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Zen HTML Elements

Based on HTML 5 specification draft. Root Element html <html></html> html:xml <html xmlns="http://www.w .or!/"###/xhtml" xml:lan!="en"></html> html:4t <$%&'T()* HTML )+BL,' "-//. '//%T% HTML 4.01 Transitional//*/" "http://www.w .or!/T0/html1/loose.dtd"> <html lan!="en"> <head> <title></title> <meta http-e23i4="'ontent-T5pe" content="text/html6charset=+T7-8"> </head> <9od5></9od5> </html> html:4s <$%&'T()* HTML )+BL,' "-//. '//%T% HTML 4.01//*/" "http://www.w .or!/T0/html1/strict.dtd"> <html lan!="en"> <head> <title></title> <meta http-e23i4="'ontent-T5pe" content="text/html6charset=+T7-8"> </head> <9od5></9od5> </html> html:xt <$%&'T()* html )+BL,' "-//. '//%T% XHTML 1.0 Transitional//*/" "http://www.w .or!/T0/xhtml"/%T%/xhtml"transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w .or!/"###/xhtml" xml:lan!="en"> <head> <title></title> <meta http-e23i4="'ontent-T5pe" content="text/html6charset=+T7-8"/> </head> <9od5></9od5> </html> html:xs <$%&'T()* html )+BL,' "-//. '//%T% XHTML 1.0 Strict//*/" "http://www.w .or!/T0/xhtml"/%T%/xhtml"strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w .or!/"###/xhtml" xml:lan!="en"> <head> <title></title> <meta http-e23i4="'ontent-T5pe" content="text/html6charset=+T7-8"/> </head> http://code.!oo!!/ html:xxs

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<$%&'T()* HTML> <html lan!="en-*/"> <head> <title></title> <meta charset="+T7-8"> </head> <9od5> </9od5> </html> Document Metadata <head></head> <title></title> <9ase href=""> <lin;>

head title base link link:css

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Comments cc:ie cc:noie <$--Fif ,*G><$FendifG--> <$--Fif $,*G><$--><$--<$FendifG-->

Zen HTML +electors

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Zen HTML /liases

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Zen 2++ properties

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D/+ Deneral )39lic License 4

+pecial content t pes

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.: PDF version by Shayanlinux

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D/+ Deneral )39lic License 4

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