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Russian Name Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov

Meaning Comes from the Russian word raskol, which means split or divided. Razumreason, intelligence

Personality Trait Handsome, intelligent, moody, arrogant and depressing, protagonist

Function Protagonist of the novel and used to present denial.

Symbolism RaskolnikSchismatic

Dimitri Prokofy Razumikhin

Kind, huge, somewhat clumsy but goldenhearted

He sends the message of not taking from others but by working for it yourself One of the most enigmatic characters in the novel. She illustrates important social and political issues

Earth-lover or Demeter (greek goddess)

Arkady Svidrigailov

Name from the medieval Russian history Comes from the greek meaning Sophia, wisdom Erzyan female ataman during the Peasants' Revolt in Russia A rock or from of Peter

Scandalous, sinful yet pure and very mysterious Personification of purity, quite, timid, easily embarrassed and innocence

Svidrigailo- a lithuanian duke of the fifteenth century Wisdom and golden

Sonya Marmeladov

Alyona Ivanovna

Hateful, rich, hoarder

Sends the message of what can happen of cheating people out of their own money and despising your own family


Pyotr Luzhin

Vain, worshiper, Shows the readers humble, slanders and how they look when frames they are self absorbed Intelligent, proud, beautiful, somewhat arrogant and strongwilled Plans to marry the wealthy just to free her family from financial destitution

Luzha- Puddle

Avdotya Raskolnikov (Dounia)

Means to think, to imagine or good, well

good thought

Pulcheria Alexandrovna

Alexandro Suspicious, has been used secretive, romantic by Kings and betrayal

Raskolnikovs fate Alexander- men, was once hidden defend from her by her other

children Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov he has heard Councillor, drunkard, and informative Could be seen as a comparable to a russian character Micawber in a novel by Charles Dickens Marmelad- sort of sweet candy

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