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A. PRODUCT DATA Physical Properties of A Ti e !ar A Tide bar has an appearance of having a white detergent bar with blue speckles. It has a perfumed smell or odor. Furthermore, its physical state is solid. Its also very soluble in water. The manufacturer of Tide is Procter !amble "ompany. In most commercials of

tide, they always claim that if you use it, shirts will get whiter and cleaner and stains will be removed. This information can help us in our e#periment because we will be able to know the properties that might affect our e#periment like the solubilty of tide in water. Also it can help us know what reaction tide will have when we use it for removing stains. !. RELATED "TUDIE" The !attle of the La#$ ry Deter%e$ts The purpose of this pro$ect was to find out which laundry detergent worked best on removing stains. They think that Tide laundry detergent will work the most effective on removing stains. The e#periment involved staining pieces of cotton fabric with mustard, ketchup, mud, grass and "oke. After the stains dried for %& hours, the pieces of material were left soaked in the basin for one hour with the various laundry detergents then washed and scrubbed thoroughly, and dried afterwards. After washing the cotton pieces in the specific laundry, we found out that one of the detergents werent effective and that some detergents were good in cleaning for different kinds of stains. 'ecause the different

detergents we e#perimented with had different chemicals and some chemicals reacted with the certain stains in such way that the stains were more lessened compared to others. For e#ample, "heer detergent worked best on the mustard stain, yet Tide worked best on the mud, grass and ketchup stains. 'oth Tide and "heer removed the "oke stain about the same. 'y performing this e#periment, they found out that overall Tide detergent removed the ma$ority of the stains the best. It worked best on ( of the ) stains. Their e#periment therefore supported their hypothesis that Tide would work best at removing stains. This article is relevant to our topic because it shows that Tide was the most effective detergent among the other detergents that was used to remove stains. Its relevant to our problem because this manifests that theres a possibility that our e#periment will also result to what happened during her testing of the effectiveness of other detergents. La#$ ry Deter%e$t Challe$%e: Which !ra$ Perfor&s the !est' Theyve always been curious to find out if e#pensive detergent brands actually get stains out better than their lesser*e#pensive ones so they decided to test a few detergents with having an e#periment. They used ( detergents+ ,isk, Tide, and Pure#. They used white towels and stained it with the following+ grape $uice, ketchup, dirt, vegetable oil, and red marker. -e#t, they cut the towel into strips and wrote the name of each brand on the towel with a marker. Then, they stained the towel together with all the stains mi#ed up.After doing the e#periment, it seems like Tide and ,isk were the cleanest. Pure# seemed to be in the middle of it. .owever, they said that the overall conclusion was that

all four detergents were almost e/ually effective in removing stains and there was no one clear winner. This article can help us in our e#periment because its giving us an idea that during her e#periment, she found out that the effectiveness of Tide is actually almost e/ual with using other brands of detergent to remove the stains from cloth. It makes us aware that we could arrive at a similar result like her e#periment.


A. RE"ULT" 0ffectiveness of A Tide 'ar Is in 1emoving 2tains 3ind of 4etergent 'ar 56anipulated 7 Amount of 4etergent 4iameter of the Final Amount of 2tain 54ependent 8ariable7 -one ( cm & cm

2et A 2et ' 2et "

Tide "hampion -one

.alf of a bar .alf of a bar -one

The table shows the kind of detergent bar and amount of detergent used for each set*up. Also, it shows the results of the e#periment which is the diameter of the final amount of stain left in each towel or set*up. For 2et A, half of the Tide bar was used and it was left with no stain. For 2et ', half of the "hampion bar was used and it was left with a diameter of stain of ( cm. For 2et ", no detergent was used and the towel was left with a stain of &cm diameter.

!. CO(CLU"IO( After undergoing the e#periment, we have concluded that 2et A wherein Tide 4etergent bar was used is more effective in removing stains and making cloths whiter because it completely removed the chocolate stain on the cloth. For 2et ', we have concluded that it wasnt effective because it wasnt able to remove all the stains and it only has a 9cm of diameter difference than 2et " wherein no detergent was used. For 2et " which is the control, it removed some of the stains even if there wasnt any detergent present so we concluded that even if theres no detergent, water can also be used to remove some of the stains.

C. "U++AR*

:ur study is all about the effectiveness tide is in removing stains. ,e conducted the e#periment by having ( set*ups wherein each cloth is stained with chocolate milk. The first set*up used Tide bar, the ne#t set*up used "hampion bar and the last set*up used only water as the control. After having done the e#periment, we observed and measured the stain left on the towels. Then, we recorded the data. The results of our e#periment shows that Tide is really more effective than any other brand because it made the cloth whiter and cleaner leaving it without any stains. In 2et ' wherein "hampion was used, it wasnt able to completely remove the stain and it left a ( cm diameter of it. In 2et " wherein only water was used to remove the stains, it also wasnt able to fully remove the stains and it left a & cm diameter of it.


To the ne#t researchers, we recommend to use an e/ual amount of chocolate milk into the basin and soak the cloth to it for at least (; minutes so that it will be easier and they will no longer use a moulder to get its diameter. Also, they can try testing other brands so that theyll know if theres any other brand which could be more effective than Tide.

Chapter III: +ETHODOLO,* The problem focuses on how effective a Tide bar is in removing stains. For the null hypothesis, we believe that Tide bar will not remove stains effectively and because of that we would prefer other brand for it. For the alternative hypothesis, we believe that if the Tide bar is used stains will be removed completely and with ease. The kind of detergent is the manipulated variable that will show which detergent will best remove stains from the towels. The dependent variable is the final amount of stain left on the towel because it will show the effectiveness of the detergent bars in removing the stains in the towels. ,e need to control the amount of detergent, stain applied, the kind of towel, chocolate milk and time because it will affect the study greatly.

A. +aterials Tide 'ar ( 'asins ( "loths of the same si<e ( liters of water = cup chocolate milk ( moulders or cutters "hampionn'ar

!. Proce #res

9. Prepare > liters of water , Tide bar, "hampion bar, ( cloths, ( basins, (?& cup of chocolate milk, ( moulders or cutters to measure the diameter of the stain. %. Put @ cup of chocolate milk within the diameter of the moulder on each towel. 0#pose the towels in sunlight for % hours or until towels are dry. (. 2et*up the basins. First, pour ( liters of water into each basin. For 2et A, prepare half of the Tide bar. For 2et ', prepare half of the "hampion bar. For 2et ", make sure that theres already ( liters of water in it. &. Put the towels in the basin. 2crub the Tide bar 9; times thoroughly with the cloth especially in the boundaries of the stain for 2et A. Aikewise, for 2et ', scrub the "hampion bar 9; times thoroughly especially in the boundaries of the stain. For 2et ", scrub it also 9; times thoroughly especially in the boundaries of the stain with only water. ). 2oak the ( cloths in their basins for at least %; minutes and observe if the stain has already been diminished or lessened. B. After observing, record the data in a table.


9. Taylor A. 6oreland, April %, %;;(, The 'attle of the Aaundry 4etergents, Cniversity of 2outhern "alifornia, 1etrieved :ctober 9>, %;9% from


%. 3imberly 4anger, 6ay (, %;99, Aaundry 4etergent "hallenge+ ,hich 'rand Performs the 'estE , 6ommy 2avers, 1etrieved :ctober %;, %;9% from http+??;99?;)?laundry*detergent*challenge*which* brand*performs*the*best?


A. !AC.,ROU(D "TUD* The study is about the effectiveness of tide bar in removing stains compared to other brands. It was stated in the commercial that using tide would make your shirt look whiter?cleaner compared to other brands 5'rand F7 and would only re/uires less effort to remove the stains and have the shirt look brand new all over again, like it was never stained. In comparison to other brands, the commercial says that Tide is more effective. -ow, we will find out with our e#periment. !. "TATE+E(T OF THE PRO!LE+ The study focuses on he effectiveness of Tide in removing stains on fabric or clothing. The study will also show us the factors affecting the result of this study. C. H*POTHE"I" -ull .ypothesis+ There is no significant difference in using Tide in removing stains. Alternative .ypothesis+ Tide bar works better in removing stains compared to other brands. D. "I,(IFICA(CE OF THE "TUD* "onsumers of Tide bar would benefit from this study because they would have a reliable scientific basis. "onsumers would also benefit because they would be able to tell if the purchase of this product is worth their money.

The cloths were scrubbed 9; times thoroughly using the detergents and the water.

Then, they were soaked in their basins for %; minutes.

The results after doing the e#periment. The results after doing the e#periment.

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