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Teaching Materials Teachability

07 September 2013
The King Is Slow to Learn (Daniel 4:1-37)

(Dan 4:36)
(Dan 4:37) :
1. Grateful Words

Expressed appreciation and blessings for Gods grace and mercy

2. Hungry Mind

Possessed a passion and hunger for personal growth

3. Big-picture Perspective

Saw things from a new, larger viewpoint

4. Humble Heart

Expressed humility regarding his own importance and power

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How about you? Are you teachable? Do you want to dictate the people or circumstances from
whom you will learn, or will you learn from anyone? Consider a few steps to improve your
teachability :

1. Dont believe your own press

The greatest enemy of tomorrows success is todays. Dont get distracted by your

2. Observe how you react to mistakes

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Do you admit them when you make them? Do you apologize or get defensive? Get honest
about your needs
3. Try something new

When was the last time you did something for the first time? Challenges change us for the
better and keep us learning
4. Grow in the area of your strength

Dont be satisfied with where you are today. Keep stretching

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