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A Shot in the Dark Francisco Urteaga, Chris Carbone, Rafael Uribe The day is *cough, cough* The day

is September the 12th, 2056. *cough, cough, cough* Im sorry, Im a bit out of breath. Im recording this in hope someone will find me. You see, Im not going to last much longer. I made the mistake of going out. No one goes out anymore. Its not like five years ago when there was order. Now everything is in a complete state of discord. We may technically be in control, but the mob runs the streets. They have for years now. It all began with Proposition 644. The banning of firearms. When I was a politician, and lobbied for complete firearm restriction, almost everyone loved it. I convinced everyone that doing away with the weapons would do away with the violence. To my chagrin, it didnt work out as I envisioned it. We took away the legal weapons but never got rid of the black market. Criminals obtained their guns. Now no one has anything to substantially defend themselves. Martial law has been declared, however no one seems to be able to defeat the mob. Its now that I realize the stupidity in my ideas. Something had to be done. I decided I needed to go to the capitol building to propose the right to bear arms brought back. Sure, there would be some mistakes made, but it would help in the long run. I had barely walked out the door when I heard gunshots. Thats the only thing you can hear when you go outside Just gunshots and screams of agony. Bullet holes riddle the sides of buildings while animals scurry through the streets. I cautiously began walking to my car when I saw police running into an alley. I impulsively followed them to the alley to find out what was happening. I had no idea what was going through my mind at the time, but it was an action I couldnt take back. I heard the shots of semi-automatic weapons. My idiotic attempt to see what happened was my horrible mistake. I cautiously hid behind a wall and looked at what was going on. Much to my dismay, all of the police were dead. I wanted to stand up to these people, but I feared I would be shot as soon as I was spotted. As I was leaving, I was spotted by one of the members. My instincts took control and I started running. As I started I heard gunshots from behind me. Luckily each shot missed. I knew I would never make it to the capitol building, but my house was just a few blocks away. I sprinted for all I was worth. My heart was pounding so hard, I swear it was about to leap out of my chest. The adrenalin was pumping through my veins so hard I felt I was about to burst. I found myself getting closer to the house. I was nearing the front door. I was safe! I was home free! I was I was cold. I felt myself becoming very tired. My hands and legs were shaking. I knew this could only mean one thing. I unbuttoned my coat praying for the best, to find blood beginning to stain my white shirt. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. I opened the door and collapsed to my knees. I can now feel my life slowly slipping away. I know I will die before the ambulance arrives. Im recording this now for whoever finds me here. Let the world know about who I was and my big mistake, so it will never be repeated. I hope this is a good enough penance. I hope that w-

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