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124 6-215 THE ENLIGHTENMENT Pg106-109 A new way of thinking

Gurkirt Singh 2/05/14

1600s and 1700s people grew more willing to question the religious authority. There was a movement called the Enlightenment. Bring the light of reason and science to people who had been in the dark. Descartes The French mathematician Rene` Descartes (1596-1650) was one of the most famous philosophers of the Enlightenment. Used reason to understand the world Our eyes play tricks on us and make us see things that are not really there. He doubts his own existence. Discovered a lot of things Newton and the Laws of Nature Newton discovered a lot of things. He observed the world around him.

He was inspired by nature. Made a new improved telescope Influenced many people. The World of Hobbes Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) an English philosopher Interested in wars People who live over the hill always keep their promises. The government can stop the fighting Locke and Natural Rights John Locke (1632-1704) an English philosopher Britain claimed to rule by the divine right The Black Slate Black slate had many conquences Good and noble ideas should grow up to be a good person A bad person will turn out badly Montesquieu Baron Charles de Montesquieu (1689-1755) was a French political philosopher who admired Newton and Locke [gave a description of the British Put the laws of action and the judicial power.

The Enlightenment in America Thomas Jefferson drew heavily on Locke when he drafted the DoI in 1776 Rights to life, liberty, and property All men are endowed by their creato with certain rights

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