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Benefit a good thing to receive noun Benediction a blessing, good things to say

opposite of malediction
noun benedicion

Benefactor a person who does a good

thing, helps noun

Sonorous full, loud sound

adjective sonoro Dissonance a clashing, harsh sound; something

you want to get away from noun Sonnet 14 line poem noun
Bonus Word:
Dissonant lacking harmony adjective

Novice a beginner noun

Nova a new star noun

Innovation a new idea


Sanguine cheerful adjective sanguineo Sanguinary bloody adjective Consanguinity related by blood, family noun

Cognizance a state of knowing, having knowledge

noun adjective form cognizant

Incognito in disguise, hiding your idenity


Cognoscenti someone who knows best, wise person



cognition - cognicion

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