in order and !ta;ili=e the !tate if !o@ then the cannot afford to fail to under!tand the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior@ -hich i! the foundation of govern)ent.

Identification ith the Su!erior III

o=i !aidE #he intere!t of the -i!e >ruler? lie! in carr ing out -hat )ake! for order a)ong the .eo.le and avoiding -hat )ake! for confu!ion. But -hat i! it that )ake! for order a)ong the .eo.leF 2hen the ad)ini!tration of the ruler an!-er! to the de!ire! of the .eo.le there -ill ;e order@ other-i!e there -ill ;e confu!ion. 4o- do -e kno- it i! !oF 2hen the ad)ini!tration of the ruler an!-er! to the de!ire! of the !u;6ect!@ it )anife!t! an under!tanding of the a..roval! and di!a..roval! of the .eo.le. 2hen there i! !uch an under!tanding@ the good -ill ;e di!covered and re-arded and the ;ad -ill ;e di!covered and .uni!hed@ and the countr -ill !urel have order. 2hen the ad)ini!tration of the ruler doe! not an!-er to the de!ire! of the !u;6ect!@ it !ho-! a lack of under!tanding of the a..roval! and di!a..roval! of the !u;6ect!. 2hen there i! no

!uch under!tanding then the good -iII not ;e di!covered and re-arded and the ;ad -ill not ;e di!covered and .uni!hed. 2ith the good unre-arded and the evil un.uni!hed@ !uch a govern)ent -ill !urel .ut the countr into di!order. #herefore -hen re-ard! and .uni!h)ent! do not an!-er to the de!ire! of the .eo.le@ the )atter ha! to ;e carefull looked into.

But ho- can the de!ire! of the .eo.le >;eing !o )an and variou!? ;e )etF #herefore Mo=i !aidE It can ;e done onl ; ado.ting the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior in govern)ent. 4o- do -e kno- the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior can govern the e).ireF 2h not then e$a)ine the ad)ini!tration and the theor of govern)ent of the ancient ti)e!F In the ;eginning there -a! no ruler and ever ;od -a! inde.endent. Since ever one -a! inde.endent@ there -ould ;e one .ur.o!e -hen there -a! one )an@ ten .ur.o!e! -hen there -ere ten )en@ a hundred .ur.o!e! -hen there -ere a hundred )en@ a thou!and .ur.o!e! -hen there -ere a thou!and )en and !o on until the nu);er of )en ;eca)e innu)era;le and the nu);er of different .ur.o!e! ;eca)e innu)era;le -ith it. (nd all

of the) a..roved their o-n idea! and di!a..roved tho!e of other!. (nd there -a! !trife a)ong the !trong and !truggle a)ong the -eak. #hereu.on 4eaven -i!hed to unif the !tandard! in the -orld. #he virtuou! -a! !elected and )ade e).eror. 1on!ciou! of the in!ufficienc of hi! .o-er alone to govern the e).ire@ the e).eror cho!e the ne$t ;e!t >in virtue and -i!do)? and honoured the) to ;e the three )ini!ter!. 1on!ciou! of the in!ufficienc of their .o-er! alone to a!!i!t the e).eror@ the three )ini!ter! in turn divided the e).ire into feudal !tate! and a!!igned the) to feudal lord!. 1on!ciou! of the in!ufficienc of hi! .o-er alone to govern all that -ere -ithin hi! four ;order!@ the feudal lord in turn !elected hi! ne$t ;e!t and co))i!!ioned the) )ini!ter! and !ecretarie!. 1on!ciou! of the in!ufficienc of their .o-er alone to a!!i!t their feudal lord@ the )ini!ter! and !ecretarie! again !elected their ne$t ;e!t and a..ointed the) di!trict head! and clan .atriarch!. #herefore@ in a..ointing the three )ini!ter!@ the feudal lord!@ the )ini!ter! and !ecretarie!@ and the di!trict head! and clan .atriarch!@ the e).eror -a! not !electing the) for -ealth and honour@ lei!ure and ea!e. It -a! to e).lo the) to hel. in ad)ini!tration and 6uri!diction. 4ence@ -hen 4eaven e!ta;li!hed the e).ire and located the ca.ital and co))i!!ioned the !overeign@ king!@ lord!@ and duke!@ and

a..ointed !ecretarie!@ !cholar!@ .rofe!!or!@ and elder! - it -a! not to give the) ea!e@ ;ut onl to divide u. the ta!k and let the) hel. carr out the light of 4eaven.

2h are the !u.erior! no- una;le to govern their !u;ordinate!@ and the !u;ordinate! un-illing to !erve their !u.erior!F It i! ;ecau!e of a )utual di!regard. 2hat i! the rea!on for thi!F #he rea!on i! a difference in !tandard!. 2henever !tandard! differ there -ill ;e o..o!ition. #he ruler )a think a )an good and re-ard hi). #he )an@ though re-arded ; the ruler@ et ; the !a)e act .rovoke! the conde)nation of the .eo.le. #herefore tho!e -ho do good are not nece!!aril encouraged ; re-ard!. #he ruler )a think a )an evil and .uni!h hi). #hi! )an@ though .uni!hed ; the ruler@ et at the !a)e ti)e receive! the a..roval of the .eo.le. #herefore tho!e -ho do evil are not nece!!aril o;!tructed ; .uni!h)ent!. #hu! re-ard and honour fro) the ruler cannot encourage the good and hi! denunciation and .uni!h)ent cannot .revent the evil. 2hat i! the rea!on for thi!F #he rea!on i! a difference in !tandard!.

But ho- can the !tandard! in the -orld ;e unifiedF Mo=i !aidE 2h not let each )e);er of the clan organi=e hi! .ur.o!e! and identif the) -ith tho!e of the .atriarchF (nd let the .atriarch give la-! and .roclai) to the clanE A2hoever di!cover! a ;enefactor to the clan !hall re.ort it< -hoever di!cover! a )alefactor to the clan !hall re.ort it. 2hoever re.ort! the ;enefactor of the clan u.on !eeing one i! eHuivalent to ;enefiting the clan hi)!elf. Jno-ing hi) the !u.erior -ill re-ard hi)@ hearing of hi) the grou. -ill .rai!e hi). 2hoever fail! to re.ort a )alefactor of the clan u.on !eeing one i! eHuivalent to doing evil to the clan hi)!elf. Jno-ing hi) the !u.erior -ill .uni!h hi)@ hearing of hi) the grou. -ill conde)n hi).B #hereu.on all the )e);er! of the clan -i!h to o;tain re-ard and honor and avoid denunciation and .uni!h)ent fro) their !u.erior. Seeing the good the -ill re.ort< !eeing the evil the -ill re.ort. (nd the .atriarch can re-ard the good and .uni!h the evil. 2ith the good re-arded and the evil .uni!hed@ the clan -ill !urel have order. Io-@ -h i! it that the clan ;eco)e! orderl F Cu!t ;ecau!e the ad)ini!tration i! ;a!ed on the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior.

Io- that the clan i! in order@ i! that all there i! of the -a of governing the feudal !tateF B no )ean!. #he !tate i! co).o!ed of )an clan!. #he all like their o-n clan and di!like other clan!. (nd there i! !trife a)ong the !trong and !truggle a)ong the -eak. #herefore the clan .atriarch! !hould again organi=e the .ur.o!e! in the clan and identif the) -ith tho!e of the feudal lord. #he feudal lord al!o !hould give la-! and !hould .roclai) to the !tateE A2hoever di!cover! a ;enefactor of the !tate !hall re.ort it< -hoever di!cover! a )alefactor of the !tate !hall re.ort it. 2hoever re.ort! a ;enefactor of the !tate u.on !eeing one i! eHuivalent to ;enefiting the !tate hi)!elf. Jno-ing hi) the !u.erior -ill re-ard hi)@ hearing of hi) the .eo.le -ill .rai!e hi). 2hoever fail! to re.ort a )alefactor of the !tate u.on !eeing one i! eHuivalent to doing evil to the !tate hi)!elf. Jno-ing hi) the !u.erior -ill .uni!h hi)@ hearing of hi) the .eo.le -ill conde)n hi).B #hereu.on all .eo.le in the !tate -i!h to o;tain re-ard and honour and avoid denunciation and .uni!h)ent fro) their !u.erior. Seeing the good the -ill re.ort@ !eeing the evil the -ill re.ort. (nd the feudal lord can re-ard

the good and .uni!h the evil. 2ith the good re-arded and the evil .uni!hed@ the feudal !tate -ill !urel have order. Io-@ -h i! it that the !tate ;eco)e! orderl F Cu!t ;ecau!e the ad)ini!tration i! ;a!ed on the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior.

Io- that the feudal !tate i! in order@ i! that all there i! to the -a of governing the e).ireF B no )ean!. #he e).ire i! co).o!ed of )an !tate!. #he all like their o-n !tate and di!like other !tate!. (nd there i! !trife a)ong the !trong and !truggle a)ong the -eak. #herefore the feudal lord !hould again organi=e the .ur.o!e! in the !tate and identif the) -ith tho!e of the e).eror. #he e).eror al!o !hould give la-! and !hould .roclai) to the e).ireE A2hoever di!cover! a ;enefactor of the e).ire !hall re.ort it< -hoever di!cover! a )alefactor of the e).ire !hall re.ort it. 2hoever re.ort! a ;enefactor of the e).ire u.on !eeing one i! eHuivalent to ;enefiting the !tate hi)!elf. Jno-ing hi) the !u.erior -ill re-ard hi)@ hearing of hi) the .eo.le -ill .rai!e hi). 2hoever fail! to re.ort a )alefactor u.on !eeing one i! eHuivalent to doing evil to the e).ire hi)!elf. Jno-ing hi) the !u.erior -ill .uni!h hi)@ hearing of

hi) the .eo.le -ill conde)n hi).B #hereu.on all the .eo.le in the e).ire -ill -i!h to o;tain re-ard and honour and avoid denunciation and .uni!h)ent fro) their e).eror. Seeing the good and the evil the -ill re.ort. (nd the e).eror can re-ard the good and .uni!h the evil. 2ith the good re-arded and the evil .uni!hed@ the e).ire -ill !urel have order. Io- -h i! it that the e).ire ;eco)e! orderl F Cu!t ;ecau!e the ad)ini!tration i! ;a!ed on the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior.

Io- that the e).ire ;eco)e! orderl @ the e).eror -ill further organi=e the .ur.o!e! in the e).ire and identif the) -ith the 2ill of 4eaven. #herefore Identification -ith the Su.erior a! a .rinci.le can govern the e).ire -hen u!ed ; the e).eror@ it can govern the !tate -hen u!ed ; the feudal lord@ and it can govern the clan -hen u!ed ; the clan .atriarch. #o ;e found not -anting -hen u!ed on a large !cale to govern the e).ire@ and not u!ele!! -hen e).lo ed on a !)all !cale to govern a clan - thi! i! !aid of !uch a .rinci.le.

4ence the .rover;E A#o govern the -orlde).ire i! the !a)e a! to rule a !ingle fa)il clan< to co))and all the .eo.le in the -orld i! the !a)e a! to order a !ingle individual.B Doe! an one think that all thi! i! 6u!t a fanc of Mo=i@ and that thi! teaching did not e$i!t a)ong the !age-king! of oldF 7eall the -ere of the !a)e o.inion. (ll the !age-king! ad)ini!tered their govern)ent ; the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior@ therefore the -orld ;eca)e orderl . 4o- do -e kno- it i! !oF It i! recorded in the A5rand OathB a)ong the ;ook! of the ancient king!E AIf an un!cru.ulou! )an di!cover! a ca!e of intrigue and dece.tion and fail! to )ake it kno-n@ he !hall ;e .uni!hed eHuall .B #hi! i! to !a that -hoever di!cover! an cri)e and doe! not re.ort it -ill ;e taken a! co))itting a cri)e of the !a)e order.

#herefore in governing the e).ire@ the ancient !age-king! cho!e onl the e$cellent for the out.o!t! a! -ell a! for the office! near hi). (! there -ere )an to hel. hi) !ee and ;ear@ ;e !ucceeded ;efore other! in .lanning@

and co).leted ;efore other! in e$ecuting@ and hi! good na)e -a! !.read ;efore other!. Cu!t ;ecau!e he could tru!t hi! !taff in the ad)ini!tration@ the ;enefit! -ere a! -e have !tated. #here i! an ancient .rover; !a ingE A#he !ight of one e e cannot co).are -ith that of t-o the hearing of one ear cannot co).are -ith that of t-o@ the gra!. of one hand cannot co).are -ith that of t-o.B Io-@ 6u!t ;ecau!e he could tru!t hi! !taff in the ad)ini!tration the !age-king received !uch ;enefit!.#herefore during the reign of the ancient !age-king over the e).ire@ if there -a! a virtuou! )an )ore than a thou!and li a-a he could re-ard hi) ;efore the .eo.le in the !a)e di!trict and village all got to kno- it. (nd if there -a! a -icked )an a;out a thou!and li a-a he could .uni!h hi) ;efore the .eo.le in the !a)e di!trict and village all got to kno- it. #hough it )a ;e !u..o!ed that the !age-king -a! keen in hearing and !ight@ ho- could he !ee all that i! ;e ond a thou!and li at one look@ ho- could he hear all that i! ;e ond a thou!and li at one hearing F In fact the !age-king could !ee -ithout going there and hear -ithout ;eing near. Det -hat ke.t the thieve!@ ro;;er!@ ;andit!@ and high-a )en )oving all over the e).ire -ithout ;eing a;le to find refuge an -hereF #here i! the ;eaut of ado.ting the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior in govern)ent.


#herefore Mo=i !aidE 2hoever order! hi! .eo.le to identif the)!elve! -ith their !u.erior )u!t love the) dearl . 3or the .eo.le -ill not o;e order! e$ce.t -hen the are ordered -ith love and held in confidence. Lead the) -ith -ealth and honour ahead@ and .u!h the) -ith 6u!t .uni!h)ent! fro) ;ehind. 2hen govern)ent i! carried on like thi!@ even though I -anted to have !o)e one not to identif hi)!elf -ith )e@ it -ould ;e i).o!!i;le.


#herefore Mo=i !aidE If the king!@ duke!@ and i).ortant .er!onage! of the -orld no!incerel -ant to .racti!e )agnani)it and righteou!ne!! and ;e !u.erior )en@ if the -ant to attain the -a of the !age-king! on the one hand and contri;ute to-ard the ;enefit of the .eo.le on the other@ the cannot leave the .rinci.le of Identification -ith the Su.erior une$a)ined and ununder!tood. Identification -ith the Su.erior i!@ indeed@ the foundation of govern)ent and e!!ence of orderline!!.

Book 4 "niversal Love I

he -i!e )an -ho ha! charge of governing the e).ire !hould knothe cau!e of di!order ;efore he can .ut it in order. /nle!! he kno-! it! cau!e@ he cannot regulate it. It i! !i)ilar to the .ro;le) of a .h !ician -ho i! attending a .atient. 4e ha! to kno- the cau!e of the ail)ent ;efore he can cure it. /nle!! he kno-! it! cau!e he cannot cure it. 4o- i! the !ituation different for hi) -ho i! to regulate di!orderF 4e too

ha! to kno- the cau!e of the di!order ;efore he can regulate it. /nle!! he kno-! it! cau!e he cannot regulate it. #he -i!e )an -ho ha! charge of governing the e).ire )u!t@ then@ inve!tigate the cau!e of di!order.

Su..o!e -e tr to locate the cau!e of di!order@ -e !hall find it lie! in the -ant of )utual love. 2hat i! called di!order i! 6u!t the lack of filial .iet on the .art of the )ini!ter and the !on to-ard! the e).eror and the father< (! he love! hi)!elf and not hi! father the !on ;enefit! hi)!elf to the di!advantage of hi! father. (! he love! hi)!elf and not hi! elder ;rother@ the ounger ;rother ;enefit! hi)!elf to the di!advantage of hi! elder ;rother. (! he love! hi)!elf and not hi! e).eror@ the )ini!ter ;enefit! hi)!elf to the di!advantage of hi! e).eror. (nd the!e are -hat i! called di!order. 2hen the father !ho-! no affection to the !on@ -hen the elder ;rother !ho-! no affection to the ounger ;rother@ and -hen the e).eror !ho-! no affection to the )ini!ter@ on the other hand@ it i! al!o called di!order. 2hen the father love! onl hi)!elf and not the !on@ he ;enefit! hi)!elf to the di!advantage of the !on. 2hen the elder ;rother love! onl hi)!elf and not hi! ounger ;rother@ he

;enefit! hi)!elf to the di!advantage of the ounger ;rother. 2hen the e).eror love! onl hi)!elf and not hi! )ini!ter@ he ;enefit! hi)!elf to the di!advantage of hi! )ini!ter@ and the rea!on for all the!e i! -ant of )utual love.

#hi! i! true even a)ong thieve! and ro;;er!. (! he love! onl hi! o-n fa)il and not other fa)ilie!@ the thief !teal! fro) other fa)ilie! to .rofit hi! o-n fa)il . (! he love! onl hi! o-n .er!on and not other!@ the ro;;er doe! violence to other! to .rofit hi)!elf. (nd the rea!on for all thi! i! -ant of love. #hi! again i! true in the )utual di!tur;ance a)ong the hou!e! of the )ini!ter! and the )utual inva!ion! a)ong the !tate! of the feudal lord!. (! he love! onl hi! o-n hou!e and not the other!@ the )ini!ter di!tur;! the other hou!e! to .rofit hi! o-n. (! he love! onl hi! o-n !tate and not the other!@ the feudal lord attack! the other !tate! to .rofit hi! o-n. #he!e in!tance! e$hau!t the confu!ion in the -orld. (nd -hen -e look into the cau!e! -e find the all ari!e fro) -ant of )utual love.

Su..o!e ever ;od in the -orld love! univer!all @ loving other! a! one8! !elf. 2ill there et ;e an unfilial individualF 2hen ever one regard! hi! father@ elder ;rother@ and e).eror a! hi)!elf@ -hereto can he direct an unfilial feelingF 2ill there !till ;e an unaffectionate individualF 2hen ever one regard! hi! ounger ;rother@ !on@ and )ini!ter a! hi)!elf@ -hereto can he direct an di!affectionF #herefore there -ill not ;e an unfilial feeling or di!affection. 2ill there then ;e an thieve! and ro;;er!F 2hen ever one regard! other fa)ilie! a! hi! o-n fa)il @ -ho -ill !tealF 2hen ever one regard! other .er!on! a! hi! o-n .er!on@ -ho -ill ro;F #herefore there -ill not ;e an thieve! or ro;;er!. 2ill there ;e )utual di!tur;ance a)ong the hou!e! of the )ini!ter! and inva!ion a)ong the !tate! of the feudal lord!F 2hen ever one regard! the hou!e! of other! a! one8! o-n@ -ho -ill ;e di!tur;ingF 2hen ever one regard! the !tate! of other! a! one8! o-n@ -ho -ill invadeF #herefore there -ill ;e neither di!tur;ance! a)ong the hou!e! of the )ini!ter! nor inva!ion a)ong the !tate! of the feudal lord!.

If ever one in the -orld -ill love univer!all < !tate! not attacking one another< hou!e! not di!tur;ing one another< thieve! and ro;;er! ;eco)ing e$tinct< e).eror and )ini!ter!@ father! and !on!@ all ;eing affectionate and filial -- if all thi! co)e! to .a!! the -orld -ill ;e orderl . #herefore@ ho- can the -i!e )an -ho ha! charge of governing the e).ire fail to re!train hate and encourage loveF So@ -hen there i! univer!al love in the -orld it -ill ;e orderl @ and -hen there i! )utual hate in the -orld it -ill ;e di!orderl . #hi! i! -h Mo=i in!i!ted on .er!uading .eo.le to love other!.

"niversal Love II

o=i !aidE #he .ur.o!e of the )agnani)ou! i! to ;e found in .rocuring ;enefit! for the -orld and eli)inating it! cala)itie!. But -hat are

the ;enefit! of the -orld and -hat it! cala)itie!F Mo=i !aidE Mutual attack! a)ong !tate!@ )utual u!ur.ation a)ong hou!e!@ )utual in6urie! a)ong individual!< the lack of grace and lo alt ;et-een ruler and ruled@ the lack of affection and filial .iet ;et-een father and !on@ the lack of har)on ;et-een elder and ounger ;rother! - the!e are the )a6or cala)itie! in the -orld.

But -hence did the!e cala)itie! ari!e@ out of )utual loveF Mo=i !aidE #he ari!e out of -ant of )utual love. (t .re!ent feudal lord! have learned onl to love their o-n !tate! and not tho!e of other!. #herefore the do not !cru.le a;out attacking other !tate!. #he head! of hou!e! have learned onl to love their o-n hou!e! and not tho!e of other!. #herefore the do not !cru.le a;out u! other hou!e!. (nd individual! have learned onl to love the)!elve! and not other!. #herefore the do not !cru.le a;out in6uring other!. 2hen feudal lord! do not love one another there -ill ;e -ar on the field!. 2hen head! of hou!e! do not love one another the -ill u!ur. one another8! .o-er. 2hen individual! do not love one another the -ill in6ure one another. 2hen ruler and ruled do not love one another the -ill not

;e graciou! and lo al. 2hen father and !on do not love each other the -ill not ;e affectionate and filial. 2hen older and ounger ;rother! do not love each other the -ill not ;e har)oniou!. 2hen no;od in the -orld love! an other@ naturall the !trong -ill over.o-er the -eak@ the )an -ill!! the fe-@ the -ealth -ill )ock the .oor@ the honoured -ill di!dain the hu);le@ the cunning -ill deceive the !i).le. #herefore all the cala)itie!@ !trife!@ co).laint!@ and hatred in the -orld have ari!en out of -ant of )utual love. #herefore the ;enevolent di!a..roved of thi! -ant.

Io- that there i! di!a..roval@ ho- can -e have the condition alteredF Mo=i !aid it i! to ;e altered ; the -a of univer!al love and )utual aid. But -hat i! the -a of univer!al love and )utual aidF Mo=i !aidE It i! to regard the !tate of other! a! one8! o-n@ the hou!e! of other! a! one8! o-n@ the .er!on! of other! a! one8! !elf. 2hen feudal lord! love one another there -ill ;e no )ore -ar< -hen head! of hou!e! love one another there -ill ;e no )ore )utual u!ur.ation< -hen individual! love one another there -ill ;e no )ore )utual in6ur . 2hen ruler and ruled love each other the -ill ;e graciou! and

lo al< -hen father and !on love each other the -ill ;e affectionate and filial< -hen older and ounger ;rother! love each other the -ill ;e har)oniou!. 2hen all the .eo.le in the -orld love one another@ then the !trong -ill not over.o-er the -eak@ the )an -ill not!! the fe-@ the -ealth -ill not )ock the .oor@ the honoured -ill not di!dain the hu);le@ and the cunning -ill not deceive the !i).le. (nd it i! all due to )utual love that cala)itie!@ !trife@ co).laint!@ and hatred are .revented fro) ari!ing. #herefore the ;enevolent e$alt it.

But the gentle)en of the -orld -ould !a E ASo far !o good. It i! of cour!e ver e$cellent -hen love ;eco)e! univer!al. But it i! onl a difficult and di!tant ideal.B Mo=i !aidE #hi! i! !i).l ;ecau!e the gentle)en of the -orld do not recogni=e -hat i! to the ;enefit of the -orld@ or under!tand -hat i! it! cala)it . Io-@ to ;e!iege a cit @ to fight in the field!@ or to achieve a na)e at the co!t of death -the!e are -hat )en find difficult. Det -hen the !u.erior encourage! the)@ the )ultitude can do the). Be!ide!@ univer!al love and )utual aid i! Huite different fro) the!e. 2hoever love! other! i! loved ; other!< -hoever ;enefit! other! i! ;enefited ;

other!< -hoever hate! other! i! hated ; other!< -hoever in6ure! other! i! in6ured ; other!. #hen@ -hat difficult i! there -ith it >univer!al love?F Onl @ the ruler fail! to e);od it in hi! govern)ent and the ordinar )an in hi! conduct.

3or)erl @ Lord 2en of the !tate of Cin >a;out *30 B.1.? liked the uncouth unifor) of the !oldier. (nd !o all hi! )ini!ter! and officer! -ore !hee.!kin 6acket!@ carried their !-ord! in leather girdle!@ and .ut on !ilk-!.un hat!. >1? #hu! attired@ the attended the Lord -hen the -ent in and .aced the court -hen the !ta ed out. 2hat -a! the rea!on for thi!F It -a! that -hat the ruler encourage! the ruled -ill carr out. (nd Lord Ling of the !tate of 1hu >a;out ,3, B.1.? liked !lender -ai!t!. (nd !o all hi! )ini!ter! and officer! li)ited the)!elve! to a !ingle )eal >a da ?. #he tied their ;elt! after e$haling@ and could not !tand u. -ithout leaning again!t the -all. 2ithin a ear the court looked gri) and dark. 2hat -a! the rea!on for thi!F It -a! that -hat the ruler encourage! the ruled -ill carr out. (gain@ Lord 5ou6ian of the !tate of Due >a;out 4'0 B.1.? liked the -arrior8! courage@ and trained hi! !u;6ect! accordingl . 4e had hi! .alace ;oat !et on

fire. #o te!t hi! !oldier! he .roclai)ed that all the trea!ure! of the !tate -ere contained therein. (nd he ;eat the dru) hi)!elf to urge the) on. 4earing the dru) the !oldier! ru!hed on in di!order. More than a hundred !trong .eri!hed in the fla)e!. #hereu.on the Lord ;eat the gong to let the) retreat.

#herefore Mo=i !aidE Io-@ thing! like !cant diet@ coar!e clothing@ and the achieve)ent of a na)e at the co!t of death are tho!e in -hich .eo.le find difficult . Det -hen the ruler encourage! the) the )ultitude can !tand the). Be!ide!@ univer!al love and )utual aid are different fro) the!e. 2hoever love! other! i! loved ; other!< -hoever ;enefit! other! i! ;enefited ; other!< -hoever hate! other! i! hated ; other!< -hoever in6ure! other! i! in6ured ; other!. #hen -hat difficult i! there -ith it >univer!al love?F Onl @ the ruler fail! to e);od it in hi! govern)ent and the ordinar )an in hi! conduct.

Ieverthele!!. the gentle)en in the e).ire think that@ though it -ould ;e an e$cellent thing if love can ;e univer!ali=ed@ it i! !o)ething Huite i).ractica;le. It i! like carr ing Mt. #ai and over the Ci 7iver. Mo=i !aidE #he illu!tration i! a fault one. Of cour!e to ;e a;le to carr Mt. #ai and lea. over the Ci 7iver -ould ;e an e$tre)e feat of !trength. Such ha! never ;een .erfor)ed fro) antiHuit to the .re!ent ti)e. But univer!al love and )utual aid are Huite different fro) thi!. (nd the ancient !age-king! did .racti!e it. 4o- do -e knothe didF 2hen Du -a! -orking to ;ring the Deluge under control@ he dug the 2e!t 7iver and the Doudou 7iver in the -e!t in order to let off the -ater fro) the 9u@ Sun@ and 4uang 7iver!. In the north he ;uilt a da) acro!! the Duan and 5u 7iver! in order to fill the 4ou=hidi >a ;a!in? and the 4u=hi 7iver. Mt. Di=hu -a! )ade u!e of a! a -ater divide@ and a tunnel -a! dug through Mt. Lung)en. (ll the!e -ere done to ;enefit the .eo.le! -e!t of the >Dello-? 7iver and variou! ;ar;arian tri;e!@ Dan@ Dai@ 4u@ 4o@ of the north. In the ea!t he drained the great :lain and ;uilt d ke! along the Meng=hu 7iver. #he -atercour!e -a! divided into nine canal!

in order to regulate the -ater in the ea!t and in order to ;enefit the .eo.le of the Di!trict of Ci. In the !outh he co).leted the Dangt=e@ 4an@ 4uai@ and 7u 7iver!. #he!e ran ea!t-ard and e).tied the)!elve! into the 3ive Lake!. #hi! -a! done in order to ;enefit the .eo.le! of Cing@ 9i@ 5an@ Due@ and the ;ar;arian! of the !outh. (ll the!e are the deed! of Du. 2e can@ then@ univer!ali=e love in conduct. 2hen Jing 2en -a! ruling the 2e!tern land@ he !hone forth like the !un and the )oon all over the four Huarter! a! -ell a! in the 2e!tern land. 4e did not allo- the ;ig !tate to!! the !)all !tate@ he did not allo- the )ultitude to!! the !inglehanded@ he did not allo- the influential and !trong to take a-a the grain and live !tock fro) the far)er!. 4eaven vi!ited hi) -ith ;le!!ing. (nd@ therefore@ the old and childle!! had the -here-ithal to !.end their old age@ the !olitar and ;rotherle!! had the o..ortunit to 6oin in the !ocial life of )en@ and the or.han! had the !u..ort for their gro-th. #hi! -a! -hat Jing 2en had acco).li!hed. 2e can@ then@ univer!ali=e love in conduct. 2hen Jing 2u -a! a;out to do !ervice to Mt. #ai it -a! recorded thu!E ABle!!ed i! Mt. #ai. Duke of Zhou ; a long de!cent i! a;out to .erfor) hi! dut . (! I have o;tained the a..roval of 4eaven@ the )agnani)ou! ari!e to !ave the .eo.le of Shang Gia a! -ell a! the ;ar;arian! >fro) the

t rann of &).eror Zhou?. #hough >&).eror Zhou? ha! )an near relative!@ the cannot co).are -ith the )agnani)ou!. If there i! !in an -here@ I a) !olel re!.on!i;le.B #hi! relate! the deed! of Jing 2u. 2e can@ then@ univer!ali=e love in conduct.

#herefore Mo=i !aidE If the ruler! !incerel de!ire the e).ire to ;e -ealth and di!like to have it .oor@ de!ire to have it orderl and di!like to have it chaotic@ the !hould ;ring a;out univer!al love and )utual aid. #hi! i! the -a of the !age-king! and the -a to order for the -orld@ and it !hould not ;e neglected.

"niversal Love III

o=i !aidE #he .ur.o!e of the )agnani)ou! lie! in .rocuring ;enefit! for the -orld and eli)inating it! cala)itie!. Io- a)ong all the current cala)itie!@ -hich are the )o!t i).ortantF #he attack on the !)all !tate! ; the large one!@ di!tur;ance! of the !)all hou!e! ; the large one!@!!ion of the -eak ; the !trong@ )i!u!e of the fe- ; the )an @ dece.tion of the !i).le ; the cunning@ di!dain to-ard! the hu);le ; the honoured - the!e are the )i!fortune! in the e).ire. (gain@ the lack of grace on the .art of the ruler@ the lack of lo alt on the .art of the )inI!ter@ the lack of affection on the .art of the father@ the lack of filial .iet on the .art of the !on - the!e are further cala)itie! in the e).ire. (l!o@ the )utual in6ur and har) -hich the un!cru.ulou! do to one another -ith -ea.on!@ .oi!on@ -ater@ and fire i! !till another cala)it in the e).ire. 2hen

-e co)e to think a;out the cau!e of all the!e cala)itie!@ ho- have the ari!enF 4ave the ari!en out of love of other! and ;enefiting other!F Of cour!e -e !hould !a no. 2e !hould !a the have ari!en out of hate of other! and in6uring other!. If -e !hould cla!!if one ; one all tho!e -ho hate other! and in6ure other!@ !hould -e find the) to ;e univer!al in love or .artialF Of cour!e -e !hould !a the are .artial. Io-@ !ince .artialit again!t one another i! the cau!e of the )a6or cala)itie! in the e).ire@ then .artialit i! -rong.

Mo=i continuedE 2hoever critici=e! other! )u!t have !o)ething to re.lace the). 1ritici!) -ithout !ugge!tion i! like tr ing to !to. flood -ith flood and .ut out fire -ith fire. It -ill !urel ;e -ithout -orth. Mo=i !aidE :artialit i! to ;e re.laced ; univer!alit . But ho- i! it that .artialit can ;e re.laced ; univer!alit F Io-@ -hen ever one regard! the !tate! of other! a! he regard! hi! o-n@ -ho -ould attack the other!8 !tate!F Other! are regarded like !elf. 2hen ever one regard! the ca.ital! of other! a! he regard! hi! o-n@ -ho -ould !ei=e the other!8 ca.ital!F Other! are regarded like !elf. 2hen ever one regard! the hou!e! of other! a! he

regard! hi! o-n@ -ho -ould di!tur; the other!8 hou!e!F Other! are regarded like !elf. Io-@ -hen the !tate! and citie! do not attack and !ei=e each other and -hen the clan! and individual! do not di!tur; and har) one another -- i! thi! a cala)it or a ;enefit to the -orldF Of cour!e it i! a ;enefit. 2hen -e co)e to think a;out the !everal ;enefit! in regard to their cau!e@ ho- have the ari!enF 4ave the ari!en out of hate of other! and in6uring other!F Of cour!e -e !hould !a no. 2e !hould !a the have ari!en out of love of other! and ;enefiting other!. If -e !hould cla!!if one ; one all tho!e -ho love other! and ;enefit other!@ !hould -e find the) to ;e .artial or univer!alF Of cour!e -e !hould !a the are univer!al. Io-@ !ince univer!al love i! the cau!e of the )a6or ;enefit! in the -orld@ therefore Mo=i .roclai)! univer!al love i! right. (nd@ a! ha! alread ;een !aid@ the intere!t of the )agnani)ou! lie! in .rocuring ;enefit! for the -orld and eli)inating it! cala)itie!. Io- that -e have found out the con!eHuence! of univer!al love to ;e the )a6or ;enefit! of the -orld and the con!eHuence! of .artialit to ;e the )a6or cala)itie! in the -orld< thi! i! the rea!on -h Mo=i !aid .artialit i! -rong and univer!alit i! right.

2hen -e tr to develo. and .rocure ;enefit! for the -orld -ith univer!al love a! our !tandard@ then attentive ear! and keen e e! -ill re!.ond in !ervice to one another@ then li);! -ill ;e !trengthened to -ork for one another@ and tho!e -ho kno- the #ao -ill untiringl in!truct other!. #hu! the old and tho!e -ho have neither -ife nor children -ill have the !u..ort and !u..l to !.end their old age -ith@ and the oung and -eak and or.han! -ill have the care and ad)onition to gro- u. in. 2hen univer!al love i! ado.ted a! the !tandard@ then !uch are the con!eHuent ;enefit!. It i! inco).rehen!i;le@ then@ -h .eo.le !hould o;6ect to univer!al love -hen the hear it.

Det the o;6ection i! not all e$hau!ted. It i! a!ked@ AIt )a ;e a good thing@ ;ut can it ;e of an u!eFB Mo=i re.liedE If it -ere not u!eful then even I -ould di!a..rove of it. But ho- can there ;e an thing that i! good ;ut not u!efulF Let u! con!ider the )atter fro) ;oth !ide!. Su..o!e there are t-o )en. Let one of the) hold to .artialit and the other

to univer!alit . #hen the advocate of .artialit -ould !a to hi)!elf@ ho- can I take care of ) friend a! I do of ) !elf@ hocan I take care of hi! .arent! a! ) o-nF #herefore -hen he find! hi! friend hungr he -ould not feed hi)@ and -hen he find! hi) cold he -ould not clothe hi). In hi! illne!! he -ould not )ini!ter to hi)@ and -hen he i! dead he -ould not ;ur hi). Such i! the -ord and !uch i! the deed of the advocate of .artialit . #he advocate of univer!alit i! Huite unlike thi! ;oth in -ord and in deed. 4e -ould !a to hi)!elf@ I have heard that to ;e a !u.erior )an one !hould take care of hi! friend a! he doe! of hi)!elf@ and take care of hi! friend8! .arent! a! hi! o-n. #herefore -hen he find! hi! friend hungr he -ould feed hi)@ and -hen he find! hi) cold he -ould clothe hi). In hi! !ickne!! he -ould !erve hi)@ and -hen he i! dead he -ould ;ur hi). Such i! the -ord and !uch i! the deed of the advocate of univer!alit . #he!e t-o .er!on! then are o..o!ed to each other in -ord and al!o in deed. Su..o!e the are !incere in -ord and deci!ive in deed !o that their -ord and deed are )ade to agree like the t-o .art! of a tall @ and that there i! no -ord ;ut -hat i! reali=ed in deed@ then let u! con!ider furtherE Su..o!e a -ar i! on@ and one i! in ar)our and hel)et read to 6oin the force@ life and death are not .redicta;le. Or !u..o!e one i! co))i!!ioned a de.ut ; the

ruler to !uch far countrie! like Ba@ Due@ 9i@ and Cing@ and the arrival and return are Huite uncertain. Io- >under !uch circu)!tance!? let u! inHuire u.on -ho) -ould one la the tru!t of one8! fa)il and .arent!. 2ould it ;e u.on the univer!al friend or u.on the .artial friendF It !ee)! to )e@ on occa!ion! like the!e@ there are no fool! in the -orld. &ven if he i! a .er!on -ho o;6ect! to univer!al love@ he -ill la the tru!t u.on the univer!al friend all the !a)e. #hi! i! ver;al o;6ection to the .rinci.le ;ut actual !election ; it - thi! i! !elf-contradiction ;et-een one8! -ord and deed. It i! inco).rehen!i;le@ then@ -h .eo.le !hould o;6ect to univer!al love -hen the hear it.

Det the o;6ection i! not all e$hau!ted. It i! o;6ectedE Ma ;e it i! a good criterion to choo!e a)ong ordinar )en@ ;ut it )a not a..l to the ruler!. Let u! again con!ider the )atter fro) ;oth !ide!. Su..o!e there are t-o ruler!. Let one of the) hold .artialit and the other univer!alit . #hen the .artial ruler -ould !a to hi)!elf@ ho- can I take care of the .eo.le a! I do of ) !elfF #hi! -ould ;e Huite contrar to co))on !en!e. ( )an8! life on earth i! of !hort duration@ it i! like a hor!e .a!!ing ; . #herefore

-hen he find! hi! .eo.le hungr he -ould not feed the)@ and -hen he find! the) cold he -ould not clothe the). 2hen the are !ick he -ould not )ini!ter to the)@ and u.on their death he -ould not ;ur the). Such i! the -ord and !uch i! the deed of the .artial ruler. #he univer!al ruler i! Huite unlike thi! ;oth in -ord and in deed. 4e -ould !a to hi)!elf@ I have heard that to ;e an u.right ruler of the -orld one !hould fir!t attend to hi! .eo.le and then to hi)!elf. #herefore -hen he find! hi! .eo.le hungr he -ould feed the)@ and -hen he find! the) cold he -ould clothe the). In their !ickne!! he -ould )ini!ter to the)@ and u.on their death he -ould ;ur the). Such i! the -ord and !uch i! the deed of the univer!al ruler. #he!e t-o ruler!@ then@ are o..o!ed to each other in -ord and al!o in deed. Su..o!e the are !incere in -ord and deci!ive in deed !o that their -ord and deed are )ade to agree like the t-o .art! of a tall @ and that there i! no -ord ;ut -hat i! reali=ed in deed@ then let u! con!ider furtherE Su..o!e@ no-@ that there i! a di!a!trou! .e!tilence@ that )o!t .eo.le are in )i!er and .rivation@ and that )an lie dead in ditche! >/nder !uch circu)!tance!? let u! inHuire@ if a .er!on could choo!e one of the t-o ruler!@ -hich -ould he .referF It !ee)! to )e on !uch occa!ion! there are no fool! in the -orld. &ven if he i! a .er!on -ho o;6ect! to univer!al love@ he -ill choo!e the

univer!al ruler. #hi! i! ver;al o;6ection to the .rinci.le ;ut actual !election ; it - thi! i! !elf-contradiction ;et-een one8! -ord and deed. It i! inco).rehen!i;le@ then@ -h .eo.le !hould o;6ect to univer!al love -hen the hear it.

Det the o;6ection i! !till not e$hau!ted. It .oint! out that univer!al love )a ;e )agnani)ou! and righteou!@ ;ut ho- can it ;e reali=edF /niver!al love i! i).ractica;le 6u!t a! carr ing Mt. #ai and over river!. So@ then@ univer!al love i! ;ut a .iou! -i!h@ ho- can it ;e actuali=edF Mo=i re.liedE #o carr Mt. #ai and lea. over river! i! !o)ething that ha! never ;een acco).li!hed !ince the e$i!tence of )an. But univer!al love and )utual aid ha! ;een .er!onall .racti!ed ; !i$ ancient !age-king!. 4o- do -e knothe have done itF Mo=i !aidE I a) no conte).orar of their!@ neither have I heard their voice or !een their face!. #he !ource! of our kno-ledge lie in -hat i! -ritten on the ;a);oo! and !ilk@ -hat i! engraved in )etal and !tone!@ and -hat i! cut in the ve!!el! to ;e handed do-n to .o!terit . #he A5reat DeclarationB .roclai)!E AJing 2en -a! like the !un and the )oon@ !hedding gloriou! and re!.lendent light in the four Huarter! a! -ell

a! over the 2e!tern land.B #hi! i! to !a that the love of Jing 2en i! !o -ide and univer!al that it i! like the !un and the )oon !hining u.on the -orld -ithout .artialit . 4ere i! univer!al love on the .art of Jing 2en< -hat Mo=i ha! ;een talking a;out i! reall derived fro) the e$a).le of Jing 2en.

Moreover it i! true not onl in the A5reat DeclarationB ;ut al!o -ith the AOath of DuB. Du !aid >therein? A1o)e all ou ho!t! of .eo.le@ take heed and hearken to ) -ord!. It i! not that I@ a !ingle .er!on@ -ould -illingl !tir u. thi! confu!ion. #he :rince of Miao i! )ore and )ore unrea!ona;le@ he de!erve! .uni!h)ent fro) 4eaven. #herefore I lead ou to a..oint the lord! of the !tate! and go to .uni!h the :rince of Miao.B It -a! not for the !ake of increa!ing hi! -ealth and )ulti.l ing hi! felicitation!@ and indulging hi! ear! and e e! ;ut for that of .rocuring ;enefit! for the -orld and eli)inating it! anno ance! that Du -ent to -ar again!t the :rince of Miao. #hi! i! univer!al love on the .art of Du@ and -hat Mo=i ha! ;een talking a;out i! reall derived fro) the e$a).le of Du.

(gain it i! true not onl in the AOath of DuB ;ut al!o -ith the AOath of #ang.B #ang !aidE A/n-orth Lu .re!u)ed to do !acrifice -ith a fir!t-;orn )ale ani)al to 4eaven on high and )other &arth@ !a ing@ KIo- there i! a great drought fro) heaven. It ha..en! right in ) @ Lu8!@ ti)e. I do not kno- -hether I have -ronged 4eaven or )en. 5ood@ I dare not cover u.< guilt@ I dare not let go -- thi! i! clearl !een in the )ind of 5od. If there i! !in an -here hold )e re!.on!i;le for it< if I ) !elf a) guilt )a the re!t ;e !.ared.8B #hi! i! to !a that though having the honour of ;eing an e).eror and the -ealth of .o!!e!!ing the -hole -orld@ #ang did not !hrink fro) offering hi)!elf a! !acrifice to i).lore 5od and the !.irit!. #hi! i! univer!al love on the .art of #ang@ and -hat Mo=i ha! ;een talking a;out i! reall derived fro) the e$a).le of #ang.

Still again@ it i! true not onl in the AOath of DuB and the AOath of #angB ;ut al!o -ith the A :oe)! of Zhou.B #o HuoteE Athe -a of the >good? e).eror i! -ide and !traight@

-ithout .artialit and -ithout favouriti!). #he -a of the >good? e).eror i! even and !)ooth@ -ithout favouriti!) and -ithout .artialit . It i! !traight like an arro- and 6u!t like a ;alance. #he !u.erior )an follo-! it@ >even? the un.rinci.led look! on >-ithout re!ent)ent?.B #hu! the .rinci.le that I have ;een e$.ounding i! not to ;e regarded a! a )ere doctrinaire notion. In the .a!t@ -hen 2en and 2u ad)ini!tered the govern)ent ;oth of the) re-arded the virtuou! and .uni!hed the -icked -ithout .artialit to their relative! and ;rother!. #hi! i! 6u!t the univer!al love of 2en and 2u. (nd -hat Mo=i ha! ;een talking a;out i! reall derived fro) the e$a).le! of 2en and 2u. It i! inco).rehen!i;le then -h .eo.le !hould o;6ect to univer!al love -hen the hear it.


Det the o;6ection i! !till not e$hau!ted. It rai!e! the Hue!tion@ -hen one doe! not think in ter)! of ;enefit! and har) to one8! .arent! -ould it ;e filial .iet F Mo=i re.liedE Io- let u! inHuire a;out the .lan! of the filial !on! for their .arent!. I )a a!k@ -hen the .lan for their .arent!@ -hether the de!ire to have other! love or hate the)F Cudging fro) the -hole doctrine >of filial .iet ?@ it i! certain that the de!ire to have other! love their

.arent!. Io-@ -hat !hould I do fir!t in order to attain thi!F Should I fir!t love other!8 .arent! in order that the -ould love ) .arent! in return@ or !hould I fir!t hate other!8 .arent! in order that the -ould love ) .arent! in returnF Of cour!e I !hould fir!t love other!8 .arent! in order that the -ould love ) .arent! in return. 4ence tho!e -ho de!ire to ;e filial to one another8! .arent!@ if the have to choo!e >;et-een -hether the !hould love or hate other!8 .arent!?@ had ;e!t fir!t love and ;enefit other!8 .arent!. 2ould an one !u!.ect that all the filial !on! are ! and incorrigi;le >in loving their o-n .arent!?F 2e )a again inHuire a;out it. It i! !aid in the ADa DaB a)ong the ;ook! of the ancient king!E AIo idea i! not given it! due value< no virtue i! not re-arded. 2hen a .each i! thro-n to u!@ -e -ould return -ith a .rune.B #hi! i! to !a -hoever love! other! -ill ;e loved and -hoever hate! other! -ill ;e hated. It i! then Huite inco).rehen!i;le -h .eo.le !hould o;6ect to univer!al love -hen the hear it.


I! it ;ecau!e it i! hard and i).ractica;leF #here are in!tance! of even )uch harder ta!k! done. 3or)erl @ Lord Ling of the !tate of Cing liked !lender -ai!t!. In hi! ti)e

.eo.le in the !tate of Cing ate not )ore than once a da . #he could not !tand u. -ithout !u..ort@ and could not -alk -ithout leaning again!t the -all. Io-@ li)ited diet i! Huite hard to endure@ and et it -a! endured. 2hile Lord Ling encouraged it@ hi! .eo.le could ;e changed -ithin a generation to confor) to their !u.erior. Lord 5ou6ian of the !tate of Due ad)ired courage and taught it to hi! )ini!ter! and !oldier! three ear!. 3earing that their kno-ledge had not et )ade the) efficient he let a fire ;e !et on the ;oat@ and ;eat the dru) to !ignal advance. #he !oldier! at the head of the rank -ere even .u!hed do-n. #ho!e -ho .eri!hed in the fla)e! and in -ater -ere nu);erle!!. &ven then the -ould not retreat -ithout !ignal. #he !oldier! of Due -ould ;e Huite terrified >ordinaril ?. #o ;e ;urnt alive i! a hard ta!k@ and et it -a! acco).li!hed. 2hen the Lord of Due encouraged it@ hi! .eo.le could ;e changed -ithin a generation to confor) to their !u.erior. Lord 2en of the !tate of Cin liked coar!e clothing. (nd !o in hi! ti)e the .eo.le of Cin -ore !uit! of .lain cloth@ 6acket! of !hee. !kin@ hat! of !.un !ilk@ and ;ig rough !hoe!. #hu! attired@ the -ould go in and !ee the Lord and co)e out and -alk in the court. #o dre!! u. in coar!e clothing i! hard to do@ et it ha! ;een done. 2hen Lord 2en encouraged it hi! .eo.le could ;e changed -ithin a generation to confor) to their

!u.erior. Io- to endure li)ited diet@ to ;e ;urnt alive@ and to -ear coar!e clothing are the harde!t thing! in the -orld@ et -hen the !u.erior! encouraged the) the .eo.le could ;e changed -ithin a generation. 2h -a! thi! !oF It -a! due to the de!ire to confor) to the !u.erior. Io-@ a! to univer!al love and )utual aid@ the are ;eneficial and ea! ;e ond a dou;t. It !ee)! to )e that the onl trou;le i! that there i! no !u.erior -ho encourage! it. If there i! a !u.erior -ho encourage! it@ .ro)oting it -ith re-ard! and co))endation!@ threatening it! rever!e -ith .uni!h)ent!@ I feel .eo.le -ill tend to-ard univer!al love and )utual aid like fire tending u.-ard and -ater do-n-ard! - it -ill ;e un.reventa;le in the -orld.


#herefore@ univer!al love i! reall the -a of the !age-king!. It i! -hat give! .eace to the ruler! and !u!tenance to the .eo.le. #he gentle)an -ould do -ell to under!tand and .racti!e univer!al love< then he -ould ;e graciou! a! a ruler@ lo al a! a )ini!ter@ affectionate a! a father@ filial a! a !on@ courteou! a! an elder ;rother@ and re!.ectful a! a ounger ;rother. So@ if the gentle)an de!ire! to ;e a graciou! ruler@ a lo al )ini!ter@ an affectionate father@ a filial !on@ a

courteou! elder ;rother@ and a re!.ectful ounger ;rother@ univer!al love )u!t ;e .racti!ed. It i! the -a of the !age-king! and the great ;le!!ing of the .eo.le.

Book 5 #ondemnation of Offensive $ar I

u..o!e a )an enter! the orchard of another and !teal! the other8! .eache! and .lu)!. 4earing of it the .u;lic -ill conde)n it< la ing hold of hi) the authoritie! -ill .uni!h hi). 2h F Becau!e he in6ure! other! to .rofit hi)!elf. (! to !ei=ing dog!@ .ig!@ chicken!@ and oung .ig! fro) another@ it i! even )ore unrighteou! than to !teal .eache! and .lu)! fro) hi! orchard. 2h F Becau!e it cau!e! other! to !uffer )ore@

and it i! )ore inhu)ane and cri)inal. 2hen it co)e! to entering another8! !ta;le and the other8! hor!e! and o$en@ it i! )ore inhu)ane than to !ei=e the dog!@ .ig!@ chicken!@ and oung .ig! of another. 2h F Becau!e other! are cau!ed to !uffer )ore< -hen other! are cau!ed to !uffer )ore@ then the act i! )ore inhu)ane and cri)inal. 3inall @ a! to )urdering the innocent@ ! hi) of hi! clothing@ di!.o!!e!!ing hi) of hi! !.ear and !-ord@ it i! even )ore unrighteou! than to enter another8! !ta;le and hi! hor!e! and o$en. 2h F Becau!e it cau!e! other! to !uffer )ore< -hen other! are cau!ed to !uffer )ore@ then the act i! )ore inhu)ane and cri)inal. (ll the gentle)en of the -orld kno- that the !hould conde)n the!e thing!@ calling the) unrighteou!. But -hen it co)e! to the great attack of !tate!@ the do not kno- that the !hould conde)n it. On the contrar @ the a..laud it@ calling it righteou!. 1an thi! ;e !aid to ;e kno-ing the difference ;et-een righteou!ne!! and unrighteou!ne!!F

#he )urder of one .er!on i! called unrighteou! and incur! one death .enalt . 3ollo-ing thi! argu)ent@ the )urder of ten .er!on! -ill ;e ten ti)e! a! unrighteou! and

there !hould ;e ten death .enaltie!< the )urder of a hundred .er!on! -ill ;e a hundred ti)e! a! unrighteou! and there !hould ;e a hundred death .enaltie!. (ll the gentle)en of the -orld kno- that the !hould conde)n the!e thing!@ calling the) unrighteou!. But -hen it co)e! to the great unrighteou!ne!! of attacking !tate!@ the do not kno- that the !hould conde)n it. On the contrar @ the a..laud it@ calling it righteou!. (nd the are reall ignorant of it! ;eing unrighteou!. 4ence the have recorded their 6udg)ent to ;eHueath to their .o!terit . If the did kno- that it i! unrighteou!@ then -h -ould the record their fal!e 6udg)ent to ;eHueath to .o!terit F Io-@ if there -ere a )an -ho@ u.on !eeing a little ;lackne!!@ !hould !a it i! ;lack@ ;ut@ u.on !eeing )uch@ !hould !a it i! -hite< then -e !hould think he could not tell the difference ;et-een ;lack and -hite. If@ u.on ta!ting a little ;itterne!! one !hould !a it i! ;itter@ ;ut@ u.on ta!ting )uch@ !hould !a it i! !-eet< then -e !hould think he could not tell the difference ;et-een ;itter and !-eet. Io-@ -hen a little -rong i! co))itted .eo.le kno- that the !hould conde)n it@ ;ut -hen !uch a great -rong a! attacking a !tate i! co))itted .eo.le do not kno- that the !hould conde)n it. On the contrar @ it i! a..lauded@ called righteou!. 1an thi! ;e !aid to ;e kno-ing the difference ;et-een the

righteou! and the unrighteou!F 4ence -e kno- the gentle)en of the -orld are confu!ed a;out the difference ;et-een righteou!ne!! and unrighteou!ne!!.

#ondemnation of Offensive $ar II

o=i !aidE If the ruler! of to-da !incerel -i!h to ;e careful in conde)nation and co))endation@ 6udiciou! in re-ard! and .uni!h)ent!@ and te).erate in govern)ent and 6uri!diction. #herefore Mo=i !aidE #here i! an ancient !a ing that@ -hen one i! not !ucce!!ful in )aking out .lan! then .redict the future ; the .a!t and learn a;out the a;!ent fro) -hat i! .re!ent. 2hen one .lan! like thi! then one can ;e intelligent.

Io-@ a;out a countr going to -ar. If it i! in -inter it -ill ;e too cold < if it i! in !u))er it -ill ;e too hot. So it !hould ;e neither in -inter nor in !u))er. If it i! in !.ring it -ill take .eo.le a-a fro) !o-ing and .lanting< if it i! in autu)n it -ill take .eo.le a-a fro) and harve!ting. Should the ;e taken a-a in either of the!e !ea!on!@ innu)era;le .eo.le -ould die of hunger and cold@ (nd@ -hen the ar) !et! out@ the ;a);oo arro-!@ the feather flag!@ the hou!e tent!@ the ar)our@ the !hield!@ the !-ord hilt! -- innu)era;le Huantitie! of the!e -ill ;reak and rot and never co)e ;ack. #he !.ear!@ the lance!@ the !-ord!@ the .oniard!@ the chariot!@ the cart! -- innu)era;le Huantitie! of the!e -ill ;reak and rot and never co)e ;ack. #hen innu)era;le hor!e! and o$en -ill !tart out fat and co)e ;ack lean or -ill not return at all. (nd innu)era;le .eo.le -ill die ;ecau!e their food -ill ;e cut off and cannot ;e !u..lied on account of the great di!tance! of the road!. (nd innu)era;le .eo.le -ill ;e !ick and die of the con!tant danger and the irregularit of eating and drinking and the e$tre)e! of hunger and over-eating. #hen@ the ar) -ill ;e lo!t in large nu);er! or entirel < in either ca!e the nu);er -ill ;e

innu)era;le. (nd thi! )ean! the !.irit! -ill lo!e their -or!!@ and the nu);er of the!e -ill al!o ;e innu)era;le.

2h then doe! the govern)ent de.rive the .eo.le of their o..ortunitie! and ;enefit! to !uch a great e$tentF It ha! ;een an!-eredE AI covet the fa)e of the victor and the .o!!e!!ion! o;taina;le through the conHue!t. So I do it.B Mo=i !aidE But -hen -e con!ider the victor a! !uch@ there i! nothing u!eful a;out it. 2hen -e con!ider the .o!!e!!ion! o;tained through it@ it doe! not even )ake u. for the lo!!. Io- a;out the !iege of a cit of three li or a guo of !even li -- if the!e could ;e o;tained -ithout the u!e of -ea.on! or the killing of live!@ it -ould ;e all right. But >a! a )atter of fact? tho!e killed )u!t ;e counted ; the ten thou!and@ tho!e -ido-ed or left !olitar )u!t ;e counted ; the thou!and@ ;efore a cit of three li or a guo of !even li could ;e ca.tured. Moreover the !tate! of ten thou!and chariot! no- have e).t to-n! to ;e counted ; the thou!and@ -hich can ;e entered -ithout conHue!t< and their e$ten!ive land! to ;e counted ; the ten thou!and >of )u?@ -hich can ;e cultivated -ithout conHue!t. So@ land i! a;undant ;ut .eo.le are fe-. Io- to .ur!ue the .eo.le to

death and aggravate the danger feared ; ;oth !u.erior! and !u;ordinate! in order to o;tain an e).t cit -- thi! i! to give u. -hat i! needed and to trea!ure -hat i! alread in a;undance. Such an undertaking i! not in accordance -ith the intere!t of the countr .

#ho!e -ho endeavor to glo!! over offen!ive -ar! -ould !a E AIn the !outh there are the lord! of Cing and Due@ and in the north there are the lord! of 9i and Cin. 2hen their !tate! -ere fir!t a!!igned to the)@ the -ere ;ut a hundred li !Huare in area@ and ;ut a fe- ten! of thou!and! in nu);er of .eo.le. B )ean! of -ar! and attack!@ their area! have increa!ed to !everal thou!and li !Huare aud the .eo.le to !everal )illion. So@ then@ offen!ive -ar! are not to ;e conde)ned.B Mo=i !aid E #he four or five !tate! )a have rea.ed their ;enefit!@ !till it i! not conduct according to the Dao. It i! like the .h !ician giving hi! drug! to the .atient!. If a .h !ician !hould give all the !ick in the -orld a unifor) drug@ a)ong the ten thou!and -ho took it there )ight ;e four or five -ho -ere ;enefited@ !till it i! not to ;e !aid to ;e a co))on >co))onl ;eneficial? )edicine. #hu! a filial !on -ill not give it to hi! .arent and a lo al )ini!ter -ill not give it to hi! king. (fter the

e).ire -a! in the ancient ti)e divided into !tate! a great )an of the) died of attack! the earlier ca!e! -e hear of through the ear@ the recent ca!e! -e !a- ; the e e. 4o- do -e kno- it i! !oF In the ea!t there -a! the !tate of Cu. It -a! a !)all !tate !ituated in the )id!t of ;ig !tate!. It did not !ho- re!.ect and o;edience to the ;ig !tate!@ and the latter therefore did not like it or favour it. So@ on the ea!t Due cut and it! land ; force@ and fro) the -e!t 9i !-allo-ed it u. altogether. (nd it -a! due to offen!ive -ar! that Cu died ;et-een t-o ;ig !tate!. (nd it -a! due to offen!ive -ar too that in the !outh 1hen and 1ai -ere e$tingui!hed ; 2u and Due. (nd it -a! al!o due to offen!ive -ar! that in the north Bu #u 4e .eri!hed a)ong Dan@ Dai@ 4u and Mo. #herefore Mo=i !aidE If the ruler! no- reall de!ire gain and avert lo!!@ de!ire !ecurit and avert danger@ the cannot ;ut conde)n offen!ive -ar!.

#ho!e -ho endeavor to glo!! over offen!ive -ar! -ould !a E A#he!e !tate! .eri!hed ;ecau!e the could not gather and e).lo their )ultitude!. I can gather and e).lo ) )ultitude! and -age -ar -ith the)< -ho@ then@ dare! to ;e un!u;)i!!iveFB Mo=i !aidE Dou )ight ;e a;le to gather and e).lo our

)ultitude!@ ;ut can ou co).are our!elf -ith the ancient 4e Lu of 2uF 4e Lu of 2u >a;out ,10 B.1.? in the ancient da ! drilled hi! !oldier! !even ear!. 2ith ar)our on and -ea.on! in hand the could cover three hundred li >in a da ? ;efore enca).ing >for the night?. :a!!ing Zhulin@ the e)erged at the narro- :a!! of Min. #he engaged in ;attle >-ith the !tate of 1hu? at Bo6u. Su;duing 1hu@ >4e Lu? gave audience to Song and Lu. B the ti)e of 3u 1hai he attacked 9i in the north@ enca).ed on the 2en 7iver@ fought at (i Ling and greatl defeated 9i and co).elled !uret fro) the) at Mt.#ai. In the ea!t he attacked Due@ cro!!ing the #hree 7iver! and the 3ive Lake!@ and co).elled !uret at 5ui6i. Ione of the nine tri;e! dared to !ho- di!re!.ect. 7eaching ho)e@ ho-ever@ he -ould not re-ard the or.haned or give to the nu)erou! ru!tic!. 4e de.ended on hi! o-n )ight@ gloated over hi! !ucce!!@ .rai!ed hi! o-n cleverne!!@ and neglected in!tructing and training hi! .eo.le. 4e ;uilt the Monu)ent of 5u!u -hich -a! not co).leted even in !even ear!. B thi! ti)e >the .eo.le of 2u? felt tired and di!heartened. Seeing the friction ;et-een the !u.erior and the !u;ordinate! in 2u@ 5ou6ian of Due gathered hi! )ultitude! to take revenge. 4e ;roke into it! kuo on the north@ )oved a-a it! ro al ;oat@ and !urrounded it! .alace. (nd thu! 2u

.eri!hed. So)e ti)e ago Cin had !i$ )ini!ter! and Zhi;o >a;out 4,, B.1.? -a! the )o!t .o-erful. 4e con!idered the large area of hi! land and the great nu);er of hi! .eo.le@ and de!ired to attack the feudal lord! in order to have a !.read of hi! courageou! na)e through -ar and ;attle. So he ranked hi! ;rave -arrior! and arranged hi! ;oat and chariot force!. 4e attacked >the hou!e of? Zhong$ing and !ei=ed it. #hi! !ho-ed to hi) that hi! .lan! -ere !ati!factor . #hen he attacked 3an and totall defeated hi). #hu! he a;!or;ed three fa)ilie! into one. 4e did not !to. even there. ;ut !urrounded Mini!ter Giang of Zhao at Cin ang. B thi! ti)e 4an and 2ei ca)e together and deli;erated@ !a ingE A(n ancient .rover; !a !E K2hen the li.! are re)oved the teeth -ill ;eco)e cold.8 #he hou!e of Zhao d ing in the )orning -e -ould ;e follo-ing it in the evening< the hou!e of Zhao d ing in the evening -e -ould ;e follo-ing it in the )orning. ( .oet !ing!E KIf the fi!h -ould not act -hile et in -ater@ -hat can it do -hen it i! alread .laced on landF8B #hereu.on the three )ini!ter! -orked -ith united !trength and a !ingle )ind@ o.ening .a!!e! and ;la=ing trail!@ .utting on ar)our and arou!ing the -arrior!. 2ith 4an and 2ei fro) -ithout and Zhao fro) -ithin@ the ;attled Zhi;o and totall defeated hi). #herefore Mo=i !aid E (n ancient .rover; !a !E A#he !u.erior )an

-ould not go to -ater ;ut to )an for a )irror.B In -ater a! a )irror one !ee! onl one8! face< in )an a! a )irror one can .redict good and ;ad luck.B 4ave tho!e -ho noregard offen!ive -ar! a! ;eneficial )ade u!e of Zhi;o8! !tor F It i! .lainl di!cerni;le to ;e not au!.iciou! ;ut o)inou!.

#ondemnation of Offensive $ar III

o=i !aidE 2hat doe! the -orld no.rai!e to ;e goodF I! not an act .rai!ed ;ecau!e it i! u!eful to 4eaven on high@ to the !.irit! in the )iddle !.here@ and to the .eo.le ;elo-F 1ertainl no other rea!on i! needed for .rai!e than to ;e u!eful to 4eaven on high@ to the !.irit! in the )iddle@ and to the .eo.le ;elo-. &ven the ! -ould !a it i! .rai!e-orth -hen it i! hel.ful to 4eaven on high@ to the !.irit! in the )iddle@ and to the .eo.le ;elo-. (nd -hat the -orld agree! on i! 6u!t the -a of the !age-king!. Io- the feudal lord! in the e).ire !till attack and a!!ault each other.

#hi! i! to .rai!e the .rinci.le -ithout under!tanding it! real )eaning. #he re!e);le the ;lind )an -ho u!e! -ith other! the na)e! of ;lack and -hite ;ut cannot di!cri)inate ;et-een !uch o;6ect!. 1an thi! ;e !aid to ;e real di!cri)inationF #herefore@ deli;erating for the e).ire@ the ancient -i!e )en al-a ! con!idered the real >)eaning of the? .rinci.le!@ and acted accordingl . 4ence thev -ere no )ore uncertain in their action!. (ll de!ire!@ far or near@ -ere !ati!fied@ and 4eaven@ the !.irit!@ and the .eo.le -ere all ;le!!ed. Such -a! the -a of the -i!e )en. 5overning the e).ire@ the ancient )agnani)ou! )en al-a ! -orked for )utual !ati!faction -ith the large !tate!@ ;rought the e).ire into har)on @ and centrali=ed all that -a! -ithin the four !ea!. #hen the led the .eo.le in the e).ire diligentl to do !ervice to 5od@ hill! and river!@ and the !.irit! and gho!t!. Man -ere the ;enefit! to the .eo.le and great -a! their !ucce!!. #hereu.on 4eaven re-arded the)@ the !.irit! enriched the)@ and the .eo.le .rai!ed the). #he high honour of Son of 4eaven -a! conferred u.on the) and the great -ealth of the -hole -orld -a! given to the). #heir na)e! .artake of >the .er)anence and greatne!! of? 4eaven and &arth and are not forgotten even to thi! da . Such i! the -a of the -i!e and !uch i! the -a ; -hich the ancient king! ca)e to .o!!e!! the -orld.

#he ruler! and lord! of to-da are Huite different. #he all rank their -arrior! and arrange their ;oat and chariot force!< the )ake their ar)our !trong and -ea.on! !har. in order to attack !o)e innocent !tate. &ntering the !tate the cut do-n the grain field! and fell the tree! and -ood!< the tear do-n the inner and outer -all! of the cit and fill u. the ditche! and .ond!< the !ei=e and kill the !acrificial ani)al! and ;urn do-n the ance!tral te).le< the kill and )urder the .eo.le and e$ter)inate the aged and -eak< the )ove a-a the trea!ure! and valua;le!. #he !oldier! are encouraged to advance ; ;eing toldE A#o !uffer death i! the highe!t >!ervice ou can render?@ to kill )an i! the ne$t@ to ;e -ounded i! the lo-e!t. But if ou !hould dro. out fro) our rank and atte).t to !neak a-a @ the .enalt -ill ;e death -ithout )oderation.B #hu! the !oldier! are .ut to fear. Io- to ca.ture a !tate and to de!tro an ar) @ to di!tur; and torture the .eo.le@ and to !et at naught the a!.iration! of the !age! ; confu!ion - i! thi! intended to ;le!! 4eavenF But the .eo.le of 4eaven are gathered together to ;e!iege the to-n! ;elonging to 4eaven. #hi! i! to )urder )en of 4eaven and di!.o!!e!! the !.irit! of their

altar! and to ruin the !tate and to kill the !acrificial ani)al!. It i! then not a ;le!!ing to 4eaven on high. I! it intended to ;le!! the !.irit!F But )en of 4eaven are )urdered@ !.irit! are de.rived of their !acrifice!@ the earlier king! are neglected@ the )ultitude are tortured and the .eo.le are !cattered< it i! then not a ;le!!ing to the !.irit! in the )iddle. I! it intended to ;le!! the .eo.leF But the ;le!!ing of the .eo.le ; killing the) off )u!t ;e ver )eagre. (nd -hen -e calculate the e$.en!e@ -hich i! the root of the cala)itie! to living@ -e find the .ro.ert of innu)era;le .eo.le i! e$hau!ted. It i!@ then@ not a ;le!!ing to the .eo.le ;elo- either.

Io- that the ar)ie! are intended for )utual de!truction@ it i! evidentE If the general ;e not courageou!@ if !oldier! ;e not ;rave@ if -ea.on! ;e not !har.@ if drill! ;e not freHuent@ if the force ;e not large@ if general! ;e not har)oniou!@ if .o-er ;e not augu!t@ if a !iege ;e not enduring@ if an a!!ault ;e not !.eed @ if .eo.le ;e not !trongl ;ound together@ if deter)ination ;e not fir) - if thi! ;e !o@ the >other? feudal lord! -ill !u!.ect. 2hen feudal lord! entertain !u!.icion@ ene)ie! -ill ;e !tirred u. and cau!e an$iet @ and the )orale -ill ;e

-eakened. On the other hand@ if ever .re.aration i! in good !ha.e and the !tate goe! out to engage in -ar@ then the !tate -ill lo!e it! )en and the .eo.le -ill neglect their vocation!. 4ave -e not heard it !aid that@ -hen a -arring !tate goe! on an e$.edition@ of the officer! there )u!t ;e !everal hundred@ of the co))on .eo.le there )u!t ;e !everal thou!and@ and of the !oldier! and .ri!oner! there )u!t ;e ten thou!and@ ;efore the ar) can !et outF It )a la!t for !everal ear!@ or@ at the !horte!t@ !everal )onth!. So@ the !u.erior -ill have no ti)e to attend to govern)ent@ the official! -ill have no ti)e to attend to their office!@ the far)er! -ill have no ti)e to !o- or rea.@ the -o)en -ill have no ti)e to -eave or !.inE that i!@ the !tate -ill lo!e it! )en and the .eo.le -ill neglect their vocation!. Be!ide!@ the chariot! -ill ;reak and hor!e! -ill ;e e$hau!ted. (! to tent!@ ar) !u..lie!@ and !oldier!8 eHui.)ent - if onefifth of the!e can re)ain >after the -ar? it -ould alread ;e ;e ond e$.ectation. Moreover@ innu)era;le )en -ill ;e )i!!ing and lo!t on the -a @ and -ill ;eco)e !ick fro) the long di!tance!@ )eagre ration!@ hunger and cold@ and die in the ditche!. Iothe cala)it to the .eo.le and the -orld i! tre)endou!. Det the ruler! en6o doing it. #hi! )ean! the en6o in6uring and e$ter)inating the .eo.le< i! thi! not .erver!it F #he )o!t -arring !tate! in the

e).ire to-da are 9i@ Cin@ 1hu@ and Due. #he!e four !tate! are all !ucce!!ful in the -orld. &ven if their .eo.le ;e increa!ed tenfold@ !till the could not con!u)e all that their land could .roduce. #hat i!@ the are in need of )en -hile the have a !! of land. Still the !trove again!t each other to .o!!e!! )ore land. #hi! i! to neglect -hat i! needed and to value -hat i! alread in .lent .

#he -arring lord! -ould glo!! over >their conduct? -ith argu)ent! to confute Mo=i@ !a ingE ADo ou conde)n attack and a!!ault a! unrighteou! and not ;eneficialF But@ ancientl @ Du )ade -ar on the :rince of Miao@ #ang on Cie@ and Jing 2u on Zhou. Det the!e are regarded a! !age!. 2hat i! our e$.lanation for thi!FB Mo=i !aidE Dou have not e$a)ined the ter)inolog of ) teaching and ou do not under!tand it! )otive. 2hat the did i! not to ;e called AattackB ;ut A.uni!h)ent.B (ncientl @ the three Miao tri;e! -ere in great confu!ion. 4eaven ordered their de!truction. #he !un ro!e at night. It rained ;lood for three da !. Dragon! e)erged in the te).le and dog! cried in the )arket .lace. Ice ca)e in !u))er and earth cracked until -ater gu!hed forth. #he five grain! a..eared in )utation. (t

the!e@ the .eo.le -ere greatl !hocked. 5ao Dang then gave co))and >to Du? in the Duan :alace. Du held the i).erial 6ade order in hand and !et forth to conHuer Miao. ()id!t thunder and lightning@ a god -ith the face of a )an and the ;od of a ;ird -a! revealed to ;e -aiting u.on >Du? -ith the gui in hand. #he general of Miao -a! ;rought do-n ; an arro- and the Miao ar) -a! !et in great confu!ion. (nd the Miao tri;e! ;eca)e le!! and le!! !ignificant ever after. 4aving conHuered Miao@ Du !et the hill! and river! >; na)e!?@ and ordered thing! into high and lo-. 2ith !acrifice! he !et u. the four ;ordering countrie!@ and neither !.irit! nor )en revolted >an )ore?. So there -a! .eace in the -orld. #hi! -a! the rea!on -h Du )ade -ar on the Miao. 2hen it ca)e to Jing Cie of Gia@ 4eaven gave !evere order. Sun and )oon did not a..ear on ti)e. 2inter and !u))er ca)e irregularl . #he five grain! -ere dried u. to death. 5ho!t! called in the countr @ and crane! !hrieked for )ore than ten night!. 4eaven then co))i!!ioned #ang in the Biao :alace@ to receive the great tru!t that had ;een given to Gia@ a! the conduct of Gia fell into great .erver!it . Onl then dared #ang to lead hi! )ultitude and enter the ;order! of Gia. (nd he let the de!erter! of the ene) de!tro the citie! of Gia. Soon after@ a god ca)e and told hi)E A#he conduct of Gia i! in great

confu!ion. 5o and .uni!h hi). I -ill !urel let ou de!tro hi)@ a! I have ) order! fro) 4eaven.B 4eaven ordered Zhu ong to !end do-n fire on the north-e!tern corner of the cit of Gia. #hu! #ang led the )en of Cie and conHuered Gia. 4e then gave audience to the feudal lord! at Bo. 4e revealed and )ade kno-n the -ill of 4eaven and !.read it in the four direction!@ and none of the feudal lord! in the e).ire dared to !ho- di!re!.ect. #hi! -a! the rea!on -h #ang .uni!hed Cie. 2hen it ca)e to the regi)e of Jing Zhou of Shang@ hi! conduct -a! not acce.ta;le to 4eaven. Sacrifice! -ere not according to !ea!on!. &ven in the night... It rained !and for ten da ! at Bo. #he nine caldron! )oved fro) their .lace. 2itche! a..eared in the dark and gho!t! !ighed at night. So)e -o)en turned into )en. 3le!h ca)e do-n fro) 4eaven like rain. #horn ;ra);le! covered u. the national high-a !. Det the king ;eca)e even )ore di!!olute. ( red ;ird holding a gui ; it! ;eak alighted on Mt. 9i@ .roclai)ingE A4eaven decree! Jing 2en of Zhou to .uni!h Din and .o!!e!! it! e).ire.B #ai Dian then ca)e to ;e )ini!ter to >Jing 2en?. #he chart! e)erged out of the 7iver and chenghuang a..eared on land. #hereu.on Jing 2u a!cended the throne. #hree god! !.oke to hi) in a drea)@ !a ingE AIo- that -e have !u;)erged Zhou of Din in -ine@ ou go and attack hi). 2e -ill !urel let ou

de!tro hi).B So@ Jing 2u !et out and attacked Zhou@ and re.laced Shang -ith Zhou. 4eaven gave Jing 2u the Dello- Bird :ennant. 4aving conHuered Din he continued the order of #ang and a!!igned the -or!hi. of the ance!tor! of Zhou to the feudal lord!. 1onne$ion! -ith the ;ar;arian! of the four ;order! -ere e!ta;li!hed@ and none in the -orld dared to !ho- di!re!.ect. #hi! -a! the rea!on -h Jing 2u .uni!hed Zhou. S.eaking a;out the -ork of the!e three !age!@ it i! not to ;e called attack ;ut .uni!h)ent.

#he -arring lord! -ould again glo!! over >their conduct? -ith argu)ent! for offen!ive -ar again!t Mo=i@ !a ingE Do ou conde)n attack and a!!ault a! unrighteou! and not ;eneficialF But@ in ancient ti)e!@ Giong Li -a! a!!igned to the !tate of 1hu >a;out 1100 B.1.? in the Mt. of Sui. Di Jui !tarted at Dou6u@ and ;eca)e lord of Due. /ncle #ang and Lu Shang -ere fir!t a..ointed to rule over the !tate! of Cin >110" B.1.? and of 9i >a;out 11%0 B.1.? re!.ectivel . (ll the!e !tarted -ith a fe- hundred li !Huare of land. On account of their ca.ture of other !tate!@ no- each of the) ha! a Huarter of the e).ire. 2hat i! our e$.lanation for thi!FB Mo=i

!aidE Dou have not e$a)ined the ter)inolog of ) teaching! and ou do not under!tand the underl ing .rinci.le. In ancient ti)e! the e).eror co))i!!ioned feudal lord! nu);ering )ore than ten thou!and. On account of a;!or.tion of one !tate ; another@ all of the )ore than ten thou!and !tate! have di!a..eared -ith onl the four re)aining. #hi! i! like the .h !ician -ho attend! )ore than ten thou!and .atient! ;ut cure! onl four. Such an one i! not to ;e !aid to ;e a good .h !ician.

#he -arring lord! -ould again glo!! over >their conduct? -ith argu)ent!@ !a ingE A>I -age -ar? not ;ecau!e I a) !till di!contented -ith ) gold and 6ade@ ) children and ) land. I -ant to have ) na)e a! a righteou! ruler e!ta;li!hed in the -orld and dra- the other feudal lord! to )e -ith ) virtue.B Mo=i !aidE If there -ere !o)e one -ho -ould e!ta;li!h hi! righteou! na)e for 6u!tice in the -orld and dra- the feudal lord! to hi) -ith hi! virtue@ the !u;)i!!ion of the -hole -orld to hi) could ;e a-aited -hile !tanding. 3or the -orld ha! long ;een in tur)oil and -ar@ and it i! -ear like the ;o at .la ing hor!e. If onl there -ere !o)e one -ho -ould fir!t ;enefit the other feudal lord! in )utual good

faithL 2hen !o)e large !tate act! unrighteou!l @ he -ould 6oin in the !orro-< -hen !o)e large !tate attack! !o)e !)aller one he -ould 6oin in the re!cue< -hen the outer and the inner -all! of the cit of the !)all !tate are in ruin he -ould de)and their re.air< -hen cloth and grain! are e$hau!ted he -ould !u..l the)< -hen )one and !ilk are in!ufficient he -ould !hare hi! o-n - to ;efriend the large !tate in thi! -a @ the large !tate -ill ;e .lea!ed@ to ;efriend the !)all !tate in thi! -a @ the !)all !tate -ill ;e .lea!ed. 2ith the other! tired out and one8! !elf at ea!e@ one8! ar)our and -ea.on -ould ;e !tronger. 2hen -ith kindne!! and )erc -e hel. the .eo.le in their need@ the .eo.le -ill ;e dra-n over. 2hen good govern)ent i! !u;!tituted for aggre!!ive -ar@ the countr -ill ;e ;enefited )an fold. 2hen the e$.en!e of the ar) i! li)ited and the evil! of the feudal lord! re)oved@ then -e !hall en6o .ro!.erit . Let the control >of the ar) ? ;e 6udiciou! and the cau!e ;e righteou!. Be lenient to the .eo.le and .lace confidence in the ar) - -ith thi! to )eet the force! of the feudal lord!@ there can ;e no eHual in the -orld. (nd the ;enefit! to the -orld -ill ;e innu)era;le. #hi! i! -hat -iII ;enefit the -orld@ et the ruler! do not under!tand )aking u!e of itE !uch )a ;e !aid to ;e ignorance of the great thing in the -orld. #herefore Mo=i !aidE Io- if the ruler! and

the gentle)en of the -orld !incerel de!ire to .rocure ;enefit! and avert cala)itie! for the -orld - if the de!ire to do righteou!ne!! and ;e !u.erior )en@ if the de!ire to !trike the -a of the !age-king! on the one hand and ;le!! the .eo.le on the other - if !o@ the doctrine of 1onde)nation of Offen!ive 2ar !hould not ;e left unheeded.

Book 6 Economy of Ex!enditures I

hen a !age rule! a !tate the ;enefit! of the !tate -ill ;e increa!ed t-ice. 2hen he govern! the e).ire@ tho!e of the e).ire -ill ;e dou;led. #hi! increa!e i! not ; land fro) -ithout. But ; cutting out the u!ele!! e$.enditure! it i! acco).li!hed. In i!!uing an order@ taking u. an enter.ri!e@ or e).lo ing the .eo.le and e$.ending -ealth@ the !age never doe! an thing -ithout !o)e u!eful .ur.o!e.

#herefore -ealth i! not -a!ted and .eo.le8! re!ource! are not e$hau!ted@ and )an are the ;le!!ing! .rocured. In )aking clothing@ -hat i! the .ur.o!eF It i! to kee. out the cold in -inter and heat in !u))er. #he good of clothing i! )ea!ured in ter)! of the a)ount of -ar)th it add! in -inter and coolne!! in !u))erE -hat i! )erel decorative and doe! not contri;ute to the!e i! to ;e let alone. In ;uilding .alace! and hou!e!@ -hat i! the .ur.o!eF It i! to kee. out the -ind and the cold in -inter and heat and rain in !u))er@ and to fortif again!t thieve!. 2hat i! )erel decorative and contri;ute! nothing to the!e !hould ;e let alone. In forging ar)our and !hield! and the five -ea.on!@ -hat i! the .ur.o!eF It i! to .re.are again!t inva!ion and revolt!@ ;andit! and thieve!. 2hen the!e ha..en@ -ith ar)or@ !hield!@ and the five -ea.on! one -ill !ucceed@ -ithout the) one cannot !ucceed. #herefore the !age! forged ar)our@ !hield!@ and the five -ea.on!. (nd their good i! )ea!ured in ter)! of lightne!!@ !!! and un;reaka;ilit E -hat i! )erel decorative and contri;ute! nothing to the!e !hould ;e let alone. In ;uilding ;oat! and vehicle!@ -hat i! the .ur.o!eF ( vehicle i! to go on land and a ;oat i! to !ail river! and valle ! in order to tran!.ort the -ealth in the four Huarter!. #he good of ;oat! and vehicle! i! )ea!ured in ter)! of the a)ount of facilit and convenience the affordE -hat i! )erel

decorative and contri;ute! nothing to the!e !hould ;e let alone. Io-@ in )aking all the!e thing! none i! done -ithout it! u!e in vie-. #herefore -ealth i! not -a!ted and .eo.le8! re!ource! are not e$hau!ted@ and )an are the ;le!!ing! .rocured.

Be!ide!@ >the !age!? again gave u. all !uch ho;;ie! a! collecting .earl! and 6ade@ and .et ;ird!@ and ani)al! !uch a! dog! and hor!e!@ in order to re.leni!h clothing@ hou!e!@ ar)our@ !hield!@ and the five -ea.on!@ and ;oat! and vehicle!. (nd the!e -ere )ulti.lied !everal ti)e!. But to increa!e the!e i! not difficult. 2hat@ then@ i! difficult to increa!eF #o increa!e the .o.ulation i! difficult. In ancient ti)e!@ the !age-king! !aidE AIo )an of t-ent !hould dare to ;e -ithout a fa)il < no girl of fifteen !hould dare to ;e -ithout a )a!ter.B Such -ere the la-! of the !ageking!. Io- that the !age-king! have .a!!ed a-a @ the .eo.le have ;eco)e loo!e. #ho!e -ho like to have a fa)il earl !o)eti)e! )arr at t-ent . #ho!e -ho like to have a fa)il late !o)eti)e! )arr at fort . 2hen the late )arriage! are )ade u. ; the earl one!@ >the average? i! !till later than the legal reHuire)ent! of the !age-king! ; ten ear!. Su..o!ing ;irth! are given to children on an

average of one in three ear!@ then t-o or three children !hould have ;een ;orn >; the ti)e )en no- )arr ?. #hi! i! not 6u!t to urge )en to e!ta;li!h fa)ilie! earl in order to increa!e the .o.ulation. But al!o...

#ho!e -ho govern the e).ire to-da di)ini!h the .eo.le in )ore -a ! than oneE &).lo ing the .eo.le the e$hau!t the)@ lev ing ta$e! the )ake the) heav . :eo.le fall into .overt and innu)era;le .er!on! die of hunger and cold. Moreover the ruler! )ake -ar and attack !o)e neigh;ouring !tate!. It )a la!t a -hole ear@ or@ at the !horte!t@ !everal )onth!. #hu! )an and -o)an cannot !ee each other for a long ti)e. I! not thi! a -a to di)ini!h the .eo.leF Living in danger@ eating and drinking irregularl )an ;eco)e !ick and die. 4iding in a);u!h@ !etting fire@ ;e!ieging a cit @ and ;attling in the o.en field!@ innu)era;le )en die. (re not -a ! of di)ini!hing the .eo.le getting nu)erou! -ith the govern)ent of the ruler! of to-da F #he did not e$i!t -hen the !age-king! ad)ini!tered the govern)ent. >In the govern)ent ; the !agaciou!?@ )an -a ! of increa!ing the .o.ulation -ill ari!e. #herefore Mo=i !aidE #o cut out e$.enditure! i! the -a of the !age-king! and a great ;le!!ing to the -orld.

Economy of Ex!enditures II

o=i !aidE #he ancient illu!triou! king! and !age! ruled over the e).ire and headed the feudal lord! ;ecau!e the loved the .eo.le lo all and ;le!!ed the) -ith )an ;enefit!. Lo alt call! out confidence. (nd@ -hen ;le!!ing i! !ho-n in addition@ the .eo.le -ere not -earied during their -hole life and did not feel tired until their death. #hat the ancient illu!triou! king! and !age! could rule over the e).ire and head the feudal lord! i! 6u!t ;ecau!e of thi!.

(nd the ancient !age-king! authori=ed the code of la-! of econo) @ !a ingE A(ll ou arti!an! and -orker!@ car.enter! and tanner!@ .otter! and !)ith!@ do -hat ou can do. Sto. -hen the need! of the .eo.le are !ati!fied.B

2hat cau!e! e$tra e$.en!e ;ut add! no ;enefit to the .eo.le the !age-king! -ould not undertake.

#he ancient !age-king! authori=ed the code of la-! regarding food and drink@ !a ingE ASto. -hen hunger i! !atiated@ ;reathing ;eco)e! !trong@ li);! are !trengthened and ear! and e e! ;eco)e !har.. #here i! no need of co);ining the five ta!te! e$tre)el -ell or har)oni=ing the different !-eet odour!. (nd effort! !hould not ;e )ade to .rocure rare delicacie! fro) far countrie!.B 4o- do -e kno- !uch -ere the la-!F In ancient ti)e!@ -hen Dao -a! governing the e).ire he con!olidated Ciao=e on the !outh@ reached Doudu on the north@ e$.anded fro) -here the !un ri!e! to -here the !un !et! on the ea!t and -e!t@ and none -ag un!u;)i!!ive or di!re!.ectful. Det@ even -hen he -a! !erved -ith -hat he )uch liked@ he did not take a dou;le cereal or ;oth !ou. and )eat. 4e ate out of an earthen liu and drank out of an earthen $ing@ and took -ine out of a !.oon. 2ith the cere)onie! of ;o-ing and !tretching and courte!ie! and decoru) the !age-king had nothing to do.

#he ancient !age-king! authori=ed the code of la-! regarding clothing@ !a ingE ABe !ati!fied -ith clothe! of ;lue or gre !ilk in -inter -hich are light and -ar)@ and -ith clothe! of fla$-linen in !u))er -hich are light and cool.B 2hat cau!e! e$tra e$.enditure ;ut doe! not add ;enefit! to the .eo.le the !age-king! -ould not allo-. Becau!e the ferociou! and cunning ani)al! -ere de!tro ing )en and in6uring the .eo.le@ the ancient !age-king! taught the .eo.le the u!e of -ea.on!@ !a ingE A1arr a t-o-edged !-ord -hich .enetrate! -hen it .ierce! and !ever! -hen it cut!. 2hen !truck -ith the flat !ide it doe! not ;reak@ thi! i! the utilit of a !-ord. #o ;e light and !trong and afford convenience of action@ !uch i! the utilit of ar)our. ( vehicle i! u!ed to carr -eight and to travel great di!tance!. It !hould ;e !afe to ride and ea! to .ull< !afe to ride !o a! not to hurt the rider@ ea! to .ull !o a! to reach the de!tination !.eedil . #hi! i! the utilit of the vehicle. Becau!e the -ide river! and ;road valle ! -ere once not cro!!a;le the !ageking! ordered ;oat! and oar! to ;e )ade. (nd the!e -ere )ade 6u!t !o that the could cro!! the riveri. &ven -hen the 4igh Duke or a feudal lord arrived@ the ;oat and the oar!

-ere not changed and the ferr )an .ut on no decoration!. Such i! the utilit of the ;oat.

#he ancient !age-king! authori=ed the code of la-! li)iting funeral e$.enditure@ !a ingE AOf !hroud!. there !hall ;e three .iece! in order to ;e enough to hold the rotting fle!h. #he coffin !hall ;e three inche! thick@ to ;e !ufficient to hold the rotting ;one!. #he .it !hall ;e dug not dee. enough to reach -ater@ ;ut 6u!t !o dee. that the ga!e! -ill not e!ca.e. 2hen the dead i! ;uried the living !hall not )ourn too long.B

In tho!e ancient da !@ at the ;eginning of the race@ -hen there -ere no .alace! or hou!e!@ .eo.le lived in cave! dug at the !ide of hill! and )ound!. #he !age-king! felt Huite concerned@ thinking that the cave! )ight kee. off the -ind and cold in -inter@ ;ut that in !u))er it -ould ;e -et ;elo- and !tea)ing a;ove -hich )ight hurt the health of the .eo.le. So .alace! and hou!e! -ere ;uilt and found u!eful. Io-@ -hat i! the !tandard in ;uilding .alace! and hou!e!F Mo=i !aidE Cu!t !o that on the !ide it can kee.

off the -ind and the cold@ on to. it can kee. off the !no-@ fro!t@ rain@ and de-@ -ithin it i! clean enough for !acrificial .ur.o!e!@ and that the .artition in the .alace i! high enough to !e.arate the )en fro) the -o)en. 2hat cau!e! e$tra e$.enditure ;ut doe! not add an ;enefit to the .eo.le@ the !age-king! -ill not undertake.

Economy of Ex!enditures III

! Sim!licity in %unerals I

! Sim!licity in %unerals II

! Sim!licity in %unerals III

Mo=i !aidE #he )agnani)ou! ruler take! care of the e).ire@ in the !a)e -a a! a filial !on take! care of hi! .arent!. But ho- doe! the filial !on take care of hi! .arent!F If the .arent! are .oor he -ould enrich the)< if the .arent! have fe- .eo.le >de!cendant!? he -ould increa!e the)< if the )e);er! >of the fa)il ? are in confu!ion he -ould .ut the) in order. Of cour!e@ in doing thi! he )ight find hi! energ in!ufficient@ hi! )ean! li)ited@ or hi! kno-ledge inadeHuate. But he dare not allo- an energ @ learning@ or )ean! unu!ed to !erve hi! .arent!. Such are the three intere!t! of the filial !on in taking care of hi! .arent!.

(nd the !a)e i! true of the )agnani)ou! ruler in taking care of the e).ireE if the e).ire i! .oor he -ould enrich it< if the .eo.le are fe- he -ould increa!e the)< if the )ultitude are in confu!ion he -ould .ut the) in order. Of cour!e in doing the!e he )ight find hi! energ in!ufficient@ )ean! li)ited@ or kno-ledge inadeHuate@ ;ut he dare not alloan energ @ learning@ or )ean! unu!ed to !erve the -orld. (nd !uch are the three intere!t! of the )agnani)ou! ruler in taking care of the e).ire.

2hen the !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie! had .a!!ed a-a @ and the -orld had ;eco)e ignorant of their .rinci.le!@ !o)e of the gentle)en in later generation! regarded ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning a! )agnani)ou!@ and righteou!@ and the dut of a filial !on< -hile other! held the) to ;e not )agnani)ou!@ not righteou!@ and not the dut of the filial !on. #he!e t-o grou.! conde)n each other in -ord! and contradict each other in deed@ and et ;oth clai) to ;e follo-er! of the -a of Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@

2en@ and 2u. But !ince the are di!agreed in -ord and o..o!ed in deed@ .eo.le dou;t the a!!ertion! of ;oth. Io- that the a!!ertion! of ;oth are dou;ted@ it -ill ;e -ell to turn to the govern)ent of the countr and the .eo.le and !ee ho- ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning affect the three intere!t!. In ) o.inion@ if in ado.ting the doctrine and .racti!ing the .rinci.le@ ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning could enrich the .oor@ increa!e the fe-@ re)ove danger@ and regulate di!order@ it -ould ;e )agnani)ou!@ righteou!@ and the dut of a filial !on. #ho!e -ho are to give coun!el could not ;ut encourage it. (nd the )agnani)ou! >ruler? -ould !eek to have it flouri!h in the e).ire and e!ta;li!h it !o a! to have the .eo.le .rai!e it and never di!regard it in their -hole life. >On the other hand@? if in ado.ting the doctrine and .racti!ing the .rinci.le@ ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning reall cannot enrich the .oor@ increa!e the fe-@ re)ove danger@ and regulate di!order@ it -ill not ;e )agnani)ou!@ righteou!@ and the dut of the filial !on. #ho!e -ho are to give coun!el cannot ;ut di!courage it. (nd the )agnani)ou! -ill !eek to have it a;oli!hed in the e).ire and a;andon it !o a! to have the .eo.le conde)n it@ never to .racti!e it in their -hole life.

It ha! never ha..ened@ fro) ancient ti)e! to the .re!ent da @ that ;enefit! are .rocured@ cala)itie! averted for the -orld@ and di!order a)ong the .eo.le of the countr i! regulated ; ela;orate funeral! and e$tended )ourning. 4o- do -e kno-F 3or even at the .re!ent the gentle)en of the -orld are !till dou;tful -hether ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning are right and ;eneficial. Mo=i !aidE I have e$a)ined the !a ing! of tho!e -ho u.hold ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning. If the !hould ;e taken !eriou!l in the countr @ it -ould )eanE -hen a lord die!@ there -ould ;e !everal inner and outer coffin!. 4e -ould ;e ;uried dee.. #here -ould ;e )an !hroud!. &);roider -ould ;e ela;orate. #he grave )ound -ould ;e )a!!ive. So@ then@ the death of a co))on )an -ould e$hau!t the -ealth of a fa)il . (nd the death of a feudal lord -ould e).t the !tate trea!ur ;efore hi! ;od -ould ;e !urrounded -ith gold@ 6ade@ and .earl!@ and the grave filled -ith cart! and hor!e! and ;undle! of !ilk. 3urther@ there !hould ;e .lent of! and hanging!@ ding!@ dru)!@ ta;le!@ .ot!@ and ice rece.tacle!@ !.ear!@ !-ord!@ feather ;anner!@ and hide! all to ;e carried along and ;uried. Iot till then

are the reHuire)ent! con!idered fulfilled. (nd@ regarding tho!e -ho -ere to die to acco).an their lord@ for the e).eror or a feudal lord there !hould ;e fro) !everal hundred to !everal ten!@ and for a )ini!ter or !ecretar there !hould ;e fro) !everal ten! to !everal. 2hat are the rule! to ;e o;!erved ; the )ournerF 4e )u!t -ee. -ithout re!traint and !ound a! if he i! choking. Sackcloth i! -orn on the ;rea!t and hat of fla$ on the head. 4i! tear! and !nivel are not to ;e -i.ed a-a . #he )ourner i! to live in a )ourning hut@ !lee. on a coar!e )at of !tra-@ and la hi! head on a lu). of earth. #hen@ he -ould ;e o;liged to a;!tain fro) food in order to look hungr @ and to -ear little in order to look cold. #he face and e e! are to look !unken and a! if in fear@ and the co).le$ion i! to a..ear dark. &ar! and e e! are to ;eco)e dull@ and hand! and feet to ;eco)e -eak and unu!a;le. (nd@ al!o@ if the )ourner i! a high official@ he ha! to ;e !u..orted to ri!e@ and lean on a cane to -alk. (nd all thi! i! to la!t three ear!. (do.ting !uch a doctrine and .racti!ing !uch a .rinci.le ruler! cannot co)e to court earl >and retire late?< the official! cannot attend to the five office! and !i$ .o!t! and encourage far)ing and fore!tr and fill the granarie!< the far)er! cannot !tart out earl and co)e in late to cultivate the land and .lant tree!< the arti!an! cannot ;uild ;oat! and vehicle! and )ake

ve!!el! and uten!il!< and the -o)en cannot ri!e earl and retire late to -eave and !.in. So@ then@ in ela;orate funeral! )uch -ealth i! ;uried@ and in e$tended )ourning a;!tention fro) -ork i! .rolonged. 2ealth alread .roduced i! carried a-a into the grave. 1hild-;earing i! .o!t.oned. #o !eek -ealth in thi! -a i! like !eeking a harve!t ; .rohi;iting far)ing. #he -a to -ealth then i! not here found.

Io- that the .ractice of ela;orate funeral! and e$tended )ourning ha! failed to enrich the countr .erha.! it can et increa!e the .o.ulationF (gain it i! .o-erle!!. 3or if ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning are ado.ted a! the rule@ then u.on the death of the e).eror there -ill ;e three ear!8 )ourning@ u.on the death of a .arent there -ill ;e three ear!8 )ourning@ u.on the death of the -ife or the elde!t !on there -ill ;e three ear!8 )ourning. #here -ill ;e three ear!8 )ourning for all five >relation!?. Be!ide!@ there -ill ;e one ear for uncle!@ ;rother!@ and the other !on!< and five )onth! for the near relative!@ and al!o !everal )onth! for aunt!@ !i!ter!@ ne.he-!@ and uncle! on the )other8! !ide. 3urther@ there are !et rule! to e)aciate one8! healthE the face and e e! are

to look !unken and a! if in fear@ and the co).le$ion i! to a..ear dark. &ar! and e e! are to ;eco)e dull@ and hand! and feet are to ;eco)e -eak and unu!a;le. (nd@ al!o@ if the )ourner i! a high official@ he ha! to ;e !u..orted to ri!e and lean on a cane to -alk. (nd thi! i! to la!t three ear! if !uch a doctrine i! ado.ted and !uch a .rinci.le i! .racti!ed. Being !o hungr and -eak@ the .eo.le cannot !tand the cold in -inter and the heat in !u))er. (nd countle!! nu);er! -ill ;eco)e !ick and die. Se$ual relation! ;et-een hu!;and and -ife are .revented. #o !eek to increa!e the .o.ulation ; thi! -a i! like !eeking longevit ; thru!ting one8! !elf u.on a !-ord. #he -a to den!e .o.ulation i! not here found.

Io- that it ha! failed to increa!e the .o.ulation@ .erha.! it can et regulate 6uri!dictionF (gain it i! .o-erle!!. 3or@ ado.ting ela;orate funeral! and e$tended )ourning a! a .rinci.le in govern)ent@ the !tate -ill ;eco)e .oor@ the .eo.le fe-@ and the 6uri!diction di!orderl . (do.ting !uch a doctrine and .racti!ing !uch a .rinci.le !u.erior! cannot give attention to ad)ini!tration and !u;ordinate! cannot attend to their -ork. 2hen the !u.erior! are

una;le to give their attention to ad)ini!tration there -ill ;e di!order. 2hen the !u;ordinate! are una;le to attend to their -ork@ the !u..l of food and clothing -ill ;e in!ufficient. 2hen there i! in!ufficienc @ the undutiful ounger ;rother -ill a!k hi! older ;rother for hel.@ and -hen he doe! not receive it he -ill hate the elder ;rother. #he unfilial !on -ill turn to hi! father for hel. and -hen he doe! not receive it he -ill !.urn hi! father. (nd the di!lo al )ini!ter -ill turn for hel. to hi! lord and -hen he doe! not receive it he -ill )ock hi! lord. (nd viciou! and i))oral .eo.le -ill co))it evil and i))oralit ;e ond control -hen the are -ithout clothing a;road and -ithout food at ho)e. So@ ;andit! and thieve! -ill ;e nu)erou! ;ut la--a;iding .eo.le fe-. Io-@ to !eek order ; )ulti.l ing the ;andit! and thieve! and di)ini!hing the la--a;iding .eo.le i! like de)anding of a .er!on not to .re!ent hi! ;ack to ou after )aking hi) turn around three ti)e!. #he -a to order i! not here found.

Io- that it ha! failed to regulate 6uri!diction and govern)ent@ .erha.! it can et .revent the large !tate! fro) attacking the !)all !tate!F (gain it i! .o-erle!!. 3or !ince the

ancient !age-king! have .a!!ed a-a and the -orld ha! ;eco)e ignorant of their .rinci.le!@ the feudal lord! re!ort to attack ; force. On the !outh there are the king! of 1hu and Due@ and on the north there are the lord! of 9i and Cin. (ll of the!e !ho- favour! and encourage)ent to their -arrior! and !oldier!@ )aking it their ;u!ine!! in the -orld to attack and a;!or; >other!?. So)e !)all !tate!@ ho-ever@ the do not attack@ and thi! ;ecau!e the!e !)all !tate! are -ell !tored -ith !u..lie!@ their inner and outer cit -all! are in re.air@ and in the) the !u.erior and the !u;ordinate! are har)oniou!. #herefore the large !tate! -ould not -ant to attack the). #ho!e -hich are not -ell !tored -ith !u..lie!@ -ho!e inner and outer cit -all! are not in re.air@ and in -hich the !u.erior and the !u;ordinate! are not har)oniou!@ the large !tate! -ould -ant to attack. (do.ting ela;orate funeral! and e$tended )ourning in govern)ent@ the !tate -ill ;eco)e .oor@ the .eo.le fe-@ and 6uri!diction di!orderl . Since the !tate i! .oor@ no !! good! can ;e !tored. Since it! nu);er! are fe-@ there -ill ;e fe- -ork)en to kee. the cit -all! and )oat! in re.air. Since it i! di!orderl @ a !tate -ill not ;e victoriou! in attack or !trong in defence.

Io- that it ha! failed in .reventing the large !tate! fro) attacking the !)all !tate!@ .erha.! it can et .rocure ;le!!ing fro) 5od and the !.irit!. (gain it i! .o-erle!!. 3or@ ado.ting ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning a! a .rinci.le in govern)ent@ the !tate -ill ;eco)e .oor@ the .eo.le fe-@ and the 6uri!diction di!orderl . 2hen the !tate i! .oor the cake! and -ine -ill ;e unclean. 2hen the .eo.le are fe- the -or!! of 5od and the !.irit! -ill ;e reduced in nu);er. (nd -hen 6uri!diction i! in di!order the !acrifice -ill not ;e )ade according to !ea!on. Moreover@ the -or!hi. of 5od and the !.irit! i! no- even .rohi;ited. 2hen the govern)ent i! run like thi!@ 5od and the !.irit! -ould deli;erate fro) on high@ !a ingE A2hich i! ;etter@ to have the!e .eo.le e$i!t or not to have the) e$i!tF It reall )ake! no difference -hether the e$i!t or not.B #herefore 5od and !.irit! -ill !end 6udge)ent u.on the) and vi!it the) -ith cala)itie! and .uni!h and de!ert the). I! not thi! Huite in .laceF

#herefore the ancient !age-king! authori=ed the code of la-! regarding the ;urial of the dead thu!E #he coffin !hall ;e three inche! thick@ !ufficient to hold the ;od . (! to !hroud! there !hall ;e three .iece! adeHuate to cover the cor.!e. It !hall not ;e ;uried !o dee. a! to reach -ater and neither !o !halloa! to allo- the odour to a!cend. #hree feet in !i=e !hall ;e ;ig enough for the )ound. #here !hall ;e no e$tended )ourning after ;urial@ ;ut !.eed return to -ork and .ur!uit in -hat one can do to .rocure )utual ;enefit. Such are the la-! of the !age-king!.


#ho!e -ho u.hold ela;orate funeral! and e$tended )ourning !a E A(lthough ela;orate funeral! and e$tended )ourning cannot enrich the .oor@ increa!e the fe-@ re)ove danger and regulate di!order@ et the -ere a .rinci.le of the !age-king!.B Mo=i re.liedE Iot at all. (ncientl @ Dao -ent north to in!truct the eight tri;e! of Di. 4e died on the -a and -a! ;uried in the !hade of Mt. 9iong. Of !hroud! there -ere three .iece!. #he coffin -a! of !oft -ood@ and !ealed -ith

fla$ linen. !tarted onl after ;urial. #here -a! no )ound@ onl the .it -a! filled u.. (fter ;urial@ o$en and hor!e! .lodded over it. Shun -ent -e!t to in!truct the !even tri;e! of 7ong. 4e died on the -a and -a! ;uried in the )arket .lace of Ian6i. Of !hroud! there -ere three .iece!. #he coffin -a! of !oft -ood and !ealed -ith fla$ linen. (fter ;urial the .eo.le in the )arket .lace -alked over it. Du -ent ea!t to in!truct the nine tri;e! of Di. 4e died on the -a and -a! ;uried at Mt. 5ui6i. Of clothing there -ere three .iece!. #he coffin -a! of tong -ood and !ealed -ith fla$ linen. It did not cru!h -hen ;ound@ and it did not !ink in -hen .re!!ed. #he .it -a! not dee. enough to !trike -ater and not !o !hallo- a! to allo- the odour to a!cend. 2hen the coffin had ;een ;uried@ the re)aining earth -a! gathered on it@ and the )ound -a! three feet high and no )ore. So@ to 6udge according to the!e three !age-king!@ ela;orate funeral! and e$tended )ourning -ere reall not the -a of the !age-king!. #he!e three !age-king! held the rank of Son! of 4eaven and .o!!e!!ed the -hole e).ire@ et the authori=ed their ;urial in thi! -a < -a! it ;ecau!e of an fear of lack of )ean!F


#he -a in -hich the .re!ent ruler! are ;uried i! Huite different fro) thi!. #here are the outer and the inner coffin!@ and then the three la er! of hide and e);roidered cover!. 2hen the !tone! and 6ade are all collected@ there are et to ;e co).leted the !.ear!@ !-ord!@ ding!@ .ot! and ice rece.tacle!@ and ten thou!and of decorated rein! and oke!@ and the carriage!@ hor!e!@ and the choru! girl!. #hen@ there )u!t ;e ;uilt the tunnel to reach under the to); -hich i! a! high a! a hill. #hi! interfere! -ith .eo.le8! -ork and -a!te! .eo.le8! -ealth to !uch a great e$tent. 4o- indeed i! thi! to ;e avoidedF So Mo=i !aidE I have alread !aid that if in ado.ting the doctrine and .racti!ing the .rinci.le@ ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning reall could enrich the .oor@ increa!e the fe-@ re)ove danger and regulate di!order@ the -ould ;e )agnani)ou!@ righteou!@ and the dut of the filial !on. #ho!e -ho give coun!el could not ;ut encourage the). >On the other hand@? if in ado.ting the doctrine and .racti!ing the .rinci.le@ ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning reall cannot enrich the .oor@ increa!e the fe-@ re)ove danger and regulate di!order@ the are not )agnani)ou!@ righteou!@ and the dut of the

filial !on. #ho!e -ho are to give coun!el cannot ;ut di!courage it. Io-@ >-e have !een? that to !eek to enrich a countr there; ;ring! a;out .overt < to !eek to increa!e the .eo.le there; re!ult! in a decrea!e< and to !eek to regulate govern)ent there; ;eget! di!order. #o !eek to .revent the large !tate! fro) attacking the !)all one! ; thi! -a i! i).o!!i;le on the one hand@ and@ on the other@ to !eek to .rocure ;le!!ing fro) 5od and the !.irit! through it onl ;ring! cala)it . 2hen -e look u. and e$a)ine the -a ! of Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u@ -e find it i! dia)etricall o..o!ed to >the!e?. But -hen -e look do-n and e$a)ine the regi)e! of Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li@ -e find it agree! -ith the!e like t-o .art! of a tall . So@ 6udging fro) the!e@ ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning are not the -a of the !age-king!.


#ho!e -ho u.hold ela;orate funeral and e$tended )ourning are !a ingE AIf the ela;orate funeral! and e$tended )ourning -ere not the -a of the !age-king!@ -h then do the gentle)en of the Middle Jingdo) .racti!e the) continuall and follo- the) -ithout di!cri)inationFB Mo=i !aidE #hi! i! ;ecau!e ha;it afford! convenience and

cu!to) carrie! a..roval. (ncientl @ ea!t of the !tate of Due there -a! the tri;e of Jai!hu. ()ong the) the fir!t-;orn !on -a! di!)e);ered and devoured after ;irth and thi! -a! !aid to ;e .ro.itiou! for hi! ounger ;rother!. 2hen the father died the )other -a! carried a-a and a;andoned@ and the rea!on -a! that one !hould not live -ith the -ife of a gho!t. B the official! thi! -a! regarded a! a govern)ent regulation and ; the .eo.le it -a! acce.ted a! a co))on.lace. #he .racti!ed it continuall and follo-ed it -ithout di!cri)ination. 2a! it then the good and the right -a F Io@ thi! i! reall ;ecau!e ha;it afford! convenience and cu!to) carrie! a..roval. South of 1hu there -a! a canni;al tri;e. /.on the death of the .arent! the fle!h -a! !cra.ed off and thro-n a-a @ -hile the ;one! -ere ;uried. (nd ; follo-ing thi! cu!to) one ;eca)e a filial !on. 2e!t of the !tate of 9in there -a! the tri;e of DiHu. /.on their death the .arent! -ere ;urned on a ;onfire and a)id!t the !)oke@ and thi! -a! !aid to ;e a!cen!ion to the golden cloud!. In thi! -a one ;eca)e a filial !on. #he official! e);odied it in the govern)ent regulation! and the .eo.le regarded it a! a co))on.lace. #he .racti!ed it continuall and follo-ed it -ithout di!cri)ination. I! it then the good and the right -a F Io@ thi! i! reall ;ecau!e ha;it afford! convenience and cu!to) carrie! a..roval. Io-@ the .ractice of the!e three

tri;e! i! too heartle!! and that of the gentle)en of the Middle Jingdo) i! too ela;orate. #hi! ;eing too ela;orate and that ;eing too heartle!!@ then there !hould ;e rule! for funeral! and ;urial!. &ven regarding clothing and food@ -hich are the nece!!itie! of life@ there are rule!. 4o- then can there ;e none regarding funeral! and ;urial!@ -hich are the nece!!itie! of deathF Outlining the rule! for funeral! and ;urial!@ Mo=i !aidE #he coffin !hall ;e three inche! thick@ 6u!t !ufficient to hold the rotting ;one!. Of !hroud! there !hall ;e three .iece! 6u!t to ;e enough to hold the rotting fle!h. #he .it !hall ;e dug not !o dee. a! to !trike -ater@ and not !o !hallo- a! to allo- the odour to a!cend. #he )ound !hall ;e 6u!t high enough to ;e identified >; the )ourner!?. #here )a ;e on the -a to and fro) the ;urial. But u.on returning the !hall engage in earning the )ean! of livelihood. Sacrifice! !hall not ;e neglected in order to e$.re!! one8! filial .iet to .arent!. #hu! the rule! of Mo=i neglect the nece!!itie! of neither the dead nor the living.


4ence@ Mo=i !aidE If the gentle)en of the -orld reall -ant to .racti!e righteou!ne!! and )agnani)it @ and to !eek to ;e !u.erior

)en@ de!iring to attain the -a of the !ageking! on the one hand and to .rocure ;le!!ing! for the .eo.le on the other@ the cannot afford to neglect the .rinci.le of Si).licit in 3uneral in govern)ent.

Book 7 "# $ill of &eaven I

o=i !aidE #he gentle)en of the -orld all under!tand onl trifle! ;ut not thing! of i).ortance. 4o- do -e kno-F 2e kno- thi! fro) one8! conduct in the fa)il . If one !hould offend the .atriarch of the fa)il @ there are !till the ho)e! of the neigh;our! in -hich to !eek !helter. Det .arent!@ ;rother!@ and friend! all kee. on re)inding one to ;e o;edient and careful. 3or@ ho- can one offend the

.atriarch and !ta in the fa)il F Iot onl i! thi! true a;out conduct in the fa)il @ ;ut al!o in the !tate. If one !hould offend the lord of the !tate there are !till the neigh;ouring !tate! -hither he )a flee. Det .arent!@ ;rother!@ and friend! all kee. on re)inding one to ;e o;edient and careful. 3or@ ho- can one offend the lord of the !tate and !ta in itF 3ro) the!e there are et !helter! to flee to@ et there are !uch con!tant coun!el!. Should there not ;e )ore coun!el! in a ca!e fro) -hich there i! no-here to fleeF (! the !a ing goe!E ASinning in ;road da light@ -hither can one fleeFB 7eall there i! no-here to flee. 3or@ 4eaven clearl di!cern! it even if it ;e in the -ood!@ valle !@ or !olitar cave! -here there i! no )an. But@ contrar to our e$.ectation@ regarding 4eaven@ the gentle)en of the -orld do not under!tand )utuall to give coun!el. #hi! i! ho- -e kno- the gentle)en in the -orld under!tand onl trifle! and not thing! of i).ortance.

Io-@ -hat doe! 4eaven de!ire and -hat doe! it a;o)inateF 4eaven de!ire! righteou!ne!! and a;o)inate! unrighteou!ne!!. #herefore@ in leading the .eo.le in the -orld to engage in doing righteou!ne!! I !hould ;e doing

-hat 4eaven de!ire!. 2hen I do -hat 4eaven de!ire!@ 4eaven -ill al!o do -hat I de!ire. Io-@ -hat do I de!ire and -hat do I a;o)inateF I de!ire ;le!!ing! and e)olu)ent!@ and a;o)inate cala)itie! and )i!fortune!. 2hen I do not do -hat 4eaven de!ire!@ neither -ill 4eaven do -hat I de!ire. #hen I !hould ;e leading the .eo.le into cala)itie! and )i!fortune!. But ho- do -e kno- 4eaven de!ire! righteou!ne!! and a;o)inate! unrighteou!ne!!F 3or@ -ith righteou!ne!! the -orld live! and -ithout it the -orld die!< -ith it the -orld ;eco)e! rich and -ithout it the -orld ;eco)e! .oor< -ith it the -orld ;eco)e! orderl and -ithout it the -orld ;eco)e! chaotic. (nd if 4eaven like! to have the -orld live and di!like! to have it die@ like! to have it rich and di!like! to have it .oor@ and like! to have it orderl and di!like! to have it di!orderl . #herefore -e kno- 4eaven de!ire! righteou!ne!! and a;o)inate! unrighteou!ne!!.

Moreover@ righteou!ne!! i! the !tandard. ( !tandard i! not to ;e given ; the !u;ordinate! to the !u.erior ;ut ; the !u.erior to the !u;ordinate!. #herefore@ -hile the co))on .eo.le !hould !.are no .ain! at -ork the )a not )ake the !tandard at -ill. #here are the !cholar! to

give the) the !tandard. 2hile the !cholar! !hould !.are no .ain! at -ork@ the )a not )ake the !tandard at -ill. #here are the )ini!ter! and !ecretarie! to give the) the !tandard. 2hile the )ini!ter! and !ecretarie! !hould !.are no .ain! at -ork@ the )a not )ake the !tandard at -ill. #here are the high duke and feudal lord! to give the) the !tandard. 2hile the high duke and the feudal lord! !hould !.are no .ain! at -ork@ the )a not )ake the !tandard at -ill. #here i! the e).eror to give the) the !tandard. #he e).eror )a not )ake the !tandard at -ill >either?. #here i! 4eaven to give hi) the !tandard. #hat the e).eror give! the !tandard to the high duke!@ to the feudal lord!@ to the !cholar!@ and to the co))on .eo.le@ the gentle)en in the -orld clearl under!tand. But that 4eaven give! the !tandard to the e).eror@ the .eo.le do not kno- -ell. #herefore the ancient !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u@ de!iring to )ake it clear to the .eo.le that 4eaven give! the !tandard to the e).eror@ fed o$en and !hee. -ith gra!!@ and .ig! and dog! -ith grain@ and cleanl .re.ared the cake! and -ine to do !acrifice to 5od on 4igh and the !.irit!@ and invoked 4eaven8! ;le!!ing. But I have not et heard of 4eaven invoking the e).eror for ;le!!ing. So I kno- 4eaven give! the !tandard to the e).eror.

#he e).eror i! the )o!t honoura;le of the -orld and the riche!t of the -orld. So@ the honoured and the rich cannot ;ut o;e the -ill of 4eaven. 4e -ho o;e ! the -ill of 4eaven@ loving univer!all and ;enefiting other!@ -ill o;tain re-ard!. 4e -ho o..o!e! the -ill of 4eaven@ ; ;eing .artial and unfriendl and har)ing other!@ -ill incur .uni!h)ent. Io-@ -ho -ere tho!e that o;e ed the -ill of 4eaven and o;tained re-ard!@ and -ho -ere tho!e that o..o!ed the -ill of 4eaven and incurred .uni!h)entF Mo=i !aidE #he ancient !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u@ -ere tho!e that o;e ed the -ill of 4eaven and o;tained re-ard. (nd the -icked king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li@ -ere tho!e that o..o!ed the -ill of 4eaven and incurred .uni!h)ent. 4o- did Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u o;tain their re-ardF Mo=i !aidE In the highe!t !.here the revered 4eaven@ in the )iddle !.here the -or!hi..ed the !.irit!@ and in the lo-er !.here the loved the .eo.le. #hereu.on the -ill of 4eaven .roclai)edE A(ll tho!e -ho) I love the!e love al!o@ and all tho!e -ho) I ;enefit the!e ;enefit al!o. #heir love to )en i! all-e);racing and their ;enefit to )en i!

)o!t !u;!tantial.B (nd !o@ the -ere rai!ed to the honour of Son! of 4eaven and enriched -ith the heritage of the e).ire. #he -ere !ucceeded ; de!cendant! for ten thou!and generation! to continue the !.read of their righteou!ne!! all over the -orld. (nd .eo.le .rai!e the) unto thi! da @ calling the) righteou! !age-king!. 4o- did Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li incur their .uni!h)entF Mo=i !aidE In the highe!t !.here the ;la!.he)ed again!t 4eaven@ in the )iddle !.here the ;la!.he)ed again!t the !.irit!@ and in the !.here ;elo- the!!ed the .eo.le. #hereu.on the -ill of 4eaven .roclai)edE A3ro) tho!e -ho) I love the!e turn a-a and hate@ and tho!e -ho) I -ant to ;enefit the!!. #heir hate of )en i! -ithout li)it and their!!ion of )en the )o!t !evere.B (nd@ !o@ the -ere not .er)itted to fini!h out their live!@ or to !urvive a !ingle generation. (nd .eo.le conde)n the) unto thi! da @ calling the) -icked king!.

4o- do -e kno- 4eaven love! the .eo.leF Becau!e it teache! the) all. 4o- do -e knoit teache! the) allF Becau!e it clai)! the) all. 4o- do -e kno- it clai)! the) allF Becau!e it acce.t! !acrifice! fro) the) all. 4o- do -e kno- it acce.t! !acrifice! fro)

allF Becau!e -ithin the four !ea! all -ho live on grain! feed o$en and !hee. -ith gra!!@ and dog! and .ig! -ith grain!@ and .re.are clean cake! and -ine to do !acrifice to 5od on 4igh and the !.irit!. 1lai)ing all the .eo.le@ -h -ill 4eaven not love the)F Moreover@ a! I have !aid@ for the )urder of one innocent individual there -ill ;e one cala)it . 2ho i! it that )urder! the innocentF It i! )an. 2ho i! it that !end! do-n the cala)it F It i! 4eaven. If 4eaven !hould ;e thought of a! not loving the .eo.le@ -h !hould it !end do-n cala)itie! for the )urder of )an ; )anF So@ I kno- 4eaven love! the .eo.le.

#o o;e the -ill of 4eaven i! to acce.t righteou!ne!! a! the !tandard. #o o..o!e the -ill of 4eaven i! to acce.t force a! the !tandard. Io- -hat -ill the !tandard of righteou!ne!! doF Mo=i !aidE 4e -ho rule! a large !tate doe! not attack !)all !tate!E he -ho rule! a large hou!e doe! not )ole!t !)all hou!e!. #he !trong doe! not .lunder the -eak. #he honoured doe! not de)ean the hu);le. #he clever doe! not deceive the ! #hi! i! ;eneficial to 4eaven a;ove@ ;eneficial to the !.irit! in the )iddle !.here@ and ;eneficial to the .eo.le ;elo-. Being ;eneficial to the!e three it i! ;eneficial to all.

So the )o!t e$cellent na)e i! attri;uted to !uch a )an and he i! called !age-king. #he !tandard of force i! different fro) thi!. It i! contradictor to thi! in -ord and o..o!ed to thi! in deed like -ith ;ack to ;ack. Leading a large !tate@ he -ho!e !tandard i! force attack! !)all !tate!< leading a large hou!e he )ole!t! !)all hou!e!. #he !trong .lunder! the -eak. #he honoured di!dain! the hu);le. #he clever deceive! the ! #hi! i! not ;eneficial to 4eaven a;ove@ or to the !.irit! in the )iddle !.here@ or to the .eo.le ;elo-. Iot ;eing ;eneficial to the!e three@ it i! ;eneficial to none. So@ the )o!t evil na)e in the -orld i! attri;uted to hi) and he i! called the -icked king.

Mo=i !aidE #he -ill of 4eaven to )e i! like the co).a!!e! to the -heel-right and the !Huare to the car.enter. #he -heel-right and the car.enter )ea!ure all the !Huare and circular o;6ect! -ith their !Huare and co).a!!e! and acce.t tho!e that fit a! correct and re6ect tho!e that do not fit a! incorrect. #he -riting! of the gentle)en of the -orld of the .re!ent da cannot ;e all loaded >in a cart?@ and their doctrine! cannot ;e e$hau!tivel enu)erated. #he endeavour to convince the feudal lord! on the one hand

and the !cholar! on the other. But fro) )agnani)it and righteou!ne!! the are far off. 4o- do -e kno-F Becau!e I have the )o!t co).etent !tandard in the -orld to )ea!ure the) -ith.

"# $ill of &eaven II

o=i !aidE #ho!e gentle)en in the -orld -ho -ant to .racti!e )agnani)it and righteou!ne!! cannot ;ut e$a)ine the origin of righteou!ne!!. Since -e -ant to e$a)ine the origin of righteou!ne!!@ then -here doe! it originateF Mo=i !aidE 7ighteou!ne!! doe! not originate -ith the ! and hu);le ;ut -ith the honoura;le and -i!e. 4o- do -e kno- it doe! not originate -ith the dull and hu);le ;ut -ith the honoura;le and -i!eF 3or@ righteou!ne!! i! the !tandard. 4o- do -e kno- righteou!ne!! i! the !tandardF 3or@ -ith righteou!ne!! the -orld -ill ;e orderl and -ithout it the -orld -ill ;e di!orderl . #herefore righteou!ne!! i! kno-n to ;e the

!tandard. (! the dull and the hu);le cannot )ake the !tandard@ and onl the -i!e and honoura;le can@ therefore I knorighteou!ne!! doe! not co)e fro) the ! and hu);le ;ut fro) the honoura;le and -i!e. Io- -ho i! honoura;le and -ho i! -i!eF 4eaven i! honoura;le@ 4eaven i! -i!e. So@ then@ righteou!ne!! )u!t originate -ith 4eaven.

:eo.le in the -orld -ould !a E A#hat the e).eror i! )ore honoura;le than the feudal lord! and that the feudal lord! are )ore honoura;le than the )ini!ter!@ -e clearl !ee. But that 4eaven i! )ore honoura;le and -i!e than the e).eror@ -e do not !ee.B Mo=i !aidE I kno- 4eaven i! )ore honoura;le and -i!e than the e).eror for a rea!onE 2hen the e).eror .racti!e! virtue 4eaven re-ard!@ -hen the e).eror doe! evil 4eaven .uni!he!. 2hen there are di!ea!e and cala)itie! the e).eror -ill .urif and ;athe hi)!elf and .re.are clean cake! and -ine to do !acrifice and li;ation to 4eaven and the !.irit!. 4eaven then re)ove! the). But I have not et heard of 4eaven invoking the e).eror for ;le!!ing. So I kno- 4eaven i! )ore honoura;le and -i!e than the e).eror. (nd@ thi! i! not all. 2e al!o learn of thi! fro) the

;ook of the ancient king! -hich in!truct! u! the va!t and ineffa;le Dao of 4eaven. It !a !E ABrilliant and .er!.icaciou! 4eaven on 4igh@ -ho enlighten! and -atche! over the earth ;elo-LB #hi! !ho-! 4eaven i! )ore honoura;le and -i!e than the e).eror. But i! there et an one )ore honoura;le and -i!e than 4eavenF 4eaven i! reall the )o!t honoura;le and -i!e. #herefore@ righteou!ne!! !urel co)e! fro) 4eaven.

(nd hence Mo=i !aidE If the gentle)en of the -orld reall de!ire to follo- the -a and ;enefit the .eo.le@ the )u!t not di!o;e the -ill of 4eaven@ the origin of )agnani)it and righteou!ne!!. Io- that -e )u!t o;e the -ill of 4eaven@ -hat doe! the -ill of 4eaven de!ire and -hat doe! it a;o)inateF Mo=i !aidE #he -ill of 4eaven a;o)inate! the large !tate -hich attack! !)all !tate!@ the large hou!e -hich )ole!t! !)all hou!e!@ the !trong -ho .lunder the -eak@ the clever -ho deceive the ! and the honoured -ho di!dain the hu);le - the!e are -hat the -ill of 4eaven a;o)inate!. On the other hand@ it de!ire! .eo.le having energ to -ork for each other@ tho!e kno-ing the -a to teach each other@ and tho!e .o!!e!!ing -ealth to !hare -ith each other. (nd it de!ire! the !u.erior

diligentl to attend to govern)ent and the !u;ordinate! diligentl to attend to their -ork. 2hen the !u.erior attend! to the govern)ent diligentl @ the countr -ill ;e orderl . 2hen the !u;ordinate! attend to -ork diligentl @ -ealth -ill ;e a;undant. 2hen the countr i! orderl and -ealth i! a;undant@ -ithin the !tate there -ill ;e -here-ith to .re.are clean cake! and -ine to !acrifice to 5od and the !.irit!@ and in relation -ith out!ide countrie! there -ill ;e -here-ith to furni!h ring!@ !tone!@ .earl!@ and 6ade! ; -hich to ;efriend !urrounding neigh;our!. 2ith the grudge! of the feudal lord! inactive and fighting on the ;order! !u!.ended@ and the .eo.le -ithin .rovided -ith food and re!t@ the e).eror and the )ini!ter! and the !u.erior! and !u;ordinate! -ill ;e graciou! and lo al re!.ectivel @ and father and !on and elder and ounger ;rother! -ill ;e affectionate and filial re!.ectivel . #herefore -hen the .rinci.le of o;e ing the -ill of 4eaven i! under!tood and -idel .racticed in the -orld@ then 6u!tice and govern)ent -ill ;e orderl @ the )ultitude! -ill ;e har)oniou!@ the countr -ill ;e -ealth @ the !u..lie! -ill ;e .lenteou!@ and the .eo.le -ill ;e -ar)l clothed and !ufficientl fed@ .eaceful and -ithout -orr . #herefore Mo=i !aidE If the gentle)en of the -orld reall de!ire to follo- the -a and ;enefit the .eo.le the )u!t carefull

inve!tigate the .rinci.le that the -ill of 4eaven i! the origin of )agnani)it and righteou!ne!!.

#he rule of 4eaven over the -orld i! not unlike the rule of the feudal lord over the !tate. In ruling the !tate doe! the feudal lord de!ire hi! )ini!ter! and .eo.le to -ork for )utual di!advantageF If leading a large !tate one attack! !)all !tate!@ if leading a large hou!e one )ole!t! !)all hou!e! - if ; doing thi! one !eek! re-ard and co))endation >fro) the feudal lord? he cannot o;tain it. On the contrar @ .uni!h)ent -ill vi!it hi). Io-@ the rule of 4eaven over the -orld i! not unlike thi!. If leading a large !tate one attack! !)all !tate!@ if leading a large hou!e one )ole!t! !)all hou!e! -- if ; doing thi! one !eek! re-ard and co))endation >fro) 4eaven? he cannot o;tain it. On the contrar @ .uni!h)ent -ill vi!it hi). 2hen >)an? doe! not do -hat 4eaven de!ire!@ ;ut doe! -hat 4eaven a;o)inate!@ 4eaven -ill al!o not do -hat )an de!ire! ;ut do -hat he a;o)inate!. 2hat )an a;o)inate! are di!ea!e and cala)itie!. #herefore not to do -hat 4eaven de!ire! ;ut do -hat it a;o)inate! i! to lead the )ultitude! in the -orld to cala)it . #herefore the ancient

!age-king! !tudied -hat 4eaven and the !.irit! -ould ;le!! and avoided -hat the -ould cur!e in order to .rocure ;enefit! for the -orld and avoid cala)itie!. #hereu.on@ 4eaven )ade heat and cold te).erate@ the four !ea!on! har)oniou!@ the Din and Dang and rain and de- ti)el . #he five grain! are ena;led to ri.en and the !i$ ani)al! to )ature. (nd di!ea!e@ .e!tilence@ and fa)ine did not ha..en. #herefore Mo=i !aidE If the gentle)en of the -orld reall de!ire to follothe Dao and ;enefit the .eo.le the )u!t ;e )indful of the .rinci.le that the -ill of 4eaven i! the origin of )agnani)it and righteou!ne!!.

In the -orld tho!e -ho lack ;enevolence are unfortunate. If a !on doe! not !erve hi! father@ a ounger ;rother doe! not !erve hi! elder ;rother@ or a !u;ordinate doe! not !erve hi! !u.erior@ then all the gentle)en of the -orld -ill call hi) unfortunate. Io- 4eaven love! the -hole -orld univer!all . &ver thing i! .re.ared for the good of )an. &ven the ti. of a hair i! the -ork of 4eaven. Su;!tantial )a ;e !aid of the ;enefit! that are en6o ed ; )an. Det there i! no !ervice in return. (nd the do not even kno- thi! to ;e un)agnani)ou! and unfortunate. #hi! i!

-h I !a the gentle)en under!tand onl trifle! and not thing! of i).ortance.

Moreover I kno- 4eaven love! )en dearl not -ithout rea!on. 4eaven ordered the !un@ the )oon@ and the !tar! to enlighten and guide the). 4eaven ordained the four !ea!on!@ S.ring@ (utu)n@ 2inter@ and Su))er@ to regulate the). 4eaven !ent do-n !no-@ fro!t@ rain@ and de- to gro- the five grain! and fla$ and !ilk that !o the .eo.le could u!e and en6o the). 4eaven e!ta;li!hed the hill! and river!@ ravine! and valle !@ and arranged )an thing! to )ini!ter to )an8! good or ;ring hi) evil. 4e a..ointed the duke! and lord! to re-ard the virtuou! and .uni!h the -icked@ and to gather )etal and -ood@ ;ird! and ;ea!t!@ and to engage in cultivating the five grain! and fla$ and !ilk to .rovide for the .eo.le8! food and clothing. #hi! ha! ;een taking fro) antiHuit to the .re!ent. Su..o!e there i! a )an -ho i! dee.l fond of hi! !on and ha! u!ed hi! energ to the li)it to -ork for hi! ;enefit. But -hen the !on gro-! u. he return! no love to the father. #he gentle)en of the -orld -ill all call hi) un)agnani)ou! and )i!era;le. Io- 4eaven love! the -hole -orld univer!all . &ver thing i! .re.ared for the good of )an. #he -ork of

4eaven e$tend! to even the !)alle!t thing! that are en6o ed ; )an. Such ;enefit! )a indeed ;e !aid to ;e !u;!tantial@ et there i! no !ervice in return. (nd the do not even kno- thi! to ;e un)agnani)ou!. #hi! i! -h I !a the gentle)en of the -orld under!tand onl trifle! ;ut not thing! of i).ortance.

Det thi! doe! not e$hau!t ) rea!on! -here; I kno- 4eaven love! )an dearl . It i! !aid the )urder of an innocent individual -ill call do-n a cala)it . 2ho i! the innocentF Man i!. 3ro) -ho) i! the vi!itationF 3ro) 4eaven. If 4eaven doe! not love the .eo.le dearl @ -h !hould 4eaven !end do-n a vi!itation u.on the )an -ho )urder! the innocentF #hu! I kno- 4eaven love! )an dearl .

#hi! i! !till not all ; -hich I kno- 4eaven love! )an dearl . #here are tho!e -ho love the .eo.le and ;enefit the .eo.le and o;e the -ill of 4eaven and o;tain re-ard fro) 4eaven. #here are al!o tho!e -ho hate the .eo.le and!! the .eo.le and o..o!e the -ill of 4eaven and incur .uni!h)ent

fro) 4eaven. 2ho are tho!e that love the .eo.le and ;enefit the .eo.le@ o;e the -ill of 4eaven and o;tain re-ard fro) 4eavenF #he are the ancient !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u. 2hat did Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u doF #he engaged the)!elve! in univer!alit and not .artialit >in love?. Loving univer!all @ the did not attack the !)all !tate! -ith their large !tate!@ the did not )ole!t the !)all hou!e! -ith their large hou!e!. #he !trong did not .lunder the -eak@ the )an did not!! the fe-@ the clever did not deceive the ! the honoured did not di!dain the hu);le. Such a regi)e -a! agreea;le to 4eaven a;ove@ to the !.irit! in the )iddle !.here@ and to the .eo.le ;elo-. Being hel.ful to the!e three@ it -a! hel.ful to all. (nd thi! -a! 4eavenl virtue. #he )o!t e$cellent na)e! in the -orld -ere gathered and attri;uted to the)@ and the -ere called )agnani)ou!@ righteou!@ ;eloved of )an and ;eneficial to the .eo.le@ o;edient to the -ill of 4eaven and re-arded of 4eaven. Be!ide! thi!@ it i! al!o recorded on the ;a);oo! and !ilk@ cut in )etal! and !tone!@ and engraved on the di!he! and cu.! to ;e handed do-n to .o!terit . 2hat i! thi! forF It i! to )ark out tho!e -ho loved the .eo.le and ;enefited the)@ o;e ed the -ill of 4eaven and o;tained re-ard fro) 4eaven. #hu! the ode of 4uang Di !a !E A5od !aid to Jing 2en@ KI

cheri!h our intelligent virtue. It -a! not .roclai)ed -ith )uch noi!e or ge!ture. It -a! not )odified after the .o!!e!!ion of the e).ire. 4o- in!tructivel and naturall !u;)i!!ive to the !che)e of 4eavenL8B Becau!e he -a! o;edient to 5od8! !che)e@ 4e re-arded hi) -ith Din and honoured hi) to ;e e).eror and enriched hi) -ith the e).ire. (nd hi! fa)e i! not forgotten even unto thi! da . 4ence -e are ena;led to kno-ho are tho!e that loved the .eo.le and ;enefited the)@ o;e ed the -ill of 4eaven and o;tained re-ard fro) 4eaven. Io-@ -ho are tho!e that hated the .eo.le and!!ed the)@ o..o!ed the -ill of 4eaven and incurred .uni!h)ent fro) 4eavenF #he are the ancient -icked king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li. 2hat did the doF #he -ere !elfi!h and ungenerou!. Being !elfi!h the attacked the !)all !tate! -ith their large !tate!@ the )ole!ted the !)all hou!e! -ith their large hou!e!. #he !trong .lundered the -eak@ the )an!!ed the fe-@ the clever deceived the ignorant@ the honoured di!dained the hu);le. Such a regi)e -a! not hel.ful to 4eaven a;ove@ to the !.irit! in the )iddle !.here@ or to the .eo.le ;elo-. Since it -a! not hel.ful to the!e three it -a! hel.ful to none. (nd the -ere called the ene)ie! of 4eaven. #he )o!t evil na)e! in the -orld -ere gathered and attri;uted to the)@ and

the -ere called un)agnani)ou!@ unrighteou!@ hater! of )an and!!or! of the .eo.le@ di!o;edient to the -ill of 4eaven and .uni!hed ; 4eaven. Be!ide! thi!@ it i! al!o recorded on the ;a);oo! and !ilk@ cut in the )etal! and !tone!@ and engraved on the .late! and cu.! to ;e handed do-n to .o!terit . 2hat i! thi! forF It i! to )ark out tho!e that hated the .eo.le and!!ed the)@ o..o!ed the -ill of 4eaven and incurred .uni!h)ent fro) 4eaven. #hu! relate! the A5reat DeclarationBE AZhou -ent ;e ond the li)it! and ;eca)e in!olent. 4e -ould not -or!hi. 5od and .u!hed a-a the ance!tor! and !.irit! -ithout offering the) !acrifice!. (nd he !aidE K3ortune i! -ith )e@8 and neglected and ;etra ed hi! dut . 4eaven thereu.on de!erted hi) and -ithdre- it! .rotection.B 4eaven de!erted Zhou and -ithdre- it! !u..ort ;ecau!e Zhou o..o!ed the -ill of 4eaven. 4ence -e are ena;led to kno- -ho are tho!e that hated the .eo.le and!!ed the)@ o..o!ed the -ill of 4eaven and incurred .uni!h)ent fro) 4eaven.

#herefore the -ill of 4eaven i! like the co).a!!e! to the -heel-right and the !Huare to the car.enter. #he -heel-right te!t! the

circularit of ever o;6ect in the -orld -ith hi! co).a!!e!@ !a ingE A#hat -hich !ati!fie! ) co).a!!e! i! circular. #hat -hich doe! not i! not circular.B #herefore -hether an o;6ect i! circular or not i! all kno-n@ ;ecau!e the !tandard of circularit i! all e!ta;li!hed. #he car.enter al!o te!t! the !Huarene!! of ever o;6ect in the -orld -ith hi! !Huare@ !a ingE A#hat -hich !ati!fie! ) !Huare i! !Huare< that -hich doe! not i! not !Huare.B #herefore -hether an o;6ect i! !Huare or not i! all kno-n. 2h !oF Becau!e the !tandard of !Huarene!! i! e!ta;li!hed. Si)ilarl @ -ith the -ill of 4eaven Mo=i -ill )ea!ure the 6uri!diction and govern)ent of the lord! in the e).ire on the one hand@ and the doctrine! and teaching! of the )ultitude! in the e).ire on the other. If !o)e conduct i! o;!erved to ;e in accordance -ith the -ill of 4eaven@ it i! called good conduct< if it i! in o..o!ition to the -ill of 4eaven it i! called ;ad conduct. If a teaching i! o;!erved to ;e in accordance -ith the -ill of 4eaven it i! called good teaching< if it i! in o..o!ition to the -ill of 4eaven it i! called ;ad teaching. (nd if a govern)ent i! o;!erved to ;e in accordance -ith the -ill of 4eaven it i! called good govern)ent< if it i! in o..o!ition to the -ill of 4eaven it i! called ;ad govern)ent. 2ith thi! a! the )odel and -ith thi! a! the !tandard@ -hether the lord! and the )ini!ter! are )agnani)ou! or not can ;e )ea!ured a!

>ea!il a!? to di!tingui!h ;lack and -hite. #herefore Mo=i !aidE If the ruler! and the gentle)en of the -orld reall de!ire to follothe -a and ;enefit the .eo.le the have onl to o;e the -ill of 4eaven@ the origin of )agnani)it and righteou!ne!!. O;edience to the -ill of 4eaven i! the !tandard of righteou!ne!!.

"# $ill of &eaven III

o=i !aidE 2hat i! the rea!on for the di!order in the -orldF It i! ;ecau!e the gentle)en of the -orld all under!tand trifle! ;ut not thing! of i).ortance. 4o- do -e kno- the under!tand trifle! ;ut not thing! of i).ortanceF Becau!e the do not under!tand the -ill of 4eaven. 4o- do -e kno- the do not under!tand the -ill of 4eavenF B o;!erving the conduct in the fa)il . If a )an co))it! a )i!de)eanour in the fa)il he !till ha! other fa)ilie! in -hich to !eek !helter. Det@ father re)ind! !on@ the elder

;rother re)ind! the ounger ;rother@ !a ingE ABe o;edient@ ;e careful in conduct in the fa)il . If one i! not o;edient and careful in conduct in the fa)il ho- can he live in the !tateFB If a )an co))it! a )i!de)eanour in the !tate he !till ha! other !tate! in -hich to !eek !helter. Det father re)ind! !on and the elder ;rother re)ind! the ounger ;rother@ !a ingE ABe o;edient. Be careful. One cannot live in a !tate and ;e di!o;edient and carele!!.B Io- all )en live in the -orld and under 4eaven. 2hen a )an !in! again!t 4eaven there i! no-here to !eek !helter. But .eo.le do not think of -arning each other. #hu! I kno- that the do not under!tand thing! of i).ortance.

(nd Mo=i !aidE Be o;edient. Be careful. Be !ure to do -hat 4eaven de!ire! and avoid -hat 4eaven a;o)inate!. Io-@ -hat doe! 4eaven de!ire and -hat doe! 4eaven a;o)inateF 4eaven de!ire! righteou!ne!! and a;o)inate! unrighteou!ne!!. 4o- do -e kno- thi!F Becau!e righteou!ne!! i! the !tandard. 4o- do -e kno- righteou!ne!! i! the !tandardF Becau!e -ith righteou!ne!! the -orld -ill ;e orderl < -ithout it the -orld -ill ;e di!orderl . So@ I kno- righteou!ne!! i! the !tandard. Io- a !tandard i! never given

; the !u;ordinate to the !u.erior@ it i! al-a ! to ;e given ; the !u.erior to the !u;ordinate. 4ence the co))on .eo.le )a not )ake the !tandard at -ill. #here are the !cholar! to give the) the !tandard. #he !cholar! )a not )ake the !tandard at -ill. #here are the )ini!ter! to give the) the !tandard. #he )ini!ter! )a not )ake the !tandard at -ill. #here are the feudal lord! to give the) the !tandard. #he feudal lord! )a not )ake the !tandard at -ill. #here i! the high duke to give the) the !tandard. #he high duke )a not )ake the !tandard at -ill. #here i! the e).eror to give hi) the !tandard. #he e).eror )a not )ake the !tandard at -ill. #here i! 4eaven to give hi) the !tandard. #he gentle)en of the -orld all under!tand that the e).eror give! the !tandard to the -orld ;ut do not under!tand that 4eaven give! the !tandard to the e).eror. #he !age!@ e$.laining thi!@ !aidE A2hen the e).eror ha! done good@ 4eaven re-ard! hi). 2hen the e).eror ha! co))itted -rong@ 4eaven .uni!he! hi). 2hen the e).eror i! un6u!t in re-ard and .uni!h)ent and not 6udiciou! in hearing la-!uit!@ 4eaven vi!it! hi) -ith di!ea!e and cala)itie!@ and fro!t and de- -ill ;e unti)el .B #he e).eror -ill then have to feed o$en and !hee. -ith gra!! and dog! and .ig! -ith grain! and .re.are clean cake! and -ine to .ra and invoke 4eaven for ;le!!ing.

I have not et heard of 4eaven .ra ing and invoking the e).eror for ;le!!ing. So@ I can !a 4eaven i! )ore honoura;le and -i!e than the e).eror. #herefore righteou!ne!! doe! not co)e fro) the ignorant and hu);le ;ut fro) the honoura;le and -i!e. 2ho i! honoura;leF 4eaven i! honoura;le. 2ho i! -i!eF 4eaven i! -i!e. (nd@ !o@ righteou!ne!! a!!uredl co)e! fro) 4eaven. (nd the gentle)en of the -orld -ho de!ire to do righteou!ne!! therefore )u!t o;e the -ill of 4eaven.

2hat i! the -ill of 4eaven that i! to ;e o;e edF It i! to love all the .eo.le in the -orld univer!all . 4o- do -e kno- it i! to love all the .eo.le in the -orld univer!all F Becau!e >4eaven? acce.t! !acrifice! fro) all. 4o- do -e kno- 4eaven acce.t! !acrifice! fro) allF Becau!e fro) antiHuit to the .re!ent da there i! no di!tant or i!olated countr ;ut -hat feed! o$en and !hee.@ dog! and .ig! -ith gra!! and grain!@ and .re.are! clean cake! and -ine to -or!hi. 5od@ hill! and river!@ and the !.irit!. So -e kno4eaven acce.t! !acrifice! fro) all. (cce.ting !acrifice fro) all@ 4eaven )u!t love the) all. #ake the lord! of 1hu and Due for in!tance. #he lord of 1hu acce.t! offering fro) all

-ithin the four ;order! of 1hu@ therefore he love! the .eo.le of 1hu. (nd@ the lord of Due acce.t! offering fro) all -ithin the four ;order! of Due@ therefore he love! the .eo.le of Due. Io- 4eaven acce.t! offering! fro) all the -orld and !o I kno- 4eaven love! all the .eo.le in the -orld.

#hat 4eaven love! all the .eo.le of the -orld i! .roved not onl ; thi!. In all the countrie! in the -orld and a)ong all the .eo.le -ho live on grain!@ the )urder of one innocent individual ;ring! do-n one cala)it . Io-ho i! it that )urder! the innocentF It i! )an. 2ho i! it that !end! do-n the cala)it F It i! 4eaven. If 4eaven reall did not love the .eo.le@ -h doe! 4eaven !end do-n cala)itie! for the )urder of the innocentF 3urther)ore@ 4eaven love! the .eo.le dearl @ 4eaven love! the .eo.le inclu!ivel . (nd thi! can ;e kno-n. 4o- do -e kno- 4eaven love! the .eo.leF Becau!e of the certain re-ard to the good and .uni!h)ent to the evil fro) the virtuou! >4eaven?. 4o- do -e kno- the virtuou! >4eaven? certainl re-ard! the good and .uni!he! the evilF I kno- thi! fro) the >e$a).le! of? the !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!. (ncientl @ the !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@

2en@ and 2u@ loved the -orld univer!all and .roceeded to ;enefit the). #he converted the de!ire! of the .eo.le and led the) to -or!hi. 5od@ hill! and river!@ and the !.irit!. 4eaven -a! .lea!ed ;ecau!e the loved -hat it loved and ;enefited -hat it -ould ;enefit@ and ;e!to-ed re-ard! u.on the)@ .lacing the) on the throne@ cro-ning the) e).eror@ u.holding the) a! the !tandard@ and calling the) !age-king!. 4ere -e have the .roof of re-ard of the good. (ncientl @ the -icked king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li@ hated all the -orld and .roceeded to!! the). #he converted the de!ire! of the .eo.le and led the) to ;la!.he)e again!t 5od@ hill! and river!@ and the !.irit!. 4eaven -a! offended ;ecau!e the hated tho!e -ho) 4eaven loved and!!ed tho!e -ho) 4eaven -ould ;enefit@ and 4eaven decreed .uni!h)ent! u.on the)@ letting father! and !on! ;e !cattered@ their e).ire ;e .ut to an end@ their !tate ;e lo!t to the)@ and ca.ital .uni!h)ent fall u.on the). #hereu.on@ the )ultitude! in the -orld conde)ned the)@ the conde)nation la!ting all through the ten thou!and generation!@ the .eo.le calling the) -icked king!. 4ere -e have the .roof of .uni!h)ent of the evil. #ho!e gentle)en of the -orld -ho de!ire to do righteou!ne!! have onl to o;e the -ill of 4eaven.

#o o;e the -ill of 4eaven i! to ;e univer!al and to o..o!e the -ill of 4eaven i! to ;e .artial >in love?. (ccording to the doctrine of univer!alit righteou!ne!! i! the !tandard< in the doctrine of .artialit force i! the ;a!i! of govern)ent. 2hat i! it like to have righteou!ne!! a! the ;a!i! of govern)entF #he great -ill not attack the !)all@ the !trong -ill not .lunder the -eak@ the )an -ill not!! the fe-@ the clever -ill not deceive the ignorant@ the honoured -ill not di!dain the hu);le@ the rich -ill not )ock the .oor@ and the oung -ill not ro; the old. (nd the !tate! in the e).ire -ill not ruin each other -ith -ater@ fire@ .oi!on@ and -ea.on!. Such a regi)e -ill ;e ;eneficial to 4eaven a;ove@ to the !.irit! in the )iddle !.here@ to the .eo.le ;elo-. Being ;eneficial to the!e three it i! ;eneficial to all. #hi! i! called the virtue of 4eaven< -hoever .racti!e! thi! i! a !age@ )agnani)ou!@ graciou!@ and righteou!@ lo al@ affectionate@ and filial@ and all !uch good na)e! in the -orld -ill ;e gathered and attri;uted to hi). 2h !oF Becau!e !uch conduct i! in accordance -ith the -ill of 4eaven. Io-@ -hat i! it like to have force a! the ;a!i! of govern)entF #he great -ill attack the !)all@

the !trong -ill .lunder the -eak@ the )an -ill!! the fe-@ the clever -ill i).o!e u.on the ignorant@ the honoured -ill di!dain the hu);le@ the rich -ill )ock the .oor@ and the oung -ill ro; the old. (nd the !tate! in the e).ire -ill ruin each other -ith -ater@ fire@ .oi!on@ and -ea.on!. Such a regi)e -ill not ;e hel.ful to 4eaven a;ove@ to the !.irit! in the )iddle !.here@ or to the .eo.le ;elo-. Iot ;eing hel.ful to the!e three@ it i! not hel.ful to an . #hi! i! called the ene) of 4eaven. 4e -ho .racti!e! thi! i! a ;ad )an@ not )agnani)ou!@ not graciou!@ and unrighteou!@ di!lo al@ unaffectionate@ and unfilial@ and all !uch evil na)e! in the -orld are gathered and attri;uted to hi). 2h !oF Becau!e !uch conduct i! in o..o!ition to the -ill of 4eaven.

4ence Mo=i e!ta;li!hed the -ill of 4eaven a! hi! !tandard@ 6u!t a! the -heel-right u!e! hi! co).a!!e! and the car.enter u!e! hi! !Huare a! their !tandard!. #he -heel-right -ith hi! co).a!!e! and the car.enter -ith hi! !Huare can 6udge the circularit and the !Huarene!! of o;6ect!. Si)ilarl @ -ith the -ill of 4eaven a! the !tandard@ Mo=i can tell that the gentle)en of the -orld are far fro) righteou!ne!!. 4o- do -e kno- the

gentle)en of the -orld are far fro) righteou!ne!! F 3or@ the lord! in the large !tate! co).ete in !a ingE ABeing a ;ig !tate@ if I do not attack the !)all !tate!@ in -hat -a a) I ;igFB #herefore the )u!tered their -arrior! and !oldier!@ and arranged their ;oat and chariot force! to attack !o)e innocent !tate. #he ;roke into it! ;order!@ cut do-n it! field!@ felled it! tree!@ tore do-n it! inner and outer cit -all!@ and filled u. it! )oat! and ditche!@ ;urned it! ance!tral te).le! and !ei=ed and killed it! !acrificial victi)!. Of the .eo.le the !trong -ere killed@ the -eak -ere ;rought ;ack in chain! and ro.e!. #he )en -ere turned into !ervant! and groo)! and .ri!oner!. #he -o)en -ere )ade to ;e -aitre!!e! >to .our -ine?. Det@ the -arring lord did not even kno- that thi! i! un)agnani)ou! and unrighteou!. 4e announced to the neigh;ouring lord!E AI have attacked a !tate@ defeated an ar) @ and killed !o )an general!.B (nd the neigh;ouring lord! did not kno- that thi! i! un)agnani)ou! and unrighteou! either@ ;ut -ith fur! and !ilk !ent envo ! to offer congratulation!. (nd the -arring lord! -ere even dou;l ignorant of it! ;eing un)agnani)ou! and unrighteou!. #he recorded it on the ;a);oo! and !ilk and ke.t the) in the archive! !o that the de!cendant! -ould i)itate their ro al ance!tor!@ !a ingE A2h not let u! o.en u. the archive! and let

u! learn of the achieve)ent! of our ance!tor!FB #hen the -ould !urel not learnE ASuch and !uch i! the regi)e of 2u@B ;ut -ould learnE AI have attacked !tate!@ rever!ed ar)ie!@ and killed !o )an of their general!.B Io- that the -arring lord! do not under!tand thi! to ;e un)agnani)ou! and unrighteou!@ and neigh;ouring lord! do not under!tand thi! to ;e un)agnani)ou! and unrighteou!@ therefore attack! and a!!ault! go on generation after generation -ithout end.

2hat do I )ean -hen I !a .eo.le do not under!tand thing! of i).ortance ;ut under!tand trifle!F Su..o!ing !o)e one entered the orchard and garden of another and took the other8! .eache! and .rune!@ )elon and ginger@ he -ill ;e .uni!hed ; the !u.erior -hen caught and conde)ned ; the .u;lic -hen heard of. 2h F Becau!e he did not !hare the toil ;ut take! the fruit and! -hat i! not hi!. 4o- )uch )ore i! thi! true -ith hi) -ho 6u).! over another8! fence and )altreat! the children of the other< of hi) -ho dig! into another8! !torehou!e and carrie! a-a the other! gold@ 6ade@ !ilk@ and cloth< of hi) -ho ;reak! into another8! fold and !teal! the other8! o$en and hor!e!< and of hi) -ho kill! an innocent

.er!onF In the govern)ent of the lord! of toda all - fro) the one -ho kill! an innocent .er!on to the one -ho 6u).! over another8! fence and )altreat! the other8! children@ -ho dig! into another8! -arehou!e and carrie! a-a hi! gold@ 6ade@ !ilk and cloth@ -ho ;reak! into another8! fold and !teal! hi! o$en and hor!e!@ and -ho enter! another8! orchard and garden and take! hi! .eache! and .rune!@ )elon! and ginger - all the!e are .uni!hed Huite the !a)e a! the -ould ;e even in the govern)ent of Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u. Io- the lord! and chief! in the -orld all attack and a;!or; other!. #hi! i! a thou!and and ten thou!and ti)e! -or!e than killing one innocent individual@ a thou!and and ten thou!and ti)e! -or!e than 6u).ing over another8! fence and )altreating hi! children or digging into another8! !torehou!e and carr ing a-a hi! gold@ 6ade@ !ilk@ and cloth@ a thou!and and ten thou!and ti)e! -or!e than ;reaking into another8! fold and !tealing hi! o$en and hor!e!@ or entering another8! orchard and garden and taking hi! .eache! and .rune!@ )elon! and ginger. Det@ the clai) it to ;e righteou!. Mo=i !aidE #hi! i! )eant to confu!e u!. (nd i! thi! at all different fro) confu!ion in the di!tinction! ;et-een ;lack and -hite@ and !-eet and ;itterF Su..o!e a )an -ho u.on ;eing !ho-n a little ;lackne!! !a ! it i! ;lack@ ;ut u.on ;eing !ho-n )uch ;lackne!! !a ! it i! -hite.

4e -ill have to ad)it that hi! !ight i! confu!ed and that he cannot tell the difference ;et-een ;lack and -hite. Su..o!e a )an -hen !erved -ith a little ;itter !a ! it i! ;itter@ ;ut -hen !erved -ith )uch ;itter !a ! it i! !-eet. #hen he -ill have to ad)it that hi! ta!te i! i).aired and that he cannot tell the difference ;et-een !-eet and ;itter. In the govern)ent of the .re!ent lord!@ the )urderer of an individual i! i).ri!oned ; the !tate. #hi!.... But the )urderer of )an )en of the neigh;ouring !tate! i! u.held a! righteou!. 4o- i! thi! different fro) confu!ing the di!tinction ;et-een ;lack and -hite and !-eet and ;itterF

#herefore Mo=i e!ta;li!hed the -ill of 4eaven to ;e the !tandard. Iot onl Mo=i e!ta;li!hed the -ill of 4eaven to ;e the !tandard@ it i! al!o the the)e of an ode in the ADa DaB a)ong the ;ook! of the ancient king!E A5od !aid to Jing 2en@ KI cheri!h our intelligent virtue. It -a! not .roclai)ed -ith )uch noi!e or ge!ture. It -i! not )odified after the .o!!e!!ion of the e).ire. In!tinctivel and naturall !u;)i!!ive to the !che)e of 5od.8B #hi! i! to .roclai) that Jing 2en u!ed the -ill of 4eaven a! !tandard and -a! !u;)i!!ive to 5od8! !che)e.

If the gentle)en of the -orld reall de!ire to .racti!e )agnani)it and righteou!ne!! and ;e !u.erior )en@ !eeking to attain the -a of the !age-king! on the one hand and to .rocure ;le!!ing! to the .eo.le on the other@ the )u!t not neglect to under!tand the -ill of 4eaven. #he -ill of 4eaven i! trul the !tandard of righteou!ne!!.

Book 8 On 'hosts I

On 'hosts II

%& On 'hosts III

o=i !aidE 2ith the .a!!ing of the !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ the -orld lo!t it! righteou!ne!! and the feudal lord! took )ight a! right. #he !u.erior and the !u;ordinate! are no longer graciou! and lo al< father and !on@ elder and ounger ;rother are no longer affectionate and filial@ ;rotherl and re!.ectful@ virtuou! and kind. #he ruler! do not attend diligentl to govern)ent and the arti!an! do not attend earne!tl to their -ork. #he .eo.le .racti!e i))oralit and -ickedne!! and ;eco)e re;elliou!. #hieve! and ;andit! -ith -ea.on!@ .oi!on@ -ater@ and fire hold u. innocent traveller! on the high-a ! and the ; .ath!@ ro;;ing the) of their cart! and hor!e!@ coat! and fur coat!@ to enrich the)!elve!. (ll the!e !tart there-ith >-ith the .a!!ing of the !age-king!?. (nd !o the -orld fall! into chao!. Io- -hat i! the rea!on

for thi! confu!ionF It i! all ;ecau!e of the dou;t of the e$i!tence of the gho!t! and !.irit!@ and the ignorance of their ;eing a;le to re-ard virtue and .uni!h vice. If all the .eo.le in the -orld ;elieved that the !.irit! are a;le to re-ard virtue and .uni!h vice@ hocould the -orld ;e in chao!F

#ho!e -ho den the e$i!tence of !.irit! .roclai)E AOf cour!e there are no !.irit!.B (nd fro) )orning till evening the teach thi! doctrine to the .eo.le of the e).ire. #he ;e-ilder the .eo.le@ cau!ing the) all to dou;t the e$i!tence of gho!t! and !.irit!. In thi! -a the e).ire ;eco)e! di!orderl . #herefore Mo=i !aidE If the ruler! and the gentle)en of the -orld reall de!ire to .rocure ;enefit! for the e).ire and re)ove it! cala)itie! the )u!t under!tand -hether gho!t! and !.irit! e$i!t or not.

Since -e )u!t under!tand -hether gho!t! and !.irit! e$i!t or not@ ho- can -e find outF Mo=i !aidE #he -a to find out -hether an thing e$i!t! or not i! to de.end on the te!ti)on of the ear! and e e! of the

)ultitude. If !o)e have heard it or !o)e have !een it then -e have to !a it e$i!t!. If no one ha! heard it and no one ha! !een it then -e have to !a it doe! not e$i!t. So@ then@ -h not go to !o)e village or !o)e di!trict and inHuireF If fro) antiHuit to the .re!ent@ and !ince the ;eginning of )an@ there are )en -ho have !een the ;odie! of gho!t! and !.irit! and heard their voice@ ho- can -e !a that the do not e$i!tF If none have heard the) and none have !een the)@ then ho- can -e !a the doF

But tho!e -ho den the e$i!tence of the !.irit! !a E AMan in the -orld have heard and !een !o)ething of gho!t! and !.irit!. >Since the var in their te!ti)on @? -ho are to ;e acce.ted a! reall having heard and !een the)FB Mo=i !aidE (! -e are to rel on -hat )an have 6ointl !een and -hat )an have 6ointl heard@ the ca!e of Du Bo i! >to ;e acce.ted?. Jing Guan of Zhou .ut hi! )ini!ter Du Bo to death though he -a! innocent. Du Bo re)arkedE A#he king .ut! )e to death -hile I a) innocent. If )an lo!e! hi! con!ciou!ne!! after hi! death@ then all i! over. If I !hall !till retain ) con!ciou!ne!! after death I !hall let the king kno- of thi! -ithin three ear!.B In three ear!@ Jing

Guan a!!e);led the feudal lord! at :utian. #here -ere !everal hundred cart!. (ttendant! nu);ered ; the thou!and and the )ultitude covered the field!. (t noon Du Bo in red gar)ent! and headgear a..eared riding in a .lain chariot dra-n ; a -hite hor!e@ holding a red ;o- and carr ing red arro-!. 4e .ur!ued Jing Guan and !hot hi) on hi! chariot. #he arro- .ierced hi! heart and ;roke hi! ;ack. 4e fell and died .ro!trate. (t the ti)e all the .eo.le of Zhou -ho -ere there !a- it and tho!e far a-a heard of it@ and it -a! recorded in the S.ring and (utu)n of Zhou. 7uler! in!tructed their )ini!ter! -ith it and father! -arned their !on! -ith it@ !a ingE ABe careful@ ;e re!.ectful. (ll -ho kill the innocent are !.eedil and !everel vi!ited ; )i!fortune and .uni!hed ; the gho!t! and !.irit! like thi!.B Cudging fro) -hat i! recorded here@ ho- can -e dou;t that gho!t! and !.irit! e$i!tF

Iot onl doe! the record in thi! ;ook .rove it to ;e !o. 3or)erl @ Lord Mu of 9in >a;out *40 B.1.? -a! once in the te).le at noon. ( !.irit entered and alighted. 4e had the face of a )an ;ut the ;od of a ;ird. 4i! attire -a! .lain and dark. 4i! a..earance -a!

dignified. Seeing hi) Lord Mu ;eca)e afraid and -a! ru!hing a-a . #he !.irit !aidE ADo not ;e afraid. 5od cheri!he! our intelligent virtue@ authori=ing )e to .rolong our age ; nineteen ear!@ and ordaining our !tate to ;e .ro!.erou! and our de!cendant! to ;e )an and not to lo!e 9in.B Lord Mu !aluted hi) re.eatedl and ;o-ed@ !a ingE AMa I a!k the na)e of ) godFB 4e an!-eredE AI a) 5ou Mang.B If -e are to acce.t -hat Lord Mu of 9in had !een .er!onall a! relia;le@ then ho- can -e dou;t that !.irit! and gho!t! e$i!tF

Iot onl doe! the record in thi! ;ook .rove it to ;e !o. 3or)erl Lord Cian of Dan >a;out ,00 B.1.? .ut hi! Mini!ter Zhuang Ze i to death -hile he -a! innocent. Zhuang Ze i re)arkedE A#he lord .ut! )e to death though I a) innocent. If )an lo!e! hi! con!ciou!ne!! after death then all i! done. If I !hall !till retain ) con!ciou!ne!! after death@ I !hall let the Lord kno- of thi! -ithin three ear!.B In a ear@ Dan -a! going to re.air to Zu. Such cere)onie! -ere the occa!ion! of large a!!e);lage! of )en and -o)en. (t noon Lord Cian -a! riding on the road to #!u. Zhuang Ze i carried a red !taff and !truck and .ro!trated hi). (t the ti)e all the

.eo.le of Den -ho -ere there !a- it and all tho!e -ho -ere far a-a heard of it. (nd it -a! recorded in the S.ring and (utu)n of Dan. #he feudal lord! circulated the ne-! around@ and re)arkedE ASo !.eed and !evere are the )i!fortune! and .uni!h)ent fro) the !.irit! and gho!t! u.on hi) that kill! the innocent.B Cudging fro) the record in thi! ;ook@ ho- can -e dou;t that !.irit! and gho!t! e$i!tF

Iot onl doe! the record in thi! ;ook .rove it to ;e !o. (ncientl @ in the reign of Lord 2en of Song@ -ho!e na)e -a! Bao >*10-,'9 B.1.?@ there -a! a )a!ter of cere)onie! ; the na)e of 5uan 5u. 2hile he -a! -orking in the te).le@ a -i=ard carr ing a cane a..eared and !aid to hi)E A5uan 5u@ -h don8t the 6ade! and !tone! )ea!ure u. to the !tandard@ and -h are the cake! and -ine unclean@ and the victi)! i).erfect and not fat@ and the !acrifice! not in !ea!onF Did ou do thi! or did Bao do thi!FB 5uan 5u an!-eredE ABao i! !till !)all and in hi! !-addle-clothe!. 2hat doe! he have to do -ith thi!F It i! all done ; the official in charge@ 5uan 5u.B #hereu.on the -i=ard lifted hi! cane and !truck hi)@ .ro!trating hi) on the altar. (t the ti)e tho!e .eo.le

-ho -ere .re!ent all !a- it and tho!e far a-a heard of it. (nd it -a! recorded in the S.ring and (utu)n of Song. #he feudal lord! circulated the ne-! and re)arkedE ASo !.eed and !evere i! the .uni!h)ent fro) !.irit! and gho!t! to hi) -ho i! not reverent in .erfor)ing !acrifice!LB Cudging fro) the record of thi! ;ook@ ho- can -e dou;t that !.irit! and gho!t! e$i!tF

Iot onl doe! the record in thi! ;ook .rove it to ;e !o. 3or)erl the Lord Zhuang of 9i >"94-"31 B.1.? had t-o )ini!ter!@ 2ang Liguo and Zhong Li6iao@ -ho -ere engaged in a la-!uit. 3or three ear! no 6udg)ent could ;e reached. #he Lord of 9i thought of .utting ;oth of the) to death@ ;ut -a! afraid to !la the innocent< he thought of acHuitting ;oth of the) ;ut -a! afraid to let loo!e the guilt . So he let the) .rovide a la); and take oath on the altar of 9i. #he t-o )en agreed to take the oath of ;lood. #he throat of the la); -a! cut and it! ;lood !.rinkled on the altar. #he ca!e of 2ang Liguo -a! read all through. But ;efore half of the ca!e of Zhong Li6iao -a! read@ the la); aro!e and ;utted at hi)@ ;roke hi! leg and .ro!trated hi) on it@ and tho!e far a-a heard of it. It -a! recorded in the S.ring and (utu)n of

9i. #he feudal lord! circulated the ne-! around and re)arkedE ASo !.eed and !evere i! the .uni!h)ent fro) !.irit! and gho!t! to hi) that take! an oath in in!incerit LB Cudging fro) the record in thi! ;ook@ hocan -e dou;t that !.irit! and gho!t! e$i!tF

#herefore Mo=i !aidE One )a not act di!re!.ectfull even in -ood!@ valle !@ or !olitar cave! -here there i! no )an. S.irit! and gho!t! are -atching ever -here.


#ho!e -ho den the e$i!tence of !.irit! a!kE A(re the !en!e! of hearing and !ight of the )ultitude !ufficient to decide a dou;tF 4ocan .eo.le !trive to ;e learned gentle)en -hile the continue to tru!t the !en!e! of hearing and !ight of the )ultitudeFB Mo=i !aidE If the !en!e! of ;earing and !ight of the )ultitude are thought to ;e not tru!t-orth @ -e )a a!k if !uch )en like the !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u@ are tru!t-orth F Of cour!e@ a;out thi! all .eo.le a;ove the )ediocre -ill !a !uch )en like the ancient !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@

2en@ and 2u@ are tru!t-orth . If the ancient !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie! are tru!t-orth @ -e )a revie- !o)e of their deed!. In ancient ti)e!@ having ca.tured Din and .uni!hed Zhou@ Jing 2u let the feudal lord! !hare in the -or!hi. >of the ance!tor! of Din?. #ho!e )ore clo!el related -ere to .artake in the te).le !acrifice! and tho!e le!! clo!el related in the outdoor !acrifice!. So then Jing 2u )u!t have ;elieved there -ere !.irit! and gho!t!@ therefore after ca.turing Din and .uni!hing Zhou he let the feudal lord! !hare in the -or!hi.. If there -ere no !.irit! and gho!t! -h did Jing 2u a!!ign the dutie! of -or!hi.F


Iot onl doe! the deed of Jing 2u .rove it to ;e !o. 2hen the ancient !age-king! di!tri;uted re-ard! it )u!t ;e ;efore their ance!tor!. 2hen the )eted out .uni!h)ent! it )u!t ;e ;efore the altar. 2h are the re-ard! di!tri;uted ;efore the ance!tor!F #o !u;)it their fairne!!. 2h are .uni!h)ent! )eted out ;efore the altarF #o !u;)it their 6u!tice. Iot onl doe! the record in that ;ook .rove it to ;e !o. On the da -hen the ancient !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie! of Du@ Gia@ Shang@ and Zhou fir!t e!ta;li!hed their e).ire and ;uilt their ca.ital!@ the

invaria;l cho!e the central altar on -hich to ;uild the ance!tral te).le. #he -ould .ick out the lu$uriant and elegant a)ong the tree! to .lant in the te).le of agriculture. #he -ould !elect the affectionate and filial@ virtuou! and kind a)ong the elder! of the countr to ;e )a!ter! of cere)onie!. #he -ould .ick out the victi)! a)ong the !i$ ani)al! ; their fatne!!@ .erfection@ and the colour of their -ool. #he 6ade! and !tone! -ere to ;e in )aterial and !ati!factor in )ea!ure)ent. (nd the cake! and -ine -ere to ;e .re.ared -ith the )o!t fragrant and ello- grain@ and !o the Hualit of cake! and -ine -ould var -ith the a;undance of the ear. #hi! i! to !a @ in the govern)ent of the ancient !age-king!@ !.irit! and gho!t! had .riorit over the .eo.le. Before the office! and court! -ere co).letel e!ta;li!hed@ the !acrificial ve!!el! and !acrificial ro;e! )u!t have ;een all !tored in the !torehou!e@ the )a!ter! and attendant! of cere)onie! )u!t have all ;een in!talled in court@ and the victi)! )u!t ;e ke.t fro) the original flock. Since the govern)ent of the ancient !age-king! -a! like thi!@ the ancient !age-king! )u!t have ;elieved in the e$i!tence of !.irit! and gho!t!.


Dee. -a! their o-n intere!t in the -elfare of gho!t! and !.irit!. Det the -ere afraid their de!cendant! )ight not under!tand it. #hu! the recorded it on ;a);oo! and !ilk to ;eHueath to the). 3earing that the!e )ight rot and di!a..ear !o that the de!cendant! )ight not learn it@ the engraved it on .late! and cu.! and cut it in )etal! and !tone!. #he feared al!o that the de!cendant! )ight not ;e reverent and o;tain ;le!!ing@ and !o a)ong the ;ook! of the ancient king! and the record! of !age! te!ti)onie! to the e$i!tence of gho!t! and !.irit! occur ti)e and again even on a !ingle foot of !ilk or a !ingle !heet in the ;ook!. 2h -a! thi!F Becau!e the !age-king! -ere intere!ted in it. #ho!e -ho den the e$i!tence of !.irit! are o..o!ing the intere!t of the !age-king!@ and !uch i! not the -a of the !u.erior )an.


#ho!e -ho den the e$i!tence of !.irit! )ight !a E A()ong the ;ook! of the ancient king! not a foot of !ilk or a !heet i! found -hich te!tifie! to the e$i!tence of gho!t! and !.irit! once and again. #hen -here are the!e

te!ti)onie!FB Mo=i re.liedE #he are found >for in!tance? in the ADa DaB of the ;ook! of Zhou. ADa DaB tell!E A#he rule of Jing 2en over the .eo.le .lea!ed 4eaven. (lthough Zhou i! an old countr @ it i! ne-l co))i!!ioned ;v 4eaven. Zhou doe! not a..ear !ho- . #he co))i!!ion fro) 5od doe! not a..ear to ;e !ea!ona;le. Jing 2en reached high and lo-@ he -a! on the left and the right of 5od. 4o- active -a! Jing 2enL 4e di!.en!ed hi! intelligent virtue -ithout cea!ing.B If gho!t! and !.irit! do not e$i!t@ then ho- could Jing 2en ;e Aon the left and right of 5odB !ince he -a! alread deadF 4ere -e have a te!ti)on of gho!t! in the ;ook of Zhou.


If there are te!ti)onie! onl in the ;ook! of Zhou and none in tho!e of Shang !till it could not ;e relia;le. But -e find a)ong the ;ook! of Shang the follo-ingE AOhL (ncientl @ ;efore Gia -a! vi!ited ; )i!fortune@ of the variou! ani)al! and in!ect! and even ;ird! none deviated fro) their cour!e. (! to tho!e -ho have face! of )en@ -ho dare ;e divergent in heartF &ven the hill! and river! gho!t! and !.irit! dared not ;e in!urgent.B If one i! re!.ectful and !incere one could )aintain har)on in the

-orld and !ta;ilit to the lo-er earth. Io- it -a! to a!!i!t Du that hill! and river! gho!t! and !.irit! dared not ;e in!urgent. 4ere -e have a te!ti)on of gho!t! in the ;ook of Shang.


If there are te!ti)onie! of gho!t! onl in the ;ook! of Shang and none in tho!e of Gia it i! !till not relia;le. But -e have AS.eech at 5anB a)ong the ;ook! of Gia running thu!E AIn the )id!t of the -ar at 5an the &).eror called the !i$ a!!ociate! to receive in!truction! in the headHuarter!. 4e !aidE K#he :rince of 4u violated the five ele)ent! and di!u!ed the three calendar!. 4eaven decreed to e$ter)inate hi! lifeL8 (nd he continued E K(t noon I !hall gra..le -ith the :rince of 4u for the fate of the da . But >)ind ou?@ ou )ini!ter! and .eo.le@ it i! not ;ecau!e I covet their lind and trea!ure!. I a) onl carr ing out the .uni!h)ent in o;edience to 4eaven. If ou on the left do not do our .art on the left ou -ill ;e di!o;e ing ) order!< if ou on the right do not do our .art on the right ou -ill ;e di!o;e ing ) order!< if ou charioteer! do not )anage our hor!e! according to order! ou -ill ;e di!o;e ing ) order!. (nd re-ard! -ill ;e di!tri;uted ;efore )

ance!tor! and .uni!h)ent! -ill ;e )eted out ;efore the altar.8B 2h -ere re-ard! di!tri;uted ;efore the ance!tor!F #o !u;)it their fairne!!. 2h -ere .uni!h)ent! )eted out ;efore the altarF #o !u;)it their 6u!tice. Becau!e the ancient !age-king! )u!t re-ard virtue and .uni!h vice -ith gho!t! and !.irit!@ the di!tri;uted re-ard! ;efore the ance!tor! and )eted out .uni!h)ent! ;efore the altar. (nd here -e have a te!ti)on of gho!t! in the ;ook! of Gia. Io-@ fir!t in the ;ook! of Gia and ne$t in the ;ook! of Shang and Zhou@ te!ti)onie! to the e$i!tence of gho!t! and !.irit! occur again and again. 2hat i! the rea!on for thi!F Becau!e the !age-king! -ere intere!ted in it. Cudging fro) the record! of the!e ;ook!@ ho- can -e dou;t that there are gho!t! and !.irit!F (ncientl @ on the .ro.itiou! da of ding )ao@ Zhou offered thank!giving to &arth and the 3our 9uarter!@ and their ance!tor!. #he did thi! to .rolong their age. If there -ere no gho!t! and !.irit!@ ho- could their age ;e .rolongedF


Mo=i !aidE (! to the fact that gho!t! and !.irit! can re-ard virtue a! -ell a! .uni!h vice@ if it could ;e .roclai)ed to the -hole countr and to all the .eo.le it -ould reall

;e a !ource of orderline!! in the countr and ;le!!ing to the .eo.le. #he corru.tion of the official! in their .u;lic charge! and the i))oralit a)ong )en and -o)en -ill all ;e !een ; gho!t! and !.irit!. #he vice of tho!e -ho@ -ith -ea.on!@ .oi!on!@ and -ater and fire@ -a la innocent traveller! and ro; the) of their cart! and hor!e!@ coat! and fur coat! to enrich the)!elve! -ill ;e !een ; gho!t! and !.irit!. #hereu.on the official! -ill not dare ;e corru.t in office@ -ithholding re-ard -hen the find the virtuou! or -ithholding .uni!h)ent -hen the find the -icked. (nd tho!e a)ong the .eo.le -ho co))it vice and crueltie! and -ith -ea.on!@ .oi!on!@ and -ater and fire -a la the innocent traveller!@ ro;;ing the) of their cart! and hor!e!@ coat! and fur coat! to enrich the)!elve! - all the!e -ill ;e no )ore. (nd the -orld -ill have order.


7eall the intelligence of the gho!t! and !.irit! cannot ;e co);ated. &ven in !olitar cave!@ ;ig .ond!@ -ood! and valle !@ the gho!t! and !.irit! are -atching. (nd the .uni!h)ent! fro) gho!t! and !.irit! cannot ;e evaded. &ven -ealth and great nu);er!@ daring and !trength@ !trong ar)our and !har. -ea.on!@ the .uni!h)ent of gho!t! and

!.irit! -ill fru!trate. If thi! i! dou;ted@ look at the !tor of the ancient Jing Cie of Gia. 4e -a! an e).eror in honour and .o!!e!!ed the -hole e).ire in -ealth. 4e cur!ed 4eaven and ;la!.he)ed again!t the !.irit! a;ove and de!tro ed the )ultitude! ;elo-. #hereu.on 4eaven co))i!!ioned #ang to carr out the 6udiciou! .uni!h)ent. 2ith nine chariot! #ang arranged the Bird 3or)ation and the 2ild 5oo!e March. 4e cli);ed the Dacan and !cattered the force! of Gia and entered it! land. (nd he ca.tured #ui Di Da Gi. Io-@ Jing Cie of Gia -a! an e).eror in honour and .o!!e!!ed the -hole e).ire in -ealth. In hi! !ervice -a! the )an of great daring and !trength@ #ui Di Da Gi@ -ho had torn a ;uffalo alive. 4e could kill a )an at the )ove of a finger@ and the nu);er of tho!e killed a)ounted to a )illion@ and the -ere thro-n into lake! and )ountain!. Det@ for all thi!@ Cie coald not evade the .uni!h)ent fro) gho!t! and !.irit!. #hi! i! -h I !a even -ealth and nu);er!@ daring and !trength@ !trong ar)our and !har. -ea.on! cannot co);at the .uni!h)ent fro) gho!t! and !.irit!.


Iot onl i! thi! !o. (ncientl @ Jing Zhou of Din -a! al!o an e).eror in honour and .o!!e!!ed the -hole e).ire in -ealth. 4e cur!ed 4eaven and ;la!.he)ed again!t the !.irit! a;ove and de!tro ed the )ultitude! ;elo-. 4e e$.o!ed the aged and )urdered the children@ tortured the innocent@ and o.ened a .regnant -o)an. #he co))on .eo.le and the -ido-! and the -ido-er! cried aloud@ ;ut -ere not heard. #hereu.on 4eaven co))i!!ioned Jing 2u to carr out the 6udiciou! .uni!h)ent. 2ith a hundred !elected chariot! and four hundred -arrior! Jing 2u a..ointed hi! official! and revie-ed hi! force!. 4e ;attled the ar)ie! of Din in the 2ilderne!! of Mu. 4e ca.tured 3ei Zhong and & Lai@ and the )ultitude de!erted and ran a-a . Jing 2u ru!hed into the .alace. 4e e$ecuted Zhou and hung hi) on a red ring -ith hi! cri)e! .u;li!hed on a -hite flag@ to .uni!h hi) for the feudal lord! in the e).ire. Io- Jing Zhou of Din -a! an e).eror in honour and .o!!e!!ed the -hole e).ire in -ealth. 4e had )en of !uch daring and !trength a! 3ei Zhong@ & Lai@ and Duke 4u of Zhong@ -ho could kill a )an at the )ove of a finger< and the nu);er of tho!e killed a)ounted to a )illion@ and the -ere thro-n

into the lake! and )ountain!. Det -ith all the!e Zhou could not evade the .uni!h)ent fro) the gho!t! and !.irit!. #hi! i! -h I !a even -ealth and nu);er!@ daring and !trength@ !trong ar)our and !har. -ea.on! cannot fru!trate the .uni!h)ent fro) gho!t! and !.irit!. Moreover@ 9in (i ha! !aidE AIo virtue i! too !)all@ no e$ter)ination of a lineage i! too ;ig.B #hi! i! to !a @ in di!tri;ution of re-ard! ; gho!t! and !.irit! no )an i! too in!ignificant to ;e re-arded for hi! virtue. (nd in the )eting out of .uni!h)ent ; gho!t! and !.irit! no )an i! too great to ;e .uni!hed.


#ho!e -ho den the e$i!tence of !.irit! !a @ AIf one doe! not -ork for the ;le!!ing of one8! .arent! ;ut -ork for their de!truction@ -ould one !till ;e a filial !onFB Mo=i e$.lainedE #he gho!t! and !.irit! of all ti)e! )a ;e divided into !.irit! of 4eaven@ !.irit! of hill! and river!@ and gho!t! of )en after their death. It i! true that there are !on! -ho die ;efore their father!@ and ounger ;rother! ;efore their elder ;rother!. But@ a! the !a ing in the -orld goe!E A4e -ho i! ;orn fir!t die! fir!t.B So then tho!e -ho die fir!t -ould ;e the )other if not the father@ and the elder !i!ter if not the elder ;rother. (t

an rate@ -e !hould .re.are clean cake! and -ine reverentl to do !acrifice. If gho!t! and !.irit! do e$i!t@ then it i! to !erve father and )other@ elder !i!ter! and elder ;rother! -ith food and drink. I! not thi! a great ;le!!ingF If gho!t! and !.irit! did not e$i!t it -ould !ee) to ;e a -a!te of the )aterial for the cake! and -ine. But !uch u!e i! not 6u!t to thro- it into the ditch or gull . 3or the relative! fro) the clan and friend! fro) the village and di!trict can et eat and drink the). So@ even if there -ere reall no gho!t! and !.irit!@ a !acrifice -ill et gather together a .art and the .artici.ant! can en6o the)!elve! and ;efriend the neigh;our!. #ho!e -ho hold there are no gho!t! !a E AOf cour!e there are no gho!t! and !.irit! and therefore I !hould not e$.end ) -ealth on the cake! and -ine and victi)!. #hi! i! not ;ecau!e I a) )i!erl a;out ) -ealth on the cake! and -ine and victi)!. But >;ecau!e I do not !ee? -hat I can acco).li!h -ith it.B #hi! i! o..o!ed to the record! of the !age-king! a;ove and o..o!ed to the .ractice a)ong the filial !on! a)ong the .eo.le. Det the clai) to ;e !u.erior )en in the e).ire. #hi! i! no -a to ;e !u.erior )en. But Mo=i !aidE 3or )e to offer !acrifice i! not to thro- it into the ditch or the gull . It i! to ;le!! the gho!t! a;ove and gather a .art and en6o our!elve! and ;efriend the neigh;our! ;elo-. (nd if !.irit! e$i!t@ I -ould ;e !erving ) father and )other and

;rother -ith food. I! thi! not a great ;le!!ing in the -orldF


#herefore Mo=i !aidE If the ruler! and the gentle)en of the -orld reall de!ire to .rocure ;enefit! for the -orld and eli)inate it! cala)itie! the )u!t ;elieve in and teach the e$i!tence of gho!t! and !.irit!. #hi! i! the -a of the !age-king!.

' #ondemnation of (usic I

o=i !aidE #he .olic of the )agnani)ou! -ill .ur!ue -hat .rocure! ;enefit! of the -orld and de!tro it! cala)itie!. If an thing@ -hen e!ta;li!hed a! a la-@ i! ;eneficial to the .eo.le it -ill ;e done< if not@ it -ill not ;e done. Moreover@ the )agnani)ou! in their care for the -orld do not think of doing tho!e thing! -hich delight the e e!@ .lea!e

the ear!@ gratif the ta!te@ and ea!e the ;od . 2hen the!e de.rive the .eo.le of their )ean! of clothing and food@ the )agnani)ou! -ould not undertake the). So the rea!on -h Mo=i conde)n! )u!ic i! not ;ecau!e that the !ound! of the ;ig ;ell@ the !ounding dru)@ the Hin and the !e and the u and the !heng are not .lea!ant@ that the carving! and orna)ent! are not delightful@ that the fried and the ;roiled )eat! of the gra!!-fed and the grain-fed ani)al! are not gratif ing@ or that the high to-er!@ grand ar;our!@ and Huiet villa! are not co)forta;le. (lthough the ;od kno-! the are co)forta;le@ the )outh kno-! the are gratif ing@ the e e! kno- the are delightful@ and the ear! kno- the are .lea!ing@ et the are found not to ;e in accordance -ith the deed! of the !age-king! of antiHuit and not to contri;ute to the ;enefit! of the .eo.le at .re!ent. (nd !o Mo=i .roclai)!E #o have )u!ic i! -rong.

Io- the ruler! con!truct )u!ical in!tru)ent! a! an undertaking of the !tate. #he cannot ;e .roduced a! ea!il a! ; eva.orating -ater or digging into the earth. Inevita;l heav ta$e! have to ;e collected fro) the .eo.le to o;tain !ound! of the ;ig ;ell@ the !ounding

dru)@ the Hin and the !e@ and the u and the !heng. #he ancient !age-king! had@ indeed@ collected heav ta$e! fro) the .eo.le to ;uild ;oat! and vehicle!. But -hen the -ere co).leted@ and -hen the .eo.le a!kedE A2hat u!e have -e for the!eFB the an!-er -a!E A#he ;oat! are to ;e e).lo ed on -ater and the vehicle! on land@ !o that the gentle)en can re!t their feet and the la;ourer! can re!t their !houlder! and ;ack!.B #hu! the .eo.le contri;uted their )one and dared not gru);le a;out it. #hi! -a! ;ecau!e the ;oat! and vehicle! contri;uted to the ;enefit of the .eo.le. If the )u!ical in!tru)ent! al!o contri;ute to the ;enefit of the .eo.le@ even I !hall not dare conde)n the). #hu! if the )u!ical in!tru)ent! are a! u!eful a! the ;oat! and cart! -ith the !ageking!@ even I !hall not dare conde)n the). #here are three thing! that the .eo.le -orr a;out@ na)el @ that the hungr cannot ;e fed@ that the cold cannot ;e clothed@ and that the tired cannot get re!t. #he!e three are the great -orrie! of the .eo.le. Io- !u..o!e -e !trike the ;ig ;ell@ ;eat the !ounding dru)@ .la the Hin and the !e@ and ;lo- the u and the !heng@ can the )aterial for food and clothing then ;e .rocured for the .eo.leF &ven I do not think thi! i! .o!!i;le. (gain@ ever large !tate no- attack! !)all !tate! and ever large hou!e )ole!t! !)all hou!e!. #he !trong .lunder the -eak@ the )an!!

the fe-@ the clever deceive the ! and the honoured di!dain the hu);le. (nd ;andit! and thieve! ri!e all together and cannot ;e !!!ed. But can the chao! in the -orld ;e .ut in order ; !triking the ;ig ;ell@ ;eating the !ounding dru)@ .la ing the Hin and the !e@ and ;lo-ing the u and the !hengF &ven I do not think it i! .o!!i;le. #herefore Mo=i !aid E #he lev of heav ta$e! on the .eo.le to con!truct the ;ig ;ell@ the !ounding dru)@ the Hin and the !e@ and the u and the !heng@ i! not at all hel.ful in the endeavour to .rocure the ;enefit! of the -orld and de!tro it! cala)itie!. #herefore Mo=i !aidE #o have )u!ic i! -rong.

(! the ruler! look do-n fro) a high to-er or in a grand ar;our@ a ;ell i! 6u!t like an inverted ding. If it i! not !truck -herefro) -ould co)e the .lea!ureF #herefore it )u!t ;e !truck. #o !trike it of cour!e the aged and the oung -ould not ;e e).lo ed. 3or their e e! and car! are not keen@ their ar)! are not !trong@ and the cannot .roduce an har)oniou! tone -ith varied e$.re!!ion. So@ tho!e in the .ri)e of life )u!t ;e e).lo ed ;ecau!e their e e! and ear! are keen@ their li);! !trong@ their voice! har)oniou! and varied in e$.re!!ion. If )en are e).lo ed it

interfere! -ith their .loughing and .lanting. If -o)en are e).lo ed it interfere! -ith their -eaving and !.inning. Io-@ the ruler! take to )u!ic and de.rive the .eo.le of their )ean! of clothing and food to !uch an e$tentL #herefore Mo=i !aidE #o have )u!ic i! -rong.

Io- -hen the ;ig ;ell@ the !ounding dru)@ the Hin and the !e@ and the u and the !heng are .rovided it i! et no .lea!ure for the lord! alone to li!ten to the .la ing. #herefore the )u!t en6o it -ith either the co))on .eo.le or the gentle)en. If -ith the gentle)en@ it -ill interfere -ith their attending to govern)ent. If -ith the co))on .eo.le it -ill interfere -ith their -ork. Io- the ruler! take to )u!ic and de.rive the .eo.le of !o )an of their o..ortunitie! to .roduce food and clothingL #herefore Mo=i !aidE It i! -rong to have )u!ic.

3or)erl @ Lord Jang of 9i >404-3"9 B.1.? loved )u!ic and dancing. #he dancer! -ere not to -ear gar)ent! of coar!e cloth or to eat hu!k! and ;ran. 3or if food and drink are not daint the a..earance and co).le$ion -ill

not ;e en6o a;le. (nd if clothing i! not elegant the ;od and the )ove)ent -ill not ;e delightful. #herefore their food )u!t con!i!t of grain and )eat and their clothing )u!t ;e )ade of !ilk and e);roider . #he did not .roduce )aterial of clothing and food at all@ ;ut lived on other! all the ti)e. 4ence Mo=i !aidE Io- the lord! take to )u!ic and de.rive the .eo.le of !o )an of their o..ortunitie! to .roduce food and clothingL #herefore Mo=i .roclai)edE #o have )u!ic i! -rong.

(l!o@ )an i! different fro) ;ird! and ;ea!t! and in!ect!. #he ;ird!@ ;ea!t!@ and in!ect! have their feather! and fur! for coat! and fur coat!@ have their hoof! and cla-! for !andal! and !hoe!@ and have -ater and gra!! for drink and food. #herefore the )ale do not !o!eed! or .lant tree!@ neither do the fe)ale -eave or !.in@ et food and clothing are .rovided. Io-@ )an i! different fro) the!e. #ho!e -ho e$ert the)!elve! -ill live. #ho!e -ho do not e$ert the)!elve! cannot live. 2hen the gentle)en do not attend to govern)ent diligentl @ the 6uri!diction -ill ;e in chao!. 2hen the co))on )en do not attend to -ork@ !u..l -ill not ;e !ufficient. If the gentle)en of the -orld !hould dou;t

) -ord@ let u! enu)erate the !everal dutie! in the -orld and !ee the har) )u!ic doe! >to the)?E 3or the ruler! to go to court earl and retire late to li!ten to la-!uit! and attend to govern)ent i! their dut . 3or the gentle)en to e$hau!t the energ of their li);! and e).lo full the -i!do) of their )ind! to attend to the court -ithin and to collect ta$e! -ithout fro) .a!!e!@ )arket!@ and .roduct! fro) )ountain!@ -ood!@ and -ater and field! in order to fill u. the granarie! and the trea!ur i! their dut . 3or the far)er! to !et out earl and co)e ;ack late@ to !o- !eed! and .lant tree! in order to .roduce a large Huantit of !o ;ean! and )illet i! their dut . 3or the -o)en to ri!e u. at da-n and retire in the night to -eave and !.in in order to .roduce )uch !ilk@ fla$ linen@ and cloth i! their dut . Io- if the ruler! !hould love )u!ic and li!ten to it@ the -ould not ;e a;le to go to court earl and retire late to li!ten to la-!uit! and attend to govern)ent. #hen the countr -ould ;e in chao! and the !tate -ould ;e in danger. If the gentle)en !hould love )u!ic and li!ten to it@ the -ould not ;e a;le to e$hau!t the energ in their Ii);! and e).lo full the -i!do) in the )ind to attend to court -ithin and collect ta$e! -ithout fro) .a!!e! and )arket! and .roduct! fro) )ountain!@ -ood!@ -ater@ and field! to fill u. the granarie! and the trea!ur . #hen the granarie! and the trea!ur

-ould not ;e filled. If the far)er! !hould love )u!ic and li!ten to it@ the -ould not ;e a;le to !et out earl and co)e ;ack late@ to !o- !eed! and .lant tree! and .roduce a large Huantit of !o ;ean! and )illet. #hen the !o ;ean! and )illet -ould not ;e !ufficient. If the -o)en !hould love )u!ic and li!ten to it@ the -ould not ;e a;le to ri!e u. at da-n and retire in the night to -eave and !.in and .roduce )uch !ilk@ fla$ linen@ and cloth. #hen cloth and linen -ill not ;e !ufficient. If it i! a!ked -hat i! it that interfered -ith the ruler!8 attending to govern)ent and the co))on )an8! attending to -orkF it )u!t ;e an!-ered@ )u!ic. #herefore Mo=i !aidE #o have )u!ic i! -rong.

4o- do -e kno- it i! !oF It i! found in the A1ode of :uni!h)ent of #angB a)ong the ;ook! of the ancient king!. #hi! .roclai)!E A#o have con!tant dancing in the .alace i! called the -itch8! .lea!ure.B (! to it! .uni!h)ent@ a gentle)an -ill ;e fined !i$ hundred and fort .iece! of !ilk@ a co))on )an -ill ;e let go free. (gain@ A(hL 4o)uch i! the dancing. 4i! -ord i! all kno-n. 5od doe! not ;le!! hi)@ therefore the nine di!trict! are lo!t to hi). 5od doe! not favour hi)@ therefore 4e vi!ited hi) -ith variou!

cur!e!. 4i! fa)il )u!t ;e de!tro ed too.B Io- the rea!on that the nine di!trict! are lo!t to hi) >Cie of Gia? lie! in hi! attention to e);elli!hing )u!ic. 9uoting 2u 5uanE A1h8i thereu.on a;andoned hi)!elf to lu!t and )u!ic. 4e drank and ate in i) .lace!. Ding ding@ dong dong -ent the -ood -ind! and .ercu!!ion in!tru)ent! in har)on . 4e indulged in drinking and ate in i) .lace!. Brilliantl -ent on the dancing. It reached the hearing of 4eaven@ and 4eaven -a! not .lea!ed.B So@ it -a! not .lea!ing to 4eaven a;ove and not ;eneficial to the .eo.le ;elo-.

#herefore Mo=i !aidE If the gentle)en reall de!ire to .rocure ;enefit! for the -orld and de!tro it! cala)itie! the cannot ;ut .rohi;it !uch a thing a! )u!ic.

Book 9 ' #ondemnation of (usic II

' #ondemnation of (usic III

) Anti-%atalism I

o=i !aidE (t .re!ent@ in governing the !tate! the ruler! all de!ire to have their countrie! -ealth @ their .o.ulation large@ and their ad)ini!tration orderl . But in!tead of -ealth the o;tain .overt @ in!tead of an increa!e the o;tain a decrea!e in .o.ulation@ in!tead of order the o;tain chao!< i.e. the lo!e -hat the like ;ut o;tain -hat the di!like. 2hat i! the rea!on for thi!F Mo=i !aidE It i! due to the large nu);er of fatali!t! a)ong the .eo.le. #he fatali!t! !a E A2hen fate decree! that a )an !hall ;e -ealth he -ill ;e -ealth < -hen it decree! .overt @ he -ill ;e .oor< -hen it decree! a large .o.ulation@ thi! -ill ;e large< and -hen it decree! a !)all .o.ulation thi! -ill ;e !)all< if order i! decreed@ there -ill ;e order< if chao!@ there -ill ;e chao!. If fate decree! old age@ there -ill ;e old age< if unti)el death@ there -ill ;e unti)el death. &ven if a )an !et! hi)!elf again!t hi! fate@

-hat i! the u!eFB 2ith thi! doctrine the ruler! are urged a;ove and the .eo.le are ke.t a-a fro) their -ork ;elo-. 4ence the fatali!t! are un)agnani)ou!. (nd their doctrine! )u!t ;e clearl e$a)ined.

Io-@ ho- i! thi! doctrine to ;e e$a)inedF Mo=i !aidE So)e !tandard of 6udg)ent )u!t ;e e!ta;li!hed. #o e$.ound a doctrine -ithout regard to the !tandard i! !i)ilar to deter)ining the direction! of !unri!e and !un!et on a revolving .otter8! -heel. B thi! )ean! the di!tinction of right and -rong@ ;enefit and har)@ cannot ;e kno-n. #herefore there )u!t ;e three te!t!. 2hat are the three te!t!F Mo=i !aidE It! ;a!i!@ it! verifia;ilit @ and it! a..lica;ilit . 4o- i! it to ;e ;a!edF It !hould ;e ;a!ed on the deed! of the ancient !age-king!. 4o- i! it to ;e verifiedF It i! to ;e verified ; the !en!e! of hearing and !ight of the co))on .eo.le. 4o- i! it to ;e a..liedF It i! to ;e a..lied ; ado.ting it in govern)ent and o;!erving it! ;enefit! to the countr and the .eo.le. #hi! i! -hat i! )eant ; the three te!t! of ever doctrine.

So)e of the gentle)en of the -orld a!!u)e there to ;e fate. Io- let u! e$a)ine the deed! of the !age-king!. In ancient ti)e!@ the confu!ion .roduced ; Cie -a! re.laced ; an orderl govern)ent ; #ang@ the chao! of Zhou -a! turned into order ; Jing 2u. #he ti)e! did not alter and the .eo.le did not change@ et under Cie and Zhou the -orld -a! chaotic and under #ang and 2u it -a! orderl . 1an it ;e !aid that there i! fateF

But the gentle)en of the -orld !till a!!u)e that there i! fate. Io- let u! look at !o)e of the -riting! of the earl king!. #he -riting! of the earl king! that -ere i!!ued to the -hole countr and di!tri;uted a)ong the .eo.le -ere the la-!. Did an of the la-! of the earl king! ever !a E ABle!!ing cannot ;e invoked and di!a!ter cannot ;e avoided< reverence -ill not do an good and cruelt -ill not do an har)BF #he !tandard! according to -hich la-!uit! -ere tried and .uni!h)ent! -ere )eted out -ere the code! of .uni!h)ent. Did an of the code! of .uni!h)ent of the earl king! !a E ABle!!ing

cannot ;e invoked and di!a!ter cannot ;e avoided< reverence -ill not do an good and cruelt -ill not do an har)BF #he in!.iration ; -hich the ar)ie! -ere organi=ed and the !oldier! -ere co))anded to advance or to retreat ca)e fro) the declaration!. Did an of the declaration! of the earl king! !a E ABle!!ing cannot ;e invoked and di!a!ter cannot ;e avoided< reverence -ill do no good and cruelt -ill do no har)BF Mo=i !aidE I have not enu)erated the good ;ook! of the e).ire co).letel . (! the cannot ;e e$hau!tivel enu)erated@ I li)it ) !elf to the )o!t .ro)inent one!@ na)el @ the three a;ove )entioned. (nd tr a! -e )a @ -e cannot find an ;elief in the doctrine of fatali!). Should it not then ;e a;andonedF #o ado.t the fatali!t!8 doctrine i! to overthro- righteou!ne!! in the -orld. #o overthro- righteou!ne!! in the -orld -ill e!ta;li!h fate@ -hich i! a te).tation to the .eo.le. (nd to offer .eo.le te).tation i! to de!tro the .eo.le. Io-@ -h i! it that -e de!ire righteou!ne!! to ;e -ith the !u.erior!F Becau!e -hen the righteou! are in authorit @ the -orld -ill have order@ 5od@ hill! and river!@ and the !.irit! -ill have their chief !acrificer@ and the .eo.le -ill ;e vi!ited ; the great ;le!!ing! therefro). 4o- do -e kno-F Mo=i !aidE In ancient ti)e!@ #ang -a! given a fief at Bo. #aking allo-ance for the irregular ;oundar line!@ hi! land a)ounted

to a;out a hundred li !Huare. 4e -orked -ith the .eo.le for )utual love and reci.rocal ;enefit@ and !hared -ith the) -hat -a! in a;undance. (nd he led hi! .eo.le to reverence 4eaven and -or!hi. the !.irit!. #hereu.on@ 4eaven and the !.irit! enriched hi)@ the feudal lord! ;efriended hi)@ the .eo.le loved hi)@ and the virtuou! ca)e to hi). 2ithin a !ingle generation he ruled over the e).ire and headed the feudal lord!. (gain in ancient ti)e!@ Jing 2en -a! a!!igned to the !tate of 9i Zhou. Making allo-ance for the irregular ;oundar line!@ hi! land a)ounted to a;out a hundred li !Huare. 4e -orked -ith hi! .eo.le for )utual love and reci.rocal ;enefit. So tho!e near hi) en6o ed hi! govern)ent and tho!e di!tant !u;)itted the)!elve! to hi! virtue!. (ll -ho heard of Jing 2en ro!e u. and ru!hed over to hi). #he ! and in!olent and tho!e -eak in li);! re)ained -here the -ere and co).lainedE A2h not let the land of Jing 2en e$tend to thi! .lace. 2ouldn8t I then al!o ;e a !u;6ect of Jing 2enFB #hereu.on 4eaven and the !.irit! enriched hi)@ the feudal lord! ;efriended hi)@ the .eo.le loved hi) and the virtuou! ca)e to hi). 2ithin a !ingle generation he ruled over the -hole e).ire and headed the feudal lord!. (! -e have !aidE 2hen the righteou! are in authorit the -orld -ill have order@ 5od@ hill! and river!@ and the !.irit! -ill have their

chief !acrificer@ and the .eo.le -ill ;e vi!ited ; the great ;enefit! therefro). (nd thi! i! ho- -e kno- it to ;e !o.

#he ancient !age-king! .u;li!hed la-! and i!!ued order! to ;e !tandard! of re-ard and .uni!h)ent@ and to encourage the virtuou! and to o;!truct the evil. (nd !o the .eo.le -ere filial to their .arent! at ho)e and re!.ectful to the elder! in the village or the di!trict. #he o;!erved .ro.riet in conduct@ )oderation in going out and co)ing in@ and decenc ;et-een )en and -o)en. (nd -hen the -ere )ade to look after the court the -ould not !teal@ -hen the -ere )ade to defend a cit the -ould not rai!e an in!urrection. 2hen the lord )et -ith death the -ould co))it !uicide@ and -hen the lord -a! ;ani!hed the -ould follo- hi). #hi! i! -hat the !u.erior -ill re-ard and -hat the .eo.le -ill a..laud. Io-@ the fatali!t! !a E A2hoever i! re-arded ; the !u.erior i! de!tined to ;e re-arded. It i! not ;ecau!e of hi! virtue that he i! re-arded.B /nder the!e condition! the .eo.le -ould not ;e filial to their .arent! at ho)e@ and re!.ectful to the elder! in the village or the di!trict. #he -ould not o;!erve .ro.riet in conduct@ )oderation in going out and

co)ing in@ or decenc ;et-een )en and -o)en. (nd@ if the -ere )ade to look after the court the -ould !teal@ if the -ere )ade to defend a cit the -ould rai!e an in!urrection. If the lord )et -ith death the -ould not co))it !uicide@ and if the lord -ere ;ani!hed the -ould not acco).an hi). #hi! i! -hat the !u.erior -ill .uni!h@ and -hat the .eo.le -ill conde)n. #he fatali!t! !a E A2hoever i! .uni!hed ; the !u.erior i! de!tined to ;e .uni!hed. It i! not ;ecau!e of hi! vice that he i! .uni!hed.B Believing in thi!@ the ruler -ould not ;e righteou!@ the )ini!ter -ould not ;e lo al@ the father -ould not ;e affectionate@ the !on -ould not ;e filial@ the elder ;rother -ould not ;e ;rotherl @ and the ounger ;rother -ould not ;e re!.ectful. #he unnatural adherence to thi! doctrine i! re!.on!i;le for .erniciou! idea! and i! the -a of the -icked.

Io- ho- do -e kno- fatali!) i! the -a of the -ickedF In ancient ti)e!@ the )i!era;le .eo.le indulged in drinking and eating and -ere la= in their -ork. #hereu.on their food and clothing ;eca)e in!ufficient@ and the danger of hunger and cold -a! a..roaching. #he did not ackno-ledgeE AI -a! ! and in!olent and -a! not diligent

at -ork.B But the -ould !a E AIt i! ;ut ) lot to ;e .oor.B #he ancient -icked king! did not control the !en!ualit of their ear! and e e! and the .a!!ion! of their )ind. #he did not follo- their ance!tor! and !o the lo!t their countr and ruined their !tate. #he did not kno- that the !hould confe!!E AI a) ! and in!olent and -a! not diligent in attending to govern)ent.B But the -ould !a E AIt i! ;ut ) fate to lo!e it.B #he A(nnounce)ent of Zhong 4uiB !a !E AI have heard that the )an of Gia i!!ued order!@ .retending the) to ;e fate of 4eaven. 5od -a! di!.lea!ed and de!tro ed hi! force!.B #hi! tell! ho- #ang !ho-ed Cie8! ;elief in fate to ;e -rong. A#he 5reat DeclarationB !a !E AZhou ;eca)e in!olent and -ould not -or!hi. 5od and .u!hed a-a the ance!tor! and !.irit! -ithout offering the) !acrifice!. (nd he !aidE K3ortune i! -ith ) .eo.le@8 and neglected and ;etra ed hi! dut . 4eaven thereu.on de!erted hi) and -ithdre- it! .rotection.B #hi! tell! ho- Jing 2u !ho-ed Zhou8! ;elief in fate to ;e -rong. If the doctrine of the fatali!t -ere .ut to .ractice@ the !u.erior! -ould not attend to govern)ent and the !u;ordinate! -ould not attend to -ork. If the !u.erior doe! not attend to govern)ent@ 6uri!diction and ad)ini!tration -ill ;e in chao!. If the !u;ordinate! do not attend to -ork@ -ealth -ill not ;e !ufficient. #hen@ there -ill not ;e -here-ith to .rovide

for the cake! and -ine to -or!hi. and do !acrifice to 5od@ gho!t! and !.irit! a;ove@ and there -ill not ;e -here-ith to tranHuilli=e the virtuou! of the -orld ;elo-< there -ill not ;e -here-ith to entertain the no;le gue!t! fro) -ithout@ and there -ill not ;e -here-ith to feed the hungr @ clothe the cold@ and care for the aged and -eak -ithin. #herefore fatali!) i! not hel.ful to 4eaven a;ove@ nor to the !.irit! in the )iddle !.here@ nor to )an ;elo-. #he eccentric ;elief in thi! doctrine i! re!.on!i;le for .erniciou! idea! and i! the -a of the -icked.

#herefore Mo=i !aidE If the gentle)en in the -orld reall de!ire to have the -orld rich and do not -ant to have it .oor@ de!ire to have it orderl and di!like to have it in confu!ion@ the doctrine of fatali!) )u!t ;e re6ected. It i! a great cala)it to the -orld.

) Anti-%atalism II

o=i !aidE #o )ake an !tate)ent or to .u;li!h an doctrine@ there )u!t fir!t ;e e!ta;li!hed !o)e !tandard of 6udg)ent. #o di!cu!! -ithout a !tandard i! like deter)ining the direction! of !unri!e and !un!et on a revolving .otter8! -heel. &ven !kilful arti!an! could not get accurate re!ult! in that -a . Io- that the truth and error >of a doctrine? in the -orld i! hard to tell@ there )u!t ;e three te!t!. 2hat are the three te!t!F #he are the te!t of it! ;a!i!@ the te!t of it! verifia;ilit @ and the te!t of it! a..lica;ilit . #o te!t the ;a!i! of a doctrine -e !hall e$a)ine the -ill of 4eaven and !.irit! and the deed! of the !age-king!. #o te!t it! verifia;ilit -e !hall go to the ;ook! of the earl king!. (! to it! a..lica;ilit it i! to ;e te!ted ; it! u!e in the ad)ini!tration of 6u!tice and govern)ent. #he!e then are the three te!t! of a doctrine.

()ong the gentle)en of to-da !o)e think there i! fate@ !o)e think there i! no fate. #hat I a) a;le to 6udge -hether there i! fate or not i! ; the !en!e te!ti)on of the )ultitude. If !o)e have heard it and !o)e have !een it I !hall !a there i! fate. If none ha! heard it@ if none ha! !een it@ I !hall !a there i! no fate. 2h not then let u! inHuire into the !en!e te!ti)on of the .eo.leF 3ro) antiHuit to the .re!ent@ !ince the ;eginning of )an@ ha! an !een !uch a thing a! fate@ or ha! heard the !ound of fateF Of cour!e@ there i! none. If the co))on .eo.le are con!idered ! and their !en!e! of hearing and !ight unrelia;le@ then -h not inHuire into the recorded !tate)ent! of the feudal lord!F But fro) antiHuit to the .re!ent@ !ince the ;eginning of )an@ ha! an of the) heard the !ound of fate or !een !uch a thing a! fateF Of cour!e@ none of the) ha!. (gain@ -h not let u! inHuire into the deed! of the !age-king!F #he ancient king! .ro)oted the filial !on! and encouraged the) to continue to !erve their .arent!@ and re!.ected the virtuou! and gentle and encouraged the) to continue to do good. #he .u;li!hed their order! to in!truct >the .eo.le?@ and )ade re-ard and .uni!h)ent fair to encourage >the good? and

o;!truct >the evil?. In thi! -a confu!ion could ;e reduced to order and danger could ;e converted to .eace. If an one dou;t! thi!@ let u! recallE In ancient ti)e! the confu!ion of Cie -a! reduced to order ; #ang@ and that of Zhou ; Jing 2u. Io-@ the ti)e! did not change and the .eo.le did not alter. Det -hen the !u.erior changed a regi)e the !u;ordinate! )odified their conduct. /nder #ang and 2u it -a! orderl @ ;ut under Cie and Zhou it -a! di!orderl . 4ence .eace and danger@ order and di!order@ all de.end on the govern)ent of the !u.erior. 4o- can it ;e !aid ever thing i! according to fateF So@ a!!ertion! a;out there ;eing fate are Huite fal!e.

#he fatali!t! tell u!E A#hi! doctrine ha! not ;een invented ; u! in a late generation. Such a doctrine ha! a..eared and ;een handed do-n !ince the #hree D na!tie!. 2h do ou@ !ir@ no- o..o!e itFB >In an!-er@? Mo=i a!kedE 2a! it fro) the !age! and good )en of the #hree D na!tie! or fro) the -icked and the viciou! of the #hree D na!tie! that the fatali!tic doctrine ca)eF 4o- can -e find thi! outF In the ;eginning !ecretarie! and )ini!ter! -ere careful in !.eech and intelligent in conduct. #he could .er!uade

their ruler a;ove and in!truct the .eo.le ;elo-. #hu! the o;tained re-ard fro) their ruler and a..lau!e fro) the .eo.le. (nd the fa)e of tho!e !ecretarie! and )ini!ter! ha! co)e do-n to the .re!ent da . #he -hole -orld re)ark!E A#hi! i! the re!ult of endeavour.B (nd it -ill never !a E AI !ee fate there.B

On the other hand@ the -icked king! of the #hree D na!tie! did not control the lu!t of their ear! and e e! and did not re!train the .a!!ion! of their heart. 2hen the -ent out the indulged in racing@ hunting@ and 2hen the !ta ed indoor! the revelled in -ine and )u!ic. #he did not attend to the govern)ent of the countr and of the .eo.le@ ;ut the did )uch that -a! of no u!e. #he!!ed the .eo.le@ cau!ing the !u;ordinate! not to love their !u.erior. 4ence the countr ;eca)e e).t and -ithout an future@ and the the)!elve! -ere in .uni!h)ent and di!a!ter. Bat the -ould not confe!! and !a E AI a) ! and in!olent and .oor in ad)ini!tering the govern)ent.B But the -ould !a E AIt i! ;ut ) fate to .eri!h.B &ven the )i!era;le .eo.le of the #hree D na!tie! -ere like thi!. 2ithin the could not -ell !erve their .arent!@ -ithout

the could not -ell !erve their ruler. #he di!liked .olitene!! and frugalit ;ut liked licence and ea!e. #he indulged in drinking and eating and -ere la= . #he )ean! of food and clothing ;eca)e in!ufficient and the .laced the)!elve! in danger of hunger and cold. #he -ould not confe!!E AI a) ! and in!olent and -a! not diligent at -ork.B But the -ould !a E AIt i! ;ut ) fate to ;e .oor.B Such@ then@ al!o -ere the )i!era;le .eo.le of the #hree D na!tie!. 3atali!) ha! ;een glo!!ed over and taught the ! .eo.le. #hi! -a! of great concern to the !age-king!@ and the .ut it do-n on the ;a);oo! and !ilk and cut it in )etal! and !tone. ()ong the ;ook! of the earl king!@ A#he (nnounce)ent of Zhong 4uiB !a !E AI have heard the )an of Gia i!!ue order!@ .retending the) to ;e fate of 4eaven. 5od -a! di!.lea!ed and de!tro ed hi! force!.B #hi! !ho-! ho- Jing Cie of Gia ;elieved in fate and ho- ;oth #ang and Zhong 4ui thought it to ;e -rong. ()ong the ;ook! of earl king! A#he 5reat DeclarationB !a !E AZhou ;eca)e in!olent and -ould not -or!hi. 5od@ and .u!hed a-a the ance!tor! and !.irit! -ithout offering the) !acrifice!. (nd he !aidE K3ortune i! -ith ) .eo.le@8 and neglected and ;etra ed hi! dut . 4eaven thereu.on de!erted hi) and -ithdre- it! .rotection.B #hi! !ho-! ho- Zhou ;elieved in fate@ and ho- Jing 2u .roclai)ed it to ;e

-rong -ith A#he 5reat Declaration.B (gain@ A#he #hree D na!tie! and 4undred State! A !a !E A Do not .lace too )uch faith in the fate in 4eaven.B So A#he #hree D na!tie! and 4undred State!B al!o !a ! there i! no fate. (l!o AShao 5ongB in the !a)e -a di!credit! the ;elief in fate. It !a !E A(!!uredl there i! no fate in 4eaven. Let u! t-o not teach fal!e doctrine!. >One8! de!tin ? doe! not co)e fro) 4eaven@ ;ut i! !ha.ed ; one8! !elf.B (nd it i! !aid in the ode! and ;ook! of Shang and GiaE A3ate i! ;orn of the -icked king!.B So@ then@ if the gentle)en of the -orld de!ire to di!tingui!h right and -rong@ ;enefit and har)@ fate of 4eaven )u!t ;e !trenuou!l di!credited. #o hold there i! fate i! the great di!a!ter of the -orld. (nd therefore Mo=i refuted it.

) Anti-%atalism III

o=i !aidE In order to e$.ound a doctrine there )u!t ;e e!ta;li!hed !o)e !tandard of

6udg)ent. #o e$.ound -ithout a !tandard i! !i)ilar to deter)ining the direction! of !unri!e and !un!et on a .otter8! -heel that i! turning. I !hould think even !uch o;viou! di!tinction! a! that ;et-een the direction! of !unri!e and !un!et cannot ;e thu! deter)ined. #herefore ever doctrine )u!t !tand three te!t!. 2hat are the three te!t!F #he are the te!t of it! ;a!i!@ the te!t of it! verifia;ilit @ and the te!t of it! a..lica;ilit . 4o- i! it to ;e ;a!edF It i! to ;e ;a!ed on the deed! of the earl !age-king!. 4o- i! it to ;e verifiedF It i! to ;e verified ; the te!ti)on of the ear! and e e! of the )ultitude. 4o- i! it to ;e a..liedF It i! to ;e a..lied ; ;eing ado.ted in govern)ent and it! effect! on the .eo.le ;eing !ho-n. #he!e are called the three te!t!.

2hen the ancient !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u@ ruled@ the !aidE A2e )u!t .ro)ote the filial !on! and encourage the) in !erving their .arent!@ and -e )u!t honour the virtuou! and good )en and in!truct the) in doing good.B In thi! -a the ad)ini!tered the govern)ent and .u;li!hed in!truction!@ re-arded the good and .uni!hed the evil. It !ee)! in thi! -a the confu!ion in the -orld could ;e

reduced to order@ and the danger of the !tate could ;e tran!for)ed into !afet . If thi! i! dou;ted@ >let u! recall?E In ancient ti)e!@ the di!order of Cie -a! reduced to order ; #ang@ that of Zhou -a! reduced to order ; Jing 2u. #hen the ti)e! did not change nor did the .eo.le alter. Det -hen the !u.erior changed regi)e the !u;ordinate! )odified their conduct. 2ith Cie and Zhou the -orld -a! chaotic@ under #ang and 2u it ;eca)e orderl . #hat the -orld ;eca)e orderl -a! due to the endeavour of #ang and 2u. #hat the -orld -a! chaotic -a! due to the !in of Cie and Zhou. Cudging fro) thi!@ !afet and danger@ order and chao! all de.end on the -a the !u.erior conduct! the govern)ent. 4o- can it ;e !aid@ there i! fateF In ancient ti)e! -hen Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u ruled the e).ire@ the !aidE A2e )u!t feed the hungr @ clothe the cold@ give the -ear re!t@ and the di!tur;ed .eace.B #hu! their good na)e -a! heard all over the -orld. 1an thi! ;e a!cri;ed to fateF It i! reall due to endeavour. #he virtuou! and gentle of toda re!.ect virtue and .ur!ue the -a ! and )ean! >to ;enefit the -orld?. 4ence the are re-arded ; the ruler! a;ove and .rai!ed ; the .eo.le ;elo-. (nd their good na)e i! heard all over the -orld. 1an thi! ;e a!cri;ed to fateF #hi! i! al!o due to their endeavour. Io-@ -ere tho!e -ho ;elieved in fate the !age! of the #hree D na!tie! or the -icked of the #hree

D na!tie!F Cudging fro) the nature of thi! doctrine@ it could not ;e the !age! of the #hree D na!tie!@ ;ut )u!t ;e the -icked that ;elieved in fate. #he ancient -icked king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li@ -ere honoured a! e).eror! and .o!!e!!ed the -hole -orld in -ealth. Det the could not control the !en!ualit of their ear! and e e!@ ;ut gave rein to their .a!!ion!. 5oing out the -ould race@ hunt@ and tra.. Sta ing indoor! the revelled in -ine and )u!ic. #he did not attend to the govern)ent of the countr and the .eo.le@ ;ut did )uch that -a! of no u!e. (nd the!!ed and violated the .eo.le. #hu! the lo!t their ance!tral te).le. #he -ould not confe!!E AI a) in!olent and ! I did not attend to govern)ent diligentl .B But the -ould !a E AIt i! ;ut ) fate that I lo!e it.B &ven the in!olent .eo.le of the #hree D na!tie! -ere like thi!. #he could not -ell !erve their .arent! and their lord. #he greatl hated .olitene!! and frugalit ;ut liked licence and ea!e. #he indulged in eating and drinking and -ere la= at -ork. #heir )ean! of clothing and food ;eca)e in!ufficient@ and the incurred the danger of hunger and cold. #he -ould not confe!!E AI a) ! and in!olent@ I a) not diligent in ) -ork.B But the al!o !aidE AIt i! ;ut ) fate that I a) .oor.B #hu! the in!olent .eo.le of the #hree D na!tie! al!o ;elieved in fate.

#he ancient -icked king! originated it and the )i!era;le .eo.le .racti!ed it. It -a! !haking the conviction! of the )ultitude! and converting the ! (nd thi! -a! alread of great concern to the ancient !age-king!. #he .ut it do-n on the ;a);oo! and !ilk and cut it in )etal and !tone and engraved it on di!he! and cu.! to ;e handed do-n to their de!cendant!. In -hat ;ook! are the e);odiedF AZong DeB of Du !a !E A2hen .ro)i!e! are not fulfilled even a !u;6ect of 4eaven -ill not ;e .rotected. 2hen one ha! touched the evil !tar@ 4eaven -ill vi!it hi) -ith it! cur!e. 2hen one i! not careful a;out one8! conduct@ ho- can fate of 4eaven .rotect hi)FB A#he (nnounce)ent of Zhong 4uiB !a !E AI have heard that the )an of Gia i!!ued order!@ .retending the) to ;e fate of 4eaven. 5od -a! di!.lea!ed and de!tro ed hi! ar)ie!.B 4e )ade u!e of -hat did not e$i!t a! if it had e$i!ted@ and therefore it -a! called .reten!ion. If he declared to ;e e$i!tent -hat reall e$i!ted@ ho- -ould thi! ;e .reten!ionF In ancient ti)e!@ Cie ;elieved in fate and acted accordingl . #ang here !ho-ed it to ;e -rong through A#he (nnounce)ent of Zhong 4ui.B A#he 5reat Declaration A !a !E

A#herefore the :rince 7egent 3a !aidE K(h@ ) lord!@ 4eaven ;le!!e! the virtuou!. It! -a i! clear. &$a).le need not ;e !ought far. It i! in the Jing of Din. 4e clai)ed each )an had hi! o-n fate@ -or!hi. !hould not ;e .racti!ed@ !acrifice! -ere of no avail@ and -ickedne!! could do no har). 5od -ithdre- hi! ;le!!ing and the nine di!trict! are lo!t to hi). 5od i! not .lea!ed and i! vi!iting hi) -ith ruin. 4ence it i! that our Zhou >the d na!t @ the e).ire? i! given ; the 5reat 5od.8B #hat i!@ Zhou ;elieved in fate and acted accordingl . Jing 2u refuted hi) in A#he 5reat Declaration.B So@ -h not e$a)ine the record! of Du@ Gia@ Shang@ and Zhou@ and !ee that all of the) held there i! no fateF 4o-ould ou account for thi!F

(nd Mo=i !aidE In e$.ounding a doctrine or ela;orating a ! !te) the gentle)en of the -orld !hould not do it 6u!t to e$erci!e their voice and tongue and .racti!e their li.!. It )u!t ai) at ;eing a..lied in the govern)ent of the countr @ the di!trict@ and the .eo.le. Io- the ruler! go to court earl and retire late@ hearing la-!uit! and attending to govern)ent and )eting out 6u!tice for the -hole da @ and dare not ;e negligent. 2h do the do thi!F #he think diligence -ill

;ring a;out order@ and negligence chao!< diligence -ill .roduce !afet @ and negligence danger. #herefore the dare not ;e negligent. #he )ini!ter! and !ecretarie! e$hau!t the energ in their li);! and !tretch the -i!do) of their )ind! -ithin to look after the court and -ithout to collect ta$e! fro) .a!!e!@ )arket!@ and .roduct! fro) )ountain!@ -ood!@ .ond!@ and field! to fill the trea!ur @ and dare not ;e negligent. 2h do the do thi!F #he think diligence -ill .rocure honour and negligence di!honour< diligence -ill .rocure glor and negligence di!grace. #herefore the dare not ;e negligent. #he far)er! !et out at da ;reak and co)e ;ack at du!k@ diligentl !o-ing !eed! and .lanting tree! to .roduce )uch !o ;ean! and )illet@ and dare not ;e negligent. 2h do the do thi!F #he think diligence -ill re!ult in -ealth@ and negligence in .overt < diligence -ill .roduce .lent @ and negligence fa)ine. #herefore the dare not ;e negligent. #he -o)en get u. at da-n and retire in the night@ diligentl -eaving and !.inning to .roduce )uch !ilk@ fla$ linen@ and cloth@ and dare not ;e negligent. 2h do the do thi!F #he think diligence -ill .roduce -ealth and negligence .overt < diligence -ill .roduce -ar)th and negligence cold. #herefore the dare not ;e negligent. Io-@ if the !hould ;elieve in fate and ;ehave accordingl @ the ruler! -ould ;e

negligent in hearing la-!uit! and attending to govern)ent< the )ini!ter! and !ecretarie! -ould ;e negligent in attending to court< the far)er! -ould ;e negligent in !o-ing !eed! and .lanting tree!< the -o)en -ould ;e negligent in -eaving and !.inning. 2hen the ruler! are negligent in hearing la-!uit! and attending to govern)ent and the )ini!ter! and !ecretarie! in attending to court@ then I !hould think the -orld -ould ;e in chao!. 2hen the far)er! are negligent in !o-ing !eed! and .lanting tree! and the -o)en in -eaving and !.inning@ then according to ) o.inion clothing and food for the -orld -ill ;e in!ufficient. (! to the re!ult of the a..lication of the doctrine of fatali!) to the govern)ent of the e).ire@ to -or!hi. 4eaven and the !.irit! a;ove -ith it 4eaven and the !.irit! -ill not ;e .lea!ed@ and to nurture the .eo.le ;elo- -ith it the -ill not ;e ;enefited ;ut -ill ;e de)orali=ed and cannot ;e e).lo ed. (nd@ -ithin@ defence -ill not ;e !trong@ and@ -ithout@ attack -ill not ;e victoriou!. (nd that for -hich the -icked king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li@ lo!t their countr and ruined their !tate -a! 6u!t thi! >doctrine?. #herefore Mo=i !aidE If the gentle)en of the -orld reall de!ire to .rocure ;enefit! for the -orld and de!tro it! cala)itie! the cannot ;ut vigorou!l refute the doctrine of fatali!). 3or fatali!) -a! an invention of the -icked

king! and the .ractice of )i!era;le )en. It -a! not a doctrine of the )agnani)ou!. #herefore tho!e -ho .racti!e )agnani)it and righteou!ne!! )u!t e$a)ine it and vigorou!l refute it.

* Anti-#onfucianism I

* Anti-#onfucianism II

#he 1onfuciani!t !a !E Love a)ong relation! !hould de.end u.on the degree of relation!hi.@ and honour to the virtuou! !hould ;e graded. #hi! i! to advocate a di!cri)ination a)ong the near and the di!tant relation! and a)ong the re!.ecta;le and the hu);le. But@ according to hi! code of .ro.riet E Mourning for the death of the .arent !hould ;e three ear!< for the -ife or the elde!t !on three ear!< for an uncle@ a

;rother@ or one of the other !on!@ a ear< and for a near relative@ five )onth!. If the .eriod! are ;a!ed on the degree of relation!hi.@ evidentl )ourning for the clo!er relative !hould ;e longer and for the )ore di!tant !horter. #hu! the -ife and the elde!t !on are the !a)e a! the .arent! >in nearne!!?. If the .eriod! are ;a!ed on degree! of re!.ect -hich are !everall due then it )ean! that the -ife and the elde!t !on are re!.ected a! )uch a! the .arent!@ and the uncle! and ;rother! are .laced on the !a)e level -ith the other !on!. 2hat .erver!it can ;e greater than thi!F 2hen hi! .arent die! he fir!t let! hi) lie there -ithout dre!!ing hi) for ;urial. 4e cli);! on the roof@ look! into the -ell@ reache! into the rat hole!@ and !earche! in the -a!hing ;a!in! to look for the dead )an. (!!u)ing that the )an !till e$i!t! thi! .rocedure i! certainl ! If he doe! not e$i!t thi! in!i!tent !earch i! the height of h .ocri! . 2hen a 1onfuciani!t take! a -ife@ he ha! to e!cort her in .er!on@ dre!!ed in cere)onial gar)ent! a! a !ervant. 4e drive! the cart hi)!elf@ a! if -aiting on a revered .arent. #he dignit and !ole)nit of the )arriage cere)on co).are -ith that of !acrifice and -or!hi.. 4igh and lo- are turned u.!ide do-n. 3ather and )other are di!o;e ed. :arent! are ;rought do-n to the level of the -ife and the -ife i! e$alted to interfere -ith !ervice to .arent!. 1an !uch

conduct ;e called filialF #he 1onfuciani!t tell! u!E A( -ife i! taken to !hare in continuing the -or!hi. and !acrifice >to ance!tor!? and the !on -ill attend to the ance!tral te).le@ therefore the are highl regarded.B 2e an!-er hi)E #hi! i! all fal!e!entation. 3or@ hi! ;rother! attend to the ance!tral te).le for ten! of ear!. Det -hen the die he -ill )ourn for the) onl one ear. #he ;rother!8 -ive! continue the -or!hi. and !acrifice of hi! ance!tor!. Det@ there i! no )ourning >u.on their death? -hat!oever. #hen the three ear!8 )ourning for the death of hi! -ife and elde!t !on i! evidentl not for the rea!on of their attending to the ance!tral te).le and continuing the -or!hi. and !acrifice. Io-@ to ;e .artial to one8! -ife and !on i! alread Huite -a -ard. Det the 1onfuciani!t .retend! it to ;e for the !ake of the .arent!. #hi! i! .artialit to the )o!t favourite ;ut neglect of the )o!t i).ortant. I!n8t thi! great .erver!it F

3urther@ he hold! tenaciou!l to the dog)a of fate and argue!E AOld age or earl death@ .overt or -ealth@ !afet or danger@ order or chao! are de!tined ; the fate of 4eaven and cannot ;e )odified. 3ailure or !ucce!!@

re-ard or .uni!h)ent@ luck or adver!it @ are all !ettled< the -i!do) and .o-er of )an can do nothing.B 2hen the different officer! ;elieve thi! the -ill neglect their !everal dutie!. 2hen the co))on .eo.le ;elieve thi! the -ill neglect their -ork. La$ govern)ent -ill lead to di!order< inefficient agriculture -ill lead to .overt . (nd .overt i! the root of di!order and in!urrection!. Det the 1onfuciani!t! take thi! teaching a;out fate to ;e the Dao and the .rinci.le of life. #hi! i! to de!tro the .eo.le of the e).ire.

Moreover@ the 1onfuciani!t glo!!e! over the ela;orate cere)onial! and )u!ic to )ake )an e$travagant< he e$tend! )ourning and .retend! grief to cheat hi! .arent!. 4e introduce! fate and cau!e! .overt @ and live! in idlene!!. 4e overthro-! the funda)ental! and avoid! -ork@ and i! indolent and .roud. Self-indulgent in drinking and eating and too la= to -ork@ he often !uffer! fro) hunger and cold and i! in danger of free=ing and !tarvation@ -ithout a;ilit to avert the). 4e ;ehave! like a ;eggar< gra!.! food like a ha)!ter@ ga=e! at thing! like a he-goat@ and ri!e! u. like a -ild ;oar. #he gentle)en all laugh at hi). 4e ;eco)e! angr and e$clai)!E A2hat doe! the undi!ci.lined )an

kno- a;out the good 1onfuciani!tFB In !.ring and !u))er he ;eg! for grain!. 2hen the five grain! are all gathered in he re!ort! to the funeral!. (ll the !on! and grand!on! are taken along and are filled -ith drink and food. It i! !ufficient for hi) to )anage ;ut a fe- funeral!. 4e de.end! on other!8 hou!e! for hi! -ealth and u!e! other!8 field! to u.hold hi! dignit . 2hen a death take! .lace in a rich fa)il he -ill re6oice greatl @ for it i! hi! o..ortunit for clothing and food.

#he 1onfuciani!t !a !E A#he !u.erior )an )u!t ;e ancient in )ode of !.eech and in dre!! ;efore ;e can ;e )agnani)ou!.B 2e an!-er hi)E #he !o-called ancient !.eech and dre!! -ere all )odern once. 2hen the ancient! fir!t u!ed that !.eech and -ore that dre!! the -ould not ;e !u.erior )en >according to the 1onfuciani!t!8 criteria?. Do ou therefore )ean to !a that one ha! to -ear the dre!! of the non-!u.erior )an and !.eak the !.eech of the non-!u.erior )an ;efore he can ;e )agnani)ou!F

(gain@ the 1onfuciani!t !a !E A#he !u.erior )an confor)! to the old ;ut doe! not )ake innovation!.B 2e an!-er hi)E In antiHuit Di invented the ;o-@ Du invented ar)our@ Gi Zhong invented vehicle!@ and 9iao 1ui invented ;oat!. 2ould he !a @ the tanner!@ ar)ourer!@ and car.enter! of to-da are all !u.erior )en@ -herea! Di@ Du@ Gi Zhong@ and 9iao 1ui -ere all ordinar )enF Moreover@ !o)e of tho!e -ho) he follo-! )u!t have ;een inventor!. #hen hi! in!truction! are after all the -a ! of the ordinar )en.

(gain he !a !E A2hen the !u.erior )an i! victoriou! he doe! not .ur!ue the fleeing ene) . 2hen the ene) i! ke.t at ;a he doe! not !hoot. 2hen the ene) retreat he -ill hel. the) .u!hing their cart!.B 2e an!-er hi)E If the )agnani)ou! are here referred to@ the have no occa!ion for !trife. #he )agnani)ou! re)ind each other of the .rinci.le of right and -rong and of -hat i! to ;e acce.ted and -hat i! to ;e re6ected. 4e -ho ha! no cau!e follo-! hi) -ho ha! it. 4e -ho ha! no kno-ledge follo-! hi) -ho ha!

kno-ledge. 7unning !hort of argu)ent he -ould ackno-ledge defeat@ !eeing good he -ould ;e converted. 4o- can there ;e an !trifeF If the conte!tant! are ;oth -icked@ though the victor doe! not .ur!ue the fleeing ene) @ though he doe! not !hoot the ene) at ;a @ though he hel.! .u!hing the ene) 8! cart! in retreat - though he doe! all the!e@ !till he cannot ;e a !u.erior )an. On the other hand@ !u..o!e a !age !tart! out to de!tro a cur!e on ;ehalf of the e).ire. 4e rai!e! an ar) to .uni!h the -icked and cruel !tate. 2hen he i! victoriou!@ let u! !u..o!e hi) to follo- the 1onfucian -a and co))and hi! ar) E ADon8t .ur!ue the fleeing ene) . Don8t !hoot -hen the ene) i! at ;a . 4el. the) .u!hing the cart! -hen the retreat.B #he -icked )en -ill thu! ;e !et free and the cur!e of the -orld -ill not et ;e re)oved. #hi! i! to har) the .arent! of the )ultitude! and greatl to ruin the -orld. Iothing can ;e )ore unrighteou!L

(gain the 1onfuciani!t !a !E A#he !u.erior )an i! like a ;ell. It -ill !ound -hen it i! !truck. It -ill re)ain !ilent -hen it i! not !truck.B 2e an!-er hi)E #he )agnani)ou!@ in !erving hi! !u.erior@ !hould ;e lo al@ and in !erving hi! .arent!@ !hould ;e filial. 2hen

there i! e$cellence >in the !u.erior? he !hould adore@ -hen there i! fault he !hould give coun!el. #hi! i! the -a of a )ini!ter. Io-@ if one !ound! onl -hen !truck@ and re)ain! !ilent -hen not !truck@ then he -ill hide hi! kno-ledge and !.are hi! effort!@ -aiting to ;e Hue!tioned ;efore he an!-er!. &ven if there i! !o)e great advantage at !take to the lord or .arent!@ he -ill not !.eak u. -ithout ;eing a!ked. (nd@ if a great inva!ion or in!urrection i! a..roaching or a con!.irac i! afoot@ and none kno- it ;ut he< et even in the .re!ence of hi! lord and .arent! he -ill not !.eak u. -ithout ;eing Hue!tioned. 2hat a cri)inal@ .roducing confu!ionL Such a )an -ill not ;e lo al a! a )ini!ter@ filial a! a !on@ re!.ectful in !erving an elder ;rother or gentle in treating the .eo.le. 2hen ;enefit i! in !ight@ the onl fear !hould ;e that coun!el )a ;e late. 2hen the ruler !tart! !o)ething not ;eneficial@ one !hould fold hi! hand! high on the ;rea!t and look do-n and utter -ith difficult E A#hi! I have not learned.B /.on e)ergenc one !hould -ithdra- and !et out on a long 6ourne . 3or@ ever .rinci.le@ doctrine@ and !tandard of )agnani)it and righteou!ne!! are to ;e u!ed on the large !cale to rule )en and on the !)all !cale to hoId office< -idel @ to e$erci!e a univer!al influence and@ narro-l @ to cultivate one8! .er!on. 2hat i! not righteou! !hould not ;e tolerated< -hat i! not according to .rinci.le

!hould not ;e .racti!ed. One !hould endeavour to .rocure ;enefit! for the e).ire directl and indirectl @ avoiding that -hich ;ring! no .rofitE !uch i! the -a of the !u.erior )an. But -hat -e hear of the conduct of Jong Mo i! dia)etricall o..o!ed to thi!.

Lord Cing of 9i a!ked Dan=iE A2hat kind of a )an i! 1onfuciu!FB Dan=i an!-ered not. #he Lord reiterated the Hue!tion and there -a! !till no an!-er. Lord Cing !aidE AMan have told )e a;out Jong Mo and all !aid he -a! a virtuou! )an. Io- that I a) a!king ou a;out hi)@ -h !hould ou not an!-erFB Dan=i re.liedE ADing i! not -i!e and cannot kno- virtuou! )en. Det Ding ha! heard that a virtuou! )an )u!t ;e one -ho@ u.on entering a !tate@ -ill endeavour to ;ring a;out friendl relation! ;et-een the ruler and the )ini!ter! and di!!olve the grudge! ;et-een !u.erior and !u;ordinate!. #hi! )an 1onfuciu! once vi!ited the !tate of Cing. 4e heard of the .lan! of Duke Bo and told the) to Shi 9i. (! a re!ult@ the lord al)o!t .eri!hed and Duke Bo -a! e$ecuted. Ding ha! al!o heard that the virtuou! )an doe! not o;tain confidence of the !u.erior ; flatter or that of the !u;ordinate! ; threat. If hi!

coun!el! are li!tened to ; the lord the -ill ;enefit the .eo.le@ if hi! in!truction! are follo-ed ; the !u;ordinate! the -ill ;enefit the !u.erior. 4i! !.eech i! .lain and ea! to under!tand and hi! conduct i! .lain and ea! to follo-. 4i! righteou! conduct enlighten! the .eo.le and hi! thoughtful coun!el convince! the lord and hi! )ini!ter!. Io-@ thi! )an 1onfuciu! -ith ela;orate .lan! con!.ired -ith the re;el! and -ith deviou! .lot! co))itted de.ravit . #o .er!uade the !u;ordinate! to .lot again!t their !u.erior and tell the )ini!ter! to a!!a!!inate their lord i! not the conduct of a virtuou! )an. #o enter a countr and 6oin -ith it! traitor! i! not akin to the righteou!. #o urge tho!e -ho are kno-n to ;e di!lo al to revolt doe! not fit the -a of the )agnani)ou!. :lotting again!t one at a di!tance and conde)ning one ;ehind hi! ;ack@ hi! conduct enlightening not the .eo.le and hi! coun!el convincing not the lord - ho- 1onfuciu! i! different fro) Duke Bo@ our !ervant Ding doe! not !ee. #hi! i! -h I did not an!-er ou.B Lord Cing !aidE AOhL I have ;een ;enefited. If it -ere not for ou@ I -ould never in ) life under!tand Jong Mo to ;e of the !a)e kind a! Duke Bo.B

Jong Mo vi!ited the !tate of 9i and !a- Lord Cing. Lord Cing -a! .lea!ed and -a! going to a!!ign Ii Gi to hi). 4e told Dan=i a;out it. Dan=i !aidE A:lea!e do not. ( !cholar of hi! !chool -ould !it crouching and take thing! ea! @ therefore he cannot ;e )ade to teach the !u;ordinate!. 4e like! )u!ic and -ill corru.t the .eo.le@ and therefore cannot ;e tru!ted to govern. 4e ;elieve! in fate and -ill neglect hi! dut @ therefore ;e cannot ;e given an office. 4e la ! e).ha!i! on )ourning@ and )ake! )uch of grief@ therefore he cannot ;e )ade to take care of the .eo.le. 4e -ill ;e for)al in dre!! and affected in )anner!@ therefore he cannot lead the )ultitude!. Jong Mo dre!!e! ela;oratel and .ut! on adorn)ent! to )i!lead the .eo.le@ .ro)ote! )u!ic and dancing to attract the )ultitude!@ .erfor)! ela;orate cere)onie! of going u. and co)ing do-n the !te.!@ and .racti!e! the etiHuette of ru!hing and !oaring to da==le the )ultitude!. 2ith all hi! e$ten!ive learning he cannot .lan for the -orld< -ith all hi! la;oriou! thought he cannot hel. the .eo.le. ( -hole lifeti)e cannot e$hau!t hi! learning< the gro-n )an cannot o;!erve hi! cere)onie!< and even the -ealth cannot en6o hi! )u!ic. 4e ela;orate!

and adorn! hi! i) -a ! to kee. the lord! ;u! < he .rofu!el furni!he! !ound! and )u!ic to corru.t the .eo.le. 4i! .rinci.le! cannot in!truct the -orld< hi! learning cannot lead the )ultitude!. Io- ou@ ) lord@ co))i!!ion hi) to change the cu!to)! of 9i. It reall i! not the -a to lead a countr and ;ring for-ard the )ultitude!.B #he Lord !aidE A#hi! i! -ell.B #hereu.on the Lord gave hi) valua;le gift! ;ut retained the co))i!!ion@ received hi) -ith re!.ect ;ut did not inHuire into hi! teaching. Jong Mo ;eca)e angr @ angr -ith Lord Cing and Dan=i. So@ he .laced 1hi Di Ze :i in the follo-ing of #ian 1hang@ and co))unicated hi! .lan! to 4ui-t=u of the South 1it . #hen he returned to Lu. Before long@ 9i de!ired to attack Lu. 4e re)arked to Zi 5ongE AOh@ 1i@ no- i! the ti)e to do the great deed.B #hereu.on he !ent Zi 5ong to 9i and@ through the introduction of 4ui=i of the South 1it @ !a- #ian 1hang. Zi 5ong .er!uaded hi) to attack 2u >in!tead of Lu?. 4e al!o told 5ao 5uo Bao Dan not to interfere -ith #ian 1hang8! in!urrection. #hen he -ent on and .er!uaded Due to attack 2u. 3or three ear!@ ;oth 9i and 2u -ere threatened -ith ruin. #he ;odie! of tho!e killed a)ounted to hundred! of thou!and!. (nd thi! -a! the revenge of Jong Mo.


Jong Mo -a! once the 1hief Cu!tice of Lu. But he a;andoned the cau!e of the lord and entered the !ervice of Ci!un. Ci!un -a! the 1hancellor of Lu ;ut de!erted hi! tru!t and ran a-a . (! he -a! tr ing to force the gate again!t the guard!@ Jong Mo lifted the ;ea) >for hi)?.


Once@ Jong Mo -a! in !trait! ;et-een 1ai and 1hen having onl vegeta;le !ou. -ithout even rice to eat. (fter ten da ! of thi!@ Zi Lu cooked a .ig for hi). Jong Mo did not inHuire -hence the )eat ca)e@ and ate. Zi Lu ro;;ed !o)e one of hi! gar)ent and e$changed it for -ine. Jong Mo did not inHuire -hence the -ine ca)e@ and drank. But -hen Lord (i received 1onfuciu!@ 1onfuciu! -ould not !it on a )at that -a! not .laced !traight and -ould not eat )eat that -a! not cut .ro.erl . Zi Lu -ent to hi) and a!kedE A2h the rever!e to -hat ou did on the ;order! of 1hen and 1aiF Jong Mo an!-eredE A1o)e@ let )e tell ou. #hen@ our goal -a! to kee. alive. Io- our goal i! to ;ehave righteou!l .B Io- -hen hunger-

!tricken he -a! not !cru.ulou! a;out the )ean! of alive@ and -hen !atiated he acted h .ocriticall to a..ear refined. 2hat fooler @ .erver!ion@ villain @ and .reten!ion can ;e greater than thi!L


Jong Mo -a! lounging -ith hi! di!ci.le!. 4e re)arkedE A2hen Shun !a- 5u Sou@ he felt unea! . #he e).ire at the ti)e )u!t ;e in danger. 2a! not Dan@ the Duke of Zhou@ un)agnani)ou!F 2h did he re!ign fro) hi! .u;lic office and retire to hi! .rivate ho)eF #hi! !ho-! Jong Mo8! conduct and the attitude of hi! )ind. 4i! follo-er! and di!ci.le! all i)itated hi)E Zi 5ong and Ci Lu a!!i!ted Jong Li and co))itted high trea!on again!t the !tate of 2ei. Dang 4uo re;elled again!t 9i. 3ei 5an -a! entru!ted -ith Zhong Mou and ;eca)e inde.endent. 9i Diao had a ferociou! a..earance. Iothing can ;e )ore... than thi!L Of cour!e the di!ci.le! and!@ follo-ing a teacher@ -ill advocate hi! doctrine! and i)itate hi! conduct. Onl @ the are not a! .o-erful and not a! clever. Io-@ !ince !uch -a! the conduct of Jong Mo@ the 1onfucian !cholar! are naturall to ;e o;6ect! of !u!.icion.

Book 10 , #anon I

#he gu >rea!onMcau!e? of !o)ething i! -hat it )u!t get ;efore it -ill co)e a;out.

KMinor rea!on8E having thi!@ it -ill not nece!!aril ;e !o< lacking thi!@ nece!!aril it -ill not ;e !o. It i! a .art@ like having a !tarting .oint. KMa6or rea!on8E having thi!@ it -ill nece!!aril N;e !oO< lacking Nthi!@ nece!!aril it -ill notO ;e !o. Like the a..earing ;ringing a;out the !eeing.

( ti > i! a .ortion in a 6ian >totalMcollectionM-hole?.


3or e$a).le@ one of t-o@ or the !tarting.oint of a )ea!ured length.

#he =hi >intelligenceMcon!ciou!ne!!? i! the ca.a;ilit .


#he Kintelligence8E it ;eing the )ean! ; -hich one kno-!@ one nece!!aril doe! kno-. Like the e e!ight.

Lu >thinkingMforethought? i! the !eeking.


K#hinking8E ; )ean! of one8! intelligence one !eek! !o)ething@ ;ut doe! not nece!!aril find it. Like .eering.

Zhi >kno-ing? i! the connecting.


KJno-ing8E ; )ean! of one8! intelligence@ having .a!!ed the thing one i! a;le to de!cri;e it. Like !eeing.

Zhi >under!tandingM-i!do)? illu)ination.




K/nder!tanding8E ; )ean! of one8! intelligence@ in di!cour!e a;out the thing one8! kno-ledge of it i! a..arent. Like clearne!! of !ight.

#o ;e ren >;enevolentMhu)aneMkind? i! to love individuall .


Love of one!elf i! not for the !ake of )aking one!elf u!eful. Iot like loving a hor!e.

#o ;e i >righteou!MdutifulM)oral? i! to ;enefit.

In intent@ he take! the -hole -orld a! hi! field< in a;ilit @ he i! a;le to ;enefit it. 4e i! not nece!!aril e).lo ed.

Li >)anner!Mcourte! ? i! re!.ect.

#he no;le are adre!!ed a! KSir8@ the ;a!e ; their given na)e!@ ;ut in ;oth ca!e! one )a ;e either re!.ectful or rude@ ;ecau!e )ode! of ;ehaviour are different for different rank!.


Ging >conduct? i! doing.


2hat one doe!@ neutrall na)ed@ i! one8! conduct. 5iving a good na)e to -hat one doe! i! tricker . 3or e$a).le@ to co))itting ro;;er .


#o ;e cheng >!incereM-hole-hearted? i! to reveal one!elf !.ontaneou!l .


#he )anife!tation of hi! intent and hi! =eal ena;le! other! to kno- hi). Iot like the tinkle of )etal or 6ade .endant!.


#o ;e =hong >to !erve lo all Mdo one8! ut)o!t? i! to ;e energetic in !u!taining the re!.on!i;ilit -hen one dee)! !o)ething ;eneficial.


#o ;e $iao >filial? i! to ;enefit one8! .arent!.


In intent@ he take! hi! .arent! a! hi! field< in a;ilit @ he i! a;le to ;enefit the). 4e doe! not nece!!aril !ucceed.


Gin >good faithMtru!t-orthine!!? -ord! agreeing -ith the thought.




It i! not ; hi! -ord! fitting the fact that he )ake! other! .a attention to the)< it i! ;ecau!e the are !ure of hi! conduct. #he frankne!! of hi! -ord! ena;le! hi) to verif the). ... the cit -all and get the )one .


#o !i >F? >;e in authorit >F?? i! to act on one8! o-n initiative.


2hen he confront! another@ the )ultitude follo-! hi! lead.


#o ;e 6uan >!cru.ulou!M!Huea)i!h? i! to ;e deficient in initiative.


4e doe! the right thing!< ;ut -hen doing the right thing interfere! -ith !o)e other thing@ he -ill not do it.


#o ;e lian >hone!tMcon!cienciou!? i! to >...F? initiative.


(lthough he .erfor)! it hi)!elf@ he i! under the authorit of !o)eone -ho kno-! the re!t a;out it >F?.


#o ling >co))and? i! not to .erfor) -hat one initiate!.


It i! not that he i! not hi)!elf the agent.


7en >;earing the -eight of a re!.on!i;ilit ? i! an officer -orking to hi! o-n lo!! ;ut to the advantage of tho!e on -ho!e ;ehalf he act!.

4e .erfor)! -hat in hi! o-n intere!t! he di!like! in order to ;ring a;out -hat other! need.


Dong >courage? i! that ; daring.


-hich intent i!

One na)e! a )an K;rave8 ;ecau!e of -hat he doe! dare< one doe! not rai!e a! an o;6ection !o)ething el!e that he doe! not dare.


Li >!trength? i! that ; -hich the ;od e$ert! it!elf.


It i! of -eight that it i! !aid. Lifting a -eight fro) ;elo- i! e$ertion.


Sheng >life? i! the ;od the intelligence.

;eing located -ith


2o >!lee.? i! the intelligence not kno-ing of an thing.


Meng >drea)ing? i! the intelligence neither de!iring nor di!liking an thing.


:ing >cal)? i! the intelligence de!iring nor di!liking an thing.




Li >;enefit? i! -hat one i! .lea!ed to get.


If ou are .lea!ed to get thi! one@ thi! i! the ;eneficial one@ and the har)ful one i! not thi! one.


4ai >har)? i! -hat one di!like! getting.


If ou di!like getting thi! one@ thi! i! the har)ful one@ and the one -hich i! ;eneficial i! not thi! one.


#o =hi >deal -ith !ucce!!full M.ut in order? i! to achieve -hat i! !ought.


One8! o-n affair! having ;een .ut in order@ other! al!o .utting in order Iorth and South...


#o u >.rai!e? i! to )ake .lain -hat i! honoura;le.


#o fei >;la)e? i! to )ake .lain -hat i! di!honoura;le.


Cu >to refer toM.ick out ; na)e fro) other!? i! to .re!ent the analogue for the o;6ect.

&$a).le@ K!tone8 e$.lained ; .ointing out a !toneF ... 3or Klike the !tone8 one nece!!aril u!e! -hat i! like the na)e.


Dan >to !a M!.eak ofM-ord!? i! to e)it reference!.


&$a).le@ Ktiger8@ e$.lained ; a .ictureF ... #o infor) a;out thi! na)e i! to refer to the other o;6ect. #herefore K!a ing8 i! an e)itting of !o)ething8! characteri!tic! of -hich an !.eaker i! ca.a;le. KIf the characteri!tic! are like the .icture@ it i! a tiger8 i! !a ing. #o !a that -hich it i! called >a! in the ca!e of K!tone8?@ i! to co))unicate it.


9ie >-illMa;out to? i! declaring !o)ething to ;e !o ;efore the event >F?.


Before the event one !a ! Ka;out to8@ after the event one !a ! Kalread 8. #he 6u!t no- !o too i! a;out to ;e. >Like KI8) afraid it -ill8 and KLet8! for the )o)ent...8 >F??


#he 6un >ruler? i! the co))on knot t ing )ini!ter! and .eo.le.


5ong >achieve)ent? i! ;enefiting the .eo.le.


If not at the due ti)e@ even if it i! ;eneficial there i! no achieve)ent. >Like !u))er and -inter clothe!.?


Shang >re-ard? i! reHuital fro) a;ove for achieve)ent ;elo-.


Zui >cri)e? i! violation of a .rohi;ition.


If not covered ; a .rohi;ition@ even if it i! har)ful there i! no cri)e.


3a >.uni!h)ent? i! reHuital fro) a;ove for cri)e ;elo-.


#ong >agreeingMconfor)ing? i! ;eing different ;ut ;oth the !a)e in relation to thi! one thing.

#he are t-o )en ;ut ;oth !ee that thi! i! a .illar. Like !erving a ruler. #he .illar8! engendering of the co).le)ent i! not to ;e treated a! nece!!ar . >F?


Ciu >duration? i! .erva!ion of different ti)e!.


K:re!ent8 and K.a!t8 co);ine )orning! and evening!.


Du >!.aceMe$ten!ion? i! .erva!ion of different .lace!.


K&a!t and 2e!t8 cover! Iorth and South.


#he Hiong >li)it? i! -herever at the ne$t advance there i! no roo) for a )ea!ured length.

If !o)e-here there i! no roo) for a )ea!ured length@ it i! li)ited< if ever -here there i! roo) for a )ea!ured length@ it i! li)itle!!.


Cin >e$hau!tingMa..l ing to allMall? i! none not ;eing !o.


So)ething i! fi$ed of all of the).


#o !hi >co))ence? i! to ;e .lu); -ith the ti)e.


Of ti)e! of a )ove)ent@ there i! one -hich ha! duration and one -ithout duration. #he co))ence)ent i! .lu); -ith the one -ithout duration.


4ua >tran!for)ation? i! the di!tingui!hing )ark! of one thing changing to the di!tingui!hing )ark! of another.

3or e$a).le@ a frog ;eco)ing a Huail.


Sun >reductionMlo!!? i! the re)oval of !o)e -ithout the re!t.


KSo)e ;ut not the re!t8E it i! a unit in a total. Of it! unit!@ if one i! re)oved and the other re)ain!@ -e !a that the one -hich re)ain! i! reduced.



#o $uan >circle round? i! to !-erve >F?.


It i! the figure of a curve.


#o un >rotate? i! to change round.


#he circu)ference i! like a cut@ the figure i! con!tant.


Dong >to !tirM)ove? i! to !hift !o)e-here.


#hing! -hich !hift all over the ;orderE the hinge of a door@ the lou!e on a hare >F?.


Zhi >to !ta Mre)ain fi$ed? i! to endure a! it -a!.


2hen the one -ithout duration doe! not !ta @ the thing fit! Ko$8 and Knon-hor!e8. Like the arro- .a!!ing the !tarting-.o!t. 2hen the one -hich ha! duration doe! not !ta @ the thing fit! Khor!e8 and Knon-hor!e8. Like a )an having .a!!ed over a ;ridge.


Bi >the nece!!ar Mthe unending.





It i! !aid of ca!e! -here co).le)ent! are K)atured8. 3or e$a).le@ ounger-;rother and elder-;rother. Of a thing !o in one ca!e@ a thing not !o in one ca!e@ that it !ta ! a! !uch >F? i! unnece!!ar @ that it i! thi! or i! not i! nece!!ar .


:ing >levelMflat? i! of the !a)e height.


#ong chang >of the !a)e length? i! each -hen laid !traight e$hau!ting the other.

#he !a)e length! of door-;ar and doorfra)e are !traight.


#he =hong >centre? i! Nthe .lace fro) -hich >F?O the are the !a)e in length.

Di!tance! out-ard fro) thi! are alike.


4ou >having ;ulkMthickne!!Mdi)en!ion? i! having !o)ething than -hich it i! ;igger.


Onl Nthe !tarting .oint >F?O ha! nothing than -hich it i! ;igger.


7i =hong >the !un at the centreMnoon? i! the !un ;eing due South.


Zhi >!traightMon a !traight cour!e? i! in align)ent.


Duan >circular? i! having the !a)e length! fro) one centre.


#he co).a!!e! dra- it in the rough >F?.


3ang >!Huare? i! circuiting in four fro) a right angle >F?.


#he car.enter8! !Huare !ho-! it in the rough >F?.


Bei >dou;ling? i! )aking t-o of the).


2hen the are Kt-o8@ )ea!ured foot and )ea!ured foot ;oth fro) one !tarting-.oint@ -hich i! ;eing no-here the !a)e.


#he duan >!tarting-.oint? i! the unit -ithout di)en!ion -hich .recede! all other!.


Dou 6ian >having an intervalMdi!continuou!? i! Nnot e$tending toO the centre.


It refer! to the flanking one!.


Cian >interveningMin e$tending to the !ide!.





It refer! to -hat i! flanked. Length! )ea!ured fro) !tarting-.oint to circu)ference are not flanked ; !tarting.oint and circu)ference. #he t-o e$ten!ion! are e$ten!ion! of -hich it i! not the ca!e that the co)e out level -ith each other.


Lu >...F? i! the interval ;eing e).t .


K&).t 8E of the interval ;et-een the t-o .iece! of -ood@ it refer! to -here there i! no -ood.


#o ing >fill? i! to ;e no-here a;!ent.


2hat doe! not fill an thing i! di)en!ionle!!. (long a )ea!ured length -herever ou go ou find the t-o.


Cian ;ai >a! hard to -hiteM)utuall .erva!ive? i! not e$cluding each other.

Different .o!ition! do not fill each other. Iot ;eing each other i! e$cluding each other..


Ding >touchingMcoinciding? each other.



occu. ing

Of )ea!ured feet@ neither i! -holl covered ; the other. Of !tarting-.oint!@ each i! -holl covered ; the other. Of the )ea!ured foot and the !tarting-.oint@ one i! -holl covered and the other i! not. #he hard and the -hite in coinciding -holl cover each other. 1ounta;le unit! in coinciding do not -holl cover each other.


:i >!ide ; !ideM)ea!ured again!t each otherMco))en!urate? i! over .art of the length coinciding and over .art of it not.

It i! .o!!i;le onl !tarting-.oint.

if ;oth .roceed fro) a


1i >the ne$tMad6acent? i! -ithout interval ;ut not coinciding.


It i! .o!!i;le onl ;ecau!e the !tarting-.oint i! di)en!ionle!!.


#he fa >!tandard? i! that in ;eing like -hich !o)ething i! !o.


#he idea@ the co).a!!e!@ a circle@ all three )a !erve a! !tandard.


#he in >criterion? i! that -herein it i! !o.


Being K!o8 i! the characteri!tic! ;eing like the !tandard.


Shuo >e$.lainingMde)on!trating? )ean! ; -hich one )ake! .lain.




3an >;eing the conver!e of each other? i! if inad)i!!i;le then on ;oth !ide! inad)i!!i;le.

(ll o$en@ and non-o$en )arked off a! a grou.@ are the t-o !ide!. #o lack -hat di!tingui!he! an o$ i! to ;e a non-o$.


Bian >di!.utation? i! contending over clai)! -hich are the conver!e of each other. 2inning in di!.utation i! fitting the fact.

One calling it an Ko$8 and the other Knon-o$8 i! Kcontending over clai)! -hich are the conver!e of each other8. Such ;eing the ca!e the do not ;oth fit the fact< and if the do not ;oth fit@ nece!!aril one of the) doe! not fit. Iot like fitting Kdog8.


#o -ei >to ;e doing !o)ething for the !ake of ...Mto have a! end? i! to give the )o!t -eight in relation to the de!ire!@ having taken account of all that one kno-!.

If ou .refer to cut off our finger@ and the under!tanding doe! not recogni!e the har) in it@ thi! i! the under!tanding ;eing at fault. If the con!ideration .aid to it ; the under!tanding overlook! none of the har) in it@ ;ut ou !till .refer to cut it off@ then that thing! have turned out i! a! -ith eating dried )eat. 2hether .utrid )eat -ill

;enefit or har) i! unkno-a;le in advance< if ou .refer to eat the )eat@ and it i! .utrid@ then eating it i! refu!ing to take the dou;t a! ground! for fi$ing -hich ou .refer. 2hether there -a! ;enefit or har) K;e ond the -all8 -a! not kno-a;le in advance< if ; heading for it ou could get )one @ then refu!ing to head for it -ould ;e taking the dou;t a! ground! for fi$ing -hich ou .refer. In the light of the .rinci.le that K#o ;e Kfor8 i! to give the )o!t -eight in relation to the de!ire!@ having taken account of all that one kno-!8@ -hen ou cut u. dried )eat it i! not -i!do)@ -hen ou cut off a finger it i! not fooli!hne!!. 2hen -hat ou are for and -hat ou are again!t .ut each other in dou;t@ ou are failing to .lan thing! out.


Di >endMfini!h?. #o ;ring a;out@ to get rid of.


Of )aking a coatE Kto ;ring a;out8. Of curing an illne!!E Kto get rid of 8.


Shi >to co))i!!ionMto cau!e?. #o tell. #he cau!e.


#o give order! i! Kto tell8. #he thing doe! not nece!!aril co)e a;out. Da).ne!! i! a cau!e. It i! nece!!aril reHuired that -hat it doe! co)e! a;out.


Ming >na)e?. .rivate.



cla!!if ing<

8#hing8 i! Kunre!tricted8 - an o;6ect nece!!aril reHuire! thi! na)e. Ia)ing !o)ething Khor!e8 i! Kcla!!if ing8 - for Klike the o;6ect8 -e nece!!aril u!e thi! na)e. Ia)ing !o)eone KCack8 i! K.rivate8 - thi! na)e !ta ! confined in thi! o;6ect. #he !ound! -hich i!!ue fro) the )outh all have the na)e. 3or e$a).le@ !urna)e and !t lena)e.


2ei >call?. #ran!fer@ refer@ a..l .


Of na)ing ; linking K-hel.8 and KdogE Ktran!fer8. Of K-hel.8@ of Kdog8E Krefer8. Of hooting at a dogE Ka..l 8.


Zhi >kno-?. B hear!a @ ; e$.lanation@ ; .er!onal e$.erience. #he na)e@ the o;6ect@ ho- to relate@ ho- to act.

4aving received it at !econd hand i! kno-ing ; Khear!a 8. Jno-ing that !o)ething !Huare -ill not rotate i! ; Ke$.lanation8. 4aving ;een a -itne!! one!elf i! kno-ing K; .er!onal e$.erience8. 2hat !o)ething i! called ; i! it! Kna)e8. 2hat i! !o called i! the Ko;6ect8. #he )ating of Kna)e8 and Ko;6ect8 i! Krelating8. #o intend and to .erfor) are to Kact8.


2en >hear?. (t !econd hand@ in .er!on.


Being told ; !o)eone i! hearing Kat !econd hand8. Being a -itne!! one!elf i! hearing Kin .er!on8.


Cian >!ee?. Individual!@ all.


One )e);er of a .air >F? i! an individual. #-o of the) are Kall8.


4e >relationMtall ingM;eing together?. &$act@ to the one -hich i! nece!!ar .


#he relation! of !haring a level -ith >F?@ coinciding a! the conver!e >F?@ ai) and achieve)ent@ are Ke$act8. #he relation to -ahat Cack i! dee)ed to ;e i! Kto the one -hich i! If -ithout !o)ething el!e !o)ething i! nece!!aril a;!ent@ the

relation i! Knece!!ar 8. #he 6udge! of !age@ e).lo ;ut do not treat a! nece!!ar . #he Knece!!ar 8 acce.t and do not dou;t. #he one! -hich are the conver!e of each other@ a..l on ;oth !ide!@ not on one -ithout the other.


Du >de!ireM;e a;out to?. Directl @ -eighing the ;enefit< ;e a;out to. 2u >di!like?. Directl @ -eighing the har).


2ei >con!tituteM;eco)eMdee)M)akeMcureM govern?. Jee. a! it i!@ get rid of@ e$change@ di!!olve@ govern@ tran!for).

Of coinciding -ith a co).le)ent >F?E Kkee. a! it i!8. Of illne!!E Kget rid of 8. Of ;u ing and !ellingE Ke$change8. Of !leet or a!he!E Kdi!!olve8. Of in!tructing and leadingE Kgovern8. Of frog and HuailE Ktran!for)8.


#ong >!a)e?. Identical@ a! unit!@ a! together@ of a kind.


#here ;eing t-o na)e! ;ut one o;6ect i! the !a)ene!! of Kidentit 8. Iot ;eing out!ide the total i! !a)ene!! Ka! unit!8. Both occu. ing the roo) i! the !a)ene!! of ;eing Ktogether8. Being the !a)e in !o)e re!.ect i! !a)ene!! in ;eing Kof a kind8.


Di >different?. #-o@ not unit!@ not together@ not of a kind.


#he o;6ect! if the na)e! are t-o nece!!aril ;eing different i! ;eing Kt-o8. Iot connected or attached i! Knot unit!8. Iot in the !a)e .lace i! Knot together8. Iot the !a)e in a certain re!.ect i! Knot of a kind8.


Sa)ene!! and difference. In @ having and lacking ;eco)e relative.


In the follo-ing ;eco)e relativeE In the ca!e of a rich fa)il @ of native intelligence@ Khaving and lacking8. In the ca!e of .utting !ide ; !ide and )ea!uring@ K)ore and le!!8. In the ca!e of a lou!e on a hare )oving thi! -a and that >F?@ Kde.arting and a..roaching8. In the ca!e of retreating the ;etter to attack@ Khard and !oft8. In the ca!e of a !-ord 6u!t !triking@ Kdead and alive8. In the ca!e of !on@ !on and )other -ithin a fa)il @ Kelder and ounger8. In the ca!e of di!cour!e@ conduct@ learning an o;6ect@ K;eing thi! or not ;eing it >right or -rong?8. In the ca!e of rai!ing o;6ection! to a .ro.o!al or .utting off acting on it@ K.roved or not et .roved8. In the ca!e of elder-;rother and ounger-;rother@ K;oth ;eing co).le)ent!8. In the ca!e of the ;od ;eing here and the thought! on !o)ething el!e-here@!ent or a;!ent8. In the ca!e of -hat K1rane8 con!titute!@ Kthe !urna)e or the thing a! it i! in it!elf 8. In the ca!e of a .rice ;eing right@ Kdear or chea.8.






(n a!!ent and a denial are one in the ;enefit and the u!e.

2hen -e K6u). the -all8@ the circular !ta ! fi$ed. B the thing! -hich follo- fro) each other or e$clude each other@ -e )a kno- Ka .riori8 -hat it i!. 3or the five colour!@ long and !hort@ ;efore and after@ light and heav @ adduce the one to -hich ou are co))itted. #he )atching and the a!!ent enter the con!ciou!ne!! together. 2hen !o)ething i! e$.lained@ and ou a!!ent to )ore than that the )atch@ for e$a).le to a circle ;eing no-here !traight@ or nothing i! e$.lained and ou a!!ent on the ;a!i! of the )atching@ it i! a! though it -ere !o of it!elf.


2hen !o)eone devote! hi)!elf to a co))it)ent@ if the de!cri.tion take! a !u;tle turn@ !eek hi! rea!on!.

If he rai!e! o;6ection! to an e!ta;li!hed !tate)ent@ and )ake! it hi! ;u!ine!! to e!ta;li!h thi! co))it)ent@ !eek the !tandard for the co))it)ent.



If the !tandard i! the !a)e@ e$a)ine -hat i! the !a)e in it.


1hoo!e -hat i! the !a)e@ and e$a)ine the !u;tle turn.


If the !tandard differ!@ e$a)ine -hat i! to it.


1hoo!e thi! and .ick out that@ a!k a;out rea!on! and e$a)ine!!. /!ing -hat i! ;lack and -hat i! not ;lack in a )an to fi$ K;lack )an8@ and u!ing love of !o)e )en and failure to love other )en to fi$ Klove of )an8 - of the!e -hich i!

3i$ the criterion in order to K!e.arate the road!8.


If the other )an@ referring to a re!.ect in -hich it i! not !o@ dee)! it !o in the in!tance here@ refer to re!.ect! in -hich it i! not !o and inHuire a;out the).

#he e$act no-here i! not.


3or e$a).le@ the !age ha! re!.ect! in -hich he i! not@ et he i!.

, #anon II

Book 11 -. (a)or Illustrations

/. (inor Illustrations

01 'eng *hu

o=i -a! angr -ith 5eng Zhu=i. 5eng Zhu=i !aidE () I not at all ;etter than other!FB Mo=i !aidE Su..o!e I a) !tarting out for #ai 4ang. (nd a hor!e and an o$ are to .ull ) cart. 2hich of the) -ould ou urgeF 5eng Zhu=i !aidE AI -ould urge the hor!e.B Mo=i a!kedE 2h urge the hor!eF 5eng Zhu=i !aidE ABecau!e the hor!e i! ca.a;le >of ;etter !.eed?.B Mo=i !aidE I al!o think ou are ca.a;le >of ;etter thing!?.

2u Ma=i Hue!tioned Mo=i A2hich are -i!er@ the gho!t! and !.irit! or the !age!FB Mo=i !aidE #he gho!t! and !.irit! are -i!er than the !age! ; a! )uch a! the !har.-eared and keen-!ighted !ur.a!! the deaf and ;lind. In ancient ti)e!@ &).eror 9i of Gia

co))i!!ioned 3ei Lian to dig )ineral! in )ountain! and river! and ca!t ting! at Jun 2u. 4e ordered Di to kill the .hea!ant to invoke the tortoi!e of Boruo@ !a ingE ALet the ding!@ -hen co).leted@ ;e four-legged. Let the) ;e a;le to cook auto)aticall @ -ithout fire@ to hide the)!elve! -ithout ;eing lifted@ and to )ove the)!elve! -ithout ;eing carried. So that the )a ;e u!ed for the !acrifice at Jun 2u. Ma our offering ;e acce.tedLB #hen the oracle -a! inter.reted a! !a ingE AI have acce.ted the offering. :rofu!e are the -hite cloud!E one to the !outh@ one to the north@ one to the -e!t@ one to the ea!t. 2hen the nine ding! have ;een co).leted@ the !hall ;e given over to three e).ire!. 2hen the e).eror of Gia lo!e! the) the )an of Din -ill .o!!e!! the)< -hen the )an of Din lo!e! the) the )an of Zhou -ill .o!!e!! the).B Io- the tran!fer fro) the e).eror of Gia to Din and Zhou took )an centurie!. &ven if the !age .lanned in coun!el -ith hi! e$cellent )ini!ter! and !u.erior a!!i!tant!@ could he fore!ee -hat -ould ha..en after )an centurie!F Det the gho!t! and !.irit! can. #herefore -e !a @ the gho!t! and !.irit! are -i!er than the !age! ; a! )uch a! the !har.-eared and keen-!ighted are than the deaf and ;lind.

Zhi #u Du and Gian Zi Shuo a!ked Mo=iE A2hat i! the greate!t righteou!ne!! in conductFB Mo=i !aidE It i! like the ;uilding of a -all. Let tho!e -ho can la the ;rick! la the ;rick!@ let tho!e -ho can fill in the )ortar fill in the )ortar@ and let tho!e -ho can carr u. the )aterial carr u. the )aterial. #hen the -all can ;e co).leted. #o do righteou!ne!! i! 6u!t like thi!. Let tho!e -ho can argue argue@ let tho!e -ho can e$.ound the doctrine! e$.ound the doctrine!@ and let tho!e -ho can ad)ini!ter@ ad)ini!ter. #hen righteou!ne!! i! achieved.

2u Ma=i !aid to Mo=iE A#hough ou love univer!all the -orld cannot ;e !aid to ;e ;enefited< though I do not love >univer!all ? the -orld cannot ;e !aid to ;e in6ured. Since neither of u! ha! acco).li!hed an thing@ -hat )ake! ou then .rai!e our!elf and ;la)e )eFB Mo=i an!-eredE Su..o!e a conflagration i! on. One .er!on i! fetching -ater to e$tingui!h it@ and another i! holding !o)e fuel to reinforce it. Ieither of the) ha! et acco).li!hed an thing@ ;ut -hich one do

ou valueF 2u Ma=i an!-ered that he a..roved of the intention of the .er!on -ho fetche! -ater and di!a..roved of the intention of the .er!on -ho hold! fuel. Mo=i !aidE >In the !a)e )anner? do I a..rove of ) intention and di!a..rove of our!.

Mo=i had reco))ended 5eng Zhu=i to 1hu. So)e >other?! vi!ited hi). #he -ere given onl three !heng >of grain? each )eal and -ere not generou!l entertained. #he! returned and re.orted to Mo=i@ !a ingE A5eng Zhu=i i! not .rofited ; !erving 1hu. 2hen -e vi!ited hi)@ -e -ere given onl three !heng each )eal and -ere not generou!l entertained.B Mo=i !aidE Dou cannot tell. Shortl after@ >5eng Zhu=i? !ent Mo=i ten 6in of !ilver@ !a ingE ADour 6unior di!ci.le -ho dare not die !end! here-ith ten 6in@ -hich I ho.e ou -ill u!e.B Mo=i !aidE So@ indeed@ -e cannot tell.

2u Ma=i !aid to Mo=iE A3or all the righteou!ne!! that ou do@ )en do not hel. ou and gho!t! do not ;le!! ou. Det ou kee. on doing it. Dou )u!t ;e de)ented.B Mo=i

!aidE Su..o!e ou have here t-o e).lo ee!. One of the) -ork! -hen he !ee! ou ;ut -ill not -ork -hen he doe! not !ee ou. #he other one -ork! -hether he !ee! ou or not. 2hich of the t-o -ould ou valueF 2u Ma=i !aid that he -ould value hi) that -orked -hether he !a- hi) or not. Mo=i then !aidE #hen ou are valuing hi) -ho i! de)ented.

( of Zi Gia a!ked Mo=i -hether there could ;e an !truggle a)ong the !u.erior )en. Mo=i !aidE #he !u.erior )en do not !truggle. #he of Zi Gia !aidE A#here i! !truggle even a)ong the dog! and hog!@ hocan there ;e no !truggle a)ong )enFB Mo=i !aidE 2hat a !ha)eL #8ang and 2u are .rai!ed -ith -ord!< ;ut dog! and hog! are ;rought into co).ari!on in conduct. 2hat a !ha)eL

2u Ma=i critici=ed Mo=i@ !a ing. A#o leave conte).orarie! alone and to .rai!e the earl king! i! to .rai!e rotten ;one!. It i! like the car.enter -ho kno-! onl the deca ing lu);er ;ut not the living tree.B Mo=iE Iothe -orld live! ;ecau!e of the in!truction! of

the earl king!. (nd to .rai!e the earl king! i! to .rai!e the !ource of life to the -orld. Iot to .rai!e -hat !hould ;e .rai!ed i! not )agnani)ou!. Mo=i !aidE #he 6ade of 4e@ the .earl of Duke Sui@ and the nine ding! the!e are -hat the feudal lord! value a! e$cellent trea!ure!. 1an the enrich the countr @ )ulti.l the .eo.le@ .ut the govern)ent in order@ and .lace the !tate in !afet F Of cour!e the cannot. &$cellent trea!ure! are to ;e valued for their efficac . Io- !ince the 6ade of 4e@ the .earl of Duke Sui@ and the nine ding! cannot ;enefit )en@ then the are not the e$cellent trea!ure! in the -orld. On the other hand@ if righteou!ne!! i! e).lo ed in the govern)ent of the !tate the .o.ulation -ill ;e increa!ed@ the govern)ent -ill ;e in order@ and the !tate -ill ;e !ecure. #he e$cellent trea!ure! are to ;e valued for their efficac . Iorighteou!ne!! can ;enefit )en. So then righteou!ne!! i! the e$cellent trea!ure of the -orld.

Lord Zi 5ao of She a!ked Zhongni a;out govern)ent@ !a ingE A2hat i! a good governor likeFB Zhongni an!-ered hi) that the good governor -ill attract tho!e -ho are di!tant and rene- old friend!hi.!. Mo=i

heard of it and co))entedE Lord Zi 5ao of She did not .ut the Hue!tion right@ neither did Zhongni give the right an!-er. 3or@ did not Lord Zi 5ao of She under!tand@ to ;e a good governor i! to attract the di!tant and to rene- the old friend!hi.!F #he Hue!tion -a! reall ho- to do thi!. #he an!-er told onl -hat the inHuirer under!tand! ;ut did not tell -hat he doe! not under!tand. #herefore >I !a ?@ Lord Zi 5ao of She did not .ut the Hue!tion right@ neither did Zhongni give the right an!-er.


Mo=i !aid to :rince 2en of Lu DangE #he large !tate! attacking the !)all !tate! i! like the ;o ! .la ing hor!e. 2hen the ;o ! .la hor!e@ the )erel tire out their o-n feet. Io-@ -hen a large !tate attack! a !)all !tate the far)er! of the attacked !tate! cannot cultivate the field! and the -o)en cannot -eave. #he have to go to the defence. (nd the far)er! of the invading !tate! cannot cultivate the field! and the -o)en cannot -eave either. #he have to take .art in the attack. #herefore >I !a ? the large !tate! attacking the !)all !tate! i! like the ;o ! .la ing hor!e.


Mo=i !aidE Doctrine! that can ;e tran!lated into conduct )a ;e taught freHuentl . Doctrine! that cannot ;e tran!lated into conduct )a not ;e taught freHuentl . #o talk freHuentl a;out -hat cannot ;e carried out i! )erel to -ear out one8! )outh.


Mo=i !ent 5uan 9in (o to reco))end 5ao Shi=i to 2ei. #he lord of 2ei gave hi) heav e)olu)ent! and ranked hi) a)ong the )ini!ter!. 5ao Shi=i ca)e to court three ti)e! and gave all hi! coun!el!. But none of the) -a! carried out. So he left for 9i -here he !a- Mo=i and !aidE AOn our account the lord of 2ei gave )e heav e)olu)ent! and ranked )e a)ong the )ini!ter!. I -ent to court three ti)e! and gave all ) coun!el!. But none of the) -a! carried out. So I left. 2ouldn8t the lord of 2ei think I -a! de)entedFB Mo=i !aidE If ou left ;ecau!e it i! in accordance -ith the Dao@ -hat doe! it )atter even if !u!.ected of ;eing de)entedF (ncientl @ Duke Zhou -a! di!.lea!ed -ith /ncle 5uan and re!igned fro) the Duke8! dutie! and -ent ea!t to Shang Dan to live.

&ver ;od then !aid he -a! de)ented. But .o!terit .rai!ed hi! virtue and e$alted hi! na)e unto thi! da . Moreover@ I have heard@ to .racti!e righteou!ne!! i! not to avoid ;la)e and !eek .rai!e. If the re!ignation i! in accordance -ith the Dao@ -hat doe! it )atter if one i! !u!.ected of ;eing de)entedF 5ao Shi=i !aidE A4o- dare Shi leave if it -ere not in accordance -ith the DaoF 3or)erl @ Ma!ter@ ou have !aidE 2hen there i! no Dao in the -orld@ the !u.erior )en -ill not !ta in .o!ition! of .lent . Io- the lord of 2ei doe! not o;!erve the Dao. If I !hould covet hi! e)olu)ent! and .o!ition then I -ould ;e living on other! a! a .ara!ite.B Mo=i -a! .lea!ed and !u))oned 9in=i@ telling hi)E Io-@ li!ten@ ca!e! of di!regard of righteou!ne!! for e)olu)ent! I have heard of. But di!regard of e)olu)ent! for righteou!ne!! I have !een >onl ? in 5ao Shi=i.


Mo=i !aidE 2hen a )an call! a gentle)an of the .re!ent rich -hile he i! .oor he ;eco)e! angr . Det@ -hen the )an call! hi) 6u!t he -ill ;e .lea!ed even though he i! un6u!t. I!n8t thi! .erver!eL


5ong Meng=i !aidE A#he ancient .eo.le had their rule!@ and the -ere ;ut three in nu);er.B Mo=i interru.ted hi)@ !a ingE 2hich ancient .eo.le are ou talking a;out that ou !a have three rule!F Dou don8t under!tand that .eo.le fir!t had....


So)e! de!erted Mo=i and then returned. >#he !aidE? A4o- are -e to ;la)eF 2e de!erted late.B Mo=i !aidE #hi! i! like a!king for re-ard for late de!ertion in a defeated ar) .


5ong Meng=i !aidE A#he !u.erior )an doe! not create ;ut tran!)it!.B Mo=i !aidE Iot at all. #he )o!t un!u.erior )en do not tran!)it the good of old and do not create an good for the .re!ent. #he le!! un!u.erior )en do not tran!)it the good of old@ ;ut -ill ;ring out the good -hich he .o!!e!!e! for the !ake of .rai!e. Io- to tran!)it ;ut not to create i! not different fro) creating -ithout tran!)itting. It !ee)! to )e -hat good there

i! of old one !hould tran!)it it< -hat good there i! to ;e for the .re!ent@ one !hould in!titute it@ !o that the good )a increa!e all the )ore.


2u Ma=i told Mo=iE AI differ fro) ou. I cannot love univer!all - I love the .eo.le of Zou ;etter than the .eo.le of 1hu@ the .eo.le of Lu ;etter than the .eo.le of Zou@ the .eo.le of ) di!trict ;etter than the .eo.le of Lu@ the )e);er! of ) fa)il ;etter than the .eo.le of ) di!trict@ ) .arent! ;etter than the other )e);er! of ) fa)il @ and ) !elf ;etter than ) .arent!. #hi!@ ;ecau!e of their nearne!! to )e. 2hen I a) ;eaten I feel .ain. 2hen the are ;eaten the .ain doe! not e$tend to )e. 2h !hould I re!i!t -hat doe! not give )e .ain ;ut not re!i!t -hat give! )e .ainF #herefore I -ould rather have the) killed to ;enefit )e than to have )e killed to ;enefit the).B Mo=i !aidE I! thi! vie- of our! to ;e ke.t !ecret or to ;e told to other!F 2u Ma=i re.liedE A2h !hould I kee. ) o.inion to ) !elfF Of cour!e I !hall tell it to other!.B Mo=i !aidE #hen if one .er!on i! .lea!ed -ith ou@ there -ill ;e one .er!on -ho -ill de!ire to kill ou in order to ;enefit hi)!elf. If ten .er!on! are .lea!ed -ith ou@ there -ill ;e

ten .er!on! -ho -ill de!ire to kill ou to ;enefit the)!elve!. If >the .eo.le of? the -hole -orld are .lea!ed -ith ou@ the -hole -orld -ill de!ire to kill ou to ;enefit the)!elve!. >On the other hand?@ if one .er!on i! not .lea!ed -ith ou there -ill ;e one .er!on -ho -ill de!ire to kill ou a! the .ro.agator of a -icked doctrine. If ten .er!on! are not .lea!ed -ith ou there -ill ;e ten .er!on! -ho -ill de!ire to kill ou a! the .ro.agator of an evil doctrine. If >the .eo.le of? the -hole -orld are not .lea!ed -ith ou the -hole -orld -ill de!ire to kill ou a! the .ro.agator of an evil doctrine. >So@ then? tho!e -ho are .lea!ed -ith ou de!ire to kill ou and tho!e -ho are not .lea!ed -ith ou al!o de!ire to kill ou. #hi! i! to !a @ -hat .a!!e! out fro) our )outh i! -hat kill! our ;od . Mo=i continuedE #hen@ -here@ after all@ doe! the ;enefit of our doctrine lieF #o teach -hat i! not .rofita;le i! )erel to -ear out one8! )outh.


Mo=i !aid to :rince 2en of Lu DangE 4ere i! a )an -ho ha! !uch an a;undance of !hee.@ o$en@ and >other? gra!!-fed and grain-fed ani)al! that he cannot eat all that the cook! .re.are for hi). >Det@? -hen he !ee! a )an ;aking cake!@ he look! !ur.ri!ed and !teal!

the)@ !a ingE ALet )e eat the).B Io-@ i! thi! due to an un!ati!fied a..etite or i! he affected -ith :rince 2en of Lu Dang re.lied that he )u!t ;e !uffering fro) Mo=i !aidE #he field! of 1hu all lie in -a!te and cannot ;e e$hau!tivel cultivated. #he unoccu.ied land a)ount! to thou!and! >of )u? and i! )ore than !ufficient for cultivation. Det -hen it !a- the to-n! of Song and Zheng@ it looked !ur.ri!ed and !tole the). I! there an difference ;et-een thi! and the other >ca!e?F :rince 2en of Lu Dang re.liedE A#hi! i! the !a)e a! that. It )u!t ;e !uffering fro) >too?.B


Mo=i !aidE 2hen Ci!un Zhao and Meng Bo 1hang -ere in authorit in Lu the could not tru!t each other. So the took oath at the altar@ !a ingE AMa -e ;e har)oniou!LB #hi! i! like clo!ing one8! e e! and .ra ing at the altar@ AMa I ;e a;le to !ee ever thingLB I!n8t thi! unrea!onF


Mo=i !aid to Lou 4ua LiE I have heard ou are ;rave. Lou 4ua Li re.liedE ADe!. 2hen I hear there i! a ;rave )an !o)e-here I al-a !

go and kill hi).B Mo=i !aidE #he -hole -orld .ro)ote! that -hich it like! and de!tro ! that -hich it hate!. But -hen ou hear of a ;rave )an !o)e-here ou )u!t go and kill hi). #hi! i! not ad)iration for ;raver ;ut hate for it.

Book 12 23 Esteem for +ighteousness

o=i !aidE Of the )ultitude of thing! none i! )ore valua;le than righteou!ne!!. Su..o!e -e !a to a .er!onE 2e !hall give ou a hat and !hoe! on condition ou let u! cut off our hand! and feet. 2ould he agree to thi!F Of cour!e@ he -ill not agree. 2h F Cu!t ;ecau!e hat! and !hoe! are not !o valua;le a! hand! and feet. (gain >if -e !a ?@ -e !hall give ou the -hole -orld on condition ou let u! kill ou. 2ould

he agree to thi!F Of cour!e he -ill not agree. 2h F Cu!t ;ecau!e the -orld i! not !o valua;le a! one8! .er!on. Det .eo.le have !truggled again!t one another for a !ingle .rinci.le. #hi! !ho-! righteou!ne!! i! even )ore valua;le than one8! .er!on. 4ence -e !a @ of the )ultitude of thing! none i! )ore valua;le than righteou!ne!!.

On hi! -a fro) Lu to 9i@ Mo=i )et an old friend -ho !aid to hi)E AIo-ada ! none in the -orld .racti!e! an righteou!ne!!. Dou are )erel inflicting .ain on our!elf ; tr ing to .racti!e righteou!ne!!. Dou had ;etter give it u..B Mo=i re.liedE Su..o!e a )an ha! ten !on!. Onl one attend! to the far) -hile the other nine !ta at ho)e. #hen the far)er )u!t -ork all the )ore vigorou!l . 2h F Becau!e )an eat -hile fe- -ork. Io-@ none in the -orld .racti!e! righteou!ne!!. #hen ou !hould all the )ore encourage )e. 2h do ou !to. )eF Mo=i travelled !outh to 1hu to !ee Lord 4ui of 1hu. Lord 4ui refu!ed to !ee hi) -ith the e$cu!e of hi! ;eing old@ and let Mu 4e receive hi). Mo=i talked to Mu 4e and Mu 4e -a! greatl .lea!ed. 4e !aid to Mo=iE ADour idea! )a ;e Huite good. But our Lord i! a great lord of the e).ire. 1an8t he refu!e to e).lo the) ;ecau!e the co)e

onl fro) a hu);le )anFB Mo=i re.liedE So long a! the are a..lica;le the are like >good? )edicine!@ -hich are onl the root! of her;!. Det even the e).eror take! the) to cure hi! !ickne!!. Doe! he refu!e to take the) ;ecau!e the are onl the root! of a her;F Io-@ the far)er .a ! hi! ta$ to the !u.erior. >2ith thi!@? the !u.erior .re.are! -ine and cake! to do !acrifice to 5od@ gho!t! and !.irit!. Do the!e refu!e to acce.t the) ;ecau!e the co)e fro) the hu);leF So@ even a hu);le )an can et ;e co).ared to the far)er@ or@ at lea!t to )edicine. I! he even of le!! value than the root! of a her;F Moreover@ ha! not ) Lord heard the !tor of #angF (ncientl @ #ang -a! going to !ee Di Din and let a !on of the hou!e of :eng ;e the driver. On the -a @ the !on of :eng inHuired -here the lord -a! going. #ang told hi) that he -a! going to !ee Di Din. #he !on of :eng !aidE ADi Din i! ;ut a hu);le )an of the -orld. If ou -ant to !ee hi) 6u!t !end for hi) and he -ill feel Huite flattered.B #ang !aidE A#hi! i! not -hat ou can under!tand. 4ere i! !o)e )edicine. 2hen taken@ it -ill !har.en the ear! and ;righten the e e!. #hen I !hall ;e .lea!ed and endeavour to take it. Io-@ Di Din to )e i! like a good .h !ician and an effective )edicine. Det ou don8t think I !hould !ee hi). It )ean! ou do not -ant to !ee )e ;eco)e good.B #hereu.on he di!)i!!ed the !on of :eng and did not let hi)

drive an )ore. #he did not re!u)e their 6ourne till the !on of :eng ;eca)e re!.ectful.

Mo=i !aidE (n -ord@ an action@ that i! ;eneficial to 4eaven@ the !.irit!@ and the .eo.le i! to ;e carried out. (n -ord@ an action@ that i! har)ful to 4eaven@ the !.irit!@ and the .eo.le i! to ;e a;andoned. (n -ord@ an action@ that i! in har)on -ith the !ageking! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Dao@ Shun@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u@ i! to ;e carried out. (n -ord@ an action@ that i! in agree)ent -ith the -icked king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li@ i! to ;e a;andoned.

Mo=i !aidE (n .rinci.le that can )odif conduct@ >e$.ound? )uch< an .rinci.le that cannot )odif conduct@ do not >e$.ound? )uch. #o >e$.ound? )uch -hat cannot )odif conduct i! 6u!t to -ear out one8! )outh.

Mo=i !aidE #he !i$ .eculiaritie! )u!t ;e re)oved. 2hen !ilent one !hould ;e deli;erating< -hen talking one !hould in!truct< -hen acting one !hould achieve >!o)ething?. 2hen one e).lo ! the!e three alternativel he -ill ;e a !age. :lea!ure@ anger@ 6o @ !orro-@ love >and hate? are to ;e re)oved and )agnani)it and righteou!ne!! are to re.lace the). 2hen hand!@ feet@ )outh@ no!e@ ear! >and e e!? are e).lo ed for righteou!ne!!@ then one -ill !urel ;e a !age.

Mo=i !aid to a fe- of hi! di!ci.le!E #hough one cannot achieve righteou!ne!! one )u!t not a;andon the -a @ 6u!t a! the car.enter )u!t not ;la)e the line though he cannot !a- the lu);er !traight.

Mo=i !aidE (! the gentle)en in the -orld cannot ;e ;utcher! of dog! and .ig!@ the -ould refu!e -hen a!ked to ;e !uch. Det@ though the are not ca.a;le of ;eing )ini!ter! in a !tate@ the -ould acce.t it -hen a!ked to ;e !uch. I!n8t thi! .erver!eF

Mo=i !aidE #he ;lind !a that -hich i! ;right i! -hite@ that -hich i! dark i! ;lack. &ven the keen-!ighted cannot alter thi!. But if -e !hould )i$ u. the ;lack and -hite o;6ect! and let the ;lind !elect the) the could not do it. 4ence the rea!on that I !a the ;lind do not kno- -hite fro) ;lack doe! not lie in the )atter of definition ;ut in the .roce!! of !election. Io-@ the -a the gentle)en of the -orld define )agnani)it even Du and #ang cannot alter. But -hen -e )i$ u. )agnani)ou! conduct -ith un)agnani)ou! conduct and let the gentle)en of the -orld choo!e the) the do not kno- -hich i! -hich. So@ the rea!on that I !a the gentle)en of the -orld do not kno)agnani)it doe! not lie in the )atter of definition either< it al!o lie! in the .roce!! of !election.

Mo=i !aidE #he gentle)en of to-da handle their .er!on! -ith even le!! care than the )erchant -ould handle a ;ale of cloth. 2hen the )erchant handle! a ;ale of cloth he dare not !ell it -ithout di!cretion< he -ill !urel

!elect a good one. But the gentle)en of toda handle their .er!on Huite differentl . 2hatever the ha..en to de!ire the -ill carr out. In the )ore !evere ca!e! the fall into .uni!h)ent< even in le!! !evere ca!e! the are vi!ited -ith conde)nation. So then the gentle)en are even le!! careful in handling their .er!on! than the )erchant i! in handling a ;ale of cloth.

Mo=i !aidE #he gentle)en of our ti)e de!ire to achieve righteou!ne!!. Det -hen -e endeavour to hel. the) in the cultivation of their .er!onalit the ;eco)e re!entful. #hi! i! like de!iring the co).letion of a -all and ;eco)ing re!entful -hen hel.ed in the ;uilding. I!n8t thi! .erver!eF

Mo=i !aidE #he !age-king! of old -anted to have their teaching .a!!ed to future generation!. #herefore the recorded it on ;a);oo! and !ilk and engraved it in )etal and !tone to ;eHueath to .o!terit !o that their de!cendant! could follo- it. Io- the -a ! of the earl king! are kno-n ;ut not carried out. #hi! i! to ;reak the tradition of the earl king!.


Mo=i ;rought nu)erou! ;ook! in hi! -agon dra-er! on hi! !outhern 6ourne a! an envo to 2ei. Gian Dang=i !a- the) and -a! !ur.ri!ed. 4e inHuiredE ASir@ ou have in!tructed 5ong Shang 5uo 6u!t to con!ider the right and -rong >of an ca!e?@ and do no )ore. Io- ou@ !ir@ ;ring ver )an ;ook! along. 2hat can ;e the u!e for the)FB Mo=i !aidE (ncientl @ Duke Dan of Zhou read one hundred .age! ever )orning and received !event !cholar! ever evening. #herefore hi! achieve)ent! a! )ini!ter to the e).eror have la!ted till thi! da . I have no !u.erior a;ove )e to !erve@ nor an far) ;elo- to attend to. 4o- dare I neglect the!e >;ook!?F I have heard@ though the >different? -a ! lead to the !a)e end the are not .re!ented -ithout deviation!. (nd the co))on .eo.le do not kno- ho- to .lace i).ortance in -hat the hear. 4ence the large nu);er of ;ook!. 2hen one ha! revie-ed the idea! and ha! thought dee.l on the) then he under!tand! the e!!ential! -hich lead to the !a)e end. #herefore he doe! not need to ;e in!tructed ; ;ook!. 2h !hould ou feel !o )uch !ur.ri!edF


Mo=i !aid to 5ong Liang 4uan=iE 2ei i! a !)all !tate !ituated ;et-een 9i and Cin. It i! like a .oor fa)il in the )id!t of rich fa)ilie!. 3or a .oor fa)il to i)itate the rich fa)ilie! in the e$travagance in clothing and food@ ruin i! a!!ured. Io- -e find in our hou!e hundred! of decorated vehicle!@ hundred! of hor!e! fed on grain@ !everal hundred -o)en clothed -ith finer and e);roider . If the e$.enditure! for the decoration! of the vehicle!@ food to the hor!e!@ and the e);roidered clothe! are u!ed to )aintain !oldier!@ there !hould ;e )ore than a thou!and. /.on e)ergenc @ !everal hundred of the) can ;e !tationed at the van and !everal hundred can ;e !tationed in the rear. #o do thi! or to let the !everal hundred -o)en hold the van and the rear@ -hich i! )ore !ecureF I !hould think to kee. -o)en i! not !o !ecure a! to )aintain !oldier!.


Mo=i had introduced !o)e;od to office in 2ei. #he )an -ent and returned. Mo=i a!ked hi) -h he returned. 4e an!-eredE AIn coun!el ) o.inion! -ere not con!idered.

Being .ro)i!ed a thou!and .en -a! given onl five hundred. #herefore I left.B Mo=i inHuiredE Su..o!e ou -ere given )ore than a thou!and .en@ -ould ou !till leaveF It -a! an!-ered@ no. Mo=i !aidE #hen it i! not ;ecau!e of lack of con!ideration. It i! ;ecau!e of the !)allne!! of the !alar .


Mo=i !aidE #he gentle)en of the -orld have even le!! regard for the righteou! )an than for the grain carrier. If a carrier -a! re!ting ; the road !ide and -a! una;le to ri!e u.@ the gentle)en -ould !urel hel. hi) to ri!e u.on !eeing hi)@ -hether he ;e old or oung@ honoura;le or hu);le. 2h F Becau!e it i! right. But -hen the gentle)an -ho .racti!e! righteou!ne!! urge! the) -ith the -a of the earl king!@ the are not onl un-illing to carr it out ;ut -ill even tra).le it do-n. So@ then@ the gentle)en of the -orld have even le!! regard for the righteou! )an than for the grain carrier.


Mo=i !aidE #he )erchant! go ever -here to do ;u!ine!! and their gain i! dou;led and )ulti.lied. #he .er!i!t not-ith!tanding the

difficultie! at the .a!!e! and ;ridge!@ and the danger! of the high-a )en and ro;;er!. Io- the gentle)en can !it do-n and teach righteou!ne!!. #here are no difficultie! at the .a!!e! and ;ridge! or danger! fro) high-a )en and ro;;er!. #heir gain !hould ;e not onl dou;led and )ulti.lied ;ut ;eco)e incalcula;le. Det@ the -ill not do it. #hen the gentle)en are not a! di!cerning a! the )erchant! in their calculation of ;enefit!.


Mo=i -a! going north to 9i and )et a fortune teller on the -a . #he fortune teller told hi)E A5od kill! the ;lack dragon in the north to-da . Io-@ our co).le$ion i! dark. Dou )u!t not go north.B Mo=i did not li!ten to hi) and -ent north. (t the Ze 7iver he could .roceed no further and returned. #he fortune teller !aidE AI have told ou that ou )u!t not go north.B Mo=i !aidE :eo.le on the !outh@ of cour!e@ cannot go north >of the Ze 7iver?@ ;ut neither can tho!e on the north co)e !outh. >Moreover?@ there are the darkco).le$ioned@ ;ut there are al!o the fairco).le$ioned. 2h i! it that neither can .roceedF Be!ide!@ 5od kill! the ;lue dragon on the da ! of Cia and of Di in the &a!t@ the red dragon on the da ! of Bing and of Ding in the South@ the -hite dragon on the da ! of

5eng and of Gin in the 2e!t@ and the ;lack dragon on the da ! of 7en and of 5ui in the Iorth. (ccording to ou then all the traveller! in the -orld -ill ;e .rohi;ited@ then all their .lan! -ill ;e cur;ed and the -orld )ade e).t . Dour idea i! not to ;e ado.ted.


Mo=i !aidE M .rinci.le i! !ufficient. #o a;andon ) .rinci.le and e$erci!e thought i! like a;andoning the cro. and tr ing to .ick u. grain!. #o refute ) .rinci.le -ith one8! o-n .rinci.le i! like thro-ing an egg again!t a ;oulder. #he egg! in the -orld -ould ;e e$hau!ted -ithout doing an har) to the ;oulder.

45 'ong (eng

ong Meng=i !aid to Mo=iE A#he gentle)an !hould fold hi! hand! on the ;rea!t in -aiting. 4e -ill !.eak -hen con!ulted he -ill not !.eak -hen not con!ulted. 4e i! like a ;ell -hen !truck it !ound!@ -hen not !truck it doe! not !ound.B Mo=i !aidE #hi! idea cover! three .ha!e! of -hich ou kno- ;ut one< !o ou do not under!tand -hat ou are talking a;out. In the ca!e of the ruler8! co))itting violence in the !tate@ to go and -arn hi) -ill ;e called in!olence@ and to offer -arning through tho!e around hi) -ill ;e called )eddling -ith coun!el. #hi! i! -here the gentle)an he!itate! >to !.eak?. Io-@ if the ruler@ in hi! ad)ini!tration@ )eet! -ith !o)e difficult in the !tate re!e);ling a )achine a;out to !hoot@... the gentle)an )u!t give -arning. So the ;enefit to the ruler... In !uch ca!e! although he i! not a!ked he !hould give coun!el. (gain@ if the lord !hould launch out

on !o)e unrighteou!@ e$traordinar enter.ri!e< and if in .o!!e!!ion of clever )ilitar !che)e!@ he !hould attack innocent !tate! -ith a vie- to e$tending hi! territor @ collecting ta$e! and gathering -ealth< and if in taking !uch a cour!e he )eet -ith hu)iliation@ a! it i! ;eneficial neither to the victor nor to the vanHui!hed -- and hence har)ful to ;oth - in !uch a ca!e the gentle)an )u!t re!.ond -ith coun!el though he i! not a!ked. Moreover@ according to -hat ou have !aid@ the gentle)an i! to fold hi! hand! on hi! ;rea!t and -ait. 4e -ill !.eak -hen con!ulted< he -ill not !.eak -hen not con!ulted. 4e i! like a ;ell< -hen !truck it !ound!@ -hen not !truck it doe! not !ound. Io-@ none had a!ked ou and et ou !.oke. I! thi! -hat ou call !ounding -ithout ;eing !truckF I! thi! -hat ou call ungentle)anl F

5ong Meng=i !aid to Mo=iE A4o- i! it .o!!i;le for the .eo.le to ;e ignorant of -hat i! reall goodF 3or in!tance@ -hen the a;le fortune teller re)ain! at ho)e and doe! not go a;road@ he -ill have grain in a;undance< -hen the ;eautful )aiden re)ain! at ho)e and doe! not go a;road@ .eo.le -ill co).ete in o;taining her. On the other hand if !he !hould !et forth to !ell her!elf@ none -ould

take her. Io- ou go a;out@ tr ing to .er!uade ever ;od @ -herefore all thi! fu!!FB Mo=i !aidE In the .re!ent -orld of chao! tho!e -ho !eek the ;eautiful )aiden! are )an . So@ though the re)ain at ho)e )o!t .eo.le -ould take the). But tho!e -ho !eek goodne!! are fe-. 2ithout intelligent .er!ua!ion .eo.le -ill not under!tand. Moreover@ !u..o!e here are t-o .eo.le good at fortune telling. One travel! a;out to tell .eo.le8! fortune!@ and the other re)ain! at ho)e and doe! not go a;road. 2hich of the!e t-o -ill have )ore grainF 5ong Meng=i !aid that he -ho travel! a;out and tell! .eo.le8! fortune! -ill have )ore grain. Mo=i !aidE So -ith )agnani)it and righteou!ne!!. 4e -ho travel! a;out and urge! the .eo.le ha! )ore )erit al!o. 2h not@ then@ let u! travel a;out and urge the .eo.leF

5ong Meng=i@ -earing a cere)onial hat@ carr ing the official!8 ta;let@ and in the cloak of the learned@ ca)e to !ee Mo=i and a!kedE ADoe! the gentle)an dre!! in attire ;efore acting. Or doe! he do hi! ;u!ine!! fir!t and then con!ider hi! attireFB Mo=i !aidE (ction doe! not de.end on attire. 5ong Meng=i a!ked ho- i! it .o!!i;le to

kno-. Mo=i !aidE 3or)erl @ Lord 4uan of 9i >*',-*43 B.1.?@ -earing a high hat and a -ide girdle@ -ith a gold !-ord and -ooden !hield@ governed hi! !tate. (nd hi! !tate ;eca)e orderl . Lord 2en of Cin >"'0-"4* B.1.?@ -earing gar)ent! of coar!e cloth and !hee.!kin cloak@ -ith the !-ord in a leather ;elt@ governed hi! !tate. (nd hi! !tate ;eca)e orderl . Lord Zhuang of 1hu >*"1-*%* B.1.?@ -earing a gaud hat -ith a ta!!el@ and a red gar)ent and a ;ig go-n@ governed hi! !tate. (nd hi! !tate ;eca)e orderl . Lord 5ou Cian of Due >49*-4*, B.1.?@ had hi! hair cut !hort and hi! ;od tattooed and governed hi! !tate@ and hi! !tate ;eca)e orderl . Io-@ the!e four lord! differed in attire ;ut agreed in action. I therefore kno- action doe! not de.end on attire. 5ong Meng=i !aidE A#hat i! fine. I have heard that it i! unluck to kee. goodne!! in darkne!!. So@ let )e go and .ut a-a the ta;let and change the hat and co)e ;ack to !ee ou. I! thi! all rightFB Mo=i !aidE :lea!e co)e out -ith our errand. If ou have to .ut a-a the ta;let and change the hat ;efore ou can !ee )e@ then@ action doe! de.end on attire.

5ong Meng=i !aidE A#he gentle)an ha! to ;e ancient in attire and in !.eech ;efore he can ;e )agnani)ou!.B Mo=i !aidE In ancient ti)e!@ )ini!ter 3ei Zhong of &).eror Zhou of Shang -a! the terror of the -orld. 2hile Baron Ci and Baron 2ei -ere the !age! of the -orld. Io- the!e !.oke the !a)e dialect@ ;ut the latter -ere )agnani)ou! and the for)er -a! -icked. >Later?@ Duke Dan of Zhou -a! the !age of the -orld and /ncle 5uan -a! the villain of the -orld. Io- the!e -ore the !a)e attire ;ut the for)er -a! )agnani)ou! and the latter -icked. #hen@ virtue evidentl doe! not de.end on the antiHuit of attire and !.eech. Moreover@ ou are follo-ing onl Zhou and not Gia. Dour antiHuit doe! not go ;ack far enough.

5ong Meng=i !aid to Mo=iE AIn ancient ti)e!@ in a!!igning rank! the !age-king! cro-ned the )o!t !agaciou! a! e).eror@ and a..ointed the other! a! )ini!ter! and !ecretarie!. Io- 1onfuciu! had an e$ten!ive kno-ledge of .oetr and hi!tor @ a clear under!tanding of cere)onial and )u!ic@ and

an inti)ate in!ight into )an thing!. If it fell u.on 1onfuciu! to ;e the !age-king@ -h !hould he not )ake hi)!elf e).erorFB Mo=i !aidE #he -i!e )an !hould reverence 4eaven and -or!hi. the !.irit!@ love the .eo.le and econo)i=e in e$.enditure!. 1o);ining the!e -e get -i!do). Io-@ ou !a @ 1onfuciu! had an e$ten!ive kno-ledge of .oetr and hi!tor @ a clear under!tanding of cere)onial! and )u!ic@ and an inti)ate in!ight into )an thing!. #herefore@ ou think@ he !hould ;e )ade e).eror. #hi! i! like e!ti)ating one8! -ealth ; counting the nu);er of notche!.

5ong Meng=i !aidE A:overt or -ealth@ old age or unti)el death@ all are deter)ined ; 4eaven and the cannot ;e altered.B (gain@ he !aidE A#he !u.erior )an )u!t learn.B Mo=i !aidE #o hold fatali!) and teach .eo.le to learn i! like telling hi) to cover hi! hair and et re)ove hi! hat.

5ong Meng=i !aid to Mo=iE A#here i! onl righteou!ne!! and unrighteou!ne!!@ ;ut no !uch thing a! .ro.itiou!ne!! or!ne!!.B Mo=i !aidE #he ancient

!age-king! all regarded the gho!t! and !.irit! a! intelligent and in control of cala)it and ;le!!ing. #he held there -a! .ro.itiou!ne!! and!ne!! and there; the govern)ent -a! -ell ad)ini!tered and the countr -a! !ecure. 3ro) Cie and Zhou do-n the all regarded the gho!t! and !.irit! a! unintelligent and not in control of cala)it and ;le!!ing. #he held there -a! no .ro.itiou!ne!! and!ne!!@ and there; the govern)ent ;eca)e di!orderl and the countr in danger. So@ the ;ook of the ancient king! ACi=iB !a !@ A:ride ;ring! cala)it .B #hat i! to !a @ the evil act -ill ;e .uni!hed and the good act -ill ;e re-arded.

Mo=i !aid to 5ong Meng=iE (ccording to the cere)onial for the death of the ruler@ the .arent!@ the -ife@ and the fir!t-;orn !on@ there !hall ;e )ourning for three ear!. 3or the elder uncle@ ounger uncle@ elder ;rother@ ounger ;rother@ and fir!t cou!in! -ithin the fa)il @ five )onth!. (nd for the aunt@ the !i!ter@ the uncle on )other8! !ide@ and the ne.he- on !i!ter8! !ide@ there -ill ;e )ourning of !everal )onth! for each. Man al!o u!e the interval! ;et-een .eriod! of )ourning to read the #hree 4undred :oe)! according to rh )e!@ to .la the) on the

!tring in!tru)ent!@ to !ing the)@ and to dance to the). If our coun!el !hould ;e follo-ed -hen can the gentle)an attend to govern)ent@ the co))on )an to -orkF 5ong Meng=i !aidE A2hen the countr i! in chao! it !hould ;e .ut in order< -hen it i! in order@ cere)onial! and )u!ic )a ;e .ur!ued. 2hen the countr i! .oor -ork !hould ;e attended to< -hen it i! rich@ cere)onial! and )u!ic )a ;e .ur!ued.B Mo=i !aidE ( countr )a ;e orderl . But it i! ;ecau!e it i! ;eing -ell governed that it i! orderl . (! !oon a! good ad)ini!tration i! a;andoned@ order di!a..ear! al!o. ( countr )a ;e rich. But it i! ;ecau!e -ork i! ;eing attended to that it i! rich. (! !oon a! -ork i! a;andoned@ -ealth di!a..ear! al!o. #herefore although a countr i! orderl it i! nece!!ar to encourage uncea!ing attention to ad)ini!tration. Io-@ ou !a @ -hen the countr i! in order@ cere)onial! and )u!ic )a ;e .ur!ued. But .ut it in order -hen it ;eco)e! di!orderl . #hi! i! !i)ilar to digging a -ell -hen !o)e one i! choked and to !eeking a .h !ician -hen !o)e one i! dead. In ancient ti)e!@ the -icked king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li@ revelled in )u!ic@ and did not re)e);er their .eo.le. #herefore the !uffered ca.ital .uni!h)ent and ;rought cala)it to their e).ire. (nd it -a! all fro) follo-ing thi! idea.

5ong Meng=i !aid that there -ere no gho!t! and !.irit!< again@ he !aid that the !u.erior )an )u!t learn !acrifice and -or!hi.. Mo=i !aidE #o hold there are no !.irit! and learn !acrificial cere)onial! i! co).ara;le to learning the cere)onial! of ho!.italit -hile there i! no gue!t or to )aking fi!hing net! -hile there are no fi!h.

5ong Meng=i !aid to Mo=iE ADou think )ourning for three ear! i! -rong. Dour )ourning for three da ! i! al!o -rong.B Mo=i re.liedE Dou hold )ourning for three ear! and conde)n )ourning for three da !. #hi! i! !i)ilar to the naked .er!on conde)ning the .er!on -ho lifted u. hi! gar)ent! for indecenc .

5ong Meng=i a!ked Mo=i -hether it i! -i!do) -hen one kno-! !o)ething ;etter than !o)e other .er!on. Mo=i an!-eredE ( fool )a kno- !o)ething ;etter than !o)e other .er!on. Det can the fool ;e !aid to ;e -i!eF


5ong Meng=i !aidE AI )ourn for three ear! in i)itation of the affection that ) !on !ho-! to hi! .arent!.B Mo=i !aidE But doe! the ;a; have an intelligence to love onl it! .arent!F 2h @ then@ !hould it kee. on cr ing -hen the .arent! are not to ;e hadF It i! reall the e$tre)e degree of fooli!hne!!. #hu!@ i! the intelligence of the 1onfuciani!t! an higher than that of the ;a; F

Mo=i a!ked a 1onfuciani!t -h the 1onfuciani!t! .ur!ued )u!ic. 4e re.lied@ )u!ic i! .ur!ued for )u!ic8! !ake. Mo=i !aidE Dou have not et an!-ered )e. Su..o!e I a!ked@ -h ;uild hou!e!. (nd ou an!-ered@ it i! to kee. off the cold in -inter@ and the heat in !u))er@ and to !e.arate )en fro) -o)en. #hen ou -ould have told )e the rea!on for ;uilding hou!e!. Io- I a) a!king -h .ur!ue )u!ic. (nd ou an!-er )u!ic i! .ur!ued for )u!ic8! !ake. #hi! i! co).ara;le toE A2h ;uild hou!e!FB A4ou!e! are ;uilt for hou!e!8 !ake!.B


Mo=i !aid to 1heng=iE In the teaching of the 1onfuciani!t! there are four .rinci.le! !ufficient to ruin the e).ireE #he 1onfuciani!t! hold 4eaven i! unintelligent@ and the gho!t! are inani)ate. 4eaven and !.irit! are di!.lea!ed. #hi! i! !ufficient to ruin the -orld. (gain the >.racti!e? ela;orate funeral! and e$tended )ourning. #he u!e !everal inner and outer coffin!@ and )an .iece! of !hroud!. #he funeral .roce!!ion look! like hou!e-)oving. 1r ing and la!t three ear!. #he cannot !tand u. -ithout !u..ort and cannot -alk -ithout a cane. #heir ear! cannot hear and their e e! cannot !ee. #hi! i! !ufficient to ruin the -orld. (nd the .la the !tring in!tru)ent! and dance and !ing and .racti!e !ong! and )u!ic. #hi! i! !ufficient to ruin the e).ire. (nd@ finall @ the !u..o!e there i! fate and that .overt or -ealth@ old age or unti)el death@ order or chao!@ !ecurit or danger@ are all .redeter)ined and cannot ;e altered. (..l ing thi! ;elief@ tho!e in authorit @ of cour!e@ -ill not attend to govern)ent and tho!e ;elo- -ill not attend to -ork. (gain@ thi! i! !ufficient to ruin the -orld. 1heng=i !aidE ASir@ ou are accu!ing the 1onfuciani!t! of too )uch.B Mo=i !aidE If

the 1onfuciani!t! hold nothing like the!e four .rinci.le! and et I !a the do then it i! fal!e accu!ation. Io- that the 1onfuciani!t! do hold the!e four .rinci.le! and I !a !o@ then it i! not accu!ation@ ;ut infor)ation. 1heng=i had nothing )ore to !a and -ent out. Mo=i called hi) ;ack. (fter ;eing !eated he continuedE A2hat ou@ !ir@ have 6u!t !aid i! not -ithout fault. 3or according to -hat ou have !aid@ there -ill ;e no .rai!e of Du or ;la)e of Cie and Zhou.B Mo=i re.liedE Iot at all. Dou are onl cleverl critici=ing )e according to traditional notion!. 2hen attack i! heav defence )u!t ;e !trong. 2hen attack i! light defence )u!t ;e light. #o critici=e according to traditional notion! i! !i)ilar to tr ing to kill a )oth -ith a thill.


In a di!cu!!ion -ith 1heng=i@ Mo=i cited 1onfuciu!. 1heng=i inHuired -h @ !ince he conde)ned 1onfuciani!)@ he cited 1onfuciu!. Mo=i !aidE #hi! ha! reference to -hat i! right and cannot ;e altered. 2hen the ;ird ;eco)e! a-are of the danger of heat and of drought@ it flie! high. 2hen the fi!h ;eco)e! a-are of the danger of heat and of drought@ it !-i)! lo-. In !uch circu)!tance! even the deli;eration! of Du and #ang cannot differ fro) thi!. #he ;ird and the fi!h )a ;e

!aid to ;e unintelligent. Det@ in !o)e in!tance!@ even Du and #ang -ould follothe). Should I never cite 1onfuciu!F

( )an vi!ited Mo=i8! !chool. 4e -a! .h !icall -ell ;uilt and )entall ;rilliant. De!iring to have hi) in hi! !chool@ Mo=i told hi) to co)e and !tud and that he -ould )ake hi) an official. :er!uaded ; !uch an attractive .ro)i!e@ he ca)e to !tud . In a ear@ he de)anded a .o!ition of Mo=i. Mo=i !aidE I have not )ade ou an official. But have ou not heard the !tor of LuF #here -ere five ;rother! in Lu -ho!e father .a!!ed a-a . #he elde!t !on loved -ine and -ould not conduct the funeral. #he four ounger ;rother! !aid to hi)@ ADou conduct the funeral for u!@ and -e !hall ;u -ine for ou.B 4e -a! .er!uaded ; !uch an attractive .ro)i!e and ;uried >hi! father?. (fter the ;urial he de)anded -ine of the four ;rother!. #he four ;rother! told hi)@ A2e -ill not give ou an -ine. Dou are to ;ur our father and -e@ our!. I! our father onl our!F If ou don8t ;ur hi) .eo.le -ill laugh at ou@ therefore -e urged ou to ;ur hi).B Io-@ ou have done right and I have done right@ i! it onl ) righteou!ne!!F If ou don8t learn@ .eo.le -ill laugh at ou. #herefore I urged ou to learn.


( )an vi!ited Mo=i8! !chool. Mo=i !aidE 2h not co)e and !tud F 1a)e the re.l @ AIone of ) fa)il i! learned.B Mo=i !aidE Io )atter. Doe! he -ho love! ;eaut !a @ none of ) fa)il love! it@ therefore I -ill notF (nd doe! he -ho de!ire! -ealth and honour !a @ none of ) fa)il de!ire! the)@ therefore I -ill notF Io-@ in the love of ;eaut and de!ire for -ealth and honour@ one goe! ahead regardle!! of other!. (nd righteou!ne!! i! the greate!t thing in the -orld. 2h !hould one follo- other! in doing itF


( )an vi!ited Mo=i8! !chool and !aid to Mo=iE ASir@ ou teach that the gho!t! and !.irit! are intelligent and can ;ring cala)it or ;le!!ing to )an. #he -ill enrich the good and har) the evil. Io-@ I have !erved ou for a long ti)e. Det no ;le!!ing ha! co)e. 1an it ;e that our teaching i! not entirel correct@ and that the gho!t! and !.irit! are not intelligentF &l!e -h don8t I o;tain an ;le!!ingFB Mo=i !aidE #hough ou have not o;tained an ;le!!ing@ ho- doe! that invalidate ) teaching and

ho- doe! that )ake the gho!t! and !.irit! unintelligentF 4e re.lied that he did not kno-. Mo=i continuedE Su..o!e there i! a )an ten ti)e! a! virtuou! a! ou are@ can ou .rai!e hi) ten ti)e! -hile ou .rai!e our!elf ;ut onceF 4e an!-ered that he could not. Io- !u..o!e there i! a )an a hundred ti)e! a! virtuou! a! ou are@ can ou during our -hole life .rai!e hi) and not .rai!e our!elf even onceF 4e an!-ered that he could not. Mo=i !aidE 4e -ho o;!cured the virtue! of one .er!on i! guilt . Io-@ ou have o;!cured the virtue! of !o )an . Dou )u!t ;e guilt of ver )uch. 2here-ith can ou e$.ect ;le!!ingF


Mo=i -a! !ick. Die Bi ca)e and inHuiredE ASir@ ou have taught the gho!t! and !.irit! are intelligent and are in control of cala)it and ;le!!ing. #he -ill re-ard the good and .uni!h the evil. Io- ou are a !age. 4o- can ou ;eco)e !ickF 1an it ;e that our teaching -a! not entirel correct@ that the gho!t! and !.irit! are after all unintelligentF Mo=i !aidE #hough I a) !ick ho- >doe! it follo- that the gho!t! and !.irit!? !hould ;e unintelligentF #here are )an -a ! ; -hich a )an can contract di!ea!e!. So)e are affected ; cli)ate@ !o)e ; fatigue. If there

are a hundred gate! and onl one of the) i! clo!ed@ ho- i! it that the ;urglar !hould not ;e a;le to get inF


So)e of the! a!ked to learn archer -ith Mo=i. Mo=i !aidE I).o!!i;le. #he -i!e !hould )ea!ure ho- far hi! energ can go and .lan hi! career accordingl . &ven a !oldier cannot fight and hel. !o)e;od at the !a)e ti)e. Io- ou are no !oldier!. 4ocan ou ;e ;oth acco).li!hed !cholar! and acco).li!hed archer!F


So)e of the! re.orted to Mo=i that 5ao=i .roclai)ed Mo=i to ;e teaching righteou!ne!! ;ut doing -ickedne!!@ and urged hi) to denounce 5ao=i. Mo=i !aidE #hat -ould not do. #o .rai!e ) teaching and ;la)e ) conduct i! et ;etter than indifference. Su..o!e there i! !o)e one -ho declare! that Di i! Huite un)agnani)ou!@ that he reverence! 4eaven@ -or!hi.! !.irit!@ and love! )en - thi! i! et ;etter than indifference. Io-@ 5ao=i -a! Huite di!cri)inating in hi! !tate)ent!. 4e doe! not ;la)e )e for teaching )agnani)it and

righteou!ne!!. So@ ;la)e fro) 5ao=i i! ;etter than indifference.



So)e of the! re.orted to Mo=i that 5ao=i -a! =ealou! in .racti!ing )agnani)it . Mo=i re)arkedE It )a not reall ;e !o at all. 5ao=i .racti!e! )agnani)it in the !a)e -a a! the )an -ho !tand! on hi! ti. toe to a..ear tall and !.read! hi)!elf to a..ear ;road. It cannot la!t long.


5ao=i !aid to Mo=i that he can ad)ini!ter the countr and the govern)ent. Mo=i !aidE #o govern i! to carr out -hat one teache!. Ioou don8t ;ehave according to -hat ou teach@ thi! )ean! that ou our!elf are in revolt. Being una;le to govern one8! !elf@ hocan one govern the countr F Dour !elf -ill !et it in chao!.

Book 13 67 Lu,s -uestion

he Lord of Lu a!ked Mo=iE AI fear 9i -ill attack )e. I! there an re)ed FB Mo=i !aidE De!@ the !age-king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Du@ #ang@ 2en@ and 2u@ -ere originall feudal lord! of !tate! of onl a hundred li !Huare. Det@ enli!ting the lo al and .racti!ing righteou!ne!!@ the acHuired the e).ire. 2hile the -icked king! of the #hree D na!tie!@ Cie@ Zhou@ Dou@ and Li@ ; e!tranging the lo al and .racti!ing

-ickedne!!@ lo!t the e).ire. I -i!h our Lord!hi. -ould reverence 4eaven and the !.irit! a;ove and love and ;enefit the .eo.le ;elo-< .re.are .lent of fur! and )one and hu);le our !.eech to ;efriend all the neigh;ouring lord!@ and lead the !tate to !erve 9i. Be!ide! thi!@ indeed nothing can ;e done.

9i -a! going to attack Lu. Mo=i !aid to Giang Zi IiuE #o attack Lu i! a great -rong on the .art of 9i. 3or)erl @ the Lord of 2u attacked Due on the ea!t and drove >Lord 5ou Cian of Due? to take refuge u.on 5ui6i. 4e attacked 1hu on the -e!t and hold fa!t Lord Zhao at Sui. On the north he attacked 9i and ;rought 5uo=i ;ack to 2u. #he feudal lord! then took vengeance and hi! .eo.le co).lained of the hard!hi. and -ould not ;e co))anded. #hereu.on the !tate .eri!hed and the Lord of 2u -a! e$ecuted. 3or)erl @ Zhi Bo attacked ;oth the hou!e of 3an and the hou!e of Zhong$ing@ and a;!or;ed all the land of the #hree Cin !tate!. #he feudal lord! then took vengeance and hi! .eo.le co).lained of the hard!hi. and -ould not ;e co))anded. #hereu.on the !tate .eri!hed and he -a! e$ecuted. #herefore the attack of a large !tate on a !)all !tate i! in6ur to ;oth and the con!eHuence! of the -rong -ill al-a ! return to the large !tate.

Mo=i !a- the 5rand Lord of 9i and !aidE Su..o!e here i! a !-ord. 2hen it i! tried on a )an8! neck it !ever! it !-iftl . 1an it ;e !aid to ;e !har.F #he 5rand Lord !aid it i! !har.. Mo=i !aidE 2hen it i! tried on !everal )en8! neck!@ it !ever! the) !-iftl . 1an it ;e !aid to ;e !har.F #he 5rand Lord !aid it i! !har.. Mo=i !aidE Of cour!e@ the !-ord i! >.roved to ;e? !har.@ ;ut -ho -ill take the cur!e of the deed u.on hi)F #he 5rand Lord !aid that the !-ord rea.ed the ;enefit ;ut he -ho trie! it -ill ;e vi!ited ; the cur!e for the act. Mo=i continued E Io- to ca.ture a !tate@ ruin an ar) @ and de!tro the .eo.le - -ho -ill ;e vi!ited ; the cur!e for thi! actF #he 5rand Lord looked do-n and u. and deli;erated@ !a ingE AI !hall ;e vi!ited -ith the cur!e for thi! act.B

:rince 2en of Lu Dang -a! going to attack Zheng. Mo=i heard of it and tried to !to. hi)@ !a ing to hi)E Su..o!e -ithin the ;order! of Lu Dang the large citie! !hould attack the !)all citie! and the large hou!e! attack the !)all hou!e!@ killing the .eo.le and carr ing a-a the o$en and hor!e!@ dog!

and hog!@ cloth and !ilk@ and grain! and valua;le!. 2hat -ould ou !a F :rince 2en of Lu Dang re.liedE A2ithin the ;order! of Lu Dang all are ) !u;6ect!. Io-@ !hould the large citie! attack the !)all citie! and the large hou!e! attack the !)all hou!e!@ carr ing a-a their valua;le!@ I !hould .uni!h the) !everel .B Mo=i !aidE Io-@ 4eaven .o!!e!!e! the -hole -orld 6u!t a! our Lord!hi. .o!!e!!e! our !tate. But ou are rai!ing an ar) to attack Zheng. Shouldn8t .uni!h)ent fro) 4eaven co)e to ouF :rince 2en of Lu Dang !aidE A2h !hould ou@ !ir@ .revent )e fro) attacking ZhengF I attack Zheng@ in accordance -ith the -ill of 4eaven. #he .eo.le of Zheng have )urdered their father for three generation!. 4eaven ha! ;een vi!iting the) -ith .uni!h)ent. It ha! cau!ed the) to ;e!.erou! for three ear!. I a) onl 4eaven to carr out the .uni!h)ent.B Mo=i !aidE #he .eo.le of Zheng have )urdered their father for three generation!. 4eaven ha! ;een vi!iting the) -ith .uni!h)ent. It ha! cau!ed the) to ;e!.erou! for three ear!. #he .uni!h)ent of 4eaven i! !ufficient. Det@ ou are rai!ing an ar) to attack Zheng@ .roclai)ingE AM attack on Zheng i! in accordance -ith the -ill of 4eaven.B Su..o!e there i! a )an -ho!e !on i! !trong ;ut in!olent. So the father .uni!hed hi) -ith a ferule. But the neigh;our8! father !truck hi)

-ith a heav !taff@ !a ingE AIt i! in accordance -ith hi! father8! -ill that I !trike hi).B I!n8t thi! .erver!it F

Mo=i !aid to :rince 2en of Lu DangE If a lord had attacked the neigh;ouring !tate!@ killed their .eo.le@ carried a-a their o$en and hor!e!@ grain! and valua;le!@ a lord )ight et record it on ;a);oo! and !ilk and engrave it on )etal and !tone and -rite it u. into )a$i)! on the ;ell and the ting to hand do-n to .o!terit @ !a ingE AIone .o!!e!! !o )uch a! I.B Io-@ the un!cru.ulou! co))on )an al!o attack! neigh;ouring ho)e!@ kill! their in)ate!@ and take! the dog! and hog!@ food and clothing. #he -ould al!o like to record it on ;a);oo! and !ilk and -rite it u. into )a$i)! on the ve!!el! and di!he! to hand do-n to .o!terit @ !a ingE AIone .o!!e!!e! !o )uch a! I.B I! thi! .er)i!!i;leF :rince 2en of Lu Dang !aidE A(ccording to -hat ou have !aid then -hat the -orld take! for granted )a not ;e right after all.B

Mo=i !aid to :rince 2en of Lu DangE #he gentle)en of the -orld kno- onl trifle! ;ut

not thing! of i).ortance. If a )an !teal! a dog or .ig@ the call hi) -icked. But !tealing a !tate or a cit i! regarded a! righteou!. #hi! i! !i)ilar to calling it -hite -hen one !ee! a little -hite@ ;ut calling it ;lack -hen he !ee! )uch -hite. (nd thi! i! -hat i! )eant -hen -e !a the gentle)en of the -orld kno- onl trifle! and not thing! of i).ortance.

:rince 2en of Lu Dang !aid to Mo=iE #here i! a canni;al tri;e on the !outh of 1hu. 2hen the fir!t !on i! ;orn the di!!ect and devour hi). #hi! i! !aid to ;e .ro.itiou! to hi! ounger ;rother!. If he ta!te! deliciou!@ he -ill ;e offered to the chief@ and if the chief i! .lea!ed the father -ill ;e re-arded. I!n8t thi! a -icked cu!to)FB Mo=i !aidE So i! the cu!to) in 1hina. 4o- i! killing the father and re-arding the !on different fro) devouring the !on and re-arding the fatherF If )agnani)it and righteou!ne!! are not o;!erved@ -herefore !hall -e conde)n the ;ar;arian! for eating their !on!F

/.on the death of a favourite concu;ine of the Lord of Lu@ !o)e;od in Lu -rote an o;ituar for her. #he Lord of Lu -a! .lea!ed -ith it and e).lo ed the -riter. Mo=i heard of it and re)arkedE (n o;ituar i! ;ut to narrate the a);ition! of the dead. #o e).lo the )an ;ecau!e hi! o;ituar i! .lea!ing i! like )aking the -ild cat .ull a carriage.

:rince 2en of Lu Dang a!ked Mo=iE ASu..o!e !o)e;od -a! reco))ended a! a lo al )ini!ter. (nd he -ould ;o- do-n -hen I let hi) ;o- do-n< he -ould ;end ;ack -hen I let hi) ;end ;ack. Sta ing there he -ould ;e !ilent@ and -hen called u.on he -ould an!-er. 1an thi! ;e !aid to ;e lo alFB Mo=i !aidE #o ;o- do-n -hen .er)itted@ to ;end ;ack -hen .er)itted - thi! i! ;ut a !hado-. #o re)ain !ilent -hen let alone@ to an!-er -hen called u.on - thi! i! ;ut an echo. 2hat -ould our Lord!hi. get out of an echo or a !hado-F (ccording to ) conce.tion of a lo al )ini!ter@ -hen the !u.erior i! at fault he !hould -ait and -arn< .o!!e!!ing a good idea he !hould give coun!el

to the !u.erior -ithout revealing it to the -orld< he !hould correct irregularitie! and lead in goodne!! < he !hould identif hi)!elf -ith the !u.erior and not all hi)!elf -ith !u;ordinate!. So that goodne!! and e$cellence! -ill ;e attri;uted to the !u.erior and co).laint! and grudge! lodged again!t the !u;ordinate!< !o that ea!e and ha..ine!! ;e -ith the !u.erior and trou;le and -orr -ith the )ini!ter!. #hi! i! -hat I call a lo al )ini!ter.


#he Lord of Lu con!ulted Mo=i@ !a ingE AIo- I have t-o !on!. One like! learning and the other like! dividing .ro.ert for .eo.le. 2hich one !hould ;e cro-ned :rinceFB Mo=i !aidE 2e can8t tell >6u!t fro) thi!?. It )a ;e that the ;ehave !o 6u!t for the .rai!e and re-ard of it. #he fi!her)an8! ;ait i! not intended to feed the fi!h. a )ou!e -ith -or)! i! not for the love of the )ou!e. I -i!h our Lord!hi. -ould o;!erve ;oth their intention and con!eHuence!.


#here -a! a )an in Lu -ho !ent hi! !on to Mo=i to !tud . #he !on .eri!hed in a ;attle. #he father ;la)ed Mo=i for it. Mo=i !aidE Dou -anted to have our !on trained. Io- he had co).leted hi! training and died in ;attle. (nd ou ;eco)e !ore. #hi! i! like tr ing to !ell !o)ething@ and et ;eco)ing !ore -hen it i! !old. I!n8t thi! .eculiarF


()ong the ru!tic .eo.le living !outh of Lu there -a! a )an ; the na)e of 2u Lu. Making .otter in -inter and far)ing in !u))er@ he co).ared hi)!elf to Shun. Mo=i heard of hi) and -ent to !ee hi). 2u Lu told Mo=iE A7ighteou!ne!! i! 6u!t righteou!ne!!. 2herefore all the ver;o!it F Mo=i a!ked hi)E Io-@ doe! -hat ou call righteou!ne!! .o!!e!! .o-er to !erve other .eo.le and .roduce -ealth to divide a)ong the .eo.leF 2u Lu !aid that it doe!. Mo=i continuedE I have deli;erated a;out thi! )atter. I have thought of ;eco)ing a far)er and feeding the .eo.le in the -orld. If that could ;e !ucce!!ful I -ould ;eco)e one. But -hen a far)er8! .roduce i! divided a)ong the

-orld@ each .er!on cannot get even one !heng of grain. &ven if he can o;tain@ that )uch@ evidentl that cannot feed all the hungr in the -orld. I have thought of ;eco)ing a -eaver and clothing all the .eo.le in the -orld. If that could ;e !ucce!!ful I -ould ;eco)e one. But -hen a -eaver8! good! are divided a)ong the -orld@ each .er!on cannot get even a foot of cloth. &ven if he can o;tain that )uch@ evidentl that cannot kee. all -ho are cold in the -orld -ar). I have thought of .utting on ar)our and carr ing a -ea.on to co)e to the feudal lord8! re!cue. If that could ;e !ucce!!ful I -ould ;eco)e a !oldier. Ioit i! evident that a !oldier cannot hold out again!t a regular ar) . I concluded that none of the!e i! a! good a! to fa)iliari=e ) !elf -ith the #ao of the ancient !age-king!@ and di!cover their .rinci.le!@ and to under!tand the -ord of the !age! and ;e clear a;out their e$.re!!ion!< and -ith the!e to .er!uade the ruler! and then the co))on .eo.le and the .ede!trian!. 2hen the ruler! ado.t ) .rinci.le! their !tate! -ill ;e orderl . 2hen the co))on .eo.le and the .ede!trian! ado.t ) .rinci.le! their conduct -ill ;e regulated. #herefore I think though I do not .lo- and feed the hungr or -eave and clothe the cold@ I have greater )erit than tho!e -ho .lo- and feed@ and -eave and clothe. #herefore I think ) )erit i! greater than that of tho!e -ho .lo- and -eave though I

do not do !o. 2u Lu ke.t on !a ing@ A7ighteou!ne!! i! 6u!t righteou!ne!!. 2herefore all the ver;o!it FB Mo=i continuedE Su..o!e the -orld doe! not knoho- to .lo-. 2ho ha! )ore )erit@ the )an -ho teache! .eo.le to .lo-@ or he -ho doe! not teach .eo.le to .lo- ;ut !i).l .lo-! hi)!elfF 2u Lu an!-ered that he that teache! other! to .lo- de!erve! )ore )erit. Mo=i !aidE In the attack of an unrighteou! !tate@ doe! he that ;eat! the dru) and urge! the !oldier! to fight on@ or doe! he that doe! not ;eat the dru) and urge the !oldier! to fight on ;ut onl fight! on hi)!elf de!erve )ore )eritF 2u Lu !aid that he that ;eat! the dru) and urge! the !oldier! to fight on de!erve! )ore )erit. Mo=i continuedE Iothe co))on .eo.le and the .ede!trian! in the -orld kno- little a;out righteou!ne!!. Iaturall tho!e -ho teach the) righteou!ne!! de!erve )ore )erit too. 2h don8t ou !a !o >in thi! ca!e?F 2ould not ) righteou!ne!! ;e advanced if I can encourage the) in righteou!ne!!F


(fter Mo=i had .aid 5ong Shang 5uo a vi!it@ 5ong Shang 5uo reco))ended hi) to the Lord of Due. #he Lord of Due -a! greatl .lea!ed@ !a ing to 5ong Shang 5uoE ASir@ if

ou can induce Mo=i to co)e to Due and in!truct )e I !hall offer hi) five hundred li !Huare of the land l ing in the for)er !tate of 2u.B 5ong Shang 5uo .ro)i!ed to tr and !o fift -agon! -ere )ade read to go to Lu@ and -elco)e Mo=i. >5ong Shang 5uo? told hi)E A2hen I tried to .er!uade the Lord of Due -ith our .rinci.le! he -a! Huite .lea!ed and !aid to )e that if I could induce ou to co)e to Due and in!truct hi)@ he -ould offer ou five hundred li !Huare of the land l ing in the for)er !tate of 2u.B Mo=i !aid to 5ong Shang 5uoE (! ou o;!erve it@ -hat i! the intention of the Lord of DueF If the Lord of Due -ill li!ten to ) -ord and ado.t ) -a @ I !hall co)e@ a!king onl for food according to the ca.acit of ) !to)ach@ and clothing according to the !tature of ) ;od . I !hall 6u!t ;e one of the )ini!ter!. 2hat i! the u!e of an co))i!!ionF On the other hand@ if the Lord of Due -ill not li!ten to ) -ord and ado.t ) -a and I !hould go neverthele!!@ I !hould then ;e !elling ) righteou!ne!!. (! for !elling righteou!ne!! I could ver -ell do it in 1hina@ -h !hould I then go out to DueF


Mo=i -a! vi!iting 2ei Due. #he latter a!kedE AIo- that ou have !een the gentle)en of the four Huarter!@ -hat -ould ou !a i! the

)o!t urgent enter.ri!eFB Mo=i re.liedE /.on entering a countr one !hould locate the need and -ork on that. If the countr i! u.!et in confu!ion@ teach the) -ith the >doctrine! of? &$altation of the +irtuou! and Identification -ith the Su.erior. If the countr i! in .overt @ teach the) -ith &cono) of &$.enditure! and Si).licit in 3uneral. If the countr i! indulging in )u!ic and -ine@ teach the) -ith 1onde)nation of Mu!ic and (nti-fatali!). If the countr i! in!olent and -ithout .ro.riet @ teach the) to reverence 4eaven and -or!hi. the !.irit!. If the countr i! engaged in conHue!t and!!ion@ teach the) -ith /niver!al Love and 1onde)nation of Offen!ive 2ar. 4ence -e !a @ one !hould locate the need and -ork on that.


Mo=i had reco))ended 1ao 5ong=i to Sung. 4e returned in three ear! and !aMo=i@ !a ingE A2hen I fir!t ca)e to our !chool I had to -ear !hort 6acket! and eat vegeta;le !ou.. &ven thi! I could not have in the evening if I had had it in the )orning. (nd I had nothing to offer and !acrifice to the gho!t! and !.irit!. Io-@ on our account ) fa)il ha! ;eco)e ;etter off. (nd I could re!.ectfull offer !acrifice and -or!hi.

gho!t! and !.irit! at ho)e. Det !everal )e);er! of ) hou!ehold died off@ the !i$ ani)al! do not ;reed@ and I have ) !elf ;een trou;led -ith ail)ent!. I dou;t if our -a i! after all to ;e ado.ted.B Mo=i !aidE #hi! i! not fair. 3or -hat the gho!t! and !.irit! de!ire of )an i! that -hen in high rank and receiving )uch e)olu)ent@ he give u. hi! .o!ition in favour of the virtuou!< that -hen .o!!e!!ing )uch -ealth he !hare it -ith the .oor. 4o- can the gho!t! and !.irit! )erel de!ire to !natch food and drinkF Io-@ -hen in high rank and receiving )uch e)olu)ent ou did not give u. our .o!ition in favour of the virtuou!. #hi! i! our fir!t !te. to ;ad fortune. :o!!e!!ing )uch -ealth ou did not !hare it -ith the .oor. #hi! i! our !econd !te. to-ard! )i!fortune. Io- ou !erve the gho!t! and !.irit! ; )erel offering the) !acrifice< and ou -onder -hence co)e all the ail)ent!. #hi! i! like !hutting one out of a hundred gate! and -ondering -hence the thieve! entered. 4o- can ou invoke gho!t! and !.irit! for ;le!!ing like thi!F


#he )a!ter of !acrifice of Lu offered one .ig and a!ked for a hundred ;le!!ing!. /.on hearing of it Mo=i !aidE #hi! cannot ;e done. #o give other! little ;ut to e$.ect )uch fro)

other! -ould )ake the) afraid of gift!. Ioone .ig i! offered and a hundred ;le!!ing! are a!ked of the gho!t! and !.irit!. #he -ould ;e Huite afraid of a !acrifice of o$en and !hee.. (ncientl @ -hen the !age-king! -or!hi..ed the gho!t! and !.irit!@ the 6u!t offered the) !acrifice and that -a! all. One -ould ;e ;etter off to re)ain .oor than ;eco)e rich ; offering a .ig for !acrifice and a!king for a hundred ;le!!ing!.


:eng 9ing Sheng=i !aidE A#he .a!t can ;e kno-n@ the future cannot.B Mo=i !aidE Su..o!e our .arent! )et -ith )i!fortune a hundred li a-a . (nd there -a! 6u!t the )argin of a !ingle da . If the could ;e reached the -ould live@ if not the -ould die. 4ere are a !trong -agon and an e$cellent hor!e@ and al!o a ;ad hor!e and a !Huare-heeled cart. (nd ou are allo-ed to choo!e. 2hich -ould ou takeF It -a! re.lied that the e$cellent hor!e and the !trong -agon -ould of cour!e )ake for a )ore !.eed 6ourne . Mo=i !aidE 4o- then i! the future not kno-a;leF


Meng Shan .rai!ed :rince Ze Lu@ !a ingE A3or)erl @ in the u.ri!ing of Bo 5ong@ :rince Ze Lu -a! held ca.tive. 2ith a$e! around hi! -ai!t and !.ear! .ointing at hi! heart@ Bo 5ong told hi) to ;e Lord and live or refu!e and die. :rince Ze Lu !aid to hi)@ K2hat an in!ult to )e. Dou have killed ) .arent! and no- ;ait )e -ith the !tate of 1hu. If it i! not righteou! I -ould not even take the -hole e).ire@ to !a nothing of the !tate of 1hu.8 #hu! he refu!ed. 2a!n8t :rince Ze Lu )agnani)ou!FB Mo=i !aidE 2hat he did -a! indeed difficult@ ;ut hardl )agnani)ou!. If he thought the Lord had gone a!tra fro) the #ao@ -h not acce.t the offer and undertake the govern)ent hi)!elfF If he thought Bo 5ong -a! unrighteou!@ -h not acce.t the Lord!hi. al!o@ e$ecute Bo 5ong@ and then return the Lord!hi. to the LordF #herefore I !a -hat he did -a! indeed difficult@ ;ut hardl )agnani)ou!.


Mo=i !ent Sheng Zhuo to !erve Giang Zi Iiu. Giang Zi Iiu invaded Lu three ti)e!@ and Sheng Zhuo -a! three ti)e! -ith hi).

4earing of thi!@ Mo=i !ent 5ao Sun=i to call hi) ;ack@ !a ingE I !ent Zhuo there in order to cure .ride and regulate in!olence. Io-@ Zhuo dra-! a large !alar and flatter! hi! )a!ter. 4i! )a!ter invaded Lu three ti)e! and he -a! -ith hi) ever ti)e. #hi! i! like a hor!e ; it! )artingale. I have heard that to .reach righteou!ne!! ;ut do it not i! intentional co))it)ent of -rong. It i! not that Zhuo i! ignorant. It i! a ca!e of victor of e)olu)ent over righteou!ne!!.


3or)erl the .eo.le of 1hu and the .eo.le of Due had a ;attle on the 7iver. #he .eo.le of 1hu -ere -ith the !trea) in their advance ;ut again!t it in their retreat. 2hen !ucce!! -a! in !ight the advanced. But -hen defeat -a! confronting the) the found it ver difficult to retreat. On the contrar the .eo.le of Due advanced u.!trea) ;ut retreated do-n!trea). 2hen !ucce!! -a! in !ight the -ould advance. (nd -hen defeat -a! confronting the) the could ea!il retreat. 2ith thi! advantage the .eo.le of Due greatl defeated the .eo.le of 1hu. 5ong Shu=i ca)e !outh fro) Lu to 1hu@ and ;egan )aking i).le)ent! for naval -arfare -hich con!i!ted of gra..ling hook! and ra)!. 2hen the ene) -ere retreating the u!ed

the hook!. (nd -hen the ene) -ere advancing the e).lo ed the ra)!. (nd the -ea.on! -ere )ade according to the length of the!e hook! and ra)!. #he -ea.on! of 1hu thu! -ere all !tandardi=ed@ and tho!e of Due -ere not. (nd@ -ith thi! advantage@ the .eo.le of 1hu greatl defeated the .eo.le of Due. 5ong Shu=i -a! .roud of hi! cleverne!! and a!ked Mo=iE A#here are the i).le)ent! for gra..ling and ra))ing in ) ;oat! of -ar. Do ou have !uch a device in our righteou!ne!!FB Mo=i !aidE #he gra..ling and ra))ing device in ) righteou!ne!! i! )ore e$cellent than our i).le)ent! in the ;oat! of -ar. In ) !che)e@ I .ull -ith love and .u!h -ith re!.ect. If ou do not .ull -ith love there can ;e no inti)ac . If ou do not .u!h -ith re!.ect there -ill ;e de!ecration. (nd de!ecration -ithout real inti)ac -ill !oon end in !e.aration. #herefore )utual love and )utual re!.ect )ean reall )utual ;enefit. Io- ou .ull .eo.le u. to !to. their retreat@ ;ut the -ould al!o .ull ou u. and !to. our retreat. Dou .u!h .eo.le ;ack to !to. their advance@ ;ut the -ould al!o .u!h ou ;ack to !to. our advance. #he )utual .ulling and .u!hing are 6u!t )utual in6ur . #herefore the device of .ulling and .u!hing in ) righteou!ne!! i! )ore e$cellent than the i).le)ent! of .ulling and .u!hing in our ;oat! of -ar.


5ong Shu=i con!tructed a ;ird fro) ;a);oo and -ood and -hen it -a! co).leted he fleit. It !ta ed u. >in the air? for three da !. 5ong Shu=i -a! .roud of hi! ! !kill. Mo=i !aid to hi)E Dour acco).li!h)ent in con!tructing a ;ird doe! not co).are -ith that of the car.enter in )aking a In a !hort -hile he could cut out the .iece of -ood of three inche!. Det it -ould carr a load of fift !hi. 3or@ an achieve)ent that i! ;eneficial to )an i! !aid to ;e ;eautiful@ and an thing not ;eneficial i! !aid to ;e clu)! .


5ong Shu=i confe!!ed to Mo=iE ABefore I !aou@ I -i!hed to take Song. Since I have !een ou@ even if Song -ere offered )e I -ould not take it if it i! unrighteou!.B Mo=i !aidE Before ou !a- )e ou -i!hed to take Song. Since ou have !een )e even if Song -ere offered to ou ou -ould not take it if it unrighteou!. #hi! )ean! I have given ou Song. If ou engage our!elf in doing righteou!ne!!@ I !hall et give ou the -hole -orld.

48 'ong Shu

ong Shu Ban had co).leted the con!truction of 1loud-ladder! for 1hu and -a! going to attack Song -ith the). Mo=i heard of it and !et out fro) 9i. 4e -alked ten da ! and ten night! and arrived at Ding. 4e !a- 5ong Shu Ban. #he latter a!ked hi) -hat he -anted of hi). Mo=i !aidE So)e one in the north ha! hu)iliated )e. I -ould like to have ou kill hi). 5ong Shu Ban -a! di!.lea!ed. Mo=i .er!i!ted@ offering hi) ten 6in. 3inall 5ong Shu Ban !aidE AM .rinci.le i! inco).ati;le -ith )urdering .eo.le.B #hereu.on Mo=i ro!e and ;o-ed t-ice and !.okeE Io-@ let )e e$.lain ) !elf. 2hile in the north I heard ou -ere ;uilding ladder! to attack Song. Io-@ of -hat i! Song guilt F #he !tate of Cing ha! land to !.are ;ut i! !hort of .eo.le. #o de!tro -hat i! !carce in order to !trive for -hat i! alread .lent cannot ;e !aid to ;e -i!e. Since Song i! innocent@ to attack it

cannot ;e !aid to ;e )agnani)ou!. #o fail to )ake an effort according to -hat ou knocannot ;e !aid to ;e lo al. #o )ake the effort -ithout o;taining >the de!ired re!ult? cannot ;e !aid to ;e effective. #o hold a .rinci.le that for;id! the killing of fe- ;ut allo-! that of )an cannot ;e !aid to ;e under!tanding the funda)ental categorie!. 5ong Shu Ban ;eca)e convinced. Mo=i argued furtherE #hen -h -ould ou not !to. itF 5ong Shu Ban !aid that could not ;e done a! he had alread .ro)i!ed the Lord. Mo=i !aidE 2h not then .re!ent )e to the LordF 5ong Shu Ban agreed.

Mo=i !a- the Lord and !aidE Su..o!e there i! a )an -ho@ .utting a!ide hi! elegant carriage@ de!ire! to !teal hi! neigh;our8! !hattered !edan< .utting a!ide hi! e);roider and finer @ de!ire! to !teal hi! neigh;our8! !hort 6acket< .utting a!ide hi! )eat and grain! de!ire! to !teal hi! neigh;our8! hu!k!. 2hat kind of a )an -ould thi! ;eF #he Lord !aid that he )u!t ;e !uffering fro) Mo=i continuedE #he land of Cing a)ount! to five thou!and li !Huare -hile that of Song i! onl five hundred@ thi! i! !i)ilar to the contra!t ;et-een the elegant carriage and the !hattered !edan. Cing .o!!e!!e! Dun Meng

-hich i! full of rhinocero!e! and deer. #he fi!h@ tortoi!e! and crocodile! in the Dangt!e and the 4an 7iver! are the riche!t in the e).ire. 2hile Song i! !aid to .o!!e!! not even .hea!ant!@ ra;;it!@ or fo$e!. #hi! i! !i)ilar to the contra!t ;et-een e);roider and finer and the !hort 6acket. 2hen our )ini!ter! and general! !et out to attack Song@ it !ee)! to )e there i! the !a)e !trateg . I can !ee@ ) Lord@ ou -ill ;e violating righteou!ne!! to no advantage. #he Lord !aidE A#hat i! all ver -ell. But 5ong Shu Ban ha! alread con!tructed the 1loudladder! for )e@ and I )u!t ca.ture Song.B

(nd he turned to 5ong Shu Ban. Mo=i untied hi! ;elt and laid out a cit -ith it@ and u!ed a !)all !tick for -ea.on. 5ong Shu Ban !et u. nine different )achine! of attack. Mo=i re.ul!ed hi) nine ti)e!. 5ong Shu Ban -a! at an end -ith hi! )achine! of attack -hile Mo=i -a! far fro) ;eing e$hau!ted in defence. 5ong Shu Ban felt e);ara!!ed and declaredE AI kno- ho- I can .ut ou do-n@ ;ut I -ould not tell.B Mo=i al!o !aidE AI knoho- ou can .ut )e do-n@ ;ut I -ould not tell.B #he Lord of 1hu a!ked -hat it -a!. Mo=i re.liedE 5ong Shu=i8! idea i! 6u!t to have )e )urdered. >(..arentl @? -hen I -a!

)urdered@ Song -ould ;e .o-erle!! at defence. (nd !he -ould ;e !u;6ect to our attack. 4o-ever@ ) di!ci.le! 9in 4ua Li and other! nu);ering three hundred are alread ar)ed -ith ) i).le)ent! of defence -aiting on the cit -all of Song for the ;andit! fro) 1hu. #hough I ;e )urdered@ ou cannot e$hau!t >the defence of Song?. #he Lord of 1hu !aidE A2ell@ then let u! not attack Song an )ore.B

On hi! -a ;ack@ Mo=i .a!!ed through Song. It -a! raining and he !ought !helter in a .a!!. But the guard of the .a!! -ould not let hi) in. #hu! it i! !aidE A#he )erit of the )an -ho cultivate! hi)!elf ;efore the !.irit! i! not recogni=ed ; the )ultitude. On the other hand@ he -ho !trive! in the o.en i! recogni=ed.B

Book 14 9:; %ortification of the #ity 'ate

9<= Defense against Attac. from an Elevation

9> Defense against Attac.

ith Ladders

9? /re!aration against Inundation

9@ /re!aration against a Sally

9A /re!aration against Tunnelling

9BC Defence against Ant-+ush

Book 15 DEF The Sacrifice against the #oming of the Enemy

GH %lags and /ennants

IJ #ommands and Orders

KL (iscellaneous (easures in Defence

htt.EM Mchine!e.d!turgeon.netMte$t..lFnodeP101QifPen A#he ethical and .olitical -ork! of Mot!eB@ 2. :. Mei@ :ro;!thain@ 19%9 - 7o)ani!ation changed fro) 2ade-5ile! to :in in I.B. 2.:. Mei8! tran!lation o)it! the 1anon!@ DaHu@ GiaoHu@ and the )ilitar cha.ter!. &ngli!h tran!lation of the 1anon! i! ;a!ed on that in (.1. 5raha)8! ALater Mohi!t Logic@ &thic!@ and ScienceB@ 1hine!e /niver!it :re!!@ 19"'

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