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Dear Parents,

The following expectations have been developed to provide a consistent, effective, and comprehensive physical education program for your children.

1. Students will dress in appropriate P.E. clothes each day. Appropriate clothes are Comal School District P.E. shorts and tee shirt and/or Comal ISD sweat pants and sweat shirt, athletic socks, and athletic shoes (no mark type). Shoes that leave black marks on the gym floor are not allowed. Flip-flops and unlaced shoes are not appropriate for P.E. Note: If you mark your students name on his or her P.E. clothes, those clothes are more easily identified if left out.

2. Students will participate daily in exercises, conditioning drills, activities, or games. The only exception will be a student who brings a written parent note from home due to illness or injury. If the illness or injury persists for more than three days, a doctors note is required for exclusion. An alternative assignment will be provided for that student.

3. Students will wash their hands with soap and water and wipe down their body with a towel at the end of each period. 4. Make Your Day is used in all P.E. classes, so appropriate citizenship is expected. School district discipline procedures will be followed.

5. Students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves to include placing their dirty towel in the towel bin.

6. Students will bring fresh, clean P.E. clothes at the beginning of each week and take P.E. clothing home for washing at the end of each week.

7. Cell phones, iPods, and radios are not allowed in class or in the locker rooms.

8. No food, sports drinks, pop, or gum are allowed in the gym or locker rooms.

9. Students will be assessed on state academic standards for physical education and fitness. The following life skills will be reported separately: tardiness, non-suits, partial suits, absences, and off task behavior.

STUDENT NAME (PRINT)____________________________________________

PARENT SIGNATURE_____________________________________ DATE____

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