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Re-write the sentences with the adverb of frequency that is in parenthesis. 1. The customer is right.

(always) The always customer is right. 1. Students are late for mathematics class. (sometimes) Sometimes students are late for mathematics class. 1. Hotels have specials. (never) Hotels never have specials. 1. This type of injury requires surgery. (rarely) This type of injury rarely requires surgery. 1. My son gets me on my nerves. (sometimes) My son sometimes gets me on my nerves. 1. Forecast experts are wrong in their predictions. (usually) Forecast experts usually are wrong in their predictions. 1. Our soccer team practices twice a week. (usually) Our soccer team usually practices twice a week. 1. Voters know that politicians mean what they say. (seldom) Voters seldom know that politicians mean what they say. 1. I will forget your beautiful words. (never) I will never forget your beautiful words. Make sentences about yourself with the fragments and the adverbs of frequency. Example: play the piano = I never play the piano. Your sentence with the adverb of frequency. She often listen to the radio.


Listen to the radio.

I am usually read a book.

Read a book.
He is always get angry.

Get angry.
Maria is sometimes very friendly.

Very friendly.
I seldom take sugar in my coffe.

Take sugar in my coffee.

I am never hungry

They everyday walk in the evening.

Walk in the evening.

We seldom help other people.

Help other people.

I always watch TV in the afternoon.

Watch TV in the afternoon.

He never smokes in the school.


Read your ten sentences several times and record them.

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