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Muscle Building Recipes

You will need: - 8 mussels, 1 lime, 2 spring onions, 250 grams of asparagus, 500 g spaghetti 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 500 ml fish stoc , spices and salt to taste

!hawed mussels and sprin le with lime "uice, onion, clean and cut into wheels, also clean the asparagus and cut into slices# $est %or out for &at 'oss

(oo the spaghetti to bite and put it far awa)# *n a pot, warm the 2 tablespoons of oil until golden brown and roasted vegetables# +fterwards pour the fish broth and simmer uncovered for about 10 minutes#

,eason with lime "uice and spices warm the rest of the oil in a pan and roasted it on scallops on each side for about - minutes# *f )ou have large pieces, and divide it in half# &inished ,erve scallops with pasta and vegetables#

,.*(Y $+/01 ,+'234 - servings 1 serving has about 330 calories, 25 g protein, 21 g fat, 5 g carboh)drates

You need:

- - salmon fillets after about 125 grams, 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, 2 tablespoons of hone), -00 g cucumber, 2 shallots, dill, 50 ml vegetable broth, 1 tablespoon sour cream, spices, chili, salt

%ash the salmon and pat dr), peel the 'emon and cut into pieces# *n a bowl, pour a little oil, place the salmon, season it and put it chopped citron# ,almon marinate for about 30 minutes almond sprin le with sesame seeds, rub chili and hone)# .ut it in the oven to ba e#

(ucumbers, shallots and chop the dill, mi6 with the remaining oil and saut7 for about 5 minutes# +dd the broth and coo for about 3 minutes# +t the end, add the sour cream and serve with salmon#

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