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Istituto dIstruzione Superiore Nicola Pizi Palmi (R.C.

) Liceul Tteoretic Emil Racovita Galati Romania

Plants in National and European Traditions

Italian Cookery Book




Difficulty: Low Cooking: 65 min Preparation: 30 min Serves: 4 people In the popular imagination, the orange duck, is a traditional French recipe, but very few actually know that this dish so special has its origins in the cuisine of Tuscany in Florence.? This delicious dish that Tuscans called "paparo the Melarancia "was exported to France by Catherine de Medici, who married Henry II of France, he decided to bring a little piece of his Florence.? since the arrival of Catherine in France, in fact, we are witnessing a gradual insertion Florentine cuisine in the French, hence the French decided to claim it as their recipes, some of which, of course, the orange duck which in France is called "caneton to orange."

I made this cake for a snack today perche'mio son asks me for a different snack each day and each time I have to improvise, pero'questa liked me well I must say, perche'fresca, healthy and tasty to try. ingredients: 80 gr melted butter 200 gr flour 00 150 gr sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 2 large oranges 1 teaspoon of baking powder preparation: Then sift flour, baking powder and vanilla extract and set aside in a bowl put the sugar and egg yolks and beat with the whisk, then add the melted butter and continue to whisk until the mixture is foamy, then the grated zest of one orange and add, and the juice of 2, after you add the flour and whisk it all, at the end of the egg whites until stiff and add to the mixture, butter and flour a cake pan 22-24cm.e bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 min.fate cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar, and the snack is ready.


Information In herbal remedies Recipes Fact Sheet: Here are some tips : climate: live well in fairly mild climates , prefers the high temperatures in the cold disk. The minimum winter temperature should be around 9 - 12 C, when it is exposed to the south, in a well- repaired can withstand colder temperatures . exposure: is not a demanding plant but it needs a lot of sun and light : excellent south-facing walls . cultivation: this plant is quite difficult to grow not because it is demanding, but because in order to make it germinate or root is necessary to reproduce exactly its natural conditions. Potted makes it hard to vegetate . It prefers sandy soils and well drained .

Planting :
is propagated by seed or cuttings preferably . The semi-woody cuttings , detached from the mother plant in the summer, root must be made in a box filled with peat and sand . When the cuttings have formed roots , sampling and potting . Propagation by seed is difficult because seed germination is very low ( 5-10 % ), but this can increase if the sowing is carried out in the winter months ( December-January ) . It is sown in boxes, filled with peat and sand , left outdoors during the summer and sheltered in the autumn - winter. The following spring you can transplant the new plant directly in the ground or individually in a vase . Sowing can also be passed directly in the cracks of walls to dry well exposed to the sun in the autumn. Another solution : put the seeds in a ripe fig , the fig tree then inserting it into the slot of the wall. The plants will be born in May or June. Once successful engraftment , the growth of the caper presents no problem . irrigation: undemanding in terms of watering, is content of ' rainwater. Any irrigation of aid in case of very drought periods .
harvesting of capers is scalar : the plant growing constantly emits new flower buds , spherical , greenish and aromatic hydrocarbons, of which the most small and round are considered particularly valuable . The buds are picked before they are hatched , from spring until late summer. The fruits are picked before fully ripe when they are soft and fleshy with seeds still immature , tender and clear.

Diseases and pests : is not subject to pests or disease specific . Water logging can cause rot involving the radical apparatus causing yellowing of the plant.

To whet the appetite : to macerate for 10 days in one liter of dry white wine 4 heaping tablespoons of the root. Strain and drink a glass before meals. Crostini for the appetizer : slice of bread into rectangles , dip them for a few minutes in the oven or on the grill . Coarsely chop the fruit of the caper , add a few tablespoons of cottage cheese , a little salt , pepper and a few leaves of marjoram or nipitella . Mix well and spread on toast .

To relieve congestion in the spleen : pour a teaspoon of root in a quart of cold water and boil for 5 minutes. Strain and drink half in the morning before breakfast and half in the evening preferably before you go to bed.

An effective diuretic treatment : in half a liter of cold water pour two tablespoons of root and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and drink in sips throughout the day.

Against ulceration : boil a tablespoon of root in a pint of cold water for 15 ' . Filter and apply on the ulceration of tablets soaked in the liquid, leave it rather long and repeating several times a day . recipes.

Ingredients for 4 people: 4 slices of fresh swordfish , a cup of oil , 2

eggs , 1 onion, a handful of parsley, a pinch of thyme , a handful of capers. 2 tablespoons French mustard , 1 lemon, salt and pepper. Preparation: Place a cup in two egg yolks lightly salted and pour the oil drops stirring until you obtain three-quarters of a cup of mayonnaise. Add the lemon juice , onion , parsley , thyme and capers , all chopped up to that it is reduced to a pulp. Add two tablespoons of mustard. Spend on the grill the slices of fish wafers anointed with oil . Add salt, pepper , brown them , serve them piping hot .

Ingredients for 5 servings : 350 gr. capers " occhiellino " , 1/2 liter of fresh

tomatoes, a basil and a bunch of parsley , two cloves of garlic, three tablespoons of oil. Preparation: Saut garlic and olive oil , just put the blonde basil, parsley, fresh tomato sauce , capers and salt to taste , leave cook for a quarter of an hour . Season with all the noodles fresh pasta .

Ingredients: 200 gr. capers or Capperoni of Lipari, 600 gr. ripe tomatoes cut into squares, 3 cloves of crushed garlic , a big bunch of basil and mint , 4 tablespoons olive oil - pepper to taste - spaghetti. Preparation: brown the garlic in the olive oil, just blond add the tomatoes, basil and mint , cook for 5 or 6 minutes, add the capers and finish cooking adjusting all with the salt needed and chilli. Drain the pasta al dente combining it with the sauce for a few minutes - serve piping hot accompanied with grated pecorino .

Ingredients: 1 medium red onion , 300 gr. Capperoni of Lipari , 20 olives, anchovies filleted 5 , 8 tomatoes, basil, extra virgin olive oil, mint and chilli pepper, 4 boiled potatoes cut into slices , a leaf of celery cut into squares . Preparation: prepare to raw onion slices after it has been immersed for 30 minutes in water and vinegar. You add the Capperoni desalted and then join the olives , anchovies , celery , tomatoes cut lengthwise , potatoes and peppers . Then dressed with extra virgin olive oil , a lot of basil and mint . If you want you can add to the pleasure of the integral slightly toasted bread soaked in warm water.

Cornus sanguinea: Sanguinello

The Cornus sanguinea and commonly known as dogwood or cornel twigs blood to the terminals initially green , but soon red -brown or purple . This characteristic shrub , very common everywhere along the hedgerows , in the woods , on the slopes and in fallow land , stands out with good effect during the good season for abundant flowering and then in the winter months , when the leafless twigs take a bright red color .

It looks very similar to the common dogwood ( Cornus mas ) , especially

for the bushy habit and shape of the leaves , but differs from it by white flowers , slightly fragrant , blooming in late spring and continuing throughout the summer , until ' early autumn. Also the fruits are very different , small drupes roundish, about 5 mm in diameter, containing a single core and blackish . All parts of the plant are rich in tannin and, therefore, have strongly astringent properties . The bark is febrifuge and healing. The fruits are rich in oil and bitter taste very unpleasant , they

are not poisonous , but not edible .


The bark is dried in the shade and air , then storing it in bags of paper or canvas. A BOWEL ASTRINGENT : in half a liter of cold water pour 2 tablespoons of bark and boil for 15 minutes. Strain and drink half in the morning and half in the evening before bed. FIGHTING INFLAMMATION OF THE MOUTH : in a quart of cold water pour 1 tablespoon of bark and boil for 5 minutes. Filter after 10 minutes. Making repeated rinses throughout the day. IN IRRITATION EYE : pour in half a liter of cold water a tablespoon of bark and boil for 15 minutes. Strain and make compresse. A TONIC AGAINST THE OILY SKIN : in half a liter of cold water pour 3 tablespoons of bark and boil for 10 minutes. Filter , add the juice of a lemon and use after normal cleaning of the face in the morning and in the evening. AGAINST MALARIA : pour a teaspoon of bark in a tea cup of cold water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and drink 2 3 cups per day, with the addition of honey.


pour 50 g of bark in 1 liter of cold water and simmer for 15 minutes. Filter , let cool completely and add 10 g of 90 alcohol . Do many rinses several times a day , in order to derive maximum benefit .

1/2 kilo of berries of dogwood, 100 grams of rose petals,

1 small apple with the seeds,

150 g of sugar, water q.b.

As I composed the jam:

I put the berries in a covered pan over low heat and soften the berries. I transferred to a strained and I pressed to get the pulp by removing the

I used a little boiling water to rinse off the residue and not miss anything of

the precious nectar.

I had already peeled roses and I poured the boiling liquid on the petals

letting it soak for half an hour.

I put everything on fire with the sugar and 1 apple (uncle), peeled but with

the seeds (for the pectin say).

I did bake the texture and possessed reaching boiling in sterilized jars in

the oven at 100 C. for 20 minutes.

Cynodon dactylon (gramigna)

The realso used in turf grass with warm climate , due to its high resistance to trampling . It is also commonly known by the name of grass canine . Despite being a grass , the allergenic properties of its pollen can be distinguished from other plants of the family

d weed ( Cynodon dactylon Pers , 1805) and the weed is best known to the world. It is of the grass family , very competitive , has an extensive root system , which can be up to 2 meters deep. It is

The leaves are green color and are short, usually between 2 and 15 cm, with rough edges . The erect stems can grow from 1 to 30 cm in height , they are slightly flattened and often have shades violacee.I seeds are produced in groups of spikes (3 to 6 ) placed along the top of the stem; every ear is long by 2 to 5 cm . C. dactylon has a deep root system. In drought conditions with penetrable soil , the root system can grow to over 2 m deep, although most of the mass of the roots has less than 60 cm from the superficie.La gramigna develops crawling along the ground and develops roots wherever a node touches the ground, forming a dense groviglio.c . dactylon reproduces through seeds, roots and rhizomes of new nodes . Growth begins at temperatures above 15 C and becomes optimum of 24 to 37 C , in winter , the weeds becomes dormant , assuming a brown color . Growth is promoted by full sun and retarded by full shade , such as close to the trunks of the trees.

C. dactylon is probably native to India , from where it spread until it became this worldwide . [3] It prefers warm temperate and tropical , being its optimum growth temperature of about 35 C [ 3] . Living from sea level up to 2200 m asl . C. dactylon prefers dry soils , rich in nutrients , low in humus and mostly sandy . It is somewhat tolerant to salinity . [4] To the north of the Alps, is not originally present, but may have spread together with the rise of viticulture. In Central Europe , this herb grows in sandy areas , such as along roadsides and in landfills.

Well-known are its diuretic properties and also its utility in inflammatory processes of the upper or lower urinary tract . Always under medical supervision , can be used in the treatment of hypertension. It is used in herbal medicine as a diuretic , depurative, antiinflammatory , refreshing and thirst-quenching . A decoction of the red weed helps to cleanse the body in the spring, fights inflammation Renal and urinary disorders in general and helps to remove small stones .

Used in ancient times as an ingredient for baking and brewing beer , the tender leaves can be eaten in salads. Sprouts, whitish and tender, you can boil and season and are a nutritious dish Weeden : property The creeping rhizomes vcommonly called stolons are the drug of this plant contain a poliosio deriative of fructose , called tricitina , which is responsible for the strong diuretic action of the plant. Another compound , the agropirene , present in moderate quantities in the weeds , exerts a marked anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action on the kidneys and the urinary tract . Because of these properties , the therapeutic action of Bermuda grass is beneficial in cases of cystitis and chronic inflammation of the urinary tract , in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis , arthritis and hyperuricemia . It ' also indicated against cellulite , edema and hypertension , because it determines , in most treated hypertensive subjects , a decrease in the maximum pressure is minimal.

How biliary drainage is recommended in detoxifying . The Weeden , whose scientific name is Agropyrum (ie wild wheat , which vaguely resembles ) repens , belongs to the family Gramineae . It is called in different ways, among which the most common are " gramegna ", " erva of dogs," canine " ," field of ants "," cortellina "or" Falasca " ( these are just some of the ways in which farmers commonly called the Bermuda grass ) . Known since ancient times, long before the birth of Christ, the weed has always been very popular , and this despite the soursop of negativity that has always surrounded . This herb is in fact a real natural weed , hated by farmers everywhere since spread rapidly proliferated and ruined crops ; still retains its sense of grass march, which haunts like the plague and how this disease can hardly be expelled via . Among its popular names is that of " erva of dogs " because the dogs eat the leaves of weeds to free the stomach from the dross , and even donkeys and horses feed on this herb , drawing benefits such as improving digestion and feel lighter . However misguided view , therefore , this herb graminaceous enjoys remarkable cleansing properties that also have a positive effect on the human organism .

The Bermuda grass has a distinctive appearance that allows to recognize without a doubt among many other plants. Deep green , from the rhizome and erect long , rough and devoid of leaves , the weeds grow easily even in poor weather conditions : it is often found in cracks in the ground , among the ruins and in general in all those non-cultivated land or poorly treated by the use of herbicides . Is usually high sixty centimeters , but can also reach the height of one meter. In Europe, in particular, there are two types of weeds that flourish both in summer or at least with the arrival of the first warm : one is the Agropyrum repens (the most common in Europe , with the ear , double zigzagata or smooth ) , l ' other is the Cynodon dactylon , the nostrana , the most popular variant in Italy and which is properly called the grass canine . This type of weed has from three to seven spikes that are arranged in a fan . This herb grows in places with high humidity, often in clay soils , ranging from the plain - sometimes even in the vicinity of the sea, lakes or rivers - the mountain. Weed of the rhizome is used , ie a part of the root that remains underground and is often much branched .

Even the ancients knew perfectly the healing properties of wheatgrass . In some of his works , Pliny spoke of how this herb was able to treat urinary stones and stimulate diuresis, while Dioscorides placed particular emphasis on the care of the difficulty of urination in cases of cystitis. The rhizome of couch grass can pick up throughout the year , although the best seasons are spring and autumn , especially in the months of September and October , March, April and May. The rhizome is dug up carefully , taking care not to break it , and then " clean" by removing all lateral roots , large and small. The rhizomes thus obtained should be carefully washed and then put to dry in the sun , hanging in clusters or individually, they are well dried, shall be stored in paper bags , the cloth or canvas ( not plastic ) . Despite the shabby appearance and the frequency with which it is born and grows, wheatgrass contains numerous substances that are very good for the body : essential oils, saponins, and above all, polyphenols, which have an antioxidant and helps fight free radicals . This substance makes the weeds in valuable herbal medicine , science in medical part , in part or herbal cure various diseases that - generally when they occur in milder form - with the help of flowers, herbs and plants. Bermuda grass is used in herbal medicine often only form of decoction and tincture , or , more rarely, as a herbal tea with other herbs with similar properties .

The medical properties of wheatgrass are many. Undoubtedly the most important thing is that diuretic : This herb , in fact, promotes diuresis and through it the expulsion of toxic substances ; therefore cleanses the urinary tract , showing very useful in cases of cystitis. Not only that: it cleanses the blood , intestines , spleen and liver, which they receive many benefits , fortifying . For this reason, the weed is highly recommended if you suffer from diseases such as gout , arthritis, arthritis, hyperuricemia and eczema, which has also seen considerable softening properties . The other important property is that the weed hypotensive : this herb , in fact , lowers the pressure and is very useful in all those cases in which you suffer from hypertension read, that does not immediately make indispensable the use of medicines . For this same reason , however, the weed is contraindicated in cases of low blood pressure : in any case it is always advisable to balance the benefits and possible side effects, on a case- by-case basis whether it is appropriate to take it. In any case the great detoxifying properties of wheatgrass make it useful to those who simply want to cleanse the body and implement a lifestyle healthy. Not only men to benefit from the intake of weeds : in addition to dogs and horses before mentioned , cattle can eliminate gallstones thanks to eating weeds in the spring. The pigs , then , are so fond of this plant , which eat large amounts , digging in the soil and estirpandone the rhizomes . A differences of other herbs , the weed is not used in the cosmetic field or in the kitchen , except - very rarely - topped form of salad. In the past , has sometimes been used in the preparation of certain types of beer.

Capsicum L. is a genus of plants of the family Solanaceae, native to the Americas but now cultivated throughout the world. In addition to the well-known pepper, the genus includes several species of hot peppers, ornamental and sweets. According to some , the Latin name " Capsicum " is derived from " capsa ," which means box , and owes its name to the particular shape of the fruit ( a berry ) that resembles a box with just the seeds. Others derive it from the greek kapto which means biting, with clear reference to the spicy " bite " the tongue when you eat.

The hot pepper was used as food since ancient times . From the testimony of archaeological finds we know that as early as 5500 BC was known in Mexico as a cultivated plant , and it was the only spice used by the Indians of Peru and Mexico. In Europe, the chili came thanks to Christopher Columbus who brought it from the Americas with his second voyage in 1493 . Since Columbus landed on an island in the Caribbean , most likely the species he had encountered was the Capsicum chinense varieties of the Scotch Bonnet or Habanero , the most common in those isole.Introdotto then in Europe by the Spanish, was an instant success , but the gains that Spain was expected by the market of the fruit ( as was the case with other oriental spices ) were disappointing , as the chilli acclimated very well in the old continent , spreading in all southern regions , in Africa and Asia, and was thus adopted as a spice also from that part of the population who could not afford the purchase of cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices widely used for seasoning and preserving food . The fruit was called pepper because of the similarity in taste (though not in appearance ) , with pepper , Piper in Latin. The name by which he was called to the New World was in Nahuatl chilli or Xilli (pronounced / illi / o / illi / , Cilli or Scilli ) , and this has remained largely in the Spanish of Mexico and Central America ( chile ) and in the English language (chili ) and also in the names of some varieties, such as Chiltepin (C. annuum var . aviculare ) , derived from the Nahuatl language chilitecpintl or chili flea, for the size and fiercely spicy taste . The Chiltepin is considered the ancestor of all other species . In the countries of South America by the Spanish and Portuguese , however, it is commonly called aj , modernization dell'antillano asci . The word in Quechua language for the peppers is uchu , as is the name used by the Incas for rocoto : ROCOT uchu , chili often pulpy .

Capsicum annuum is a short-lived perennial shrub that , under

unfavorable climate , is grown as an annual. The plants come in the form of high bush 40 to 80 cm (depending on species) leaves with light green color. The flowers have a white corolla having from 5 to 7 petals with pale yellow stamens . The other species have different behaviors : C. frutescens means " shaped shrub " , while many varieties of C. chinense reach 2 meters in the countries of origin. Also the resistance to cold and warm climate varies : Tabasco ( C. frutescens) and the rocoto ( C. pubescens) , for example, also resist to -5 C for short periods , while the habanero ( C. chinense ) is very sensitive to solar insolation : If excessive cause sunburn on the fruit . The Capsicum pubescens has purple flowers and seeds blacks, Capsicum baccatum presents macules on the corolla , the Capsicum chinense has greenish or white corolla and stamens purple, with 2 or more flowers per node. The Capsicum frutescens also has greenish corolla and stamens purple, but the flowers are single .

The capsicum annuum is a perennial shrub that,

under conditions of climate, is grown as an annual. The plants come in the form of high bush 40 to 80 cm (depending on species) leaves with light green color. The flowers are white starshaped with 5-6 petals with pale yellow stamens. The peppers can be grown in a balcony, and is sown around February, while the fruits can be harvested in summer and autumn. Should be used immediately after harvest so that they do not lose their properties, but also can be stored in oil or powder (after being dried in the sun).

The main architect of the substance spiciness is the alkaloid capsaicin (8 -methyl -Nvanillyl -6- nonenamide or C18H27NO3 ) , together with 4 other related compounds, collectively called capsaicinoids . Capsacinoide each has a different effect in the mouth , and a variation in the proportions of these substances determines the different sensations produced from different varieties , in addition to their content. Capsaicin causes pain and inflammation if consumed in excess, and can even burn your skin if in contact with high concentrations ( habanero chilies , for example, are collected with gloves ) . It is also the main ingredient in pepper spray , used as a " non-lethal weapon ." The hotness of peppers is measured empirically by the Scoville scale , in degrees from 0 to 10 , and quantitatively in Scoville units , based in ppm weight / weight of capsaicin and diidrocapsaicina . The sweet pepper for example, has zero Scoville units , the jalapeos are about 3,000-6,000 Scoville , while the habanero arrive to 300,000 Scoville units . The record for the highest number of Scoville units in a chili pepper was assigned by the Guinness Book of Records to ' Red Savina Habanero , measuring 577,000 units . However India came the news of a chili pepper called Naga jolokia expected to reach 855,000 Scoville units , even though they lack independent verification . The Pure capsaicin is about 16 million units . One of the best ways to relieve the burning sensation is to drink milk , eat yogurt or any dairy product . A substance present in dairy products known as casein acts as a detergent and remove the capsaicin from nerve receptors . Capsaicin dissolves very well in fats and alcohol, so even fat products or alcoholic beverages help to remove the painful sensation . For high concentrations , such as nell'habanero Red Savina or various extracts , the most effective way is to use ice as an anesthetic .

The fruit is eaten cooked or raw for its ability to burn the palate ,

concentrated in the upper part of the capsule, where there are glands that produce the capsaicin , which then slides along the capsule . Contrary to popular belief , are not the seeds, but the inner membrane that contains most of capsaicin , so it is almost useless to remove the seeds to reduce the spiciness of the fruit. In Italy, the chili is widely used and some regions have made it the basis of their own regional dishes , such as Calabria , with its famous " ' nduja " , Basilicata and in general all over South Peninsular .Abroad, the chili is used a lot in Mexico ( in sauces , in chili con carne ) and India. The kitchens Indian, Indonesian, Chinese are associated with the use of chili peppers, although the plant has arrived in Asia only after the arrival of Europeans. Once milled pepper changes the intensity of taste : the degree of hotness but varies not only according to the variety of chili choice, but also according to the degree of maturation : in fact it is more mature and stronger. In addition, the drought ' accentuates the spicy flavor .Some varieties of chili are suitable for immediate consumption , because the fruits do not last long . Others, such as the Habanero , may instead be dried and ground . In this way increases the concentration of capsaicin and therefore the hotness . In addition, various kinds of chilies have aroma and intense flavor , which is lost with drying . Always the habanero , has an intense smell of fresh apricot and a fruity flavor similar to cedar , which are reduced somewhat with the drying process .

The Chilli contains high amounts of vitamin C, B1 , B2 , PP, provitamin A. A green chili can contain up to six times more vitamin C than an orange but is lost in the drying or reduced considerably when cooked. The peppers also contain Capsaicinoids which are a group of chemicals where the most represented and present in peppers is capsaicin which together with the Diidrocapsaicina ( and other minor ) is primarily responsible for the spiciness of chillies. These substances are formed by certain glands which are found in the tissue that holds the seeds ( placental tissue ) while the seeds are totally devoid inside them but contain only externally , for contact with the placenta. These substances are very stable and resist both the cooking , dehydration that freezing. Capsaicin has revulsive action and is great for those with cholesterol problems as they combine with cholesterol, keeps the elastic arteries and lowers blood pressure . E ' also antioxidant, regulator of the activity of the liver and bowel . Helps fight rheumatism , arteriosclerosis , arthritis and hemorrhoids . The chili is also used as a pain reliever for arthritis and neuropate ( enters into the composition of numerous balms ) and is used to fight colds and bronchitis . The capsocinoidi are of effective antibacterial and retain this property even after cooking . This fact is widely used in countries with a warm climate to store food that would otherwise be bad very quickly due to the high temperatures and this also explains why in general the people of the countries with a warm climate they make wide use . The pods also have a strong antioxidant , and this explains the fame of cancer . Furthermore, the ability of capsaicin to increase the secretions of the stomach mucosa intestali and makes it excellent for promoting digestion . The chili is often used in natural medicines such as Ayurvedic medicine.

'Nduja is a spicy, spreadable pork sausage from Italy. It is typically made with parts of the pig such as the shoulder, belly and jowl, as well as tripe, roasted peppers and a mixture of spices. It is a Calabrian variation of salami, loosely based on the French andouille introduced in the 13th century by the Angevins.The name derives from the Latin "inducere". 'Nduja is made using meat from the head (minus the cheeks, which are used for guanciale), trimmings from various meat cuts, some clean skin, fatback, and roasted hot red peppers which give 'nduja its characteristic fiery taste. 'Nduja originates from the southern part of Calabria, namely from the small town of Spilinga and its neighborhood. It is mainly served with slices of bread or with ripe cheese. Its unique taste makes it suitable for a variety of dishes. For example, it can be added to pasta sauces.

The chilli jam

The chilli jam , is a typical preparation of Calabria, where the chili is home and the local gastronomy who use them extensively for many recipes . To make the jam chillies peppers are also used to give shape to jam and mix spicy taste that would otherwise be too concentrated, then added the sugar to give a sour note , typical of this type of canned food and red wine to flavor the mixture . Enjoy your jam hot peppers homemade accompanying it with a cheese platter with mixed like fresh ricotta , the soft cheese or cheese more creamy and soft to soft cheese , such as Quark, which dampen the spiciness in part without removing the taste , or choose aged cheeses such as pecorino, indicated for the more daring , lovers of intense flavors. preparedness To prepare the jam chillies get yourself of hot peppers, we used those hornshaped long and thin deep red color . Start with the sterilization of jars : First, you must get glass jars for preserves , then proceed to sterilize following our card How to sterilize the jars you find here : Start by washing the jars carefully under running water. Line a large pot with high sides with a clean cloth and place the jars in the pot . Then move around the jars one or more towels to avoid possible shock. Fill pot of water to cover the jars . Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and leave the jars in the pot still 30 minutes. Ten minutes before draining the jars , dip the lids to sterilize. After the required time, turn off the heat and let cool.

When the water is at room temperature , pull out the jars from the pot and let them drain upside down on a dry cloth. Wash and dry the peppers , remove the stalk them, cut in half lengthwise and remove the white filaments inside , the seeds and cut into small pieces, proceed in the same way with the chiles : deleted the stem , cut in half lengthwise and remove the seeds, and then cut into small pieces even peppers. Place the peppers and chilies into small pieces in a saucepan , add the granulated sugar, salt and wine and cook over very low heat. Cover the pot with a lid, taking care to leave a vent for steam , and cook for about an hour. After this time, turn off the heat and pass through a food mill, pausing for a long time on the skins , so as to make escape more the pulp as possible. When you have finished sifting through the peppers will get a homogeneous pulp put the mixture on low heat and , stirring and skimming often if needed (ie eliminating the white coating that SIPU form on the surface during cooking ) , do cook for another half hour . When the jam is thick chilli, taken a little ' made with a teaspoon and lasciatene a drop on a plate which must remain compact, this is evidence that your jam is ready. If the drop slips away and is not compact , continue cooking for as long as necessary , stirring frequently . Turn off and potted immediately with the help of a strainer and a ladle in sterilized containers, then close with the caps and the jars upside down , so leave them until they have cooled . Put the jars obtained in a pot, wrapping them with the clean towels , then cover with cold water and boil for at least 15 minutes after the first boil. After 15 minutes, turn off the heat , let the water cool and then remove the jars, and pat dry . Check the vacuum by pressing your finger on the plug: if the cap will Clik Clak the vacuum was not successful then repeat the sterilization and put the jars in the pot to boil for another 10 minutes. Conversely, if you do not hear the typical Clik Clak is a sign that sterilization was successful Etichettatei jars and arrange them in the pantry ( in a cool and dark place ) where the jam must remain for at least a month before it can be consumed , this time allowing to verify the formation of any mold, a sign that the sterilization and vacuum are not gone well . After this time you can eat your jam homemade hot peppers

Spaghetti with garlic, oil and chilli

Spaghetti with garlic, oil and chilli is definitely the easiest recipe of Italian cuisine but at the same time , in order to be really good to be prepared for good. Without a doubt the predominant flavor is that of chili that fits perfectly with the garlic and olive oil . The origins of this dish are very ancient , and even today we can not establish the paternity of this recipe although many regions try to claim it . Among the most remembered Lazio, Tuscany and Sicily , where regions have made this simple dish a delicacy . Put to cook the spaghetti in salted water and in the meantime you heat the oil in a frying pan. When it is hot, add the crushed garlic, chili pepper seeded and chopped Interior, then mix together for a few minutes on low heat , until the garlic is golden and finally you do not turn off the fuocoScolate for good when the noodles are al dente and toss in the pan for 30 seconds (5) with the olive oil and pepper and mix well to make it homogeneous . Serve your spaghetti with garlic , oil and chilli hot and well ... bon appetit!


The lupine , whose botanical name is Lupinus albus in the white variety , the yellow variety Lupinusi luteus and Lupinus angustifolius in the blue variety , is an annual plant belonging to the family Leguminosae - Papilionaceae . In our country, its seeds are eaten fresh or roasted , which can be eaten after boiling in water and soak for a long period of liberate the bitter taste. The name derives from the greek lupine " Lype " , which means " modesty " and the first cultivation of this plant seems to date back to 4,000 years ago , in fact , the ancient Greeks and Romans knew him , as evidenced by some of the works of Hippocrates and Horace where it is mentioned . In the past lupine seeds were used as animal fodder and fertilizer to the soil , while for human consumption were used in place of coffee , after being recently lupins were reassessed after some studies that have found the their beneficial properties for the body. Being a legume low in fat and high in protein, it is perfectly suitable for human consumption . The lupine plant can reach a height of one meter and a half , has the erect stem and alternate leaves consist of a stalk that contains small oval leaves , lanceolate , numbering from five to nine , covered at the bottom by a light down . The flowers are very large and showy , disposed in clusters on the branches, and can be white , blue and yellow, depending on the variety. The fruits contain the seeds, which can be from three to six , just called lupins . Lupin The plant grows well in acidic soil and very drained , and can not survive in calcareous soils . The sowing is done in the fall, from October to November , and maturation takes place in summer , usually in July. The lupine contains inside different substances : in addition to the proportion of 10 % water , containing 40 % carbohydrate , 38 % protein , also are present ashes , alkaloids, resins , vanillin , albumin , lecithin and a very low content of fats. Regarding the presence of minerals , in lupine are calcium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, manganese , sodium, selenium, copper, iron and magnesium . It also has a high content of vitamins A, B and C. The amino acids present in the lupine are aspartic acid and glutamic acid , then cystine , arginine, glycine , alanine , lysine, phenylalanine , isoleucine, leucine , histidine, valine , methionine , threonine , serine , proline , tyrosine and tryptophan . The lupine plant also contains some toxic substances , such as lupinina and lupaina , which are those that give the characteristic bitter taste to the seeds and if ingested can cause allergic reactions . Indeed , before being used , the seeds are treated with long washings so that the toxic alkaloids are completely eliminated.

The lupine seeds are used both for food and for herbal preparations. It seems that the substances they contain have hypoglycemic

properties, thus able to lower blood

sugar and cholesterol levels in people with diabetes. The lupine can be used as a vermifuge being particularly effective against

intestinal parasites, also produces a

diuretic effect, febrifuges, aperitifs and emmenagoghi. It also has soothing properties and can be used against eczema and other skin


To cure diabetes you can eat , every other day , up to 5 lupine seeds toasted . If you prefer to take the seeds in the form of beverage, such as coffee can be ground and added to the extent of two teaspoons to two ounces of water , drink twice a day . Against intestinal parasites you can prepare an enema with the infusion of the dried seeds , put to soak in water for at least one day. For a liter of water you need 100 grams of seeds , after which the infusion is filtered and the enema can be done on alternate days. For eczema and other skin problems , however, are effective decoctions , even those prepared with seeds, it takes 30 grams in one liter of water. In addition the decoction can also be used as a diuretic and to stimulate digestion . With lupine seeds you can also make a flour, which in antiquity was cooked with vinegar to obtain a compound that is used against pain caused by cancer, applied directly to the diseased area . The " cream " made with lupine flour was put on hair in the case of head lice for its anti-parasitic capacity . Regarding the use in food , lupins , which is available commercially both fresh and dried , or cooked or vacuum , can be kept in brine as olives or eating toasted or fresh , but always after being boiled or kept for a long time immersed in the water. In recent years it has been found that lupine also has another function: to lower cholesterol

INGREDIENTS: 500 g of lupine 2 clove of garlic 400 g tomatoes 400 grams of linguine 4 tablespoons of olive oil parsley q.b. 1 glass white wine BEGIN In a saucepan put lupins with a sprig of parsley and a clove of garlic and cook covered with a lid until lupins will not be all open. We clean and cut the tomatoes into small pieces and tritiamo very fine garlic. In a pan with high sides put the oil and the garlic and cook few moments. Lupins in the pan and add the glass of wine and let it evaporate. When the wine has blurred add the tomatoes cut previously and a pinch of salt and cook. Meanwhile, bake the dough and scoliamola almost al dente pasta and unite the preparation of tomatoes and lupins and cook if necessary adding a ladle of cooking water from the pasta. After cooking impiattiamo and sprinkle each dish with finely chopped parsley.

Meanwhile, bake the dough and drain almost al dente pasta and unite the preparation of tomatoes and lupins and cook if necessary adding a ladle of cooking water from the pasta. After cooking put it on a plate and sprinkle each dish with finely chopped parsley.

Lupini al vino
ingredients: 250 g of lupine 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour 1 tablespoon of buckwheat flour 2 tablespoons of yeast flakes 1/2 tablespoon tahini salt to taste extra virgin olive oil white wine breadcrumbs Procedure: To make edible lupins buckets need a bit 'of time and patience to soak them overnight, then let them' cook '10 minutes in boiling water. Drain and place them back in bathroom by changing the water 2 times a day until they become sweet. Only then can you proceed with the recipe. Put in a blender lupins clean, flour, baking powder, tahini and diluted with a little 'of water. I used the immersion blender to obtain a thick and not perfectly smooth. Take time to time a bit 'of the dough and form burger, if you want to helping you with a pastry rings directly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and making a breading with breadcrumbs. Bake it at 180 degrees for 1/2 hour, turning halfway through cooking. Bring them in a pan in which you put just 1 little olive oil and brown well make the burger by adding the wine. I have also joined the previously steamed vegetables. Turn them until they have a nice crust and then you can Serve.

INGREDIENTS: 250 g of lupine vacuum a few leaves of fresh mint 1 small clove of garlic Approximately 150 ml of water 3-4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon tahini Drain the lupine, peel and rinse to make him lose a bit 'of salt. Add the mint, garlic, a bit 'of water, tahini and begin to blend, adding water as needed. When will the big shake, begin pouring the oil in a thin, still whisking, until you reach the desired density. Being raw, lupins will not become a smooth puree such as hummus, they will be more coarse. I really like this pate for the graininess that is felt in the mouth. It can be served as an appetizer spread on slices of toasted bread, or to accompany a good plate of crudits.

for the pies: 200 grams of lupins Approximately 300 ml of vegetable broth extra virgin olive oil 1 egg 1 clove of garlic 1 tablespoon potato starch oo flour for the filling: 1 red onion 1 white onion 200 ml vegetable stock salt pepper extra virgin olive oil in addition: 4 slices cooked ham half inches Ricotta PREPARING: Remove the outer skin of lupins and chop. Cook them in a pot where you put a little oil and a clove of garlic. Drizzle with the broth and simmer. Preheat the oven to 180 . Blend all the ingredients and add later the egg and a tablespoon of potato starch. Squirt 4 ramekins with a little oil and flour them. Put lupins smoothies into the molds and bake in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, put a pot in a little olive oil and finely chopped onions, sprinkle with the vegetable broth. Let it cook well. Season with salt and pepper and blend it all. Remove the pudding from the molds and serve on the plate when you put the cream of onion.

Mandarin japanese (mandarino)

Kumquats or cumquats are a group of small fruit-bearing trees in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, either forming the genus Fortunella , or placed within Citrus sensu lato . The edible fruit closely resembles that of the orange ( Citrus sinensis ), but it is much smaller and ovular, being approximately the size and shape of a large olive. The English name "kumquat" derives from the Cantonese pronunciation gam1 gwat1 (given in Jyutping romanization). They are slow-growing evergreen shrubs or short trees, from 2.5 to 4.5 meters (8 to 15 ft) tall, with dense branches, sometimes bearing small thorns. The leaves are dark glossy green, and the flowers are white, similar to other citrus flowers, borne singly or clustered in the leaf-axils. Depending on size, the kumquat tree can produce hundreds or even thousands of fruits each year. The tree can be hydrophytic, grown in water, with the fruit often found floating on water near shore during the ripe season. The plant is native to south Asia and the Asia -Pacific region. The earliest historical reference to kumquats appears in literature of China in the 12th century. They have long been cultivated in Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, and southeast Asia. They were introduced to Europe in 1846 by Robert Fortune, collector for the London Horticultural Society, and shortly thereafter into North America.

Kumquats are cultivated in China, South Korea, North Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Nepal, Japan, the Middle East, Europe (notably Corfu, Greece), southern Pakistan, and the southern United States (notably Florida, Louisiana, Alabama) and California.
They are much hardier than other citrus plants such as oranges. The 'Nagami' kumquat requires a hot summer, ranging from 25 C to 38 C (77 F to 100 F), but can withstand frost down to about 10 C (14 F) without injury. They grow in the tea hills of Hunan, China, where the climate is too cold for other citrus fruits, even the Mikan (also known as the Satsuma) orange. The trees differ also from other citrus species in that they enter into a period of winter dormancy so profound that they will remain in it through several weeks of subsequent warm weather without putting out new shoots or blossoms. Despite their ability to survive low temperatures, kumquat trees grow better and produce larger and sweeter fruits in warmer regions. Kumquats do not grow well from seeds and so are vegetatively propagated, using rootstock of another citrus fruit. Kumquats are often eaten raw. As the rind is sweet and the juicy center is sour, the raw fruit is usually consumed either wholeto savor the contrastor only the rind is eaten. The fruit is considered ripe when it reaches a yellowish-orange stage and has just shed the last tint of green. Culinary uses include candying and kumquat preserves, marmalade, and jelly. Kumquats can also be sliced and added to salads. In recent years kumquats have gained popularity as a garnish for cocktail beverages, including the martini as a replacement for the more familiar olive. A kumquat liqueur mixes the fruit with vodka or other clear spirit. Kumquats are also being used by chefs to create a niche for their desserts and are common in European countries. The Cantonese often preserve kumquats in salt or sugar. A batch of the fruit is buried in dry salt inside a glass jar. Over time, all the juice from the fruit is diffused into the salt. The fruit in the jar becomes shrunken, wrinkled, and dark brown in color, and the salt combines with the juice to become a dark brown brine. A few salted kumquats with a few teaspoons of the brine/juice may be mixed with hot water to make a remedy for sore throats. A jar of such preserved kumquats can last several years and still keep its flavor. In the Philippines and Taiwan, kumquats are a popular addition to green tea and black tea, either hot or iced. In Vietnam, kumquat bonsai trees (round kumquat plant) are used as a decoration for the Tt(Lunar New Year) holiday. Kumquat fruits are also boiled or dried to make a candied snack called mt qut. Variants of the kumquat are grown specially in India. The kumquat is celebrated annually in Dade City, Florida, U.S.A. with the annual Kumquat Festival.

ingredients: 750 ml of water 500 ml of alcohol 30 kumquats 300 grams of sugar Prick the Chinese mandarins with the prongs of a fork on all sides , put them in a jar and pour the alcohol. Close the jar and let it sit for 40 days, exposed to natural lice . Every three days or so, shake the jar without opening it. After 40 days, boil the water with the sugar and let the syrup cool . We not only alcohol mandarins with a piece of fabric in cotton or linen , and incorporated in syrup . Pour into a bottle and store it in a cool dry place . After a fortnight the liquor will be ready for tasting. If you want to also use the advanced kumquat , boil 750 ml of water with 300 grams of sugar, syrup and let it cool Unitech mandarins previously used . Put everything in a jar and your spirit under mandarins are ready!

ingredients: 1 kg of fresh tangerines 1 kg of granulated sugar 250 grams of apples not too ripe Procedure Wash well for the mandarins , place them in a large bowl and fill it with cold water. Let soak for 3 days mandarins , making sure to change the water at least 2 times a day. After 3 days drained mandarins , dry them with a boxcutter and cut them in half , remove the seeds and cut into strips ( I half I cut them to long for the other half I cut them into slices ) . Collect the juice that you will come to train and keep it together with the mandarins in a large pot . I recommend you do not use aluminum pans and prefer a container high enough , it is preferable that cooking is about half full . Peel the apples, and lift up your core , cut into slices and pour in the cooking pot . .Put the pan over the heat , add the sugar and begin to mix . The cooking of jam occurs in two stages , at the beginning there will be the evaporation of water contained in the fruit ( the fire can be lively ), then there will be the actual cooking of the sugar and fruit ( the fire must be more low) . You have to be careful and do not forget to stir frequently and remove the foam that forms on the surface ( which is the cause of the brown color of the jam ) . When you see that the mandarins will begin to melt blend with an immersion blender , I have given only two shots not to blend everything. It is not possible to tell exactly the time required for cooking the jam, depends from the container , from the fruits more or less aqueous , from the fire .... I it took less than an hour . One way to figure out if it is at the correct point of cooking is to immerse a slotted spoon in the jam and raising it bent you have to see if the drops fall slowly. Or pour a little of the mixture on a plate and tilt it , if the jam does not go down or moving less is ready. Meanwhile you have already washed the pots , immersed in boiling water for a few seconds and dried (it is an important step ) . Put the hot jam into jars , do not fill them to the rim , close the screw cap , capovolgeteli and let cool . If you want to be safe , after having plugged the jars , you can sterilize them in boiling water for about twenty minutes , but I honestly I always skipped this step , placing the hot jam into the jar and inverting the product you sterilize it alone.

The lemon is a tree that reaches 3 to 6 feet tall. The buds and petals are white and violet. The fruit is yellow on the outside and inside almost colorless, spherical to oval, often with a protuberance at the apex and pointed at the other end. The peel can be from very rough to smooth, more or less lined inside with a mass of white spongy said albedo. Usually lemons are grown for the production of fruit, but the plant can be grown in pots for ornamental purposes. For cultivation in pots is recommended for specific land citrus and annual repotting before the winter shelter in the greenhouse.

sore eyes Prepare a soothing solution in this way : 1 drop of juice in 30 g of water and use the eyewash solution . And ' effective especially after exposure to dust, wind, smoke , pollution and intense light. fever This is an old recipe to combat fever. Put together , stirring well, 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice, teaspoon of cod liver oil and a little ' honey to correct the flavor. Assumetene 1 teaspoon at the first signs of fever. Heartburn ( especially related to abuse and occasional food ) squeeze half a lemon in 1 cup of hot water. Add teaspoon of salt and drink slowly . sob in some cases, sucking 1 slice of lemon can be immediately stop the hiccups . The sour taste and the action of sucking should normalize the diaphragm. constipation if you have problems irregularities , try lemon juice with water. Stimulates digestion and resolves moderate forms of constipation. Drinking water on an empty stomach facilitates intestinal peristalsis . Before breakfast, drink the juice of lemon in a cup of hot water. It also works as a detoxifier . Add a touch of honey. If you suffer from inflammation of gastroduodenal heard before a doctor.

Laryngitis and hoarseness excessive use of the voice and dusty environments can irritate the area of the larynx. Here's an effective mouthwash : Beat for two minutes the egg white of an egg , then add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 full of honey . Mix well and drink the whole thing in the morning and in the evening , gargarizzando for a while ' before swallowing. Continue until the result. Sore throat lemon is universally recognized as an excellent remedy for sore throat. Squeeze a big lemon and mix the juice with 1 teaspoon of honey integral . Sip this mixture every 2 hours , until the throat is better. Another way is to take a hot lemonade : Put the juice of 1 lemon in 1 glass of warm water and add teaspoon of honey. Drink this mixture every 4 hours. Insect bites Simply dab the area with pure lemon juice. It usually gets a quick relief from itching and pain and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory . Car sickness and sea Beat the egg white of 1 egg with the juice of 1 whole lemon and assume all shortly before departure or at the first symptoms . sunburn Italian torched ancient remedy for skin : Cut a lemon in half and rub it on the affected part . After a while, ' the redness disappears. Be careful, because in the beginning it burns like hell ... only for the more adventurous . atherosclerosis during the day, with meals or fasting , assume the lemon juice . It starts with half a lemon and then gradually you get to 6 lemons per day . At this point , you have to climb back with the same rhythm, until you return to half a lemon. The treatment should last a total of 10 days. Take breaks and then you can repeat it. And ' well known that one of the best treatments against aging of the arteries and cardiovascular risks is taking good doses of vitamin C , a factor that man is not capable of producing alone. In addition, the care with lemon reduces the accumulation of fat , it stimulates intestinal peristalsis, bile flow and renal function . migraines juice of half a lemon in a cup of strong coffee. Assumetene more cups per day .

60 minutes cooking Serves 8 00 flour, 120 gr Butter 250 gr Caster sugar 250 gr 4 eggs Powder 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 lemons (zest and juice) Cornstarch 120 g

To prepare the lemon cake , cut the butter into small pieces and let soften at room temperature , then transfer it to the bowl of a mixer and add half of the sugar in the recipe total expected ( 1).

Operate the instrument and stir until mixture is smooth and fluffy, then add the egg yolks , one at a time ( 2 )
(if you do not have a planet you can still use an electric mixer ) . When the yolks are fully blended , add the lemon zest ( 3). Now add the flour, cornstarch and baking powder sifted together, mix well (4) , and transfer the mixture into a large bowl (5).

Using again the planet , well cleaned, mounted the egg whites with the remaining sugar (6).
When the egg whites are almost assembled , add the lemon juice flush (7). Continue beating until you get a thick and fluffy (8). Add the egg whites gently into the mixture you have prepared previously (9) ,

stir from the bottom up , taking care not to remove the egg whites , mix well until all the ingredients.
Lemon Cake Transfer everything in a pan with a diameter of 22-24 cm , (10) lined with parchment paper and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 60 minutes ( 11). After the indicated time , the oven and let the cake cool on a wire rack lemon (12) : Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

INGREDIENTS 80 g Mullet 1 n Lemons to taste Extra Virgin Olive Oil Pepper to taste Salt to taste 3 n Celery Coste 400 g zucchini
PREPARATION gr. 400 of zucchini 2-3 stalks of celery white the juice and zest of one lemon gr. 80 of bottarga extra virgin 'olive oil salt pepper METOD Peel the Arrange the carpaccio of zucchini on a serving plate, place the center of the celery seasoned, dusted with lemon zest, finely chopped and then sprinkle with the roe into thin slices. Dress it up with a tour d 'oil zucchini and slice them to tape. Cut the celery into sticks, transfer it into a bowl of cold water and cool it in the freezer for 5 minutes. Drain the celery and season with a pinch of salt and lemon juice.

Ingredients for 4 people 1 kg of organic lemons (pulp, peel 1 or 2 grated or cut into match) 1 kg of brown sugar (equal weight of the pulp and rind grated or cut into match) 1 glass of mineral water 200ml preparation preparation My lemons weighing more than 1 kg, were already washed and dried. I grated a lemon (with rind to match, it was the most delicious Ligurian jam that I had tasted). I skinned alive in the 5 lemons, before removing the peel and pith (the white part) I cut them into slices and I removed the seeds. I weighed the pulp of the lemon zest over the net weighed 720 gr. Then I put them in a saucepan with 720 rg of sugar, equal weight dela pulp and lemon zest. I added 1 cup almost full of water, I let it cook for 40 minutes (but can also do 30 (. Jam is a little 'liquid but it will thicken as it cools completely. After I let it cool and I paid over jars sterilized and dried a few minutes before. airtight jars I used 2 1/2 l., and it has been a bit 'that I poured into a small tin. As a precaution, sterilized jelly jars. Put them in a pot, well-sealed and covered by 1 inch of water, put under the wipers because they do not break during the boil and boil for 10 minutes. Let them cool in the water, pull them out and dry them. Store in cool, dark place when you open them to consume the delicious jam (I've tasted it, that good!) Put them in the fridge after opening.

The Oregano is a plant native to western Asia and Europe. In Italy it is present in almost all regions , especially those in the south. Oregano can grow in altitudes ranging over 1300m above sea level and is thus called by the Greeks the splendor of the mountain, or beauty of the mountain , the union of two words Oros and Ganos . The word in Greek means Mount Oros , while Ganos means showy beauty . Known since ancient times, oregano has had good use in Roman cuisine , its use is continued in the following centuries , but mostly in the region of southern Italy such as Naples, Calabria and Sicily. Oregano was also used in medicine as a disinfectant during epidemics and then burned in large braziers . The success Oregano to northern Italy , coincides with the spread of pizza . HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE CONSERVATION The tops were dried in a ventilated area and in the shade , keeping them in glass jars or bags . SUGGESTIONS of the herbalist to facilitate digestion : Pour a teaspoon of oregano in a coffee cup of hot water. Cover and filter 10 ', sweeten with honey and drink immediately after meals. to eliminate dandruff : Boil for 10 minutes in a liter of hot water 30 g of oregano. Strain and use as a last rinse water after washing the hair. DIFFICULT FOR THE MENSTRUAL : pour a tablespoon of oregano in a tea cup of hot water. Cover and filter after 5 minutes. Sweeten with honey and drink 2 cups . A REMEDY AGAINST TOOTHACHE : soak for 5 days, in 50 g of alcohol at 60 , 15 g of oregano. Strain and squeeze . Apply few drops . to stimulate the appetite : pour 50 g of oregano in a liter of dry white wine. Let soak for 8 days. Strain and drink a glass before meals . AGAINST THE COLD : pour three tablespoons of oregano in a pint of hot water and boil for a long time , breathing the vapors.

Rustic cheese Ingredients for 6 people 2 mozzarella , one of whom smoked - 500 g short crust pastry - 100 g cooked ham - 100 g salami rustic - 3 eggs - oregano - milk - a knob of butter - salt - pepper. Prepare a pastry crust , following the classic recipe , and pull it out with a rolling pin into a sheet , by lining with half a greased baking sheet and making up the pasta on the walls . Distributed within a few slices of ham, then the mozzarella mixed chopped and diced salami , then pour a sauce made working two eggs with salt, pepper and three tablespoons of milk. Sprinkle with a pinch of oregano and cover with the other pastry crust , which is also pulled into a thin sheet . Practice of the pinholes on the surface, so as to avoid that during baking the cake is swollen and break ; brush with a beaten egg and bake at 200 for about forty minutes. Remove from the oven , then serve .

Ingredients for 6 people 400 g flour - yeast - 2 eggplants - tomato sauce - 1 mozzarella - green olives - oregano - oil - flour - salt - pepper. We propose , in these pages , yet very original pizza, which curiously is seasoned with eggplant as well , as usual, with mozzarella, cherry tomatoes and oregano and green olives . Place the flour on a pastry board and add the yeast dissolved in a little 'warm water and a teaspoon of salt, mix well doing and then letting it rise a couple of hours . Washed, checked and slice the eggplant and arrange the slices in a colander , sprinkling of salt in order to eliminate completely the vegetation water , then flour and fry in a pan with plenty of oil . After rising time , work a little dough and roll it into a greased baking tray , sprinkle with the tomato sauce , eggplant , mozzarella and sliced p itted olives . Sprinkle the schiacciatella with a handful of oregano and freshly ground pepper and bake for about 25 minutes (200 ). Then served piping hot on the table yet .

Ingredients for 4 people 400 g fusilli - 100 g pitted olives - 20g capers - 4 anchovy fillets - 500 g tomatoes - 1/2 cup olive oil - garlic - basil - oregano - salt - pepper. The fusilli , type of pasta widespread in the South, require a careful cooking because they are too drained al dente or cooked too , inevitably lose all their palatability. In a sauce pan to fry in half a cup of olive oil, anchovy fillets with two cloves of garlic. After carefully crushed anchovies with a fork , add the tomato paste , then cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then add the pitted olives , capers in salt , made previously softened in warm water , and about a tablespoon of chopped basil , leaving the whole season for a few minutes . The fusilli , which will be put to cook in about half of the sauce cooking , they will go very well drained and served in a bowl. Finally, sprinkle with oregano and serve immediately on the table.

Ingredients for 4 people 150 grams of rice - 1 bell pepper - 1 zucchini - 1 cup black olives - 1 salted anchovy - 1 onion - garlic - 100 g of bacon - tomato sauce - 1 liter of broth - Parmesan cheese - a handful of mint leaves - basil oregano - oil - pepper. Anacapri is one of the two main centers of the island of Capri, fertile land of aromas and flavors exquisitely Mediterranean . Here is a simple soup taste very unusual , made with unusual ingredients for this type of dishes : black olives , anchovies , oregano, peppers. Prepare it when you want to vary the menu and so surprise your guests. Dice the fattest part of the bacon and saut in a pan with hot oil and a mixture composed of a clove of garlic, an onion and anchovy well washed and boned . Then add the chopped zucchini and bell pepper into strips and , shortly after , pitted olives and rice, letting it toast evenly . Flavored with finely chopped mint leaves , add a cup of tomato sauce, stir well and pour a little ' hot broth , adding it all a few minutes later . Mix with the chopped basil and a pinch of oregano and serve hot , sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese .

Ingredients for 6 people Bucatini 500 g - 250 g of language - 200 g smoked cheese - 300 g tomatoes - 60 g green olives - 2 tablespoons of olive oil - 60 g butter - basil - oregano - salt - pepper. If you prefer tomato sauce flavored with basil sauce , but on this basis would still like to change my taste , here's another way to cook the pasta toss with the sauce , stirring language and diced cheese , smoked cheese or provolone sweet as favorite , and bake . In a saucepan heat oil and add the olives , pitted and cut into small pieces , the pulp of tomatoes, a pinch of salt , freshly ground black pepper and abundant basil leaves washed and dried , mix well and let cook slowly for twenty minutes about . Boil the pasta in plenty of salted boiling water , drain it al dente , toss with the sauce and arrange in a baking dish, then sprinkling them with the language and the previously .


The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennial Solanum tuberosum of the Nightshade family. The word may refer to the plant itself as well as the edible tuber. In the region of the Andes, there are some other closely related cultivated potato species. Potatoes were introduced outside the Andes region four centuries ago, and have become an integral part of much of the world's food supply. It is the world's fourth-largest food crop, following rice, wheat and maize. Long-term storage of potatoes requires specialised care in cold warehouses. Wild potato species occur throughout the Americas, from the United States to southern Chile. The potato was originally believed to have been domesticated independently in multiple locations, but later genetic testing of the wide variety of cultivars and wild species proved a single origin for potatoes in the area of present-day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia (from a species in the Solanum brevicaule complex), where they were domesticated 7,000 10,000 years ago. Following centuries of selective breeding, there are now over a thousand different types of potatoes. Of these subspecies, a variety that at one point grew in the Chilo Archipelago (the potato's southcentral Chilean sub-center of origin) left its germplasm on over 99% of the cultivated potatoes worldwide. The annual diet of an average global citizen in the first decade of the 21st century included about 33 kg (73 lb) of potato. However, the local importance of potato is extremely variable and rapidly changing. It remains an essential crop in Europe (especially eastern and central Europe), where per capita production is still the highest in the world, but the most rapid expansion over the past few decades has occurred in southern and eastern Asia. China is now the world's largest potato -producing country, and nearly a third of the world's potatoes are harvested in China and India.

The English word potato comes from Spanish patata (the name used in Spain). The Spanish Royal Academy says the Spanish word is a compound of the Taino batata (sweet potato) and the Quechua papa (potato). The name potato originally referred to a type of sweet potato rather than the other way around, although there is actually no close relationship between the two plants. The English confused the two plants one for the other. In many of the chronicles detailing agriculture and plants, no distinction is made between the two. The 16thcentury English herbalist John Gerard used the terms "bastard potatoes" and "Virginia potatoes" for this species, and referred to sweet potatoes as "common potatoes". Potatoes are occasionally referred to as "Irish potatoes" or "white potatoes" in the United States, to distinguish them from sweet potatoes. The name spud for a small potato comes from the digging of soil (or a hole) prior to the planting of potatoes. The word has an unknown origin and was originally (c. 1440) used as a term for a short knife or dagger, probably related to Dutch spyd and/or the Latin "spad-" root meaning "sword"; cf. Spanish "espada", English "spade" and "spadroon". The word spud traces back to the 16th century. It subsequently transferred over to a variety of digging tools. Around 1845 it transferred over to the tuber itself. The origin of "spud" has erroneously been attributed to a 19th-century activist group dedicated to keeping the potato out of Britain, calling itself The Society for the Prevention of an Unwholesome Diet.It was Mario Pei's 1949 The Story of Language that can be blamed for the false origin. Pei writes, "the potato, for its part, was in disrepute some centuries ago. Some Englishmen who did not fancy potatoes formed a Society for the Prevention of Unwholesome Diet. The initials of the main words in this title gave rise to spud." Like most other pre-20th century acronymic origins, this one is false.

Potato plants are herbaceous perennials that grow about 60 cm (24 in)

high, depending on variety, the culms dying back after flowering. They bear white, pink, red, blue, or purple flowers with yellow stamens. In general, the tubers of varieties with white flowers have white skins, while those of varieties with colored flowers tend to have pinkish skins. Potatoes are cross-pollinated mostly by insects, including bumblebees, which carry pollen from other potato plants, but a substantial amount of self-fertilizing occurs as well. Tubers form in response to decreasing day length, although this tendency has been minimized in commercial varieties. After potato plants flower, some varieties produce small green fruits that resemble green cherry tomatoes, each containing up to 300 true seeds. Potato fruit contains large amounts of the toxic alkaloid solanine and is therefore unsuitable for consumption. All new potato varieties are grown from seeds, also called "true seed" or "botanical seed" to distinguish it from seed tubers. By finely chopping the fruit and soaking it in water, the seeds separate from the flesh by sinking to the bottom after about a day (the remnants of the fruit float). Any potato variety can also be propagated vegetatively by planting tubers, pieces of tubers, cut to include at least one or two eyes, or also by cuttings, a practice used in greenhouses for the production of healthy seed tubers. Some commercial potato varieties do not produce seeds at all (they bear imperfect flowers) and are propagated only from tuber pieces. Confusingly, these tubers or tuber pieces are called "seed potatoes," because the potato itself functions as "seed".

There are about 5,000 potato varieties worldwide. Three thousand of them are found in the Andes alone, mainly in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, and Colombia. They belong to eight or nine species, depending on the taxonomic school. Apart from the 5,000 cultivated varieties, there are about 200 wild species and subspecies, many of which can be cross-bred with cultivated varieties, which has been done repeatedly to transfer resistances to certain pests and diseases from the gene pool of wild species to the gene pool of cultivated potato species. Genetically modified varieties have met public resistance in the United States and in the European Union.[17][18] The major species grown worldwide is Solanum tuberosum (a tetraploid with 48 chromosomes), and modern varieties of this species are the most widely cultivated. There are also four diploid species (with 24 chromosomes): S. stenotomum, S. phureja, S. goniocalyx, and S. ajanhuiri. There are two triploid species (with 36 chromosomes): S. chaucha and S. juzepczukii. There is one pentaploid cultivated species (with 60 chromosomes): S. curtilobum. There are two major subspecies of Solanum tuberosum: andigena, or Andean; and tuberosum, or Chilean. The Andean potato is adapted to the short-day conditions prevalent in the mountainous equatorial and tropical regions where it originated. The Chilean potato, native to the Chilo Archipelago, is adapted to the longday conditions prevalent in the higher latitude region of southern Chile. The International Potato Center, based in Lima, Peru, holds an ISO-accredited collection of potato germplasm. The international Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium announced in 2009 that they had achieved a draft sequence of the potato genome. The potato genome contains 12 chromosomes and 860 million base pairs making it a medium-sized plant genome. More than 99 percent of all current varieties of potatoes currently grown are direct descendants of a subspecies that once grew in the lowlands of south-central Chile. Nonetheless, genetic testing of the wide variety of cultivars and wild species affirms that all potato subspecies derive from a single origin in the area of presentday southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia (from a species in the Solanum brevicaule complex). Most modern potatoes grown in North America arrived through European settlement and not independently from the South American sources. However, at least one wild potato species, Solanum fendleri, is found as far north as Texas and used in breeding for resistance to a nematode species that attacks cultivated potatoes. A secondary center of genetic variability of the potato is Mexico, where important wild species that have been used extensively in modern breeding are found, such as the hexaploid Solanum demissum, as a source of resistance to the devastating late blight disease.[25] Another relative native to this region, Solanum bulbocastanum, has been used to genetically engineer the potato to resist potato blight. Potatoes yield abundantly with little effort, and adapt readily to diverse climates as long as the climate is cool and moist enough for the plants to gather sufficient water from the soil to form the starchy tubers. Potatoes do not keep very well in storage and are vulnerable to molds that feed on the stored tubers, quickly turning them rotten. By contrast, grain can be stored for several years without much risk of rotting.

The potato was first domesticated in the region of modern-day southern

Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia between 8000 and 5000 BCE. It has since spread around the world and become a staple crop in many countries. According to conservative estimates, the introduction of the potato was responsible for a quarter of the growth in Old World population and urbanization between 1700 and 1900. Following the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire, the Spanish introduced the potato to Europe in the second half of the 16th century. The staple was subsequently conveyed by European mariners to territories and ports throughout the world. The potato was slow to be adopted by distrustful European farmers, but soon enough it became an important food staple and field crop that played a major role in the European 19th century population boom. However, lack of genetic diversity, due to the very limited number of varieties initially introduced, left the crop vulnerable to disease. In 1845, a plant disease known as late blight, caused by the fungus-like oomycete Phytophthora infestans, spread rapidly through the poorer communities of western Ireland, resulting in the crop failures that led to the Great Irish Famine. Thousands of varieties still persist in the Andes however, where over 100 cultivars might be found in a single valley, and a dozen or more might be maintained by a single agricultural household.

Boiled potatoes with bay leaves

Ingredients (2 servings): 2 potatoes, 2 bay leaves, salt to taste. Preparation: Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices not too thin for long. Cover them with water and add a bit 'of salt. Leads to boil the water and calculates at least 12/15 minutes. Touch them with the tip of the fork and if they are soft means that are ready. Scolale and season to taste with a little oil or butter.


- Potatoes - Extra virgin olive oil - salt

Peel the potatoes and cut into slices. The slices should

not be too fine. Wash and season with salt. Meanwhile, in a skillet to heat up 1 finger of oil and when it is a little warm (not hot as for frying) set the potatoes. Turn during cooking. Do not worry if the potatoes will stick to each other ... mpacchiuse are called for that ....
When the potatoes are golden, as in the figure, the

potatoes' mpacchiuse strascinate ara frissura are ready.

Ratatouille is a side dish fragrant, colorful and

tasty that brings with it all the taste of summer. Recipes for peppers there are so many: only peppers, peppers and potatoes, with tomato sauce or sweet and sour. I followed the recipe Sicilian peppers, potatoes and sweet and sour sauce? exquisite! This peppers with potatoes in sweet and sour sauce should be served very cold and you can keep it in the fridge for a couple of days.


Rosemary: Properties and benefits;

Rosemary: and you is a plant rich in essential oils (limonene, pinene, conforene), flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, resins, camphor and also contains rosmarinic acid from antioxidant properties. Many studies have shown that the active ingredients of Rosemary have the ability to inhibit superoxide anion, a free radical very reactive and toxic, head of cellular oxidation. In herbal medicine can be used as an infusion or decoction and is used as a liver and as a purifying tonic and digestive tract. For this reason is placed in the composition of detoxifying teas along with Dandelion and burdock. It is effective in cases of bloating and intestinal disorders generally, in the case of pelvic cramps, dizziness, loss of appetite. In aromatherapy, thanks to the presence of essential oil that gives the plant a powerful antibacterial and antiseptic is used as balmy plant useful in case of cough, cold and fever. Always his scent energizing action on the organism and psyche, useful in case of burnout, fatigue and depression. The infusion, together with the bath water has an excellent stimulant effect and some would also have an aphrodisiac if mixed with mint and Sage. Rosemary also has astringent properties due to tannin, which is indicated in case of diarrhea, bleeding and when the menstrual flow is too abundant. For outdoor use, the rinses are effective against toothache and clutches for rheumatic pains and headaches. The poultices of chopped leaves and heated in a vegetable oil are good for bruises and sprains. Used to rinse your hair, stimulates the hair follicles to regrow and prevents premature baldness and alopecia.

Among the many medicinal plants with cosmetic properties, Rosemary is the most recommended for strengthening hair and facilitate the growth, in fact it contains essential oil stimulates the follicle and hair growth and fight the fall. The constant use of Rosemary also has the advantage of making the darker hair and hide white hair. It's easy to prepare Rosemary lotion to be applied after shampooing.

Water to fill a pan 3 handfuls of Rosemary fresh or dried

Put to boil a saucepan with water and Rosemary. Bring to the boil and, after turning off the heat, cover and let rest for 15 minutes. When the tea has cooled to the right spot, filtered to remove the needles. You use the liquid pouring on hair and running a gentle massage to help absorption of beneficial substances. Don t rinse.

There are many legends arisen around the Rosemary plant: one of them

says that our Lady, on the flight into Egypt, dropped her blue cloak over a Rosemary plant. Since that time the flowers, from white, became blue. Rosemary is rich with therapeutic properties: helps digestion and stimulates appetite. Is not recommended for those suffering from epilepsy. In fact, as with most herbs, common usage in the kitchen should not be harmful: generally for contraindications you talk about essential oil or concentrated products.

Rosemary: use in the kitchen; This aromatic plant is an herb irreplaceable in the kitchen, especially in the Mediterranean diet. Everpresent on meat, fish and in the preparation of sauces, spice is used in grilling and Marinades: used with lamb, beef, rabbit, duck and goose. The flower is used to flavor salads, the fresh or dried leaves, are added to many dishes such as roasts, gravies, potato dishes and rustic cakes. The sprigs of rosemary, moreover, are used together with the garlic to flavor olive oil and vinegar with excellent results, and its use not only makes food tastier, but also more digestible.



half a cube of fresh yeast, 400 g flour, 1 sprig of Rosemary, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon up to extra virgin olive oil.

Preparation: Crumble the yeast in a large bowl and dilute it with 1 deciliter of warm water. Combine 100 g flour, mix everything together and cover the bowl with a cloth. Let the dough rest for half an hour. Then add the finely chopped Rosemary, 1.5 dl of water, salt and oil, a little at a time, even the flour. Mix with a fork at first then with his hands, adding the flour that you need to get an elastic dough (it is not necessary to use all those listed). Working for a few minutes, place in Bowl and cover with a lid. Leave to rise for two hours, then divide the mixture into two long sausages. Weave and make Donuts. Place the cake on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, and cover him/her with a towel. Put in cold oven for an hour, then turn it on to 220? and let swell and Brown the doughnut. When is amber, lowers the temperature to 160? and continue cooking for another 30 minutes. Let the bread cool down on a grid.



250 g of Vermouth 300 g sugar 5 leaves of grass cedrine 5 lemon leaves

5 bay leaves
1-2 cinnamon sticks 6 cloves 6 leaves of Rosemary, Chamomile flowers-hibiscus flower tea

Preparation: In a bowl mix the alcohol with the vermouth, then add the lemon verbena leaves, lemon, Rosemary, Bay leaves, which will first wash and dry. Add a tablespoon of kakad, a pinch of Chamomile flowers and tea, and mix thoroughly. Complete with cloves and Chamomile, then let it macerate for 15 days. Pour into a bottle of sugar, and add the fluid infusion through a special filter, capped and aging the cool for 5 months, shaking during the first month, the bottle, preferably every day. The filtered liqueur, transfer it into another bottle, close it and let it sit for another 3 months in the pantry in a dry place, away from drafts. This herbal liqueur can be enjoyed as an excellent digestive.

Sambucus (elder or elderberry) is a genus of flowering

plants in the family Adoxaceae. It was formerly placed in the honeysuckle family, Caprifoliaceae, but was reclassified due to genetic evidence. It contains between 5 and 30 species of deciduous shrubs, small trees and herbaceous perennial plants. The genus occurs in temperate to subtropical regions of the world. More widespread in the Northern Hemisphere, its Southern Hemisphere occurrence is restricted to parts of Australasia and South America. Many species are widely cultivated for their ornamental leaves, flowers and fruit. The leaves are pinnate with 59 leaflets (rarely 3 or 11). Each leaf is 530 cm (2.012 in) long, and the leaflets have serrated margins. They bear large clusters of small white or creamcolored flowers in late spring; these are followed by clusters of small black, blue-black, or red berries (rarely yellow or white).

The flowers of Sambucus nigra are used to produce elderflower cordial. The French, Austrians and Central Europeans produce elderflower syrup, commonly made from an extract of elderflower blossoms, which is added to Palatschinken filling instead of blueberries. People throughout much of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe use a similar method to make a syrup which is diluted with water and used as a drink. Based on this syrup, Fanta markets a soft drink variety called "Shokata" which is sold in 15 countries worldwide. In the United States, this French elderflower syrup is used to make elderflower marshmallows. St. Germain, a French liqueur, is made from elderflowers. Hallands Flder, a Swedish akvavit, is flavoured with elderflowers. The Italian liqueur Sambuca is flavoured with oil obtained from the elderflower. In Germany, yoghurt desserts are made with both the berries and the flowers. Wines, cordials and marmalade have been produced from the berries or flowers. Fruit pies and relishes are produced with berries. In Italy (especially in Piedmont), Germany and Austria, the umbels of the elderberry are batter coated, fried and then served as a dessert or a sweet lunch with a sugar and cinnamon topping, known as "Hollerkchel". Hollowed elderberry twigs have traditionally been used as spiles to tap maple trees for syrup. In Romania, a slightly fermented soft beverage (called "socat" or "suc de soc") is traditionally produced by letting the flowers macerate, with water, yeast and lemon for 23 days. A similar drink is produced in the UK, but in this case the last stage of fermentation is allowed to proceed in a closed pressure proof bottle to give a fizzy drink called elderflower champagne.

Ornamental varieties of Sambucus are grown in gardens for their showy flowers, fruits and lacy foliage. Native species of elderberry are often planted by people wishing to support native butterfly and bird species.

Black elderberry has been used medicinally for hundreds of years. Some preliminary studies demonstrate that elderberry may have a measurable effect in treating the flu, alleviating allergies, and boosting overall respiratory health. Elder is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, dissolved in wine, for rheumatism and traumatic injury.



The ripe, cooked berries (pulp and skin) of most species of Sambucus are edible.
However, most uncooked berries and other parts of plants from this genus are poisonous. Sambucus nigra is the only variety considered to be non-toxic, but it is still recommended that its berries be cooked slightly for culinary purposes. The leaves, twigs, branches, seeds and roots of Sambucusplants can contain a cyanideinducing glycoside (a glycoside which gives rise to cyanide as the metabolism processes it). Ingesting a sufficient quantity of cyanide-inducing glycosides can cause a toxic build up of cyanide in the body. In 1984, a group of twenty-five people were sickened, apparently by elderberry juice pressed from fresh, uncooked Sambucus mexicana berries, leaves and stems. However, all twentyfive recovered quickly, including one individual who was hospitalized after drinking five glasses. Such reported incidents are rare.

The berries are a very valuable food resource for many birds. In Northern California elderberries are a favorite food for migrating Band-tailed Pigeons. Flocks can strip an entire bush in less than an hour. Elders are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Brown-tail, Buff Ermine, Dot Moth, Emperor Moth, the Engrailed, Swallow-tailed Moth and the Vpug. The crushed foliage and immature fruit have a strong fetid smell. Valley elderberry longhorn beetle in California are very often found around red or blue elderberry bushes. Females lay their eggs on the bark. Larvae hatch and burrow into the stems.

Dead elder wood is the preferred habitat of the mushroom Auricularia auriculajudae, also known as "Jew's ear fungus".
The pith of elder has been used by watchmakers for cleaning tools before intricate work

The broom is a deciduous shrub up to 2 m tall but thick and branched from the bottom, with twigs slender, flexible and greenish, crossed by minute protruding ribs and the leaves are quite small and simple or ternate; papilionaceous flowers, of yellow color, very showy but odorless, bloom between May and July. In twigs , leaves , flowers and especially in seeds of different species of shrubs in the family Papilionaceae , known as gorse and recognizable for its showy yellow flowers ( spartium Junceum , Genista tinctoria , Ulex europaeus and the like) , and the present cytisine , a alkaloid very poisonous and highly toxic , so these plants , although they had medicinal properties , should be used with caution and preferably check with your doctor. The same also applies to the Cytisus laburnum , known as avorniello and as laburnum and other similar species in the wild in our woods and uncultivated land and in this sense the Cytisus scoparius (left Sarot hamnus scoparius ) is an exception to the rule, or better contain cytisine only in small doses , at least in budding flowers and tender twigs ; such content is higher in dried flowers , seeds and branches mature . The Cytisus scoparius is widespread in sub-mountain and hilly regions , but only on acidic soils . The broom is known and appreciated as a medicinal plant since ancient times , has purifying and diuretic , but mainly contains active ingredients antihaemorrhagic vasoconstricting and cardiotonic . Pick up time: The flowers are harvested when they are going to bloom .

HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE CONSERVATION: The flowers are dried in air and stored in paper bags . FOR Nephritis : in one liter of hot water pour 4 tablespoons of flowers and boil for 5 minutes. Strain and drink 3 cups a day. AGAINST RHEUMATISMS : pour in a quart of hot water and a tablespoon of flowers cover . Strain and drink one cup in the morning on an empty stomach and once in the evening before bedtime. GOTTA FIGHT FOR : in a pint of hot water pour 2 tablespoons of flowers and simmer for 5 minutes. Strain and drink a glass half an hour before meals. AGAINST AN ABSCESS : bake in 100 g of milk 2 tablespoons of flowers for 5 minutes. Spread on a gauze and apply sull'ascesso removing it after 30 minutes. A CURE diuretic : pour in half a liter of warm water 3 tablespoons of flowers and cover . Filter after 10 minutes and drink in sips. FOR THE LIVER DETOX : put 1 teaspoon of flowers in a coffee cup of hot water and cover . Filter after 10 minutes and drink after meals.

What do I need for the recipe: amounts for 4 people: 30 G Flowers broom, 100 cl water How to prepare the recipe Infusion Of broom Allow 30 g of flowers of broom in 100 cl of boiling water for 10 minutes.

The bay or laurel (Laurus nobilis ) is an evergreen tree or shrub with oval leaves and shiny , which are responsible for the main health benefits of this plant. The Laurel is a hardy species characteristic of the Mediterranean areas , but also adapts to cooler climates . In Italy, the bay can be grown in almost any garden or backyard. It grows spontaneously in the woods and especially in the hilly areas. The properties of the laurel are due to its rich content of essential oils , which are present in berries and leaves . When collecting the bay leaves ? The bay leaves may be collected and used throughout the year, but they are especially rich in principles and benefits of aromatic essences during the winter and early spring. The most common uses laurel relate to the preparation of regional dishes and spirits.

Its beneficial effects towards the treatment of disease has been known since the times of the Greeks and Romans. Among the components present in the bay leaves are eugenol and limonene , which are accompanied by other active volatile substances considered beneficial due to their antiseptic properties , antioxidants , digestive and anticancer . The fresh leaves of laurel are an important source of vitamin C. Vitamin C , or ascorbic acid , is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants .In addition, the bay leaves , when they are fresh , they are a good source of folic acid , which is important for the synthesis of DNA and during pregnancy prevents the appearance of defects in the baby at birth ; also contain vitamin A, essential for maintaining the health of your eyesight, skin and mucous membranes, is also able to protect us from lung cancer.Not to be underestimated is the mineral content of the leaves of laurel. Inside of them are in fact potassium, copper, calcium , manganese , iron, selenium , zinc and magnesium . Potassium is important to keep under control your blood pressure and heart rate . Iron is necessary for the production of red blood cells .In herbal medicine and natural medicine are recognized laurel astringent, diuretic and appetite stimulants . The infusion of bay leaves is used to relieve stomach aches or caused by colic. Lauric acid content in the leaves of laurel possesses natural repellent against insects and parasites. The components present in bay leaves are used for the production of medicines for the treatment of arthritis , muscle aches, bronchitis and flu symptoms .

The infusion of bay leaves promotes digestion and helps to expel gas from the apparatus gastro-intestinal tract. The medicated wine made from the leaves of laurel is a natural tonic for the digestive system. In the case of joint pain, rheumatism and arthrosis you can use the oily macerate made of laurel leaves to the soothing massages or body wraps, as indicated encyclopedia "The health without medicine - Health With Herbs" (Librex, 1992). It is a useful remedy even in case of attacks of sciatica. The Laurel is useful in eliminating bronchial catarrh and is beneficial in states of exhaustion of nervous origin. Finally, the use of extracts of bay leaves proved to be beneficial in the treatment of common headache and migraine, while in the Middle Ages bay leaves were considered a natural remedy suitable to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Ingredients: 10 bay leaves; water as needed; Preparation: Put water in a saucepan on the stove on; Add the bay leaves. Alternatively, you can use the berries, but the leaves are more frequent and widespread use; Cook for five minutes after the water has started to boil; If you prefer, add the orange peel, tangerine or lemon as adjusting to the taste, and continue to cook for another minute; The decoction can be sweetened, though perhaps it is better not to. It depends on the sense of pleasantness that is assigned individually by the individual;

INGREDIENTS: 1 lt. 90 degrees of alcohol 700 ml. of water 350 gr. sugar 30 fresh bay leaves
PREPARATION: Put the bay leaves infused in alcohol for a week keeping the jar in which you put the ingredients in the dark. After this period of time you can start the preparation of liquor by boiling in a pot 700 ml. of water with 350 gr. of sugar. When the liquid has cooled down you can combine alcohol filtered through a sieve fitto.Il filtering is a very important and will be carried out at least twice a distance of one to the other 15 days. Savour your liquor after a month of rest from filtering

INGREDIENTS: 1 potato 1 onion laughter 10 leaves of laurel vegetable broth oil-pepper PREPARAZIOPNE: Fry the onion, add the potato in small dice, let it dry and then aggiugete rice. Add the broth a little at a time and put the bay leaf. Cook turning it often.

INGREDIENTS FOR 20 PEOPLE: 700 g shelled walnuts 500 g of honey 200 g of sugar 2 of clear egg 20-25 fresh bay leaves 1 pinch of pepper PREPARATION: First wash well and dry bay leaves gently one by one. Peel and coarsely chop the walnuts .. In a saucepan, put to heat the honey over low heat, add the egg whites, a pinch of ground pepper and sugar. Mix well. Check to see if the honey is at the right point of cooking. At this point, combine the walnuts, mix well for mixing with a wooden spoon. Pour the mixture on a plate of marble wet and with a rolling pin roll out the dough too wet. Before it has fully consolidated, with a wet knife blade is cut into rectangles that are each resting on a leaf of laurel. Place the cookies on the trays and just serve cold.

Botanical Name: Aloe vera L. (syn. Aloe barbadensis Mill. Lamk Aloe vulgaris.) Family: Liliaceae (Aloeacee) Parts Used: transparent mucilaginous gel contained within the leaves

We know each about 350 species of Aloe, and of these, 125 are located in South Africa, among all, the one most commonly used in herbal medicine is Aloe vera. The etymology of the name Aloe comes from the greek and means sea salt ... then: in fact they are the plants that have as their ideal habitat for sea areas, it is likely that the name of the plant might be derived from the Arabic word which means bitter, alluding to the juice the plant is actually quite bitter.

Aloe Vera has been known for centuries for its medicinal properties and is curious that modern research has confirmed the validity of what was already more than a thousand years ago. The references of ethnobotanical sull'Aloe vera are very numerous and we can retrace the most significant in the history of this plant. The Assyrians Aloe juice as an antidote to the ingestion of spoiled food and reduce bloating . Aloe was the plant of immortality for the Egyptians : it was placed at the entrance of the pyramids for the Pharaohs indicate the path to the dead land of the dead . In the " Ebers Papyrus " is a very detailed botanical description of Aloe vera and a long list of its healing properties. The juice of Aloe was a main ingredient in the secret used for mummification of Egyptian kings and it seems that Cleopatra , famous for its baths in milk, ordered to add in massage creams also aloe or chop it finely in order to obtain eye drops to brighten the color of his eyes. Some potions propitiatory Egyptian mythology called for the juice of Aloe and even today in Egypt this succulent plant is put in front of the door to ensure happiness and protection.

Aloe has been historically classified in the family Liliaceae. Dr. Tom Reynolds, a London-based researcher , proposed a new classification by introducing the specification of the family Aloeacee . Looking at the trunk of the plant Aloe we can distinguish three groups botanists : -Aloe acauleas : ie those plants that do not have trunk or who have a very short trunk as Aloe barbadensis , Aloe saponaria and Aloe aristata . -Aloe subcauleas : namely, those plants showing a trunk visible but of smaller dimensions ( up to a few tens of centimeters ) as the Aloe succotrina and Aloe chinensis . -Aloe cauleas : ie those plants that have an extended trunk and branched ( up to several meters) such as Aloe ferox and Aloe arborescens . Aloe vera is a perennial herbaceous plant , up to a meter high , the leaves are arranged in a clump like the petals of a rose and are long lanceolate, with acute apex , they have a very thick cuticle and spines only along the sides , are fleshy , pale green that can fade to gray green . Cutting the leaves , there is a healing of the cut almost immediately , because the plant releases a protective exudate that prevents leakage of lymph. In the center of this rose leaves, to be rigid and woody stems , flowers sprout in the summer of Aloe shaped cluster in shades of red, yellow and orange with shades on. These sell tea with aloe flowers because they are very aromatic . It 'a plant of African origin (hence the popular name Lily of the Desert ), which prefers hot, dry climates ; adapts to any type of soil but should never be too moist . There are plantations of Aloe in every continent, in Europe the largest producer is Spain, while in Italy this type of cultivation is still in its infancy . Aloe vera can also survive in the apartment, if bright, and even be kept in the bedroom because it is able to release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide plant is very suitable for ornamental compositions .

Complex sugars that mucopolysaccharides in particular glucomannan , mannan and acetylated mannan (ie related to residues of acetic acid ) as acemannan : are mainly in the gelatinous mass and transparent ( parenchyma ) contained within the leaf of Aloe vera and play a ' immunomodulatory , antiinflammatory and healing properties . Anthraquinones such as aloin A, aloin B in particular ( barbaloin ) are mainly found in the outer membrane , green and leathery ( cuticle ) of the leaf and have detoxifying activity , strongly laxative . The barbaloin stands out for its very bitter taste and smell strongly acrid . Vitamins (vitamin A, C , E, those of group B , folic acid ) , minerals ( iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium , potassium, sodium , manganese, selenium , phosphorus, germanium ) , simple sugars or monosaccharides ( mannose , glucose) , essential and non-essential amino acids , fatty acids , plant sterols, plant hormones , phospholipids ( choline, inositol ) , enzymes , saponins, lecithins , lignin. Modern research has shown that the beneficial activity of Aloe vera is a result of the synergistic action of all components of the entire leaf. It is generally free from the outer through the inner pulp skinning and skinning manual , although more expensive, allows you to have a better product. Other factors may intervene to improve the effectiveness of Aloe juice , for example, the balsamic time ( spring-summer) , age of the plant ( from the third / fourth year of life) , quality of the leaves ( those yellowed and spotted are less rich in active ) , sun exposure (the plant is enhanced by aloin ) would be also appropriate to suspend irrigation a few days before harvest , which must be precise and manual , do not use chemical pesticides and respect the correct methods of extraction of the thread gelatinous (not later than three hours after harvesting to prevent oxidation of the components) , grinding , liquefaction , stabilization and transport ( strict temperature control and protection from sunlight mandatory ) . The Aloe juice can be used in industry for the manufacture of products for internal use ( food supplements) or external ( cosmetics).

Ingredients: a whole leaf of aloe vera plant

Tools: blender, medium-small knife, tablespoon, 1 liter jar sealed with a stopper,
Uses: minor burns, small wounds caused by abrasions or cuts, sunburn, inflammation of the gums (I recommend not to swallow it), annoying insect bites, dry skin, irritation of the scalp (use as a shampoo) reparation: Wash the leaves, remove the peel with a knife or a potato peeler. After removing the peel extract the gel with a spoon. Rinse the gel with tap water and then pour into blender container and blend together until creamy. Pour the cream into sterilized jar, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. The cream is ready to be used!

INGREDIENTS: 1l of milk, 85 g of glucose syrup, 125 grams of sugar, 150 ml cream, 150 grams of aloe vera juice

PREPARATION: Boil the milk with the cream, glucose syrup and sugar, remove from heat, add the aloe vera juice and let it cool, pour into ice cream and put into operation

Ingredients: 100 ml of aloe vera gel, 300 g cucumber salad, 300 grams of red pepper

Preparation: Centrifuge all foods together. It 'a good energizing, thanks to its high content of vitamin C.

Ingredients: 50 ml of aloe vera gel, 300 g pineapple Preparation: Take the pineapple with the skin and the central part and centrifuge. After pressing add the aloe gel. It 'a great cocktail for digestion

ingredients: 50 ml of Aloe Vera Gel 200 g red cabbage half an apple a bit 'of cinnamon Instructions: Put the red cabbage and apple with the peel and core into a juice extractor and juice. Mix the juice with Aloe Vera gel, with a pinch 'of cinnamon. This drink is particularly suitable for people who have problems with night vision. Aloe Vera clears the eye. The coloring in red cabbage makes the eye more sensitive. This elixir also acts as a tonic for the blood, helps in reducing cholesterol and drains the body. It strengthens the bones and kidneys. In short, a drink to harmonize body and soul.

ingredients: 100 ml of Aloe Vera, 2 grapefruits, 1 lemon, 20 g of fresh ginger. Instructions: A centrifuged has the advantage, compared to a juice obtained with squeezer to extract even the beneficial substances in the skin. In citrus fruits, in particular, contain substances that prevent and protect against cancer. Put the ingredients in a juicer and extract the juice. If you do not have a juicer, squeeze citrus fruits, then grate the ginger and add it together with Aloe Vera Gel. This cocktail is ideal clean up the circulatory system. If the spicy flavor is too strong you can dilute it with a glass of mineral water.

ingredients: 50 ml of Aloe Vera, 2-3 figs, gaseous Instructions: Put all ingredients in an electric blender, except the mineral water that add little by little until the mixture is creamy and smooth. This compound is great for cleaning the bowel. It has a mild laxative effect and protects the walls of the stomach and intestines. And 'particularly suitable as a last resort, after having abused alcohol or after big binge, for cleansing the body of accumulated waste

ingredients: 150 ml Aloe Vera Gel, 2 apples, 100 grams of raspberries

Instructions: Put all ingredients in an electric blender and mix together with Aloe Vera Gel. Are preferred varieties of apples planted and natural aging, because more rich in active ingredients. A cup of this drink develops benefits purifying effects in the body, reducing the levels of cholesterol and destroying viruses and bacteria. In addition, this cocktail prevents infections in the kidney, so who often suffer from these diseases should drink it regularly.

ingredients: 50 ml of Aloe Vera Gel, 1 pomegranate, 150 g of watermelon, 5-6 mint leaves

Instructions: Clean the pomegranate, collecting all the seeds and smoothies along with watermelon pulp, aloe and mint. This tasty cocktail made with Aloe Vera has an excellent cleansing effect on the renal tract, eliminating the acids and salts in excess.

The pomegranate , also known as apple or apple garnet garnet , is native to western Asia , but is present in the Mediterranean region from very ancient times . Thrives and bears fruit abundantly only in areas with very hot weather . However, it can be grown practically all over Italy , that is also in the north , provided in widely sunny and warm . They know each other ornamental varieties , very showy flowers in yellow, red or even white-pink , and fruit trees, pomegranate trees that produce very large , tasty and sweets. Si are big berries , known as balustrades , round in shape and leathery -skinned , initially greenish yellow when ripe and then wrapped in juicy , translucent is characterized by a typical sweet and sour taste . The juice of the fruit has a flavor Pleasant and is used to prepare syrups or as a diuretic . The bark of the roots , or even that of the branches, has remarkable properties worming and is useful to combat tapeworm , is more active if fresh , but in excessive doses may be poisonous for the presence of alkaloids . All parts of the plant are astringent - reddish while the inner part is divided in lodges with a large number of seeds

Many plants with the passage of time have acquired special symbolic values . It 's the case of the pomegranate. Fruit red and juicy, it has always represented wealth and fertility.Appreciated by the Romans , the Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Egyptians , the Jews not only for the quality of its fruit but also for its medicinal qualities , there are several legends and traditions that bind this plant to human life . In ancient Egypt it seems you were using the fruits and seeds of the pomegranate in funeral ceremonies and representations of this plant have been found in tombs dating back to 2500 years ago. As food of the dead remember him also in the legend he saw Persephone ordered to remain in Hades for having eaten some beans . Much more often, however, the pomegranate is identified as a symbol of life , marriage and friendship. The hard shell hides in fact a large number of seeds joined together. Not by chance is also used to indicate the Masons as a symbol of brotherhood and solidarity , and Christianity is attributed to the pomegranate representation of the united Church as the seeds of the fruit and the juice of red is identified sagu of the martyrs.the pomegranate , however, also falls within a range of the most popular traditions that involve different cultures and peoples. Even the Arabs called the city of Granada in honor of this plant. In Turkey brides fling a pomegranate on the ground and the number of seeds that spread the tradition we know how many children will be born . In Rome, bridal gowns adorned with branches of pomegranate ; infertile women in India they drink the juice and Vietnamese ancient legend that tells of a pomegranate hundred children were born . In Dalmatia the bride and groom on their wedding day planted a pomegranate tree in the garden of her father . For Jews the pomegranate has always been present , clothes rituals , on the front of the Temple of Solomon and rituals , because of its seeds that would be like 613 prescriptions written in the Torah , as well as in the shape of a pomegranate are the shells ' silver that protect the rolls when they are stored rolled up. In the Bible, the narratives of the Promised Land , the Pomegranate is one of the seven special fruits with albri described . A plant , therefore, that goes beyond its beauty and that is something more than mere decoration .

Once used as anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrhea and parasitic infections. Today it is known to its effectiveness as an antioxidant, in preventing 'arteriosclerosis. The pomegranate has antioxidant powers similar to the Green! In popular tradition, the pomegranate has always been attributed beneficial properties, confirmed later by the medical establishment that is also able to identify some therapeutic potential then note. ancient Greece was prescribed as an anthelmintic in cases of chronic diarrhea and anti-inflammatory. You also have indications of its use in cases of passive bleeding, wound infection, night sweats and the popular applications against parasitic infections.

the pomegranate is native to North Africa and the Caucasus, although widely distributed in North America and around the Mediterranean . E ' high up to 2 -4 feet tall , has a bushy habit with small to medium sized leaves and green and shiny. It produces large flowers in bunches at the ends of branches and their color and a deep red . The fruit contains inside many grains of ruby red color and a characteristic taste gradevole.Tutte its parts are suitable for use in herbal medicine for their medicinali.La bark, roots , flowers and leaves. The roots are harvested throughout the year, are rich in tannin and astringent properties and antisettiche.I twigs are harvested when they are very young and easier to sbucciare.I fruits are harvested in the fall , have properties antiossidanti.Le skins and bark are rich in tannin , are used for this as vermifugo.Il Pomegranate is one of the plants used in medicine Ayurveda.Tutta the plant is full of useful elements to our well -being: the polyphenols , flavonoids , Ellargico acid and Vitamins , Mineral Salts , Sugars and Fibre.Molti researchers, in many American universities , European and some Mediterranean countries , are engaged in observation of the medicinal qualities of this fruit , like Dr. Martins -Green of the University of California, Riverside , who in his studies confirmed the large property that the juice of pomegranates showed: the ability to slow the growth and migration of cancer cells elsewhere in the body, protection of the heart from atherosclerotic plaques , and the treatment of depression and the fragility of the bones caused by menopause , the ability to actively combat cancers of the lung, prostate, breast and skin , and the properties for the prevention and treatment of erectile dysfunction . Recent studies have shown that pomegranate juice and the oil extracted from the seeds possess an antioxidant power comparable to that of BHT ( butylated dell'idrossianisolo ) and the tea verde.l ' ellagic acid interacts on some chemical reactions of cell metabolism calls cause in the development of tumore.E ' was also highlighted , a strong reductive activity of oxidative stress , aggregation and retention of low density lipoprotein (LDL ) , and also antibacterial activity towards : Escherichia coli , Aspergillus niger tiphy Salmonella , Pseudomonas ferruginosa.Vi are many other benefits that await scientific confirmation , as the supposed prevention of Alzheimer's disease or the protection of the neural tube in the brain neonatale.In usually recommended to drink a glass of pomegranate juice a day with the exception of people with diabetes who because of the high sugar content , they must refrain from consuming even if it is not forbidden a taste once.

The active ingredients of pomegranate that justify its beneficial action.

The functional principles of the fruit of the pomegranate are the phenolic substances, particularly ellagic acid. Among other phenols must remember: delfinidin 3glucoside, delfinidin 3,5-glucoside, cianidin 3-glucoside, cianidin 3,5-diglucoside, cianidin 3-glucose, pelargonidin, delfinidin, cianidin 3,5-diglucoside, 3 delfinidin glucoside.E 'also important to emphasize the presence of minerals such as: calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, sulfur, phosphorus and iron are also present in addition: ascorbic acid, boric acid, malic acid, pantothenic acid, chlorogenic.

Finely chop the shallots and let it brown in a little oil: add the rice and let it roast on the fire for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently to precaution prevent sticking to the pan. Pour then the first ladle of broth: let the rice absorb the liquid and add additional gradually until all the broth. Cook rice over low heat, stirring often. When it is almost cooked, prepare the creaming: add the rice, butter and fresh soft cheese. Stir and stir well, adding the grated cheese. During cooking rice prepared pomegranate juice: clean past two pomegranates and their seeds in the blender and you will get the ITS juice. Do it thicken by putting it in a saucepan with a teaspoon of butter and making it boil for a few minutes with a leaf of the third bay. Pomegranate clean and decorated to set aside the rice grains. Serve the risotto on the plates and for each place a spoonful of pomegranate sauce over rice and sprinkle a tablespoon of beans

The pomegranate is a jelly preserves the ruby red color and sweet taste, intense and slightly acidic.The pomegranate jelly is prepared using only the juice of this fruit, which ripens during the autumn season.The pomegranate jelly recipe is unusual and very simple to prepare, it is great spread on bread or on toast and make your breakfast a very pleasant time.

Take a large bowl and peel the five pomegranates, sgranatele taking care to completely remove the yellow and the skins as love (1). Pass the beans with a masher (2). The five pomegranates juice should get a weight of 850 gr (3).

Strain the juice and put it in a casserole (4). Pomegranate juice to add to half a lemon, sugar, sachet pectine and lemon peel whole, help with a chapel potatoes to get only the yellow part (5). Let boil for 30 minutes. Eliminate the lemon zest, then pour the juice into sterilized jars, tappateli and place upside down on a plane (6). In this way it will form the vacuum that will allow to keep long. Reversed only when the jars have cooled.

This colorful and delicious appetizer is a different way to start a meal in an original and particular, since the combination of lightly delicate pomegranate, sour taste of chicken marinated in lemon and body and fragrance of shaved Parmesan.Being a starter quite different than usual, we would like to recommend it for special occasions, perhaps for a romantic dinner with your sweetheart. Take the chicken breast and remove any bones and pieces of fat or tendons , then flatten with a meat pounder and then cut into strips the width of half a centimeter , then you place the strips in a bowl and cover with the lemon juice , filtered and let them marinate for at least three hours in a cool place (but not in the refrigerator ) , turning the whole thing for a couple of times. In the meantime, peeled and coarsely chopped parsley and set aside ; take a whole piece of parmesan and cut of the flakes ( if you have one you can help with the suffering - truffles) rather thin , grainy pomegranate , sieve half of its beans ( to obtain the juice ) , and conservatene the other half in a container . At this point you can prepare the sauce that will serve to flavor your dish : mix 3-4 tablespoons of oil in a few drops of Worcestershire sauce, the juice of the pomegranate , a black pepper and a pinch of salt . Now drained the chicken strips from the lemon juice and pat dry with kitchen paper , in a bowl mix the chicken strips with the sauce that you prepared and pomegranate seeds , then put it all on a platter and garnish with the parmesan cheese and chopped parsley .

The guinea fowl stuffed with chestnuts and pomegranate sauce is a delicious and refined as perfect dish for the holidays natalizie.Il its filling is very rich made with chestnuts, sausage andentrails which go wonderfully well with the sauce to accompany the pomegranate gives it a sweet and colorful touch to meat.

Flaming guinea fowl to remove any feathers, then rinse it thoroughly and dry it. Salt and pepper the inside. Boil the chestnuts for at least 15 minutes or until they are soft, let them cool, remove the skins and then chop them. Mix the meat with the entrails of the sausage into small pieces. Add the chestnuts and mix well. Stuffed guinea fowl with this stuffing and sew the opening. Wrap the guinea fowl with slices of bacon, fermandole with kitchen twine, and add salt and pepper and place the guinea fowl in a pot. Bake in preheated oven at 180 for 1 hours, basting occasionally with the guinea fowl its sauce, then remove the bacon and cook for another half hour. Keep the bacon warm. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce of pomegranates: peel, sgranatele and put them in a juicer to get the juice that you will boil with the sugar. Stir to ensure that the sugar dissolves well and then reduce the liquid to half. Serve the guinea fowl into slices or pieces, along with her stuffed, bacon slices and pomegranate sauce separately.

ingredients: 2 flutes of sparkling dry 1/3 of glass of strawberry syrup 4 pomegranates juice, squeeze by with the juicer and then filter Ice q.b.Place the juice in a shaker pomegranates, strawberry syrup and a few cubes of ice. Pour into glasses and add the sparkling wine

500 grams of wheat grains 100g walnuts 50 grams of grapes pomegranates 50grams of sugar 1 tablespoon of cooked wine Put the corn to the bathroom for 24 hours ,in plenty of water, change the water and b oil,drain the cooked and pour into a bowl, add the chopped walnuts, pomegranates, beans, sugar and cooked wine, mix everything. We eat at the commemoration of the dead.

The prickly pear ( Opuntia ficus indica) is a plant native to America, which now grows wild throughout the Mediterranean basin . It is also known as opuntia or nopal . Several scientific studies have shown the effectiveness of diabetes care , controlling the level of cholesterol in the blood, in the treatment of overweight, gastrointestinal disorders and skin diseases . The juice extracted from the fruit is diuretic and laxative. The leaves are a source of soluble and insoluble fiber ( cellulose, hemicellulose , lignin, pectin, mucilages ) , vitamins (A, B1 , B2, B3 and C ) , minerals ( calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and copper) . Follow us and discover how to use it to lose weight ... Why this cactus makes you lose weight Moderate your appetite due to the presence of mucilage ( soluble fiber ) . Regulates the glycemic index and thus allows a lower fat accumulation . It facilitates intestinal transit , fighting constipation and swelling. Check the glycemic index A research conducted precisely in Mexico , by a group of researchers at the University of Baja California in Tijuana, has demonstrated hypoglycemic properties of the fibers contained in the prickly pear, useful in case of diabetes mellitus. But even those who are not diabetic can profitably take advantage of this moderator blood glucose which reduces the absorption of sugar and fat promoting weight loss. Increases the feeling of satiety

Thanks to its content of soluble fiber , especially mucilage, this plant gives a sense of satiety useful for those who always want to munch on something. These fibers , once ingested , they create a sort of jelly that expanding , calms the empty feeling in my stomach. In addition, the fiber slows the absorption of sugar after a meal, keep doing as long as the feeling of satiety . Maintains regular bowel Soluble and insoluble fibers of this cactus promote bowel movement without irritating to mucous membranes . In addition , they help to regenerate the intestinal flora , and reduce the rickshaw of hemorrhoids. A bowels active , able to elimare the slag and toxins , allows a more rapid weight loss and better absorption of vitamins and minerals . How to use The extracts of the leaves of the prickly pear can be used to counter the overweight are sold under the name of " nopal " or " opuntia " . You can find them mostly in the form of tablets or capsules (2 half an hour before meals , with plenty of water ) . They are effective if taken within a weight-loss program that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise , even noderato . For use in pregnancy and lactation or in case of eating problems , you must contact your doctor. If you want to know more visit the sections Weight Loss , Diet , Supplements , Food on

Prickly Pear introduction " Tenacious monument of deserts" : is this metaphor that is at best described the character of the prickly pear fruit crowned with thorns that survives the arid and dry desert temperatures . For a long time, the prickly pear cactus has been a symbol of tradition Azteca : today is a source of interest not only in food and agriculture , but also in the phytotherapy and cosmetics . Origin of the term The botanical name of the prickly pear is Opuntia ficus-indica : This demoninazione , still today, was qualified by Miller in 1768 , but the name probably derives from Christopher Columbus, who in 1493 believed to be just landed in India. The prickly pear is a native plant of Mexico : the importance of this plant for Mexicans is such as to embody the symbol of the country, so much so that even appears in the flag of the Mexican Republic . The opuntia is widespread, currently , across America , the Mediterranean (especially Sicily ) , in Africa , Asia and Australia. Features The prickly pear belongs to the family of Cactaceae and is a succulent plant that can go up to 5 meters in height. Cladodes (or blades , improperly called leaves) are the stem and branches are grouped forming . Are covered with a waxy film that protects the plant from excessive heat , preventing perspiration and protect it from a possible attack by predators. After four years of development, cladodes undergo lignification , which constitutes a real trunk . Even the opuntia , cactus like all delegates the chlorophyll function and not the stem to the leaves , and these are very small and are found only in the young blades . The areolas , at the base of the leaves , develop in plugs or roots in particular calls glochids , or flowers. The fleshy fruit is covered by areolae , some varieties of prickly pear can not have spines : the color of the fleshy berry may have a yellow- orange, red or white . The flavor is sweet and pleasant. nutritional The nutritional composition of the leaves of the prickly pear is very different from that of the fruit and seeds .

Chemical composition of the "leaves " Cladodes of the plant contain a substantial amount of water, but they also represent a valuable source of trace elements ( potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, silica) , nutrients (especially crude fiber, carbohydrates) and vitamins, especially vitamin C and precursors vitamin A ( beta -carotene , lutein and alpha -cryptoxanthin ) . The juice of the leaves are not lacking thiamine , riboflavin, niacin , vitamin B6 and folate. In addition, in the leaves of the prickly pear are many amino acids, including 7 essential . Chemical composition fruit / seeds If the seeds are rich in lipids and proteins , fruits sovrabbonadano of simple sugars such as glucose and fructose. In the fruit there are also substances such as anti -oxidants indicaxantina and betanin , which contrast the oxidative processes . Customs and traditions There are many uses of the prickly pear : many customs have their roots in the ancient Aztec people : even then , the Aztecs used the leaves of the prickly pear to breed an insect Dactylopius coccus Costa , which was used to obtain the cochineal red . Was extracted from the body of the insect dried red staining , which is still high demand for cosmetic , pharmaceutical, textile and food industries. At one time, the juice extracted from the leaves was used as a lubricant to facilitate the movement of large blocks of stone ; also associated with honey and egg yolk , appeared to be useful against sunburn . It could also be used to relieve inflammation , dislocations and tonsillitis . Thanks to the resources vitamin , the prickly pear was also used by the conquerors of Mexico to combat scurvy, deficiency disease of vitamin C. The flowers, in contemporary medicine Mexican, are used to counter cystitis and as a diuretic , the fruit help to stop the diarrhea and exert astringent actions , while the fiber and mucilage are still used as protectors of the gastric mucosa and as regulator of blood sugar. The opuntia has cholesterol-lowering properties due to the fibrous component of the leaves , mucilage , as well as giving the homonymous plant property gastroprotettrici , give it also antiinflammatory and healing properties. It demonstrated the positive effect , exerted by soluble fibers , in the decrease of plasma cholesterol and in delaying the absorption of glucose . In the Sicilian folk medicine to counteract renal colic we recommend the decoction of dried flowers Opuntia .

In the case of surface wounds , you may take advantage of the mucilage cladode for emollient, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory . The use of the prickly pear is particularly interesting also in cosmetics , for the manufacture of creams, moisturizers , shampoos , soaps, lotions with astringent action , and appears to promote hair growth. Properties of the prickly pear Recently, in the Department of Medicine, New Orleans ( United States) has been shown a possible effect in reducing symptoms that follow the alcoholic intoxication . Even the antioxidant action of the prickly pear has been demonstrated by a study carried out in the Department of Pharmaceutics , Toxicology and Biological Chemistry , University of Palermo , and the Department of Pharmacy, University of Jerusalem : betanin and are indicaxantina the two antioxidants responsible for anti- free radical action . The activities diuretic and citoprotettrici have a foundation of truth : these actions attributed to the prickly pear are valued by the Department of Biological Medicine Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Messina : namely, the diuretic activity is enhanced infusion so the fruit and not from the flower. food use The use food Opuntia refers to fruits, rich in sugar , calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C can be used fresh or for the manufacture of liqueurs , jellies , jams, juices and sweeteners . Even the cladodes are exploited by the food industry : they are preserved in vinegar or candied . The prickly pear can also be used as fodder . In Sicily there is the tradition of producing a special syrup from the pulp without seeds : it is used to prepare cakes rustic . recommendations The fruit should not be eaten in excessive quantities : it may cause , in fact, intestinal blockage , which is why not recommended in people who suffer from intestinal diverticula .

Under the generic name of anise group together different plants, which have not actually kindreds botanical . The plants are united by the aroma of their seeds or fruits , practically identical. It is assumed that they are all coming from the East in ancient times . It uses the seeds or berries , dried and eventually crushed .. There are several types of anise : - Anise Green:

It belongs to the Apiaceae family and is a plant

Yearly about 60 cm high , with small yellow -white flowers which are followed by small oval seeds are characterized by a lingering aroma . He is best known in the West. - Star Anise

It belongs to the family of Illiciaceae and owes its name to the star shape that characterizes the eyelets of its 8 small fruits. It was imported in the West until the end of 1600, passing through Russia. Known and widely used throughout the East , is especially popular in China and Vietnam.
- Anise Peppery

It belongs to the family of Rutaceae . Along with star anise is typical of the cuisine of the Far East and is , in fact , one of the components of the mixture known as " Chinese 5 spice " green anise , star anise, cloves, fennel seeds and cassia

Anise is an herb that comes from the East and grows very well on light soils and fertile , especially those that are well drained, clay soils and while suffering umidi.La cultivation of anise can also be potted , while ' exposure to direct sunlight and must be protected from venti.La reproduction of this plant occurs for sowing , during the last phase of the spring. E ' need a month for the appearance of the first bud on the plant of anise and , subsequently, the growth will be extremely rapida.La collection of the leaves of the plant of anise can occur in each period and according to the needs ;
property The beneficial properties that are part of this particular medicinal plant origins are pretty remote that date back to the times of the ancient Egyptians and Faraoni.I anise seeds are harvested in late August and then subjected to drying in such a way that it can be used in herbal medicine for making infusions and tisane.L ' anise is a plant that can boast several therapeutic properties in ancient Rome was used as a cough remedy , digestive disorders and to ward off nightmares and it seems that the Romans ate lumps of anise for an activity stimulating digestione.Al nowadays natural medicine uses anise due to its mucolytic properties , especially in the treatment of cough and pertosse.Non must remember that it is capable of stimulating the digestion. We can find in the market -based products such as candy or anise syrup mucolitici.L ' anise also has significant antibacterial properties and allow you to make more regular cycle mestruale.La anise plant is an excellent sedative for insomnia and l ' nervous excitement in character , and, by merit of its pleasant aroma and sweet culinary industry is often also used in confectionery and liquor , especially for the correction of rather unpleasant taste of certain drugs. produce

We can find a large number of commercial products based on anise. Let's start with the most pleasant aroma , or candy , which play essentially a function refreshing for sore throat and cough, also allowing to dissolve phlegm in disorders such as raffreddore.Inoltre , are widespread extracts of anise , which are mainly exploited as flavoring , in products such as, for example , deodorants, mouthwashes and dentifrici.I anise seeds , as previously mentioned , allow to carry out an important action on the digestive and also at the level intestinale.Infine , there are different types of teas, which allow you to play a stimulating secretions of the glands , including the breast , making it even more enjoyable breast milk and sweet.

The Cichorium intybus (chicory common) is a herbaceous wild plant, a meter high, easy to recognize from early summer until October for the characteristic blue color of ligulate flowers more or less clear sometimes cream (var. alba ). It 'a species that grows on the island of Cyprus and in Central and South America up to 600 meters above sea level and can reach a height of 60 cm, is very hairy, almost bristly, has a life cycle and annual leaves toothed or irregularly lobed. USES The plant, known since ancient times, it was used as a plant "officinalis", attests to a Ebers papyrus, dating back almost four thousand years ago, the Roman physician Galen believed useful to the liver and an excellent blood purifier, yet Pliny the precious virtues attributed refreshing. Current research has confirmed its multiple uses for the active ingredients and the substances it contains, some of which, such as "cicorina", give the leaves and the roots of the classic bitter taste and other valuable qualities. It is used as a food-medicine with functions diuretic, laxative (cleanses and detoxifies the presence of nitrate K), anti-inflammatory functions, features, hypoglycemic (the boiled roots can substitute for diabetics starch), functions colagoge (facilitates the secretion of bile to the intestine) and cardiotonic functions. For therapeutic purposes are used almost exclusively on the leaves and roots, flowers are used to extract useful substances that treat some ophthalmia. From the chicory root "inulin" that has found applications in dietary soluble fiber both as substrate and as a "prebiotic" for bifidus bacteria, beneficial bacteria to humans in the absorption of nutrients and active ingredients of medicinal plants. Inulin seems to have also the function to inhibit the proliferation of other bacteria that are harmful instead, as clostridia and salmonella. Regarding the food use of spontaneous plant, the leaves are considered, anywhere, between the best salads wild. The wild chicory has been used for purely food since 600, but it was definitely from before. Over time, some varieties have been selected for the garden and chicory for industrial agriculture.


Pizza of polenta stuffed with chicory and nduja.
Ingredients for 6-8 people: 500 g of corn flour. 1 kg of chicory. olive oil. 1 clove of 'garlic. 'Nduja. salt q.b. Preparation

Bring to a boil in a saucepan 1,750 liters of 'water, add salt, pour in the flour and cook for 50 minutes, stirring frequently with a wooden spoon. Clean the chicory, boil in salted water and drain. Saut the 'garlic in a pan with the' oil, add the chicory and continue cooking for another 3-4 minutes. Grease a baking sheet with oil, lay out a piece of polenta and top with chicory and 'nduja, closing well with the remaining polenta. Bake in preheated oven at 180 C for 15-20 minutes.


Peel the potatoes and boil in salted water. When they are almost cooked, add the pasta and rue. Saute onion and garlic in olive oil, add the peeled and pureed, salt and cook until the sauce thickens. Drain the pasta, potatoes and rue and pour into a bowl, drizzle with the sauce, sprinkle with cheese and serve immediately.
Ingredients for 4 people 400g of pasta 400g of potatoes 100g of rue 500g of tomato 1 onion 50ml of Oil salt pepper 1 garlic 50g of cheese

Metod Clear 500 g of large squid. Blanch for 5 minutes in a minimum of water or broth. Drips. Transfer into a bowl. Pulverizes 4 peppercorns and 5 leaves of rue, add 1 teaspoon of honey, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 3 teaspoons anchovy paste, half a glass of marsala egg, half a cup of cooked, beat making smooth and pour over squid. Cover with a layer of oil and cook covered in the oven until the squid are very tender (about 1 hour). Serve hot or cold. Ingredients for 4 people 500g of big squid acqua (o brodo) 20g of pepper 5 leaves of rue 20g of honey 40g of tomato 30g of anchovies 1/2 cup of wine egg 1/2 cup of cooked 1 layer of olive oil

Metod After thorough clean berries, leaves and roots put them to soak in a glass jar with brandy, honey, sugar and cinnamon. Tightly close the jar taking care to overthrow every 4 days. Let soak for about forty days, then filtered and bottled. Although the amount of herbs makes you think a liquor by taste, in fact you will get a mixture of perfumes very delicate and pleasant. Ingredients for 4 people 200 cl of brandly 20 barries 3 pieces of gentian rue 1 sprig of rue 4 tablespoons of honey 5 leaves of wild mint 5g of cinnamon 40g sugar

Metod Place the spices marinated in wine, in a bowl covered with a cloth, for about 15 days in a ventilated place. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon. After this time, the liquid filtered and bottled. Ingredients for 4 people 200cl of white wine 100g of anise seeds 100g of fennel seeds 30g of rue


Botanical Name : Mentha x piperita L. ; Part used: leaves and essential oil derived from them ; Therapeutic Properties : Medicinal PlantsPeppermint has a long tradition of medicinal use, with archaeological evidence placing its use at least as far back as ten thousand years ago.Peppermint has a high menthol content, and is often used in tea and for flavouring ice cream, confectionery, chewing gum, and toothpaste. The oil also contains menthone and menthyl esters, particularly menthyl acetate. Dried peppermint typically has 0.3-0.4% of volatile oil containing menthol (7-48%), menthone(20-46%), menthyl acetate (3-10%), menthofuran(1-17%) and 1,8-cineol (3-6%). Peppermint oil also contains small amounts of many additional compounds including limonene, pulegone, eucalyptol, caryophyllene and pinene. It is the oldest and most popular flavour of mint-flavoured confectionery. Peppermint can also be found in some shampoos, soaps and skin care products. Menthol activates cold-sensitive TRPM8 receptors in the skin and mucosal tissues, and is the primary source of the cooling sensation that follows the topical application of peppermint oil.Peppermint is commonly used to soothe or treat symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, indigestion, irritable bowel, and bloating. It is also used in aroma therapy. One animal study has suggested that Peppermint may have radioprotective effects in patients undergoing cancer treatment.

The aroma of peppermint has been found to enhance memory and alertness, although other research contests this. Peppermint flowers are large nectar producers and honey bees as well as other nectar harvesting organisms forage them heavily. A mild, pleasant varietal honey can be produced if there is a sufficient area of plants. Peppermint oil has a high concentration of natural pesticides, mainly pulegone(Found mainly in Mentha arvensis var. piperascens Cornmint, Field Mint, Japanese Mint and to a lesser extent-6,530 ppm in Mentha x piperita subsp. nothosubsp. piperita) and menthone. The chemical composition of the essential oil from peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.) was analyzed by GC/FID and GC-MS. The main constituents were menthol (40.7%) and menthone (23.4%). Further components were (+/-)-menthyl acetate, 1,8cineole, limonene, beta-pinene and beta-caryophyllene . In 2007, Italian investigators reported that 75% of the patients in their study who took peppermint oil capsules for four weeks had a major reduction in irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) symptoms, compared with just 38% of those who took a placebo. A second study in 2010, conducted in Iran, found similar results. 2011 research showed that peppermint acts through a specific anti-pain channel called TRPM8 to reduce pain sensing fibres. The authors feel that this study provides information that is potentially the first step in determining a new type of mainstream clinical treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. According to the German Commission E monographs, peppermint oil (as well as peppermint leaf) has been used internally as an antispasmodic (upper gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts) and to treat irritable bowel syndrome, catarrh of the respiratory tract, and inflammation of the oral mucosa. Externally, peppermint oil has been used for myalgia and neuralgia. According to the German Commission E, peppermint oil may also act as a carminative, cholagogue, antibacterial, and secretolytic, and it has a cooling action. Enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules (Colpermin) been used as an orally

administered antispasmodic premedication in colonscopy. The capsules were found beneficial in reducing total procedure time, reducing colonic spasm, increasing endoscopist satisfaction and decreasing pain in patients during colonoscopy.Similarly, some poorly designed earlier trials found that peppermint oil has the ability to reduce colicky abdominal pain due to IBS with an NNT (number needed to treat) around 3.1, but the oil is an irritant to the stomach in the quantity required and therefore needs wrapping for delayed release in the intestine. This could also be achieved by using the whole herb or leaves rather than the volatile components alone; Ecology: Peppermint typically occurs in moist habitats including stream sides and drainage ditches. Being a hybrid, it is usually sterile, producing no seeds and reproducing only vegetatively , spreading by its rhizomes. If placed, it can grow anywhere, with a few exceptions.Outside of its native range, areas where peppermint was formerly grown for oil often have an abundance of feral plants, and it is considered invasive in Australia, the Galpagos Islands, New Zealand , and in the United States in the Great Lakes region, noted since 1843.

Cultivation: Peppermint generally grows best in moist, shaded

locations, and expands by underground stolons . Young shoots are taken from old stocks and dibbled into the ground about 1.5 feet apart. They grow quickly and cover the ground with runners if it is permanently moist. For the home gardener, it is often grown in containers to restrict rapid spreading. It grows best with a good supply of water, without being water-logged, and planted in areas with part-sun to shade.The leaves and flowering tops are used; they are collected as soon as the flowers begin to open and can be dried. The wild form of the plant is less suitable for this purpose, with cultivated plants having been selected for more and better oil content. They may be allowed to lie and wilt a little before distillation, or they may be taken directly to the still. Toxicology: The toxicity studies of the plant have received controversial results. Some authors reported that the plant may induce hepatic diseases (liver disease), while others found that it protects against liver damage that is caused by heavy metals. In addition to that, the toxicities of the plant seem to vary from one cultivar to another and are dose dependent. This is probably attributed from the content level of pulegone. With the limitation that the concentration of pulegone should not exceed 1%, it has been concluded that Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Extract, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Leaves, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Water are safe as used in cosmetic formulations.

Recipes with mint: the use of mint in the kitchen, it is very common in Italy, Spain, India, the Middle East and North Africa. Due to its intense flavor, the kitchen should be used sparingly, and goes very well with all meats with very strong flavor such as lamb, duck and mutton. Its fresh aroma makes you pull over well with summer vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, eggplant and zucchini, and is an excellent addition to fruit-based preparations such as salads and sweets. Dried, is also used to flavor teas and tea and other beverages, and is also used in the preparation of candy, chewing gum, syrup and a lot of liquor. Also used in cocktails like the mojto , where he was beaten with sugar and accompanied by ice and rum.

Description :The mint and chocolate cheesecake a delicious cake that is made with a cold cream made from cream, Philadelphia, mint syrup and chocolate chips. The combination of mint and chocolate gives it a unique flavor to this cheesecake. Follow our recipe to make a perfect dessert in a few steps: a few tips for getting a surprising result, once the preparation fun to decorate the surface of the cheesecake with the decorations of your choice. The fresh and fragrant mint and chocolate cheesecake is a perfect dessert to close in style to your dinner and surprise your guests with a sweet and beautiful to look especially good!

Preparation :To prepare the mint and chocolate cheesecake started preparing the bottom : put the Digestive biscuits in a food processor , add the brown sugar , then go cut finely. Place the butter in a saucepan to melt and in the meantime put the cookies crumbled in a bowl and gradually add the melted butter for mixing thoroughly. Grease a cake tin , preferably in a circle opening with a diameter of 22 cm, cut a disc of greaseproof paper the same diameter as the bottom of the pan and two strips of the same height of the edges, and then lined the pan itself . ( for further details see the tab Line a baking pan with parchment paper that you find in cooking school ) . Pour the biscuit crumbs into the pan covered with baking paper and with the help of a spoon compacted well the biscuit base . Cool the mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour or in the freezer for about ten minutes. Now devote the filling : whip the cream with the sugar with an electric mixer or in a planetary for more details on process refer to the How To tab whip the cream of our Cooking School Add to this the Philadelphia and beat the mixture until it becomes smooth .At this point add mint syrup . Aside melt in a bowl with cold water and let the gelatin soften for 10 minutes. When the gelatin is ready squeeze it well and join it to two tablespoons of cream heated. Stir in the cream and when you will be warmed , add the cream mixture and gelatin to the mixture with the Philadelphia.For ultimately incorporated into the mixture also grated chocolate. The filling of the mint and chocolate cheesecake is ready : then pour the mixture into the pain, level the surface with a spatula and place in refrigerator for at least 4 hours. When the cheesecake will be compact decorate it with the chocolate chips : using a spoon arrange them around the edge of the cheesecake, and finally garnish to taste with a few leaves of mint and chocolate menta. Now the cheesecake is ready to amaze your guests .

Ingredients: 1cup semisweet chocolate chips,1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk, divided,3cup white baking chips,3 teaspoons peppermint extract,2 to 3 drops green food coloring Directions: In a small saucepan, melt chocolate chips with 3/4 cup condensed milk over low heat, stirring occasionally. Line an 8-in. square dish with waxed paper; butter the paper. Spread half of melted chocolate mixture into pan; chill for 5-10 minutes (let remaining melted chocolate mixture stand at room temperature). In another saucepan, melt white baking chips. Stir in remaining condensed milk until smooth. Remove from the heat; add extract and food coloring. Refrigerate until set. Spread over chocolate layer; spread with reserved chocolate mixture. Refrigerate until set. Cut into 1-in. pieces.Yield: 5 dozen. Nutritional Facts:1 serving (1 each) equals 51 calories, 2 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 3 mg cholesterol, 11 mg sodium, 7 g carbohydrate, trace fiber, 1 g protein.

Ingredients:1 package white cake mix (regular size),1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract,1/2 teaspoon red food coloring,1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons crushed peppermint candies, divided.1 cup confectioners' sugar,1 tablespoon 2% milk . Nutritional Facts:1 slice equals 300 calories, 10 g fat (2 g saturated fat), trace cholesterol, 312 mg sodium, 49 g carbohydrate, 0 fiber, 3 g protein. Directions: Prepare cake batter according to package directions. Transfer 1 cup to a small bowl; stir in the extract, food coloring and 1/2 cup crushed candies. Spoon 2 cups of remaining batter into a greased and floured 10-in. fluted tube pan. Carefully top with peppermint batter; do not swirl. Top with remaining plain batter. Bake at 350 for 35-45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pan to a wire rack to cool completely. Combine confectioners' sugar and milk; drizzle over cake. Sprinkle with remaining crushed candies. Yield: 12 servings.

Ingredients:1 cup butter, softened,1/2 cup confectioners' sugar,1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract,1-1/4 cups all-purpose flour,1/2 cup cornstarch.FROSTING:2 tablespoons butter, softened,1-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar,2 tablespoons 2% milk,1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract,2 to 3 drops red food coloring, optional,1/2 cup crushed peppermint candies.In a small bowl, cream butter and confectioners' sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in extract. Combine flour and cornstarch; gradually add to creamed mixture and mix well. Shape into 1-in. balls. Place 2 in. apart on ungreased baking sheets. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes or until bottoms are lightly browned. Remove to wire racks to cool.In a small bowl, beat butter until fluffy. Add the confectioners sugar, milk, extract and, if desired, food coloring; beat until smooth. Spread over cooled cookies; sprinkle with crushed candies. Store in an airtight container.Yield: 3-1/2 dozen.

Habitat conditions Its most suitable habitat and exclusive in the world is in fact formed by the thin

strip of land between Villa San Giovanni and joyful Ionian . It is a special citrus , because it could not ever planted elsewhere: agronomists and farmers have tried, in fact, to cultivate the bergamot in Sicily , Spain , Africa (Mali , Guinea, Ivory Coast and Cameroon ) , South America (Argentina and Brazil) and even the Comoro Islands , but inefficiently , there is a place in any other part of the world where the bergamot able to bear fruit in abundance , from which the ' essence extracted can be so valuable . the climate of the Ionian zone is therefore perfect, suitable for both the growth and luxuriance of the plants , both in the development and ripening of the fruit , because it is tempered in the winter ( with daily temperatures exceeding ten degrees and with a constant level of humidity throughout year), very hot and rainless summer and very rainy in early spring and late autumn. throughout the year there are strong winds coming from the sea and the sirocco wind . Bergamot is a plant that does not tolerate too much or too little rainfall and surges in low temperature ; bears , however, pretty good heat and sunlight , the wind affects fruit set, thus, the initial stage of formation of the fruit, therefore , against the violent siroccos wind, are planted , in protection , rows of tall pines and dense. The Bergamot also need a soil that is clay-limestone and alluvial. There is a micro-climate zone (down from 'Aspromonte to Melito Porto Salvo), near Pentadattilo, where there are many Bergamotteti. is called a "road trip", because it is the place of cultivation of the variety of bergamot finest "the fantastic", the plant that gives fruits that produce a lot of essential oil, more than the other two varieties (castagnaro and femminello).

Botanical features

Perennial Plant that can reach 1 m in high, SUFFRUTICOSA, with erect stems, branched and woody at the base; leaves are linear or LANCEOLATE , grayish, with turned margins; at the apex of the stems a type of elongated and thin ear, formed by bluish or purplish flowers. It blooms from June to September. Cultivation Cultivation can begin from sowing for the botanical species, while it's necessary to reproduce by cuttings all the hybrid and the horticultural varieties. Easy to cultivate, it needs sun and a well-drained soil. To bring the plants every year, after the flowering, at the beginning of the autumn or in the spring if the weather is cold and wet. Collection and Storage Cut flowers in summer, as soon as they open, and use them fresh or dried. To dry them up, distribute the ears on a tray or prepare bunches to be hanged.

Use in the kitchen and therapeutic properties. In the kitchen, use flowers and leaves with moderation. the flowers can be used to scent the sugar in cakes and biscuits. the leaves can be used to flavor the roast lamb. The dried flowers convey a lingering aroma to the clothes in the closets. The essential oil is a perfume greatly appreciated.

The herbal tea made from lavender flowers cure anxiety, headache, flatulence, nausea, dizziness and halitosis. Therapeutic properties: antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, aromatic.

The bergamot tree is of medium growth, height and width. The leaves are large and are very similar to those of the lemon tree in colour and shape. Buds and flowers are medium-large and white. The mature fruit is a lemon-yellow colour, of medium size, oblate and rounded or pear-shaped.
The peel is on average thin with a smooth surface sometimes slightly wrinkled and sticky while the pulp is moderately firm, pale green-yellow, of high acidity and has a bitter taste. Bergamot cultivation is mostly confined to Calabria, particularly to the province of Reggio Calabria. A small part only is grown in Africa, (Mali, Guinea, The Ivory Coast and the Cameroons) and South America (Argentina and Brazil).

The organoleptic characteristics are very important, specially the olfactory sensations of the essential oil of bergamot intended principally for use in perfumery. The fragrant, delicate, long-lasting notes are much appreciated by the "Nez" of international perfumery who are able to distinguish notes of head, of body and of tail in their specialised appraisal of the components of a perfume or cologne. Just as important is the marketing evaluation of the limpidity with its typical reflections and the colour which goes from the intense green of the product at the beginning of the season in December, to a pale strawyellow at the end of the season, and intermediate shades for the January produce. The physicochemical properties...... adopted internationally refer above all to the experiments of many, many years which have been carried out by the Experimental Station for the Industry of Citrus Essential Oils and Byproducts, in Reggio Calabria.

As dieticians well know, the alimentary effect of lemon juice ( and thus also bergamot juice, which is less acid although it tastes more bitter) is alkalining, that is anti-acid. Indeed, in our organism the bergamot (or lemon) juice, with the weak acids which it contains (acetic, malic, citric and tartaric acids) causes the formation of carbonates and alkaline bicarbonates (mainly of potassium and calcium) which not only assist the intestinal absorption of calcium but also contribute to the maintenance of our alkaline reserves. it may be interesting to examine the ways in which it can be combined with other foods. Those with severe digestive difficulties may find mixing bergamot juice (acid fruit) with farinaceous products(pasta, bread, rice, polenta, potatoes, chestnuts), tomatoes and sweet fruits (bananas, dates, figs, black cherries, sweet grapes, sultanas, dried prunes) difficult to digest. However, other mixtures are much more digestible, for example with eggs (omelettes, crepes), with salads and with nuts ( walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, coconuts) Bergamot essence (today used in 1-2 drop daily doses, not with meals, diluted in water or with a spoonful of honey, or in pearl form) stimulates the appetite and the hepatic-pancreatic functions.

Recipe type: Dessert Number of servings: 4 Preparation time: 10 Minute (s) Cooking time: 10 minute (s) Difficulty: Easy ingredients: 100 ml of syrup Bergamot 400 ml of water 40 g of corn starch 70g of sugar
preparation: Step 1 mix everything in a saucepan to put on the fire Step 2 Stirring constantly, bring to a boil ... Step 3 pour into molds for puddings that you prefer Step 4 cool ... place in refrigerator for at least four hours .... Step 5 remove them from the refrigerator a few minutes before, turn them upside down on a saucer and serve ....! eat ... but ...!

Recipe type: Main Course Number of servings: 2 Preparation time: 10 Minute (s) Cooking time: 15 minute (s) Difficulty: Very easy ingredients: 160g spaghetti 2 cloves of garlic 4 cloves garlic, flavaored with bergamot extra virgin olive oil parsley salt pepper preparation: Step 1 In a pan heat the olive oil I made where I cut roughly two cloves of garlic. As soon as the oil began to sizzle I cut into "slices" four cloves of garlic Bergamot and I joined the others in the pan. Step 2 Then I turned off the fire so that the oil mingled gently with the garlic. Of course I added, cut in two, a chili of my plant just before you stir-fry the pasta in the pan, and chopped parsley. Step 3 PS: the garlic, as well as with Bergamot, is flavored with parsley, mint, rosemary, chilli and pepper

Recipe type: Main Course Number of servings: 2 Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes Difficulty: Easy ingredients: 400g grouper (2 slices of the inner part) flour salt extra virgin olive oil butter Bergamot syrup parsley preparation: Step 1 Thoroughly clean the slices of grouper and cut 8 "tidbits". Step 2 Flour the "tidbits". Step 3 In a pan pour oil with a little butter and start a fire. Step 4 Once the butter has melted and put the pieces of grouper fry slowly over medium heat, turning frequently, for about 15 minutes. Season with salt. Step 5 Pour the bites of a coffee cup full of Bergamot syrup and cook for about 5 minutes, until the pieces will be "caramel" (because sugar syrup). Stage 6 plate and sprinkle with chopped parsley

Ingredients for 4 people 200 g of rice 50 g butter 1 onion grated Parmesan cheese vegetable broth 1 teaspoon of essential oil of bergamot Approximately 50 g peas onion extra virgin olive oila Sale 2 slices ham Preparing Risotto. Heat the butter, finely chop some onions add the rice and toast it over high heat and cook basting with the hot broth [I have not blended with the wine, let the rice neutral, free from interference with? Essence of bergamot]. Stir the rice with butter and parmesan cheese, add the essence of bergamot [not to exceed because the taste is too strong and therefore unpleasant], and release everything into 4 ramekins crown. Seal. To go in a pan with a little oil and a little evo? shallots, peas and bring to cooking. In a pan, mark on one side and from? Another strips of ham, until they are crisp. Turn out the rice from the molds, garnish with peas, ham petals and serve.

Ingredients 400 g veal stew 1 small onion 500 ml of green tea flavored with bergamot 7 pitted prunes 1 teaspoon you matcha 2 tablespoons oil salt and pepper flour Procedure: Prepare the tea with bergamot and let the fire off. In a pan add the oil, chopped onion and stew just floured. Saut a few minutes after that, add the plums, elongated with all you, lower the heat, cover and cook for 40/45 minutes. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add the tea matcha, season with salt and pepper, cook for and serve immediately.

-Ingredients for 4 100 g dark chocolate 1 100 g milk chocolate 40 g butter 100 g crushed biscuits 70 g chopped nuts (walnuts and hazelnuts) -Mousse with bergamot 100 ml cream 100 g cream of bergamot -Preparation Rings. Dissolve the finely chopped chocolate in a double boiler with the butter and the cream . When the melted chocolate has reached a temperature of 40-45 ,pour 2/3 and on a marble slab and spread with a steel trowel Divide the chocolate into two parts and add to the biscuit crumbs and the other chopped dried fruit . Lay greaseproof paper on a plate and place four cutter , also lined with parchment paper. Remove the chocolate mixture with a spoon and press it along the sides of the single cutter , finishing with attention to the edges. Mousse with bergamot . Dissolve in a water bath cream bergamot and , after it has warmed , amalgamate the whipped cream. A solidification occurred rings , turn them gently from the cutter free them from the parchment paper and stuff them with a pastry syringe .

Ingredients: x 15 chocolates 150 g white chocolate 2 tablespoons of cream with bergamot 1 tablespoon cream Preparation: Chop the chocolate and place it over the fire in a container in a water bath , taking care to avoid contact with any type of moisture (which could damage the chocolate). When it is melted, riversarne a part in the molds and flip them on a wire rack (or a sheet of parchment paper) , to drain off the excess . Wait for it to harden , flip and repeat the operation . Ganache with bergamot . Heat the cream and pour on the cream with bergamot , wait for it to congeal a little and with the ganache obtained , fill the chocolate shells , stopping below the edge and wait for solidification. Finally pour the remaining white chocolate on the molds to close the chocolates and scrape off the excess chocolate . Store in a cool, then unmold [ successful and safe operation without damage to the chocolates, if you use a silicone mold ] .

Ingredients (for 4 people): 800 grams of danish angus steak (about 2 cm thick); Bergamopt zest of 2 large (or 3 medium size); Zest of orange; Approximately 200 grams of bread crumbs( I grated brad to five grains of my oven, for a more rustic flavor); Chopped parsely; 1 splash of light white wine;a Salt and pepper; 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive il; A few of bergamot. Procedure Cut the steak into long strips and thin(the strips of course). Grate the peel of citrus fruits and mix with parsely, bread crumbs and a pinch of salt. The breaded strips with the mixture, turning several times so that the breading stick well. Breading possibly the slices of bergamot. Heat oil in a pan together with slices of bergamot. Just hot, pour over the strips of meat, saut for a minute and turn them over several times.

(cipolla rossa)

The red onion is the name given to the red onion (Allium cepa) cultivated between Nicotera , in the province of Vibo Valentia , and Campora San Giovanni , in the town of Amantea, in the province of Cosenza, and along the Tyrrhenian coast . It is mainly produced between Briatico and Capo Vaticano in the town of Tropea . The particular substances contained in the soils in this area make it sweet and not bitter . This vegetable contains vitamin C, vitamin E , iron, selenium , iodine, zinc and magnesium. The shape is round or oval . The bulb has many benefits , one of which is the power antisclerotico that is beneficial for the heart and arteries , and prevents the risk of heart attack. It consists of several concentric tunics fleshy , white-colored and red wrapper , is cultivated in these areas over two thousand years , imported by the Phoenicians , and for over a century , now combined with tourism, contributes to the socio-economic development of the area. The sweetness of the vegetable depends on the microclimate stable during the winter, without sudden changes in temperature for the action of meekness exercised by the proximity of the sea, and fresh soils and silty fine that determine the characteristics of the product. Defense. Are curreantly in progress as well as the studies conducted by Professor Tisanotterologa world famous , Rita Marullo , housed within the Department of Agriculture, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria , on some species of insects belonging to the order Thysanoptera , heavily damaging the crop . One of its properties is that it is a natural sedative , useful to facilitate sleep . Recently it was discovered that contains nitric oxide , a molecule involved , among other things, in the mechanism of erection [citation needed] . Pliny the Elder in his Naturalis Historia , refers to red onion as a remedy to cure a variety of ills and ailments. The taste is determined in particular by the consistent presence of sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose. It is easily digestible. Contributes to the diet with about 20 calories per 100 grams of fresh product.

1 kg of onions 4 eggs Parmesan cheese 1/ 2 cup of olive oil Salt pepper.

Thinly slice the onions and cook in a pan for a sufficient time to cook them , after which remove from heat and allow to cool and drain a little. Once this is done , open the eggs into a bowl, beat them with a fork until they are frothy , with added salt , pepper and Parmesan cheese ; also joined the onions and incorporate thoroughly. The mixture of eggs and onions put it in a pan of appropriate size and cooked over a moderate heat. Cut Finally, the frittata into wedges and serve warm .

INGREDIENTS 1 cu Balsamic Vinegar 1 cu White Vinegar 1 n Red Onion 1 pc Lettuce 2 cu Olive Oil Salt to taste 1 n Celery Heart PREPARATION 1 lettuce, 1 celery white 1 small red onion, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, salt.a Wash the lettuce and remove the outer leaves wilted. Cut the heart into small pieces and put them in the blender. Eliminated from the shores of celery part of the wires. Slice it and put it in the blender. Combined with a glass of water frozen, chopped onion and a pinch of salt, oil and vinegar. Blend until the soup will have a smooth texture. Pour into four bowls and garnish with celery leaves and onion rings.

INGREDIENTS 80 g Mullet 1 n Lemons to taste Extra Virgin Olive Oil Pepper to taste Salt to taste 3 n Celery Coste 400 g zucchini
PREPARATION gr. 400 of zucchini 2-3 stalks of celery white the juice and zest of one lemon gr. 80 of bottarga extra virgin 'olive oil salt pepper METOD Peel the Arrange the carpaccio of zucchini on a serving plate, place the center of the celery seasoned, dusted with lemon zest, finely chopped and then sprinkle with the roe into thin slices. Dress it up with a tour d 'oil zucchini and slice them to tape. Cut the celery into sticks, transfer it into a bowl of cold water and cool it in the freezer for 5 minutes. Drain the celery and season with a pinch of salt and lemon juice.

The sorrel, Oxalis acetosella L, belongs to the

family of Ossalidaceae and is a very common plant but not easy to find as it is very similar to clover but if you taste its leaves are easily recognizable by the distinctive flavor. It 'a plant typical of humid forests in mountainous regions and sub mountain. Is often found in gardens as very decorative. It 'a perennial plant, without the stem, very small, with rhizomatous roots, leaves pale green heart-shaped. The flowers have 5 petals pinkish-white with pink streaks. It blooms in the spring (for Easter).

LEAVES: The leaves are all basal radical derived from the strain . They have a little flushed very long and consist of three leaflets obcordate heart shaped. There are also four nerves and the margin is entire (not jagged ) . At the base of the petiole there are two small stipules . These leaves also have the particularity, thanks to specific joints to contract and expand depending on weather conditions , or to shut themselves up in the evening , or even to be able to receive proper sunlight during the day. In fact, during the hottest hours of summer, sciaphilous being a plant , the leaves tend to curl away from direct sunlight . The leaves normally survive early spring bloom and continue to reform continuously

FLOWERS: The hermaphrodite flowers , basal , pentamers , actinomorphic and dialipetali , are long peduncles. The cup has 5 free sepals , 4-5 mm long closely ovals ( elliptical ) and rounded . The corolla consists of 5 petals 10-16 mm long spatula white ( can also be pink) with longitudinal striations of violets - that purplish towards the base become yellowish or pinkish . The 5 petals may be slightly welded together at the base.The stamens are 10: half long and half short .The ovary is excess to 5 carpels .Pollination is by insects (bees, flies and insects at night) and then entomophilous . This type of pollination takes place in Spring in the initial phase of plant life and is characterized by a very small production of seeds, but later ( in summer) a second internal fertilization takes place ( the anthers directly transfer the pollen on the stigma is therefore a phase of self-pollinated much more profitable as to production of seeds for the subsequent birth of plants .Flowering period: April to June .As the leaves so even flower petals can contract under certain conditions. At night, or in rainy weather , the petals , in fact, themselves up on each other. All the flower so it looks like a small bell pendula.

MAIN FEATURES: The shamrock is a plant that belongs to the family of Ossalidacee . Widespread in the Italian mountains and hills , wood sorrel looks very similar to clover, with heart-shaped leaves that fold back on themselves in the dark . A dietary level , the shamrock leaves are used for their sour taste and highly refreshing. SEASON: The leaves are harvested during the flowering shamrock that , depending on the variety and areas , occurs in spring or summer.

USE INTHE KITCHEN: The shamrock leaves are mainly used in salads, for flavoring , or to obtain infusions purification .From shamrock is also obtained a particularly refreshing drink similar to lemonade. In some areas of South America , and more particularly in Peru , will also consume the tubers Shamrock , which , before being consumed , are exposed to the sun for a certain period of time, so that the acid taste is soften , making it more pleasant. PRESERVATION METHOD: The leaves can also be dried sorrel , but to fully enjoy the flavor you should eat them fresh. You can grow it in the garden or on the balcony so you always have it available, taking care to water it often . CURIOSITY: Shamrock is rich in oxalic acid , which is toxic in large doses , failure, so consumed sparingly. Shamrock is also used as an ornamental plant in gardens for its delicate pink flowers .


Thyme is a well-known and widespread herb, widely used in Mediterranean cuisine, this small evergreen perennial in nature, which often has a semi shrub, spread throughout Europe, from Spain to the north of the UK, and throughout ' Mediterranean area, many species are widespread in Asia, both in tropical areas, both the Himalayan highlands. There are about two hundred species of thyme, and the most common were obtained nearly as many hybrids, the plants are generally small in size, especially in height, and does not exceed 25-35 cm, but form large patches, with the passing of the years . The foliage is round or oval sizes are much smaller, and together with thin stems, branched, from all'itera plant looks dense and compact. The leaves are covered with a kind of thin hair, which in many species and cultivars makes grayish in color, and there are thyme plants of all colors, from dark green, to yellow, with variegated leaves, streaked, or edge in a contrasting color . In late spring or summer at the height of the thin stems bloom tiny flowers, usually pinkish in color, in inflorescences in the ear or round, some species and varieties of thyme are very floriferous, and apparently reminiscent of a carpet of flowers. The thyme leaves and flowers are highly aromatic, and this feature makes them very attractive as herbs, delicate appearance and compact plant also makes them ideal as a perennial garden, to be used as ground cover.

Thyme in the kitchen

TimoLe leaves and flowers of thyme are used in cooking, especially foods to accompany meat and fish, is also used in salads, in association with the tomatoes, and thyme are also prepared aromatic liqueurs. It is one of the plants that are used in the mixtures calls herbs from Provence. The fresh thyme is used, picking up a small branch from the tree, which is then added to whole foods, or by unplugging the small leaves from the woody twig. Thyme retains much of its fragrance even if it is dried, so it can be harvested after flowering even in large quantities, by drying the leaves in the sun, for use throughout the year. The aroma is intense and kind of woody, and vaguely reminiscent of rosemary leaves very little are often used to decorate the dishes, because are very pleasant to look at. There are many varieties of thyme, each of which presents considerable variations in the aroma given off by the foliage, and the thymus X citriodorum has strong lemon flavor, but there is also the aroma of thyme, orange and thyme leaves with slightly aromatic.

Not everyone likes to eat but just 1-2 cloves a day to cleanse the tissues of fat and waste and counter bearings, cellulite and fluid. I'm really many therapeutic properties of ' garlic, also useful if there is a few more pounds to be disposed of : regulates blood pressure , is a natural antibiotic against gastrointestinal infections that bloat and expand the waistline , is able to lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and ripulente and detoxifying action on the liver and the digestive system in general. L ' Garlic contains a valuable synergy of vitamins, amino acids, enzymes , proteins, minerals and especially anti- cancer substances : from recent field studies it would seem that the regular intake of garlic is an excellent " reviving " metabolic and both preventive against cancer caused by nitrosamines , substances that develop in the intestinal flora is high when the intake of foods rich in preservatives (such as canned meat and sausages ) . Its detoxifying properties on the digestive tract and intestines also help reduce swelling and rots . The rules to take advantage of the virtues of garlic

- First rule : be sure that ' both homegrown and organic garlic . Do you recognize him from the small wedges and wrinkled : the ideal would eat it raw or not overcooked . - Second rule : to clean breath after a meal with garlic just chew a leaf of sage, a mint leaf , a coffee bean or anise seeds . - Third rule : to avoid " pollute " the house with smells too intense uses the clove ' garlic covered with its " skin " (which still contains active ingredients ) or hold the ' garlic to soak in milk for a few hours. If you have stopped smoking helps you to not get fat You've decided to quit smoking and themes that your metabolism will block making you fat? Entrusted to ' garlic , which cleans the circle from the dross of the cigarette and it supersedes effects " slimming " of nicotine , but without side effects. You can eat it fresh ( 1-2 cloves per day), added to sauces , soups, salads and side dishes, or you can squeeze it with the appropriate tool , and if you do not like the aroma , take a dry extract in capsules : one is enough per day . The red one is richer in active ingredients The majority of the ' Italian garlic production is white. Another variety is the rose that has a more delicate flavor and will keep for less time. The most valuable and rich in active ingredients is the ' red garlic, grown mainly in Sicily. Then there is the ' red garlic of Sulmona, in Abruzzo: it tastes so strong that it is used in the kitchen without removing its protective sheath : it is used , then the clove whole , "woman" , which is an excellent substitute for the salt.

The ideal is to eat it raw : combined with grapes and bread black " burn" the fat To benefit from the healthy properties and slimming of ' garlic is advisable to taste raw. 1) The ' you can rub garlic on the slices of bread (preferably black), with or without fresh tomato, and on the walls of salad bowls, to give flavor to vegetables we're going to season , thus reducing the use of salt that causes ponding. 2) Characteristic Piedmontese appetizer of the past is the socalled " soma d' aj" or a slice of bread rubbed with garlic, a little olive oil and a pinch of salt . It was " lunch " of the harvesters and was accompanied by a bunch of black grapes : wake up the gut and is an antioxidant and fat burning . 3) When you cook the meatballs or the scallops add the cooking sauce and a sprig of rosemary and a clove of ' garlic " dress " and lightly crushed : so the meat will be tasty , light and much less fat . 4) For the tomato sauce and vegetables you can add half a clove of ' minced garlic along with chopped parsley : in this way the sauce is more appetizing and becomes a true " anticholesterol medicine .


It is a herbaceous plant on shafts meaty and branched . The leaves are oblong, of a bright green , sessile and irregular margin . Once a month throughout the summer appear orange flowers , large , grouped in heads , the peripheral ligulate , the central ones hermaphrodite and tubular . Evident from the etymology calendae Roman , indicating by definition a monthly recurrence . According to some authors, this is due to the revival of the regular plant, according to other properties emmenagogic.
Distribution and habitat According to Luciano Guignolini "the origin of Calendula officinalis is obscure , has never been definitely identified in the wild , of the opinion that comes from Morocco or is derived from a species widespread in southern Europe, which reaches to Persia and Arabia : Calendula arvensis . " Widely cultivated everywhere, from remote times , for flowering repeated that comes up in November and makes it ideal for decorative purposes , but if they can find feral specimens in the Mediterranean between 0 and 600 m. above sea level .

Ornamental use
To decorate the gardens or in pots on the terraces , cultivated industrially for the production of cut flowers in winter. Using herbal The use of flowers of Calendula officinalis has antispasmodic effects in the field of medicinal and healing properties. The decoction made w ith about 50 g of dried flowers per liter of water , it is recommended against gastric ulcer and foot and mouth and also has sweat effects and preventive / mitigating painful monthly periods. For the menstrual cycle also has a dampening effect of the flow and regularizing (see). It is sometimes used in products antihistamines for allergies caused by dust mites . In addition to the above matters in homeopathy marigold is also recommended in case of burns, dental and after childbirth. [4] In dermocosmesis marigold is widely used , recommended from time to time as disinfiammante ( in eye washes and cleansers ) protective and nourishing the skin, antiacneica . Domestic use dried flowers are left to macerate in olive oil (50g per half liter ) to produce a remedy for burns and scalds . It is also used as a compress decongestant . Alpha

They like a sunny position, rich soil and soft , slightly acid [5] . The multiplication is done with the seed. In the southern regions and in Liguria is sown in summer transplanting or thinning the seedlings in September-October for flowering in November, which with suitable shelter continues throughout the winter, giving flowers larger than the summer blooms brought the plants obtained in areas with winter climates, with the spring planting . The seeds are placed under the flower corolla orange and have a sickle shape , when the flower withers and dries easily become visible . Their shape allows it , falling and being wet from rain , to remain partially buried with a tip pointing towards the outside . The seeds have towards the outer side of the scythe, a double row of protuberances that move away as the water and the heat allow the bud to begin to grow, at that point the seed opens just in correspondence with this hinging . In the apartment should sow the seeds , which can be taken directly from the flowers , if purchased in herbal medicine , on a vase filled with potting soil, then cover them with a layer of about 1 cm of additional soil and thoroughly wet . They prefer sunny areas , so it is best , if possible, leave the pots exposed to the south so as to ensure the sun all day . The newly sprouted seedlings are easily recognizable by the two leaves elongated, linear and as thick as those of sunflowers. Occasionally it happens that , a withered flower, if well sprayed water , this is able to generate a new plant and a new flower directly from the seeds still attached to it , creating a plant grown above to another .

Have been reported attacks by fungi such as Erysiphe cichoracearum , Entyloma calendulae , Alternaria and Cercospora calendulae calendulae , Sphaerotheca fuliginea that cause damage to the foliage . Among the insects you may encounter attacks by the dipteran Phytomiza atricornis , whose larva digs a mine on the leaves long and serpentine , and Brachycaudus helichrysi aphid , potato virus Y of the vehicle . Other pathogens are Bemisia tabaci , Aphis fabae and Myzus persicae , causing in some cases, the curling of the leaves or arrested growth of the shoots. Rice to calendula Preparedness Doses and ingredients In a fry pan with half the butter, finely chopped onion, add the rice, stirring, to make them taste. Pour a ladle of hot broth, then add the crushed marigold flowers previously to reduce them as a chopped. United also the mushrooms cleaned, washed and cut into thin slices. Cook the risotto combining the broth as it is absorbed. Before serving, mix with the remaining butter and grated Parmesan cheese, stir gently and serve.



Vegetable oil cooking spray Four 1/4-inch-thick slices prosciutto 1 recipe Fresh Pasta, recipe follows All-purpose flour, for dusting

Kosher salt
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 1/2 cups (about 7 ounces) dried Mission figs, stemmed and quartered 1/2 cup low-sodium chicken broth 1/2 cup fresh orange juice 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves 2 teaspoons kosher salt


1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1/2 cup (4 ounces) goat cheese, at room temperature, crumbled 1/2 cup (4 ounces) mascarpone cheese, at room temperature Zest of 1 large lemon

Directions Place an oven rack in the center of the oven. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Spray a heavy baking sheet with vegetable oil cooking spray. Arrange the prosciutto in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for about 10 minutes until crispy. Drain on paper towels. When cool enough to handle, crumble the prosciutto into 1/2-inch pieces. Cut the pasta dough in quarters and press flat. Run each piece of pasta dough several times through a pasta-rolling machine, adjusting the setting each time until the pasta is about 1/16-inch thick. Add the fettuccine attachment and run the pasta sheets through. Dust the fettuccine lightly with flour to avoid sticking. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add the olive oil and pasta. Cook until tender but still firm to the bite, stirring occasionally, 4 to 5 minutes. Place the pasta in a large serving bowl. For the sauce: In a medium saucepan, combine the figs, broth, orange juice, thyme, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat. Stir in the goat cheese, mascarpone cheese and lemon zest until the sauce is creamy. Pour the sauce over the cooked pasta and toss until all the ingredients are coated. Top with the crumbled prosciutto and serve.

Fresh Pasta:

2 cups cake flour 1 cup all-purpose flour, plus extra for dusting 4 large egg yolks, at room temperature 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Place the cake flour, all-purpose flour, egg yolks and salt in a food processor. Pulse to combine. With the machine running, gradually add the oil then 1/3 to 1/2 cup water until the mixture forms a dough (the dough should stick together if pinched between your fingers). If necessary, add additional water, 1 teaspoon at a time if the dough is too dry. Place the dough on a lightly floured surface. Gather the dough into a ball and knead until the dough is smooth, 5 to 8 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Cut the dough into quarters and press flat. Run each piece of pasta dough several times through a pasta-rolling machine, adjusting the setting each time, until the pasta is about 1/8 to 1/16-inch thick. Cut the pasta into the desired shape and use as needed. Notes Cook Notes: Recipe can also be made with 1 pound dried fettuccine pasta. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add the pasta and cook until tender but still firm to the bite, stirring occasionally, about 8 to 10 minutes. The pasta dough can be rolled out by hand. Cut the chilled dough into quarters and using a rolling pin, roll out the dough until 1/8- to 1/16-inch thick.



Vegetable oil cooking spray

Four 1/4-inch-thick slices prosciutto 1 recipe Fresh Pasta, recipe follows All-purpose flour, for dusting Kosher salt 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 1/2 cups (about 7 ounces) dried Mission figs, stemmed and quartered 1/2 cup low-sodium chicken broth 1/2 cup fresh orange juice 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves 2 teaspoons kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


1/2 cup (4 ounces) goat cheese, at room temperature, crumbled

1/2 cup (4 ounces) mascarpone cheese, at room temperature Zest of 1 large lemon

1 kg of mushrooms 150g butter 2-3 onions Dill and parsley 6 cloves of garlic 1 cup of vegetable broth 1 tablespoon flour manitoba


Clean the mushrooms and chop the onion. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat and then add the garlic, onion and mushrooms in a minute. Let it cook for a few minutes so that the mushrooms will release the water. Then add a cup of vegetable broth and stir, and cook the mushrooms until the evaporation of liquids. Meanwhile, dissolve the flour in a bowl with water when it becomes a thick paste and put it on the mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle mushrooms with dill and parsley, remove from heat and serve well.

Lo stocco con i funghi. The rapier with mushrooms The " Stocco with mushrooms " is an ancient dish prepared cones and typical products of the place, simple and tasty cuisine of the renowned mountain - peasant Mammoth . The " Stocco " ( stockfish ) , typical of Mammoth , has centuries of tradition and " Mushrooms " that you collect in the vast territory of Mammoth in the National Park of Aspromonte , cooked together give a dish of local cuisine , very popular in particular during the period of mushroom picking and even during the year using frozen or dried mushrooms . The " Stocco with mushrooms " is prepared in white or stained with tomato sauce, according to taste. Even today, the renowned cuisine mammolese , always takes into account the traditions and the wealth of natural products, offering many and varied dishes made with traditional recipes that have been handed down for generations.

1 kg of " Stocco of Mammoth " ( stockfish ) sponged into pieces 300 g of fresh porcini mushrooms or other fungi in the mountains of Mammoth , or 20 g of the dry or frozen 200 g of peeled onion garlic extra virgin olive oil parsley pepper salt Fry in a clay pot or pan the chopped onion and minced garlic , then add the sliced mushrooms . So, place the tomatoes and chili pepper (depending on taste ) , after a while ' the sword into pieces and salt. When cooked, sprinkle with a handful of chopped parsley. Then served in the pot and add the olive oil. It ' served as the second.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L. , 1758) is a perennial herb , up to one meter high , belonging to the family Fabaceae , as well as the plant extract obtained by boiling the root . the plant The genus Glycyrrhiza consists of 18 species of perennial flowering in summer , widespread in Eurasia , Australia and America . G. glabrous, the most commonly used , is native to Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean region . This plant is a perennial herbaceous rustic , that is resistant to frost, and grows mainly in southern Europe in calcareous soils and / or soils. The plant develops a thick rhizome from which extend stolons and roots, two meters long . Licorice roots are used by plants for three to four years , collected during the autumn and dried. the story Liquorice was an important plant in ancient Egypt, Assyria and China, was already known in ancient Greek medicine but only in the fifteenth century was introduced by the Dominican friars in Europe. As the first Chinese herbarium in Asia Licorice has been used for about 5,000 years and is one of the most important plants . Chinese doctors prescribe it to treat coughs , liver disorders and food poisoning .

Uses and properties Licorice is used in herbal medicine and Chinese medicine, in the kitchen for the preparation of cakes , candies and teas , and finally is used as an additive for cigarettes together with the cocoa. The popular tradition attributes to the root of licorice different pharmacological properties : digestive , anti-inflammatory , depurative , diuretic and protective mucosa . The leaves of the healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory should be used fresh . Ulcer , emollient, refreshing , expectorant, anti-inflammatory and corticostimolante . In the market the root can be found in chewing sticks , shredded for decoctions and infusions into confetti made with pure licorice extract , reduced to powder , and juice (extracted black) as a sweetener and flavor of the correction in the pharmaceutical industry . The licorice extract is particularly common in Calabria. Hippocrates recommended it for coughs . [1] active ingredient The most important active ingredient of licorice is glycyrrhizin , which gives an anti-inflammatory and antiviral . It is also sweeter than sucrose . Modern research seeks to take advantage of it for new therapeutic perspectives : ulcer therapy , chronic liver disease , and prevention of severe autoimmune diseases. hormonal effects Costello and Lynn in 1950 isolated a steroid compound in licorice that harmonizes hormone secretion, inhibiting the excessive production of estrogen. It has a hormonal effect of estrogen type . warnings Licorice, however, should be taken from time to time , being careful not to exceed the dose of half a gram per day of glycyrrhizin (which can happen liquorice sweets or taking laxatives rich concentrated extracts of licorice ) . Glycyrrhizin , in fact, has no side effects on the balance of minerals in the body , an abuse of licorice , therefore, can cause fluid retention, increased blood pressure, swelling of the face and ankles , headache and fatigue. Therefore people predisposed to hypertension, to edema, diabetics, pregnant women or breast-feeding , should avoid prolonged use of extracts of this plant. Avoid use if you have: cholestatic liver disease , liver cirrhosis , hypertension, hypokalemia, severe renal insufficiency. May increase the elimination of potassium caused by other drugs , that causes loss of hypersensitivity to digitalis glycosides .

toxicity Licorice may not be suitable for certain sensitive to the active ingredient , particularly if administered to children , to people who are over age 55 and those who take higher doses than recommended and for long periods of time.
local Traditions Calabria has a centuries-old tradition in the production of licorice. Amarelli The company , founded by Giorgio Amarelli in Rossano , is the only active in Europe in the production of licorice, and uses about 300 workers. The Liquorice Museum , opened in 2001 , unique in Europe , has about 40,000 visitors a year and is located on the area of plant and agricultural production . Abruzzo also has a great amount of liquorice production is the second largest region for production, working the plant since Roman times, especially in Atri and surroundings . In the Arab world is the popular licorice extract diluted in water , called Sus. The sellers of the drink wearing a multi-colored dress , with a predominant red, with a particular style , with a headdress shaped like a large sombrero , with small bells hanging from the edge of the brim . In Egypt, the appeal to potential customers is : ' erq SUS , ya arrann ( licorice , or overheated ) "

Food preferred by young and old , the kiwi fruit is therefore a consumer and has many beneficial properties, very suitable for your health. It has a very high content of vitamin C, even higher with lemon, orange and pepper . But not only is also rich in potassium and vitamin E, copper , iron and vitamin C, which combined together , give the kiwi features antiseptic and anti-anemic . It is also remarkable in the presence of minerals and their remineralizing this particularity , is able to adjust the cardiac function and blood pressure . It also has a refreshing, thirst-quenching and diuretic , strengthens the immune system and protects the vascular wall . However, is not well tolerated by all the people complain and some allergic reactions following the ingestion . Its plant is rarely attacked by pests. This means that fruit on the market, they are almost always free from pesticides , in contrast for example to ' grapes or peaches , for the delicacy of their trees , are often treated with pesticides. The cultivation of kiwi has greatly increased in recent years , especially in Italy and a round table held in Italy , has highlighted the inter-trade agreements between producers and government , precisely because of the need to win over more consumers through the introduction of new varieties. This should be done through new sources of export, such as Japan or the United States , where the kiwi is not particularly required . At the last meeting IKO (International Kiwifruit Organization) , the main producing countries have pledged to " devote special efforts in their promotional activities " , explained Valtiero Mazzotti director of the CSO ( Center services vegetables ) . A recent study of 100,000 people, kept under observation from 1980 to 1998 , confirmed that five or more servings of fruits and vegetables ( followed by green leafy vegetables such as spinach ) , " resulting in a significant reduction of cardiovascular risks " . Historical Background of kiwi The kiwi was exported to America for the first time in 1962 and by that time it was called kiwifruit , kiwi bird from the name , emblem of the country of New Zealand. Only in 1970 he made his entrance into Italy and currently , is produced in several varieties, mainly in Emilia Romagna, Lazio , Piedmont, Veneto , Campania and Puglia. According to data from the FAO ( Food and Agriculture) for 2005 , the world's largest producers of this fruit , are Italy with 480,000 tons , New Zealand with 280,000 tons , followed by Chile and France, respectively with 150,000 and 80,000 tons per year of production. In our country are well known cultivation of Borgo d'Ale , in the province of Vercelli , and Latin America, the latter producing the " kiwi latina" , a registered designations of origin as a product of the European Union IGP ( Geographical Indication protected ) .


Edible part 87% Water g . 84.6 G protein . 1.2 Fat g . 0.6 G sugars available . 9.0 G fiber . 2.6 Energy k cal 44 Iron mg . 0.5 Calcium mg . 25 Phosphorus mg . 70 G sodium . 5 Mg potassium . 400 Vitamin C mg . 85 Nutritional value of fresh fruit , referring to 100g of edible portion .

the properties To meet the daily requirement of vitamin C in our body , just eat a kiwi fruit a day. Vitamin C is the most important element of this fruit , and for this reason, it is very useful in preventing and treating colds and flu and strengthen . Immune system. In some cases it has been used as " ally " in the therapy against cancer , helping to extend the life of the patient. The kiwi is able to prevent and alleviate circulatory problems associated with pregnancy , such as heaviness in the legs , telangiectasia , varicose veins and hemorrhoids. But that's not all fights many forms of anemia and weakness of the body. It also protects the body from the effects of free radicals, delaying aging much more use of creams and supplements. It has been also a great patron of the teeth, gums and blood vessels, among other things, having a great healing power . Ascorbic acid content in the kiwi is able to convert cholesterol into bile salts and expels it from the body and the lack of ascorbate in the blood of smokers, this figure is affected by the properties of the fruit which has proved very useful against constipation and prevention of depression , chronic fatigue and digestive disorders . Finally, the consistent presence of calcium and phosphorus , has a protective action on the bones , preventing and combating osteoporosis , specialists recommend the consumption of this fruit for those who have high blood pressure .

How to Choose a kiwi "quality" First of all it must be said that not all the Kiwis are the same and that the difference is given by the source . Those that are commonly found in commerce are generally Italian for the most part, and others come from Chile and New Zealand . The peninsula is thus the largest producer of these fruits , as mentioned, and in the local markets you can find good quality even below the price of one euro to one kg . The Kiwis coming from Chile are also of good quality, although it always pays to buy the ones with the brand name " Chiquita ", which still represents a guarantee. Finally, the New Zealand kiwi , the most expensive in absolute terms and in the opinion of the experts are also the best in terms of taste . How to recognize a good kiwi ? In general, you must be wary of those sold in less than 2 per kg for the fruit must be presented with the peel intact and therefore no special signs, with a regular shape and should be neither too mature nor too soft, to be consumed in absolute tranquility.

Family: Labiatae Species: Lavandula angustifolia Mill Synonyms: Lavander angustifolia Mill; Lavandula

officinalis Chaix; Lavandula vera DC. Other common names: Aspic General: Its a plant native in the Mediterranean region; its widespread in Italy, cultivated or spontaneous, from the floor up to 1800 meters, particularly in arid and rocky zone. There are many species of Lavender, as well as hybrid and the horticultural varieties.

Botanical features Perennial Plant that can reach 1 m in high, SUFFRUTICOSA, with erect stems, branched and woody at the base; leaves are linear or LANCEOLATE , grayish, with turned margins; at the apex of the stems a type of elongated and thin ear, formed by bluish or purplish flowers. It blooms from June to September. Cultivation Cultivation can begin from sowing for the botanical species, while it's necessary to reproduce by cuttings all the hybrid and the horticultural varieties. Easy to cultivate, it needs sun and a well-drained soil. To bring the plants every year, after the flowering, at the beginning of the autumn or in the spring if the weather is cold and wet. Collection and Storage Cut flowers in summer, as soon as they open, and use them fresh or dried. To dry them up, distribute the ears on a tray or prepare bunches to be hanged. Use in the kitchen and therapeutic properties. In the kitchen, use flowers and leaves with moderation. the flowers can be used to scent the sugar in cakes and biscuits. the leaves can be used to flavor the roast lamb. The dried flowers convey a lingering aroma to the clothes in the closets. The essential oil is a perfume greatly appreciated. The herbal tea made from lavender flowers cure anxiety, headache, flatulence, nausea, dizziness and halitosis. Therapeutic properties: antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, aromatic.

The Mandrake (Mandragora ) , in the Middle Ages was considered a demonic and infernal plant... The Mandrake (Mandragora officinaru ) is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family Solanaceae and contains toxic principles . It grows in the Mediterranean region , especially in southern Europe. It prefers sunny areas and loam . In Italy we can retrieve it in the provinces of Grosseto , Chieti, Matera , Brindisi, Caltanissetta, Catania Mannaraona and Mandulagrna , Palermo , Siracusa, Ragusa. It is not easy to find Mandragoras roots . Having similar properties it can be replaced with the roots belonging to the same family, like deadly nightshade , while at the magic level is replaced with the root of ash , apples , the root of white vine . The birth of the mandrake The tradition attributes the birth of the mandrake to the drops of urine or semen of a hanged man . In the original story the innocence of the accused (specified in different sources ) , disappears in the transformation of myth in popular belief .

By analogy , therefore, it is believed that it is very dangerous to pick it up, unless you protect your ears , not to hear the plaintive cries and tears of the mandrake that can make become dumb, crazy and , after a short illness , lead to death. In this respect between the places for its growth are to remember the cemeteries and areas surrounding them . The collection of the mandrake This plant is related to death and was extracted from the ground with all the cautions and through special rites . In Roman times it was believed that the mandrake was inhabited by a demon . Extracted from the soil , the demon would have awakened and his scream would kill the unwary collector . Even if such a cry , rather than an evil spirit , is due to the unequal death hangman . Consequently, it was suggested to draw three circles with a willow branch , or a sword of iron around the plant (in this specific case protects those outside the circle ) . Then he had to be loosened the earth around the roots , soaked with urine female and only then a virgin could pick it up, looking west and paying attention to the wind because the scent could mute or create hallucinations such as to lead to madness.

A German commentator of the Talmud in the twelfth century described the root comparing it to an animal called Yadu'a way similar to humans. Offering a root , like a navel string that had to be destroyed with an arrow kills the animal that otherwise would have destroyed everything that was close . In the Odyssey ( Book X ) is described as a black root , whose flower is like the milk and continue " difficult task for men to tear it off the ground but the gods are omnipotent ." Another concern related to the collection was what the mandrake could be turned into a human being animated , this needed to be eradicated before the seventh year it might be fulfilled which was born from the plant and a human embryo . Subsequently, the root was purified and nourished periodically , cared for and kept in a safe place , out of sight of the curious , since it was considered a creature in the middle of the plant and animal kingdoms . A practice of purification was to wash it in red wine, white and red silk wrap and store in a secluded place. Periodically repeating this at each new moon. Could be supplied with blood and semen if you wanted to enhance its healing properties to infertility or accentuate the aphrodisiac effect , or if you wanted to double their wealth had to put a piece of gold in his place. At the death of the holder , the root was inherited all'ultimogenito , which he laid in the coffin a piece of bread and a gold coin .

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