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Good evening teacher good evening class, in this occasion I talk about Pedro Suarez Vertiz.

He was born on February 13, 1969. He is a musician, singer, songwriter and producer. He played the piano since three years old. He is the best rock singer from Peru. Pedro formed with his brother Patricio his first group they called Paranoia. At 17 years old, was manager of the band Arena Hash in 1986 and signed with the record label CBS. Alongside his musical career with Arena Hash login successfully at the University of Lima and select the race of Communication Sciences and graduated at 21 years in the specialty of Radio, Film and Television. The singer presented his book I, Pedro during the 18th edition of the International Book Fair in Lima in July 2013. Pedro is in his forties. His favorite group is The Beatles. He likes Italian food in special the oquis. He gets married with Cynthia Martnez. They have three children, one woman and two men. She is Majo Suarez Vertiz. She has 18 years old. His first album is No existen tecnicas para olvidar and his last album is Amazonas. My favorite music of Pedro Suarez Vertiz is Cuentame.

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