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Diana Sanchez


What I know

Diana Sanchez
Family My Family is and always will come first in my life. Any decision I have made in my life has been influenced by my parents and sisters. We are a close and strong family. My 2 older sisters have always been the biggest role models in my life. I always wanted to grow up and be just like them, achieve the things that they did. My older sisters have been my mentors and lifelines throughout my lifetime. I turn to them for everything. Memories What is it and why do you remember it? Moving to Austin when I was 18 for college. My parents drove me 9 hours with all my stuff and we had to say goodbye. It was tough on all of us, but it was one of the best decisions in my life. I would not be who I am today if I did not make the move. My happiest memorie is getting married to my best friend. Born I was born in El Paso, TX. Relationships In high school and college, I dated a little bit and at that time I believed I was in love. But my one and only true love happened in college. Mentor? Teens literally have the whole world at their fingertips. It is what they do with it that make them who they are. It is the decisions that they make that shape their lives. Having a mentor or someone who is older and experienced to turn to can help them make those right decisions. Having a mentor means you have someone cheering you on and supporting you throughout your life. Job I knew I wanted to stay in Austin and teach in this area. This is my 5th year at Simon.

Goals To live happy, love what I do and to make my loved ones proud. Career After graduating college in 4 years, I substituted for 1 year before starting at Simon Middle School. I have always loved being in athletics and playing on a team. I had the best coaches in middle school and high school that were such a positive influence in my life. I always knew that I wanted a career in physical activity, athletics and teaching. I want to be the influence for my students, just like my coaches were for me. School I grew up in a small town outside of El Paso, Tx named Canutillo. After I graudated high school, I moved to Austin to go to The University of Texas at Austin.

Diana Sanchez teaches P.E. at Siomon Middle School.

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