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what I know Linda Ray

Important People There are so many people who have impacted my life. Every student I have ever taught has had an impact on me. I carry every one of them in my heart. However, the person who has had the greatest impact on my life is my husband. When I met him I was a single mom with three children , I was working full time and going to college. He helped me get through college in so many ways. Most important, he wouldnt let me give up when the going got really tough. He helped me study for all of my math classes because he has his degree in accounting. My mentor I had a speech teacher in college that was my mentor. Her name was Debbie Foster. She believed that I would become something in life and I didnt want to let her down. She talked me into joining the speech team and I ended up travelling all over the United States. I won 21 trophies competing for her. Remember the most I guess I remember graduating from college the most. I worked so hard to get my degree and it meant so much to me. Getting my degree changed my life and the life of my children. \ Ive had two careers in my life. First, I worked for Texas State Technical College as a writer/photographer for the marketing department. Then I went back to college to earn my teaching certificate. I have been a teacher since 1996. I am in my 17th year in teaching .decided to be a teahcer I decided to become a teacher when my oldest daughter was about to begin high school. I worked long hours at TSTC and I knew that I needed to spend more time with my children. I decided that teaching would allow me to be off at the same time as they were off. I did not expect to enjoy teaching as much as I do. My children have been out of school for many years and I still teach because I love my job . I became a teacher in 1996, but I have accomplished many goals since that time. I have earned teaching certificates for seven different subjects because I like to teach a lot of different things. I also earned my masters degree this August. That was a huge goal for me. Were I went to school I want to high school at Temple High School. I went to college at Temple College, St. Edwards University, and Walden University. Were I was born I was born in Bryan/College Station while my dad was a student at Texas A&M . .

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