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STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF JOB STRESS ON THE PERFORMANCE ABSTRACT The study investigated and evaluated job stress

and its effects on job performance . The study sought to find out how work-related stress could affect the productivity . In addition, it identified certain factors which contribute to job stress. The results of this study revealed that workload was the major cause of job stress It was further observed that respondents, in order to relieve stress often walk around and visit other colleagues in their offices to discuss matters unrelated to work thereby affecting productivity . Health-wise, some developed chronic back pain, an effect of long sitting hours at work. Management commitment to employee-related issues such as paying attention to workload conflict, supervisors recognition of outstanding output and the introduction of proper stress management training programmes were perceived as significant steps which if embraced, were identified as major contributory factors that could contribute to improve productivity of employee and boost output. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objectives of this study are: 1. To examine the effects of job stress on workers in the performance of their job. 2. To evaluate Management competencies for controlling and reducing stress at work. 3. To assess the support for those people who are suffering from stress. 4. To assess how work related stress can affect the health of workers. RELEVANCE OF THE STUDY Stress Management is important to healthy functioning of organizations as it seeks to increase productivity since one can clearly focus on tasks, better memory, improved immune system and better blood pressure. Job stress is not being given the attention it deserves and so very little has been done as far as assessing the role of stress on job performance within organizations.Create awareness among managers on the need to provide the needed platform to help workers to deal with their stresses. The study has the potential to stimulate, among scholars and customers, an interest in the study of stress among workers BY:-DR.ATULDUBEY PRINCIPAL MBA SHRIRAM COLLAGE OF MANAGEMENT

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