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Exam 1 Practice Answers

Counting Morphemes Blue = 1 Splashing = 2 Pleased = 2 Graciously = 3 Unworthy = 3 Distastefully = 4 Oven = 1 Skips = 2 Spring = 1 Monthly = 2

Counting Phonemes Each = 2 Stop = 4 Think = 4 Making = 5 Ocean = 4 Rough = 3 Slope = 4 Green = 4 Magazine = 7 Pretend = 7

Onset Analysis Blame = 2 Scratch = 3 Axe = 0 Beach = 1 Song = 1

Wrist = 1 This = 1 Fresh = 2 Split = 3 Eyes = 0

Coda Analysis Name = 1 Play = 0 Eyes = 1 Wrists = 3 Peach = 1 Thinks = 3 Blue = 0 Wash = 1 Dogs = 2 Six = 2

Minimal Pairs Win Stop Speech Run Tomato Rage Swim Each Pray Bag One Slot Speak Sun Potato Race Switch Ache Play Jab YES NO YES YES NO YES YES NO YES NO

Analyzing Stress 1. 1 or 3 (this particular speaker produces very similar emphasis on 1 and 3, even though the 3rd syllable would receive primary stress for most speakers) 2. 1 3. 2 4. 1 5. 2 6. 3 7. 1 8. 2 9. 1 10. 2 11. 3 12. 1 or 3 (same as for #1) 13. 1 14. 1 or 3 (same as for #1 and #12) 15. 2

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